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; �;7. , p j�A yyg <br /> 3:arit ... � .:. - ,�::1� .{ _v . . _ - . . � - _ - .. . ..�.�V_:_ � -�ON�L"/!4 f � t'r.. _ .�.—.— .. _ _ <br /> ... _ , ..: el �_ �. - - . .. q.-_ ._ . <br /> A�810NMEHTOPAENTANI�ER � � --_`. - <br /> � �� ' THI8A881pNM�NTC piiENTBFII�ERIemtQOendexawteAlMe 17TH Oeyo} �Y-18ST.aenqle' � y <br /> Inooryont6Q Intp pnd ehallAo deamed toamend end supplomant ine MorlpnQo or Dead of Truet,horolnaltarrslorre0 ro na th6 <br />----° "Qi011fllyl ji181NIROf11", of tho eam9 dste piven.Dy Ing u�deraignotl,herolnaRer reterred t0 ee Iho °9ot�Orr01",10 6BOYt0 --�,.- <br /> Bortower'aindepteCrieCq�Omfriattorreferredtoaelhe"NOte",toHOM8FE0ERAL8AVINaBANOL0ANA880C1ATI0NOP `--- <br /> _ � ORAN018lANd.herelnniforroterredtoeathe'4sndeP',oltheeamedateendooverin8lhepropeAydeaodbeOlntheBeouAty , - - <br /> .� InetrumAnt nnd toceto6 aF �:��_� _ <br /> 3804 SOUTH BI.AINE GRRND ISLAND NE 88601 -`- <br /> -�?� (vropartyAUOroea) [ ,. __..-- -.- . .. ... _. <br /> ---- WITNE886TH: r�-. -- - <br /> y: <br /> ��°�. n� WH6REA8,Botrower and Lender hava agreetl that eny rente end proflte ettributa6lo to t�e DroDerty ahould conatitute �,� . <br /> '' 9ddItI00a1800U�1ty t0 Ma LanCar tM the pay�nent ot tho Not9; <br /> `�2f��' t`,�r �- <br /> 'tYi � _. <br />._ .-yr�_� NOW,THEAEFORE,It la e0�eed t�at t�e Beouriry Instmment ehel l be amendeG hereby end deemed to Inalude the lollo�viny a't� <br /> , v�v PrWl9lona: ` Y _.._.�.__-.. . <br /> �}i�`�` 1, AaelqmmentofRUnteentlLentlorRente1CO110ot1onNlnhtaBOrrowe�herabya6aolutelyandunCOnditlonallyeealgnaell I-'' �4 <br />--�i�7i ronte, leeuee end profite of the property to BenBfiolary. LBnEer ehall heve the rlght, power and aullw�ily duAng the 1.l • s- <br /> "' ` oOntlnuance of the Sacurity Inelmment to oollect the reMa,leavea entl profNe o}t�e DroDerty and of eny De�nonal propeAy ��E! " - <br /> `-�` IooateA thereon With or without teklnA Poeseaslon of lhe roparty afteoted hereb . Lenda4�owevar, hereby consente to ���+ <br /> -{f:�r� Boflowero co11a0tion and retention of euoh renta,leauea antl p�ofite as lhey accrue and become Dayable,so long ea Bwrower �'�� <br /> -�-'- le not,at euch tima,In defeult With�eapect to paymant of eny indebtedneae eeowetl treraby,or In the pedamance of any � r - � � <br /> � ;�� agraemont hereuntlac �, +�'"� <br /> :`a�: Z. B000lntment of Receiver. If eny event of deleult In respeot to the 8ecurlty Inetrumant ehall have oawrad an0 be ._ <br /> ,�;,��; a0ntinuing,Lender,ae a matter of rlg�t anA without nolice to Borrower or anyone clelminp untler Borrower, end wit�out � � � i�-.- <br /> t JX,�� teyerd to the value of tha trust eetete a the Intereat of tha Borrower tharain,ehall have the rlBht to epply to eny court hevinp �,i5 t�--- — <br /> 3�{yk Judedloflon to eppolnt e recelva�of the property. �> ��Ci _ <br /> +,� r 9. i1�0�t to Poaseealon.In oase of detault In the DelROent of the eeld princlpal Nota a Imereet,or nny Dart thareof,as It �4 � s:_- <br />:_zr,;,-_.l� ehall meturo,ot In tha oaee of tallure to keep or DeAOrm eny of ihe oovenante or egreemente oontalnad In t�e Beoutlly Inatru• �,�;���-���- <br /> �(I_.F ;J�:��� <br /> �� ment,than tha Lander, ite auacesaore or eealpne,shall be enA la hereby authodzeC end ampowered to teka Immetliate s��'4,,4s�.- <br /> - -��`� poesesalonoflheealGpramiseat�arelntleaorlbedendtocollactlherentetharetrom,enCtoapptythaprooeedethereoftothe {�tz�y,;, _ <br /> , g�[ payment o1 the Note. I :, }.Y <br /> -:�,v� 4. Aoolloetlon ot Henta leaues antl Profite.AII rente wllecte0 by LenOer or the racalver ehall be epplied 11rot ta Deyment ,� ,,�;`�. <br /> 2Et�� of t�e coete of mane9ament of tha property ana coueot�on ot reme,mewding,but not iimitad to,rec„iru�e teee,Fremiams oi 5 �' : ' -°° <br /> ,Sr y.� reoelver'e bonda enE reeeoneble attomey'a faea,and then to the euma secured by the BecuAty InatrumanR Lender and the ,p�"�,r�fi��'^� �r_ <br /> Y� ;Jp; recalvar ehall be Iieble to account only tor thosa rente eotuelry recairatl. f��+ '��i; q';,y�t,_ <br /> "4�'�� 6. ConetmotlonofProvielona.EachoftheprorleloneeontainedlnlhleAaeiBnmaMOfHanteNlAerandthe8ecurirylnatru• ,r1�1.�7i��� - - <br /> ' -�� ment ehell,unleee othervrlee epacllicalty requirad,be wnetme0 In eccorAance with Nebraeke �aw,and in ibe event eny ���t i i��t a - <br /> 2- <br /> � <br /> r ., <br /> h m e is <br /> „°-;i D�b'�slonherelnorlharelncontalnede�allDedatorminadbyacourtotcompelantJurladlctlontobeunenforceable,tesa e Tl �s }�k, �f __ <br /> ��)'l: eha116e oonetruetl ee though euc�unanlorceable provition ware not e pflrt hareof or Ihereof. �, ��y�� -_ <br /> .`Jt�t-, B. Eftect of RIAet Ezcept ae BDeolFlCelly moditled byor Inconeletent with ihia Aselpnmant ot RaMa Rlderor by any other � ` �,7�� <br /> t� f <br /> `n��n�=�, epD��o¢bl6 dde4 all of lhe tarma entl provielone contalneA In tha Secutlty Inalrument ehall continue In full force and eftect. ,,t - ,��,:(�� _� <br /> i:� IN WITNE88 WHEflEOF,BOrrOwBr he!exeeuted Ihl!Asalgn rMe Rente Hitler on the dete firet nototl above. �''�-�����s`�n v - <br /> � ,�1. � {�, f �f , t�t,- : <br /> �, _;y - ' <br /> i c> --r .;y � . <br /> -:a75i,:; CASEY SON 8o�rower ° .?,,:5;; �c?. vtiv�'� <br /> u� � v r . r�) •y' <br /> ii l�' � �' • L jt' rt� ?e'�{�� j <br /> ;�y �: SHII N . IUER , rrower '� 1' 4;_-,��°J�'' :. <br /> � �t� : <br /> ,_ ,.�; , z�'�rt, >,•": <br /> -� � STATE OF NEBRASKA) � -�F�r_�,,, ... <br /> ;�":' �68: ''��:<<.4{frfy :ey� <br /> `.r.�:k?`'� COVNTY OP HALL 1 � -:$`e_���j' �, <br /> 4 On thle »TH Aay ot mpY 79 93 .before me,the untlewiyne0,a Notery Public duly commiselonetl enC '1- <br /> ,y;„� quallHeC foreald county,pereonallycame CRSEY J. IVERSON AND SHIIRON K IVERSON HUSBAND AND WIFE � <br /> =`•,'`.;; ,to be tne identical persoMe)whose name(s)Ialere auDSUibaC [r „ . . - <br /> ;f- <br /> t0 tlle fOfBy0lnq In6tNment,enA he/s�elt�ey acknowletl0a the ezecutlon Ihereot tu be�IS/�erR�olr voiuMery acl anG Aeetl. i - . - <br /> ':'+ Wltneea my nana entl Noterlal Seal et GRAND ISLNND, NEBRRSKp � - <br /> � <br /> � -ry . in i ounty,the dete Bto�elgl0/ <br /> --t ti. �il��P�J`�C{� ��N/l� L� � . . <br /> - .-":t� {����0�«tF111 !a <br /> NOI ry PuOiIC <br /> '�,`' My Commiaslon ex �{ ��� .- <br /> �-y't•i <br /> xr uxrxa <br /> � f <br /> .••�::i1 <br /> �`.;:��;�- <br /> -,:k{���-r. <br /> -.::SI. <br /> `�:{i_; <br />� `:r�.:�;: <br /> 7��`.;.�( <br /> : '� <br /> )- � {k <br /> _ ' _._- _—"'._ .�,.-�._.� i���. ..... _ . .. <br />