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' � "��f���`���l� -__} .a t_� _ __. <br /> .cppAable law may ipecUy to�rclnsrotement)Deioro a1e of Ne Ptopttry p�lf�uant so eny.pawetot caCO�omelned�4�i# -� - <br /> • seuairy inswmanr,or N)c+��y ota Ju cnt en(drcing Nis 8ocuri�y InspumEnw 11�ose.cbndtrlonsgro�hat 8omoryer (a) � + i <br /> peya Lcnder ell eurtu whkh d�en wnut�bp duo unAu tht8 Axurlty Inst(dment anA Ihe NotE ai it n6 eaileraqon 4ep <br /> oceutrccl:@)cures eny dofault of eny other covenanu or ngreementa;(o)paY��U expenu�iAclutW in enforolpgfile 44eCfulry <br /> • �nswment,InRu4lde,but not IIm�tW to,rc#�wnuqie eiiomey� feea:�nd(d)w�cw,�uch acHon e�Lendu may maso abty ' <br /> requlre to essure thM iho Uen ot tAla Saudry tnstromenr,linderY dghis in iTw Pml�cnP 4�d Hvrtuwu5 obltgatlon fo �ythtr: - � -- - <br /> eume secuad by t�b 3ecuHty lnawmen� thelt cont4itro unchanSed, tJp�n re(nstetement by Dortower,'IAte �{y <br /> Inswment aAd the obilgedona sxured hercby ehaU mmein Polly ef(ecdvo w ilno acuieredon ded occwred, Horyo�eV;th6 <br /> Apht to relrotata shell not appty In�ho case ot acoeleratlon under paragnpb 17. <br /> 19. Baie ot Note Chonge otl.oan 8ervlcer. Tho Note or a vutial fn�erwt in the Nota(togcther wtih�his Seeudty � • •��_ • - � <br /> Inswmenq may be w�d ono or moro�ima wi�hout pdor nodca ro ISortoww A seio may rcwII in e change In the enGty <br /> rynown ae tAe"l.oen Servla�thnt wlleraa monthty pa�tnerita due undu the Note mnd�hie 9xwiry Inswmmt hhao also <br /> mny Da one or moro chenga ot the Loan 8ervlcer unrllated to e eale'ottha Note. It�Mte U n chedge ot the Loen Servtar, <br /> Bortower will be given vrtttten nodca otthe cdu�go in aaordanca whh pazagrph lA ebova and appliwbto Iaw. 7'he notice <br /> wi11 aata�he name md addrw ot tAe new Loan Servicerand the addmsa to wNch paymenn should be mada. 'Ifie nouco wlll <br /> eko rontein eny other infomiatlon required by appllFable law. <br /> t0. H�ze►dout Bubstancea. Bortower�heil not causo or permlt tha prsaenco,uu�dtaposni,storage,or«kase ot my ---- - - <br /> Hezudow Suhstances on or N�he Pmpeny. Horrower�hall noc do,nor allow enyano elsa to do,anything atfecttng the <br /> Aroperty�Aat ts in viotetlan of any 8nvironmrntel Lew. 1Le preceding two semencea ihall not epply�o the prosence,uae�or <br /> eeorage on Ne Proputy o!�meli qumtlden of Hezardom Substanow that are gmerclly recognluA to be approp�le�e to notmal <br /> rcaidentiel uses and ro maintenence ottAa Propeny. <br /> Bormwer shsll promp�ly glve Lender written notla of eny Nves�igeNon,eleim,demand,lawsu(t or other nction by my <br /> govtmmenul or rcgulatory agency or private party involving the Property and eny Hererdoua Sutstance or Environmenlel <br /> Law ot whkh Bortower Aaa xNal lmowledge. It Bortowu leame.or i� nodtled by eny govemmcntal or roguletory <br /> authorSty.�het any rcmovel or other remediadon of eny Hezerdoui Substana effceting�he Propeny le ncassery.Bortowu <br /> nhell promptly teke dl necessery rcmedinl eetiona(n eccoNance with Bnvfronmemal La�v. <br /> Aa used in thb paregreph 20."Neurdou�Substance�"ett Ihose substflna�deMed ea toxlc or hazerdoua�ubstanea by <br /> Hnvironmemel Lnw and Ihe tollowing a�bstences: gasoline,kerosene,other flemmable or roxie petroleum produc�s,toxic �-- <br /> pestiddea and heMieidea,voletila colvents, materiels rnnteining asbestoa or fortnaldehyde,end rcdloaaiva mtteriaL. As <br /> uaeA fn this paregnph 20.'Cnvironmentel Lew"means federel lewa end lawa of the Judsdiction whero�ho Propeny ia located <br /> thet rciate ro hcalth,wfety or environmental procection. <br /> NON•UTIIFORM COVHNAN7'S. Bortower end Lender funher covenem end agru es followa: <br /> 21. Aceeleretlon{ Remediea. Lender shetl g(ve nottce to Borrower prlor to eccelwatlon followtng Uarrovu'e <br /> brweh of eny mvenant or egreemenl in th4+8ecurity Instrument(but not prlor to ecceleretion under paregreph 17 <br /> untecs eppllceble la�v providee otheratte). The not(ce ahall�pecity: (a)the detautlt(b)the actton requtred to cure Ihe <br /> deteuth,(c)a dete,nut les+then 30 daya trom the dute Ihe notice i�glven to Borrower,by Nhich the detault muat be <br /> cured;and idj tiiai feilure io cure ihe defeuil on ur Gitoez i6e�etx speti��in ths noSltt may tesult!n Emkl'atlnn et —_----_-.- <br /> the sum+cecured by th4s 8etudty Instrummt and esle of tAe Property. The nottce xhall Nrther Intorm Qorm�ver of —__-- -.- <br /> the rtght to reinatete eRer ecceleratlon end the right to bring e murt action to exurt lhe non�ezistence of e defeult or =-';;r'; <br /> eny other detense of Borrower ro aacleration and wie. If the defeutt ia nol cured on or before the dah�peeliled In �,._-._��. <br /> the nal(cq Lender et fis optfon may require(mmedlate peymmt In NII ofall sum�secured by tAis 3ecurily Instrument ��;v ___ <br /> �vithout Nrther demend end may Invoke the po�ser of sale and any o�her remtdlea permitted by upplicebte leN ;.t�;,.,-;-�-� <br /> I.ender ehull be en8tied ro milcet ell ex nsea Incurred fn uraving ihe remedlea rovlded In Ihls are m h 21, `Ir":G�:��'�- <br /> pe P P P 9 P 'a;,�t .:•��;;— <br /> including,but not Iimlted to,rensoneble etlorneye'hea end msta otiftle erldence. n���{G�x <br /> R the power of a�de b Invoked.7}uslee shall raord a notice of dehuit In eaeh county fn whleh any part of the ��Yi.* i .r = <br /> Property Is located nnd ahell mail capies oisuch nottce In the menner preaeribed b�appliceble law to Borro�ver end to �5`hk�',�2i's� �:___ <br /> Ihe olher pereana prescrtbed by epplicable law. ARer ihe tlme rcqutred by eppl rnble leir,7tustee sM1all glve public 5��.� �„'`K , <br /> notice of sale to the persone and In tAe manner prexcribed by epplicable law. '1}uxtee,aithoul demend on 6orro�rer, �� � � 2 •_ <br /> ahnll sell ihe Property et public euctlon to ihe highest bidder et Ihe�ime end pince and under the terma deiignated In ;�s�`,�;�;;i;;���_,:-,-.. <br /> the notice of sale in one or more parmis end In any order 7}ustee delermincs. 7Yuslee may posipone sale ot etl or any ?5;-,�4;t�;�„},s!r;y�_.. <br /> parcel of ihe Praperty by pubtic ennouncement at the tlme end ptace of eny previously scheduled sete. Lender or Ita '��'*-'`=."t���"� <br /> ;<;�'�=.j..:v�`ls,:,"--. <br /> designee may purchese Ihe Property et any cele. s•�'i::�f""°�ir:.--' <br /> _� �.� �r-j _ <br /> Upon rcee(pl of poyment ot tM1e price bld.9Yusece shall delirer to the 7}ustee'+deed eonveying Ihe 1;t;,;.:,-: ;*�;;�,-: <br /> Property. The ratlale in the 7}nsta's deed shell be prima fecle evidenee of the truth of Ihc xtatements mede Iherefn. �.f,� '�r�* ,::�- <br /> 7Yustee aheli apply ihe praceedx ot Ihe Fele In ihe follmrin�order: le)to ell costx nnd expeaiex ot exercising the po�rer - :••{,T,K��Y,._:;: <br /> '�t'S!<:}r.c:�t.;..,:.-�_, <br /> t ' �i� z � <br /> � <br /> �-:,,..:..i, ,�.� ., <br /> .. -.: ,..,�.fi�:�:' <br /> ,�.. ._>,;:,e:h,:_: <br /> .. _ ..�,,:.;_ <br /> ;��,>;: s_,. :. <br /> :: _�...,'�;.:��`: <br /> �:i1t;3�� <br /> ?$����f? .� <br /> Fbrm]OSA V.90 �N¢<<.•�nrytry t•._, ( <br /> ,:.;ly.:I'I�f/iYi;. <br /> y:';iii <br /> , - . ;�i�Y:��?-i-� : <br /> :;'?�i 5���. <br /> a, <br /> �, <br /> -,� ;,•). y�`[�- 1 _ _ � �-:_.., :t � .r. .P-i -.i3';',�;�� _.. . , ! - y,�S iibf�i:. .'S� >Y(.: u}IVt'^t,:-p- a. _ >. <br /> . . - r�: ' " _ . - . <br /> ��. :1�1 . ' - . . .. <br /> _ -::vi�:, - . . _ - . . <br /> .;1'Yi y'. ' V_,:--, " "__" ' "" . 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