.. 4_ . ..,1'... . `�' ,. ` 1 . � . , , .1`T . .. .
<br /> .. ._ . .._. .... . . .. .... . . . . '___
<br /> ., .' "'.._. .._. ... .""_—"_.—.__.._.... .. . ...'" ' ' ""... ..._ _. ,..... . ... ... _.— __-_
<br /> . . �Y'
<br /> ,
<br /> i...:�..,..d'ti.......: . ... .. - � � - �.�... ..---- ,°��• .--,--,' ..'. ' ,
<br /> f�i doYautc eith rnupraR c�� paynant aQ nuY fuAoUf.odpr.��a aocuxed ha«by� i�r fn eho pu��Enccvanro i�P ,
<br /> � - e�iy a�raenent h��rounAor. IQ nuy avan� ot dofanit dnar.ridod hc+ccnitar fn l'AH{1(7CC to t:hia lkicd of ���
<br /> irunt ahnll hnvo occuorad and hn ccn�tinufnp� Ilcnnflat�ry, nu n m�c�or ot ►1pht n�d utr.haut noNi:o �
<br /> � ' to Tru�tor nr nnyono olaining undar Tcunto�, nnd ulthout raKnrd tc� tho value �f ttw �ruot uut:atu
<br /> � or tho tntaroe:t a4 eha 9'runtur khoruln. nhnll hnvo tha rtf�l�t to applY tn nny auurt havin4 ,1ur.la-
<br /> . � Alotion �u l!{�{1D1111' U rucoivar uf thc+ prupurcy, ' �
<br /> • � 10. ;,i'rnnnfar a/ Prn�urc , If ull ue +u�Y pnit uE tlio propartY or ony tc�tcernot nf Truve��r °
<br /> � ttt�roi�� !o a��ld� t�annfntCOd oc farthoc rncur+hur��d Wtthaut thu oxu►oaa nr wrSttun crnr�nt u4
<br /> - -� �1 HEnoftcfary, Hr.nc+£;c�e^„.tm9y�vat 1w�wid arocaed1to�clucran:ndiin v�tlni�.ln�to 11. uhd�rt�tha dcfnuli:c _-_-_� . _
<br /> , 1 � c� tr :w,::..::.:-.; �. r . - .
<br /> provtalonn conti�ined lioroln, �,
<br /> 1�. Fv��i�eu of Ilefnult, Any o� the fo11aw1nR ��v�ntx ehaAl. bc� denmod nn uvr.nt �f dc•fuulc h2r�- �:
<br /> 1 tmdor: _ .. � �
<br /> (n) 'Cruator uhall I��vo I
<br /> �°`, inturent, prtncipnl or princtpol nnd lneoreeu ar nny oth�:x nun� ncr.urrtd I •
<br /> � har�4y Hlwn duo i f
<br /> �— (b) 'fhoro hafl ocr.ur�ad n bs�ach oQ ur d�foult wtJ4k nny t�sc�, anv�n�ent, `
<br /> ogracment, cundieian, proviei.l�m, roProncnt�ilon or wnernnt,r cr�n�;itncid in chtu
<br /> ucaA ui irune, thn nu►u u� �u�� othsz la:.r i:i..::�_nt e.,,.��r�,.+ i�.��of,y� �.
<br /> Icl Thoen hnv Gcen n do�nult by tho Truator in th�r rn,��»� �f �Y prior �
<br /> ur oub�c+Quvot lio�� or c+nc�vnhrnn�o !� rnr.�par.� Cu all ur ciny p+irt uE thc propc�rty� •�
<br /> ' (d) 'Ceuutor �holl filu t� voluntnry ��tAt.lon in Dnnkruptcy or .i�ell be i
<br /> c�d,�udlccurd bunkrupt or inuolvcnt, ur eiha.l). npko an n�dlgnmr.nt fos tho bonafil• �
<br /> or crecHtor� in respect ta tha proparty; ar nn ncctai� t�� c�iforca nny lian or •
<br /> anr��nbraocc� oi �udg+nont� apoinet thu proporty le comrir.nr.cd. .
<br /> 12, Accoluratinn l'j!��i� i\�Cault. ln th�� uvrnt uf nny dcfault� Ho�iiofictary m:�y docl;�re �11 � � � �
<br /> i�dot�todn�eH yecura�i 1�oret+} tr ho duc und puyablo, �uid tho nnma vholl thcreuoon hocome �1uo ond ; ' ,�
<br /> payabl�+ without any pronenunn�t, demmid, protont or notica af eny kind. Thareafear, Oonofioiary ! •
<br /> mnY� � . .
<br /> ' (�) cith��r Sa porno�i or by ngont, wlth or uithout bTin�ing nny nation o< <
<br /> procecdh�g, or h� rucalvor ttppointi�d by n caurt ond e+lthout regnrd to tha udecli�ncy !
<br /> of imy eocurtty. �ntcr upon nnd tako paaeoaeion of tho propc�rty, or uny pnrt thorr•uf, !
<br /> ia it�� ovn nnmu ur 1n tho neimo of thu Trueteo, nnd do anv ncts vhtch it doame necaaoatry �
<br /> nnd cleeirablo to praoorva tho vtilu�, mnrkotablltty or rentt�bilitv of eho proporty, or � •
<br /> puxs tho�aof or intaraat tlmrain, incranne the incomai therePram or protoce tho eQCUrity ,
<br /> herao4 znd, aithout CAlfiilr �OHHBHH10I1 of the psoparty, sue for or othorwioo collect
<br /> tt�c renCe, �HflUPt1 and proflc� tliorcof, includfng thoae pa�at due nnd unpnid� nnd npply ,
<br /> tt�e sam�, laiin contn nnd exp�m��oa of opornttnn n�ei collection, in�ludiiiq ntCOrnoy Paos, �
<br /> upon any indebtodoaan sacurnd tiureby, a11 in 9u�h ordnr �s 8onoficiury mny doturmina. i
<br /> 'fho ontoring upo�� nnd takln{;poeEiaenian of th�, tsuyt eetato. the colloction of auch � t ,_
<br /> runta, �tI`JLLCB and profSte nnd npplication charoof na oforoc��ld sF�ta nat curo or waSvc !
<br /> i
<br /> � - nnY dcYaule or no�icc oi cicEnuic hcro�mdcr �t iavali3ata ast; ass :r.:'. !n respQr.e� to - -__-__
<br /> _ . .
<br /> Nuch dofnult ar put'auAnt to tiuch noticc of defoult ond, ��twithstanding thc cootinuonca � . �
<br /> in possassion oY tl�o prnpr.Tty otr tho collaction, recoipt flnd a4plict�tlon oP rrnta, ;
<br /> in�ues or prnQita, irustcc or 8onoficiury may bo on*.itlod co axorcia� avury rlght pro- ��`�.
<br /> , �. � .. � �� nf nny nvunt o4 i _
<br /> ,._...— viqca for in nny oi ii�o lua�i :��:.:t::.��::. : -� 3k' « » _^^...._... - - - -.. .. -- -
<br /> � default, includin�t tha r1�;hc ta axurcieu thu puwqr �P��ala;„~ � .
<br /> (b) comracnca na actlon ta faracloao thlr� Uead of Trust ao u martgngo, nppoint n '
<br /> receiver, or r�per.lficolly anforco nny af tlio eovenante horoof= �
<br /> (c) dolivar �o Tru�teo n �ritton decli�r�tion af ciefflult noJ demnnd for eala, nnd
<br /> i
<br /> � written notice nf default nnd alecttnn to cnuse Trustor'� intrroat !o tho pi'opeYty te ,
<br /> bc ��old, vhir.h nottcc "frustc�� :�hnll cnuv�• to hc dulv filnd fnr rucard in tho uffici�l
<br /> , rucordy oF Chn ca�uuy iu t+hlch thi+ prnpercy i:i lacntad.
<br /> ' ` 13. rorec.lofiure by PawE�r of Snlo. Shoulcl Oonaficiory oloct ta foruclna.^. by oxaraioo oY tho
<br /> • povor of �n.la horain contAined, benoflcir�ry nhnll notify Truotoc+ and ot�nll dnpoait wlth Trut�tao ,
<br /> � thit� Aaod uf Tru�t and the nocc nnJ atuh rncoiptn And avidonco of axpondituran mado an:1 socurad
<br /> heroAy a4 7'rustc�c m<« raqi�ire, and upon Ycquoyt nf thu HeneficlnTy, thc 'I'ruyt�u vhal.l f�lo Yos
<br /> �, rrcor�l, lu LL�, I:ctll:�.cr .�f aa.�J:: of4lcu !n ttic C.uunt)' t:�l�ur� rh� prnpnrty !ei lucntad. n notica of
<br /> , dcfnult, auctSne fnrth thc niuno af cho Trur�cor, cha flaok nnd PaGo or Qocumont No. of thio Dead of
<br /> " Truat ne rocurd�d in fltl�(I RQ$SdCPT of Uoodu afPico, tha legnl dot�cription of thc� i1DOV0�(IOPOTiT1U[I
<br /> renl oetota �nd thnC n Urear.h of 111 obligntion, Por tirhich aaid renl oetiitc� w�e /P(IVU}�Od no nonurity.
<br /> hae occurred, and sottinG fostl� thu nntura of auch bronch and t!�c• Truetao's olnction ta noll Cho
<br /> roal aetato ti� anttsfv the ob]1Rntion; nnd nYtar tho lnpea of not lofin thnn nne (1) month, Cho
<br /> ;� '� Truetoc ehnll givo wsitcon notice of ti�o timo and placo of o�lu whicT� may b� batwaon 9�00 n.m, nnd •
<br /> +:..�' S p.n. nt tha prumlaaa, or �t tho Courthaueo in the County wharoin euch proprrty .Le locntad, do-
<br /> ;uribinF tha propurey to be sold hy itr� lo�nl descriptton, s�1d notico to be publinhad in a newa»
<br /> papar o£ fencrol r.irculatiun in the Coiu�ty whereln aucii property ie loctit�d, onco a uook for 41vo
<br /> (5) consectitire wcokn, the lnst publicatiun tu be at lonat tan (30) dnyn, but not mora thnn thlrtY
<br /> (301 daps, prior to tha ealu� nnd ehe Tru+itue sh:ill thc� sall ��ia �rar4reY at xha tima and pinco
<br /> dcaiFnated in thi� noticu, in [ho m�nmr rrovided bv l+n+ in offuct nt thn time of 4111ng fl�1d nor.ice,
<br /> At pub]1c nuctiai to thn hi�huAt hldd�r fur C39�1 and ��hall dalivar to aiuch purchne��r n dood Co the
<br /> pso�esty aold, caneletunt with thn lnw 1n nffoct �t tho timc.
<br /> l�pon racoipt of pnymant of tha prica bld, Txtis�tae e�hnll de�ivnr ta the purchaear, Tsuntoo'a
<br /> deod conveylr.� [ha prop�xty sold. Recltale in che Tsuatoa'h dced ��hnll be primn fHCln avidonce
<br /> vf i.hn CiaCti .�i [h:: r.tatanoni: rn8a :!:�ra1a. ?'::::aL.e ahall a,��Ly ih.� prornudu of Cha Aalo in thu
<br /> followinF ordcr: (n) ro nll raiiHUnablc coet:i nnd exprnxoe o£ thc enla, includiog but not limitod
<br /> to, Truetue'9 fec+e of nat moro th�n _3.0 __': of �Fe {:TOHN ealc price, re�ao�abla nCtorncy face
<br /> tltld cot�CH of C1Clc t�vldc».:: �b) to :�11 :num. .� :.�r:." �,t• thl�. P.•.•d �•f Trn�`; md (,-) th.• „xrrnr�. if
<br /> �m•. to tha pnrnon oi per�ona luFnlly antitled thcr��tn. Any p�'reion, 1ncL�idtng Eionuficiory, moy ,
<br /> purchano soid propurty �t -�aid y+�lo.
<br /> Tha per;.on conductln}; thu a�alu m�y, far anp c�tu�c hc or eh�� d�+ame uxpodlent, pose^onz tho nalo
<br /> i from time ta tlne uotil tt :�hnll 6c compl��ted nnd, !n evexy vuch f.IIHC� notice Of po9CpJC2mCIlt ehall
<br /> � ba glven by public declaration thurcof hy :;urh per:�oa nt the t1mo +�nd place la»t nppointud fnr the
<br /> �inle; providcd, Sf th� :•..�:� l:i pontponed tor lunF��•r tium nu�� (1) d��v bovond tho dato doslF;nntnd in
<br /> thc no[ico of ual�, 1lCC�.C: CFIOIL'Of t�lu�ll b�� F:iven in tho ��ama m.�nncr .ia� [hr oriF;innl noticu uf c�nl�•.
<br /> 14. Ree:edies ?7ot E�tcluKlvo. 7'CUStuo and NenoficlarY, +md �uch nf than. xhnll be entltled to
<br /> anforca puyreeat nnd performanca of uny SnJebtednuer� or ohli�;ntion r+ecurcA horeby nnd to rxerclse
<br /> all righte and povurc+ undos thie Aoud of 'fruat or undor any lnun instrumi�nt nr uthcr aRruemant or
<br /> nny luwa noN on c�roi�ftur unfoscocl, no�with�tandinft tiuma or :ill of thu lildl•1)I('(11109N ancl oblipationn
<br /> ancurad haroby which may now or heronfter bu othorwiiao secured. wh��thcr hy ma�ty,nFe, deed of truat,
<br /> .�-
<br /> i
<br /> � I
<br /> ,
<br />