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�I;f- . . �.. i�_ __ �' .. ?. ... :. � :. ,. � -f/�_ �� a �Init . ___.T . ._.. <br /> - i, .... . . [ <br /> ��� ' � � <br /> '�V ��. � - �� ya <br /> � 0/8��q Nlidlp p6pT`y�f�C111d�0at�llpayRitDlO�thD.ZYUSIN'BRlSYtlYillJlf�lYTMS�1f0{�0lIClIXI - �•0� � - �0/��� � <br /> +the priqetp N AmDUG!0/Id9 G010 pt tbeitme ottUa dedunWn otQetnnFt,�ad nawnsDN�ttomopN Res u pe►{n 4hd , ' <br /> pylwwt(D)towUsi�mssecur¢dbythtvS:wrNytaMrumsettnnd(c)anyeaas�toU»perwuwpercanstegnllyen1U1t0 -- - <br /> tOlt <br /> 11 Reoonveyance. IIpon paymem ot ell�unu secured by�hb 8eeudty Instrumcn6lsndu ehall requal,ifyst� <br /> m�convey{�e Property end�hil1 eurtender thle Sen(dry insWment md all notea evidenclng debt cccured Cy tNa Secudfy � `� <br /> Inawment W 7iustee. 7tustw shall rccomey�ho Pmpeny wl�hou[wa�wdy and wUhout chargo�o tho penon or percons <br /> Icgelly�enNded ro tL Such perann Orperson�eheil pay eny rcoordatlon cosu. � <br /> Z3. BuD;Htute'Il�i�stce, Lender,at iie opQon,may from time ro Hme romove 7Fustw end ap int s wcoessor Wsteo ta _._. .�,.. .... <br /> erry 7tuctw eppolnted hercan4er by an inswment rxordW in tha counry in which thb Sau�InsWmmt u ruotdW. <br /> Mthout conveyanca of the Piopeny.the tucaasor wstee�hall euooxd to atl fio qt1e,powet end dufle�contcertd upon <br /> 7tuateo herein aqd by eppllcebla taw. <br /> 2}. Request for Noticea. Bortowet ttqueau�het copi�+of�he nodces of default oad ede 6e ant ro Bortowerb addtea� <br /> whicti fa the Ptoperry Addtess. <br /> 29. Rtdere to tAtr Securiry InslrumeaG It one or moro dden ero executed by Bonower end recorded toge�her wl�h —. <br /> thia Secudty InawmenL t�e covenanro�end egmewenu ot each such rlder eM1ail be inoorponted Into and�hall amend end , _ __ ____. . <br /> �upploment the oovenanes and egrcemenu of thin Secudty inswment m ff the ddeKe)were a pazt of N1s 9ecudry Inxuument. , <br /> [Cheek eppliceble box(ea)] <br /> �AdJuctable Riro Rldu �Condominium Rider �1-4 Aamily Rider _ _ <br /> �OraduetW Payment Rider �Pienned Unit Development Ridu �Biwakiy Payment Ridtr -_ <br /> �Balloon Rider �Rero Improrement Rfder �Second Home Rider --�� <br /> X�O[her(n)[specity) ACKNWILEDG(AENT, ASSICNmENT OF RENTS �- <br /> BY SIdNIN6 BH[AW,Bortower aaepis and agrees to�he remu and covenanb conteined in�hia Saurity Inawment �f,;R.._° <br /> and in any rida(a)ezecuted by Bortower and recorded with h. - -_.:.,. <br /> / / �`::"r'�% _.. <br /> Wltnwset: a'_�<'_ -_ . <br /> R=u-a�:._. <br /> (Seap �c.�c.r--- <br /> .�,,...x�..,. <br /> CASEY 7. IVERSON •Eo�o.e: �1'=�?•;___ <br /> Soctal Savriry Number 50 -78-5953 f t,�� — <br /> , �. <br /> (Seap ����&,� <br /> S HON K. I E •oa�mrsr .:>-�: �7e-c.z='_. <br /> ocialSaurft Number �4-80-1619 .,ti�;����'�-"="`. <br /> Y :��� ;�:��}�:1." <br /> -.t��r:P1�.•:S';"`.�". <br /> STATBOFNEHRASKA� HRLL Counryp: `r;9�:;:��,'v,;°F:.. <br /> SF��t'r;r t::1�y:• <br /> On thfe 17TH day of MAY 1993 ,beforc mc,the undersigned,a Notery Pubtic j�h?�r��,�j���;,-;'�i.��, <br /> duiycommiulonedendqualt&dforuidwunty.personallycame C0.5EY 7. IUERSON 1WD SHAflON K. IVERSON, _,;�,�,;,y,',��r:-_.-_ <br /> ..��.;:;s-=. <br /> HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to me known to be the �'-�t,;�,c ti,F�,"' <br /> Idemical reons(a)whate name(a)erc suburibed ro the forc oin instrumen[md acknowled ed�he execuuon�harcof ro `?1';1�"`�"}"- <br /> J�.� <br /> pc B 8 8 ru i .. <br /> be THEIR roluntnryac[anddud. r4 ;,''f n � �_ <br /> Witnw my han ' I NND� NEBRASKR in said county,�e ;; �r :, <br /> datc aforeaaid. �GEIfAAI 10 AA-SUII H . c -�`� . <br /> MyCommissionexp'r. •�„� - • "a"'� KIMULH + -F� el�+ <br /> 5L1� ..��,.:��� .s.,. 13I . i"' �S- <br /> ... NouryPublk f"-:;+�Kqrr!:2._ <br />- REQUFST FOR RECONVEYANCC r�x�;4 �,� , '._ <br /> TO TRUS'lE� ,t�•`yS��'*'i,.".... <br /> 7Te undersigned is the holder of�hc note or notes securcd by this Deed of 7}ust. Sflid note or notes,together wil6 all i :: -- <br />_ other indebtedness securcd by this Deed of 7Fust,heve been paid in full. You erc hercby dirmed�o cancel uid note or nota 5��c:z<< "��;. <br />- �nd this Deed of 7tuse,which are delircred hereby,ind to reconvey,wiihom wavanty,all ihe csteie now held by yuu u�cr �,��+j�.'L.s__l�;; <br />_ ' Ihia Dced ot7tuat to ihe person or persons Icgally emiUcd ihereto. i;E�-�;;C,;,,:-,. <br /> =c; ::...:`v <br /> ��i�A'-.�-�::+2. <br />_ Date. �:,,;�4..; . <br /> PormJ07J 9190 tMl�6^/6NiKt/ ':�i,.' ::!"`,`. <br /> _ '�;!""=i��: <br /> "i.. <br /> . �i�� <br /> y`::. ;;.�::.. <br /> � .T- � .:-- ,�- ..,,.- � �..�.. ,.,_,T.�:;��--- ,�t_. -:� :�;-„�• --,,-1 : , <br /> � ,.,.. .i.�..:�s ., _ ... �:. <br /> .ti_ �; <br /> '_J` �- �. - - . . . � . -- - - - - � - - _ . _ <br /> J - <br /> _ y - _. - . . . . . . . . <br /> n t.- -`_. . __ . __ __ _ —_ ___ - -� _ _ __ - _,- _ _ _ _ . " __'" _'_ _'. <br /> � I'_.. -i <br /> `� . .- I. � A - - � ' - ' . . , . <br /> 1 4 .fl. � <br /> ;f•:. �• - . . . - . ' . � . 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