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,�,.. , ,: � � �; <br /> �d ,;� <br /> _P+ri: - , _ - - _ , t T-,- . „--`-- - <br /> n� " 1 ����� ... ` Y f1� <br /> � t � J_��..-.�__.. _. <br /> . condemnallon or oihcr taking otmy pflrt ot tha Propeny,or tor conveyance in lieu of con��aUop:pte h9reby aulg�iW a(�d � <br /> she11 pe pnid w 4snda. ` � �• <br /> - - In �he event of� toml talcing of ihe Vropony, �tw prottede shell bo epplted to the etime cecurcA Cy INI SeCurltY ' �'�` _ <br /> Inahumen6 whether or not then due,wl�h any acceea peid ta Borrowu. In the evem of o pattla!u&Ing oI tho Propetty It1 ',. .., <br /> .. . <br /> � ,. .: <br /> which�he telt muket vafue ot�he Properry ImmWletely befo�o tho taking le equal to orgrea ter than Uro umount o(tho aums . . <br /> ` - - sccured by thla 8audry inswment immediamly beto�e�he�eking,untw Hortower end Lender a�hciwl3a egrte In vt{It�g, . <br /> ^°�- the mm�cccurcd by�hla 3ecudry Instmmcnt chall be rcduad by tho emount of the pra�ceed+muhtpIIM by Ihe tollowl�g <br /> haotlon� (n)th¢arel amount of the�ume eeeured Immedia�eiy 6ato�e�he taking,dividW by @)�heftJtmwket vduo oftha <br /> ___-- property immedietnty hetoro the teking. My 6alance�he11 be paid eo Bortower. In tha event of a psnlal taking o/1�0 <br />�_ - __= Property in whioh Uw feir merke�veluo of[he Propeny immeAietety boforo�he takind Is leu�han�he unount of Oia sums . �� �-� � �� <br /> _ � cecurcA Immedl�t¢fy 6efom the tekfng,unlas Bortowet and Lender otherwise a�ee In vrtiQng or unleaf appQcable law <br />.:�s�'?�� othernlso provldoe,ihe proceeQa�hel l b e nppiled to the suma eecurcA by thle Secutlty Ioatrument whether ornot t he eUm�a0 <br />";r.1?;rq tiwn due. <br />'�:-�3-��ir�dttl It the Prop¢rty ia abandonW by Borcower,or if,eRer no�ice by Lender ro Borrowtt thet the condemnor offen to meko '. <br />."::,"�,� nn award or wttla a clefm for demages,8ortower fails to respond ro Lender within 70 days afler the date the noqee b glven. <br />- Cendor la authodud ro cotlect end epply ihe proceed+,a�(u option,either ro�eatontfon or rcpatr of iha Propeny or to the <br /> s�?� eumt securcd by pds Seeudry Instivmenti whether or rrot�hen due. -�—_---'�� <br /> Unlus Lender and Horrower otherwise egrca in writlng,eny applleatlon of pmtteda to pdncipal ehall not eutend or <br /> N#),� postpone tha due deta of the monthty pnymenu roferted to in pragroph�1 and 2 or change the emount otauch paymenU. <br /> ';������ 11. Aortoeer Not Released� Forbearence By Lender Not e Welver. Ez�enaion of�he tima tor payment or - <br />--�.�;;;��a modtficallon of amonizeHon ot tAO sum�securcd by�Ns Seeudry InatNment grented by Lender to eny cuaessor in intettat - <br /> .;,;Y�p� of Oorrowcr shep nm operete ro ttlease�he Ifabiliry of the odginel Dorto�ver or HortowerY�ucceason in intercst. Lender . <br /> � ahall aat bercq uired�o mmmenca praeedinge againsi nny cucassor in intercst or rofuse�o extend Hme tor paymnm or <br /> z`_� otAe�wise mal fi y amonizaflon of the aums secured by thts Secwiry Instrument by masm of eny demend made by the otiglaal __ <br /> ""_�j Borto�ver or Bocrowerl ancceasoro in intereat Any for6earonce by Lender in exercising eny rig6t or remedy shal�nol ba a -- <br /> ` �f waiver of or precWde the exerciw of eny right or rcmedy. <br /> �rjh.� 17. Successoro end Aaslgru Oound=Jolnt end Sereral Llebility;Co•algnero. The corenems and egrcemmts oi�hie - <br /> Savdty Instrument ihall bind end benefit the�ucttsson end avigns of Lender and Bortower,aubjec�lo�he provisions of <br /> -;,F''; paregreph 17. �ortowerl covenente and agrcemems shell he Jotnt and sovenl. Any Bortower who casigns thia Saudry <br /> ��-_;�.�'i.. Inswmmt but daa not execute�ho Notr. (a)fa co-signing this Security Inawment only to mortgege,gant and convoy that <br /> -,....,. . <br />�-__;���n, � Bmrowerl(mercst in tho Propeny under the teime of thia Saudry Instmmrnr, @)ie na penonelly o6ligeted to pay the�umn _ <br /> �'?�:�°;-- saured by thia Securi�y InswmenC and(c)ugrees�hat Lender end any other Borrower may egree w extend,modify,forbear =� <br /> `"'%�i,�� or meke eny eccommoda�ions with rcgerd to �e terms of�hia Security Insuument or the Note without that Bortowah <br /> :a:.t,1' conun�. <br />;:�r:;' <br /> _;,.;,�t 13. Loan Chargea. If the loan secured by�hia Security Instrumrnt ia subjai to n taw .vhich sets maximum loan <br /> t �; chugea,ond�het law h finally interQreecd xo Iha�ihe imercst or ather Ioan charges colketed or to ba collected in connectlon - __ <br /> ,t� � witY the k,:r ex:a,,i ttk�mitt�t�ni:s.�hcn: (al any�:h Iwn cha�:,shall�:..d;.�by�N am.rart�r.�,to rcd�.:: ---- <br /> ',� the charge ro Ux permi�ted Iimh:end(b)eny sums ulreedy rnllected from Bormwer wNch exaedW pefmined limlu will be <br /> ;, �1,�� rcPonded�o Borrower. Leoder may choose to mnke�his rePond by rcducing the principil owed under�he No�e or by meking a <br />-.��{;,�LA. dirtet payment ta Rorra�ver. If e rcPond rcdutta principal,ihe reduclion will be�rearcd ns a partial prepaymrnt without eny = - <br /> -`��;�' prepayment charge under the Natc. _-� <br /> �FP � t4. Naticea. Any notict�o Borro�ver pmvided for in�his Security Inainiment shell be given by dciivering it or by , - �- <br /> r �„c?Yra��,� <br />-;Fr`ti'f � malUng ft by flrst cless moil unless npplicable law rcyuires uu of unother melhod.TTe notice sM116e dirceted ro the Propeny ��.E:��=: <br /> Addrcas or an aher eddress Bovower desi na�ex b notim�o Lendec An notice io Lender shall 6e iven b firs�clus ^'"Srr.t''��� <br />�;�9•;:� , Y B Y Y 6 Y a' `t11.�`=� <br /> ,._�,�,,. mail ro Lenderk eddress amted herein or any other uddrcss Lcnder dcsignates by notice�o Bortowec Any naice provided for � �`�.<:;�.,;.-- <br /> t:� in thia Sccuriry Insuumcro shail 6c dcemed �o huvc 6ecn given �o Borto�ver or Lender when given as provided in �his �f� �s:r --. <br /> �, i P�8f0�n• ``�'�T-3i%�� = <br /> �-�.; � 1 Governing Le�r; Severeblll�y. 7Lis Security In.+trument shnll be govcmcd by fedeml luw nnd the law of�he ��t � n <br /> `-'.�I jurisdic�ion in which the Propeny is Icemed. In�he evem thm uny provision urclause of this Securny Instrument or�h¢Note '� � -FT� <br /> t,+ii' conFllas with applicnble law,wch conllict shall nut u(fect ather provitions of this Smriry Inswment or the Note which can ��'��{ °9� �- <br /> � ` be given eRect�vithout�he conflicting pmvision. To�his end the pmrisiaro of�hia Securi�y Inslmment and Ihe Nale nrc i';i`��ig,� `=�' <br /> `',x declemd�o be severable. o �'i c�a7�r:.-;: <br /> ���j�� 16. Qo�rotrt�'a Copy. Botmx•cr shnll be givcn onc�ronfnnneJ mp�•o(�he Nolc md of Ihis Saurity Inclrumem. .�Sr K�i;= . <br /> +�i�4, i7. 7Yans�er of Ihe Property or a 6enelicinl Inferest In fiorra��er. If nll or anY purt of�he Propeny or any intcrcst in �a t ? <br /> (1,.,:`3 . a...' <br />.„�r;;;: it is sold or tmnsferted(or if n 6eneficiul imere+t in 6ommer i..uld nr�nmfeved and 6ortower i�not a naturvl persaN +..t.�•,_•r..r-��_-- <br /> �.+�.�'. wiihout Lcnderr riar writtcn�vmcnL Lendcr ma .al in a iinn.rc uirc immedinle nnm in(uil of all sams securcd b ���g�,t�''':?t�f:�. <br /> r <_ P Y P 9 P�Y Y <br /> -'{ -_ this Security Insuumem. Howerec Wis optian,hall no�lu exerciud b��Lender if exeni.c i.prohiM1i�ed by kdeml law as of e 3-?'�1";��L y,��: <br /> �� the datc of�his Sewrity In.lrumem. ,si; - � .- ( <br /> If Lender exercius�hix op�iun.LenJer.hail�ive Romm�cr no�ia nf acaleration. 'Ilic nmice.hall pmride a periud of 1 .,; f *'.--. <br /> not Icss than JO days from�hc daM thc no�irc i,dclircmJ or ma�IcJ a i�hin a hich Romrecr mu.��uy all,mns sccurcd by�his +�� _- '� .- <br /> Securi�y Insuumem. If Rorto���er pay Ihe� In Ihe e�piralion nf�hi. �riai. LenJer inay invoke nny �f rj� `A+ : <br /> .�� ' rcmcdics pcmiincd M1y 1hi.Securily Imvumcm wilhoW funhcr nnucc nrJcmanJ nn 13mm�ccr. f+i {�� � r:�. <br /> . �t.: I8. 6orro�rer's Right to Retnsinte. If H.,mnccr m•��. �rnaim m�dilion.. Ilnrro�ccr.hall Ihc righl tn have p ;1 '4 ;, �,;.., <br /> } <br /> Cnforcemem of Ihi.Securilr In.wmcnl Ji.cnminucd al am uns prinr lo Ih.r�di¢r af �.0 5 da�.(nr wch niher peri�d as � - '' ,.: <br /> ` _�`"7.:�., <br /> �`�� . tim�lrFmml�—F�nnle\I�e:Frtdd4\IacINFIIR\II]STRINF.V- Intl..m�('menam. 9N0 qmrN../n�ve�.� '{1i.+:1,�.'•'-- <br /> �f1\ :' <br /> :,FT , <br /> %;r': , <br /> .s: <br /> _:<<; <br /> __,_ . . , <br /> _.... , _ .,. ::... ,..,. . , -; �.- <br /> .;,� _ ,. . . , <br />: .:.�,_::�. <br /> ♦.� <br />_- "'f. � . <br /> ,� , <br />���:.C}t�:_` . <br /> . <br /> f { .- . _ � <br /> . <br /> ' ` � <br /> . . ' ' � _ _ ._ �.n. • ' _. . . . . _ _ ._ � .. <br />