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�� n� ��`IYR��°<�a.rr.ri=�._.:.�.�'�.�... i _ _ � i:tl �._�.-_�_�',�-�_ <br /> < .�� . ' � :. . ' _ _ <br /> = 8�- �0.491'Y4 ; - -- - <br /> pedada�het Lender«qulrce. 7he insuranoe cartierproviding the insuranoe�hN!6e ehascn Dy Bortower 6ub�tto[.e�Eer6 <br /> — ' approval which�heil na bo unreasonaDly wltN�¢id. If Borrowa fatls to meintatn coverega descdbed eboVe,�p4er may,pt <br /> -- Lendert optlon,oivain coverago to pcotea Lenderb dgha 1n Oro Pmy�rty In aocordanoo wlth par�grapD 7� - - - <br /> All Wmanco policla an0 rcnowats�hall bo eooeproDlo ro Lender end�hell inctudo e uandard mortgege cleum. Lei�Qei . . <br /> ___ • .holl�eve the rlght ro hold�he policla end ronawaia Ul.ende�rcqulrca.8ortowo�rhsU promptiy glYa y I.enC�r ail seoeipta. T_ <br />-��:,�� of pnld prcmiume and renownl na�aea. In the event ot lose,Bortowtt chill gtva prompt nake to tha in�urea�w urtkt an6 <br /> Lender. I.ender may mako proof of Iw�tf not made promptly by Horrowu. <br /> Uniw I.ender ond Dortower otherwlse Egree N wiiWig,insurance praaed.+shell be epplled to restoretlon or rcpair ot <br /> _ - �M1e Propeiry damaged, tt tho r�s�omfton or repalr la economlcally hasible end Lendert cecudry la not IeasenrA� U�6 <br /> restomtt�n or mpair i�not eoonomically feesibla or Lenderb eauriry wouid be leuened,tAa Insurenee prooCed�ehall be . � � � � <br /> "!'t~ Bo�er eba�ndom[h�euPro by�hle Secorlry Insuument,whetLer or not then duo,wtth eny exass pald ta Botrower. if <br /> peny,or dcea not en�wer with�n 30 dnya s nodce from I.ender thet the(muranca cac+[Et Oa� <br /> ;,Q� oftercd ro atde e cleim,Nen Lender may mAect the lnsumnco proceed�. Lu�der may uae the proaed+torcp aU or restoro <br /> � the Propeny or eo pay sums cecurcd by thie Secudty inawment,whether or not then due. 1La 30-dey pedad wUl txgtn wUen <br />��� i�'�• the noflce is given. <br />-�'�-^-�� Uniese l.ender and Borrower otherwfse agree in�vdqng.�ny appllcellon ot D�de�u Drincipal shall not oxPond ot _.,_. ...__.. . <br /> v ?� postpone tha Aue data of�he monNly paymmu referred ro in paragraph�1 md 2 or change�he amoun�ot Ihe pa enu. It <br /> ,�,i --.� under p+regraph 21 �he Propeity B acqu4ed by Lender,Hortowerb rlah[ro any lawrence pollciea and p�reaulttng <br /> ,_,�,yy,� from dun�ga to the Propeny pdor ro tho wquisiNon nhall piv m Lender ro thc exmnt of the sum�auuttd by thb Saudry <br /> �i � fnswmenNmmediaroly pdor ro�he ecquisition. <br /> �.rr� 6. Occupaacy, Preaerveqon, Mdntenance snd Protatton of tAe Propert ; Horro�ver'a Loan Appllcation; <br /> ++�t�rt� I.mseholda Hortower shall oavpy,este6tiah,end use the Propeny w Hortowerb prin psI rcaidena within dxty da i dtu <br />..,!��twsRtiy� eh¢execution of thio Seturiry inshument md shali continue to occupy tla Property n+Uortowerb pdnclpal rcsidenw for et <br /> „�e_1A�. Ieast one year aRer tAe date of occup�ncy, unless Lendtt ahorwim agrces In writing, which wnsent thnll not 6e -------- ---- <br />;;-,;;��s�n,� un�enson�bly whhheld,or unlese extrnua�ing ciroumstancu exist whieh are Ixiyond Hortowerb control. Bortower ahall not -- <br />� -?,fr�_,_�- deatroy,dvnege or impilr q�a Propeny,allow�ha Property�o deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Bo�rower�hdl -� <br />,;.:.'�,y�'-�;4� be in defeult if my todeiturc anion or proceeding,whether civfl or criminel,is begun that in I.ender§good taitb Judgment <br />.,;�+�.ry;riryq rnuld result in forfehurc of�he Propeny or otheiwise meterielty Impair�ha Iien crcatW 6y thia Saudty Imdument ot <br />�'-1;;��a Lenderl security intereac Bortower may are such e defaul[end rcins�ata oa provided in pazagrnph I8,6y cawfng tha ecqon <br />'.-�;;�C}�j,; or proaeding�o be diim(ssed with n iviing thet,in LenderY good faith daertninetion,prceludea foRefturo of�he BomowcrY = <br />.,..,7•,:: __ <br /> �:�a-. incerest in the Properry or otha matedal impairmen[ ot�he Ifen creetW by this Seeudty Instrume�t or Lenderb secudry = _ <br />_,l�,�r.�ti° interest. Borto�ver chall elso be in defeult {f Borto�ver, during the Ioen uppliee�lon proceas, gave mntcdally false or <br />