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<br /> . . ;, ;;�
<br /> .. . �,� \�. �y _��, -
<br /> .
<br /> —. __ . . . . , . ,
<br /> . .---- --- _ ,.
<br /> • � .1�.. .1� �� -
<br /> , .. .. _�.� _-
<br /> ---- - -- -- -- —. _.--�-�- • -----�-- - -----.. . .. ._ . .
<br /> �L,�, �,s,. - - - -- . -.- - . - —_ , ---_—._. `� --
<br /> :.� - ---- -- — _�_ .
<br /> , ;:.
<br /> . .��� v_ - -
<br /> �.:�;...��. : . ...... ..._,. .._ .. . .._ . . �-_.____._.... ..� _ : ,. _°
<br /> �l"°� �.�c��J�� ' ' �� � _��
<br /> ..-,� --��. .�
<br /> � � �lrz�ga, Idr.n. aaai{{�:ic.at. oN othatdieo. Nolthor tha ACCUptEnco of th/a Oa�d aR '�cunt n+�x te� en- _- - _- -
<br />` -
<br /> �` � . Qoccc�:;nt� uh�t�ar by cat�re eec lcxi nr purau�it ta the pavar n[ eaLo oe oth�r poeoea �aretn Gan- , ,� _���;.=
<br /> ,,�, e tAiuoQ� ot�sll ptq�ull�,o ar !n ati�y ee�inor nefoot tcu�tae'o or OonaClalnry'� right �u roQ4tuo upon _ _ -_
<br /> ,; � � . � ur cnQurao any athae r�nreiHeY na� or haccnfter hold by T�t�eteo or flanepiatnry. 1t Detop egr�ad . „ _ _ ,;
<br /> • � ' tl4at Tcuocon nnd Dsn�4Anfncy� nnd ench �T thoe. nhnll Qo onCLtlod to onfacco thle Daod uf 'Ceunt %� ,.
<br /> aizd any other aQOUr11:y nau ar hnrunfCOr 1�nld by thu OnnnClafary or Tcuatao in auch ordoC c�nd uannar , ,,
<br /> ___ --- � flP rhey, ��r cleAne oe thera. naY !n choxr �►6eoluca dlac�allon dotoralna. t10 romody hprnfn cnn- � _, -_ ,•
<br /> Enrred ugan c+► re�Arve� ta Truetut+ c+r ItnnoQiatery !e+ I�tenAod to bo ax�lauivo uf miy QthAY rcaedy
<br /> •--- } hr.roiii oY bY la�+ pcovildad�r paec�itt�d. buE oa�M nl+all ba 61k�U16[LVQ AR[I uhe11 hn !a aclditfan t� �. . -_
<br /> --- - - ovosy oti►o� ic�nadY P.tvan horaundnr u� uu� ur 1�N.i�Cta, s�o2nill� uC Z.Z� o: �n r�ults or Uy �eati�tw. L:_.._�..—_-----_-._:_>
<br /> ' __ _ � � Evary pover or te�udN piiven hy tu�y o4 tlio laan inutr�u�rnte io Truntoo oe llonv8loipry nr tofer+��IIC�'�, . - . .� —
<br /> � aiChor aP thfic�mny �m �+N�araina ontitle�f �u►y ba exoraiood, sonr.u�cei�clp or lndap:ndene2y, �.- ,
<br /> ' to cino and ao ofkr� hn may bn Aaraed oxpodionr. Qy Yruotaa or Pc+naflc:lery. nnd oithar oR thea msy �
<br /> � pasnua lnconoinernt r�m�dtoa� Nuthfng horain ohnxl Dn conotraod na pKaltib�ltin(t �enoHelot�F from _ .
<br /> � 000kln� n doQtoi����cy �udaaooe nnainet TruaCO� to tho oxtnnt ouch nceta� ia pnr�lu�d �y l�a. „ �
<br /> ' ° l,ry, nrg��nut ¢��r_Natico. Truotor horoby roqunnt�i n copy oQ nny n�tten o� Aafault nnd thnt any �
<br /> � notic:a of nc�l�e horeu��di,r�u ma�lud Co Truotor ot thu nd�lrnnn A�,e rpken �n tha Pirut pnriipraph o[
<br /> - • thtu I1�aed oP 7'eua�t. �, . .
<br /> .' • ]u. np,�tinun��n ai nuccautior irmi�ra. O�ii1dP.C+3�i w.'3i. aTR:7 CaS� C� Nmo, hy vrittnn tnntcu- t. .�,
<br /> • ` ment oxncutEd �nd +icknoalodgad by pnnnflc�mry. mn17•ad Ca Ti•untaK and r�cordod �n !h� CoimGy !n Which . .
<br /> ' ehp pr�porty lu locaCad nnd by ott�acrrloo comp�ytng with thn provlolonn ot thn oppal.cnh.le lea o� eho •
<br /> • St.at� of Nabreo!ca� eubotitutu o auocanaor or euaannn�xn ta tho Truecoa an�cd Fiurai� or octing horo- ..
<br /> � �, 14R�.T. �
<br /> - • 17. Succansora n�d Annilmn. Thte Dnad o� Ttunt upplico to nnd �nuroo to thn bnnnAit of nnd � ..
<br /> ` bf��ds a1�'.l pnrr.tna hnrata. thalr liuirn, lmpataao, dovfoanu. pusaonnl ropraocntar.ivae� nunccaoosu �
<br /> itnd ussf.£Pin. Tlto t��rm "eunofiaiury" ehqll moan tha o�mor n��d holdor of tha noto, Nhathor or noC .
<br /> , nsmad ua Dcnoflc:iiiry hacain.
<br /> � � � 1(l. Ue+npfiaiury'o_Pouore, Nlthnut aY4oatin�{ Lhu liobility oY uny athar paroon liabla for Chn ,
<br /> ' p.ay,o��r�t of any o411iioelotii h�:ioin ¢antionnd, nnd withauk afPacting tho licn or ahorgo oP thie Dead - _
<br /> of Trust. upca any portion of tha praporty not thon ar thnento£nra ralaouad an ueausity for tho full , .
<br /> ,,�;,. µ�.yvexu o4 al..l uzpnid obligatioon, i�onaficiary mny, 4ram timo to timo nnd withaut noticoi
<br /> �'�`::; oroono 00 liab]lo; .
<br /> (t�) r:+l000a nnY P
<br /> ' (b) oetend eha meturitY oe nitur nny of tl�u �arms aP nny auch oblLgntAnnl
<br /> '.� --
<br /> ��.���„� (c) grant othc+r indulgonFOnt
<br /> .�;�.:�
<br /> (d) sc�lca�o ar ra-convoy or cau�o t� bo rolaaecd or r�-canvoyod nt flny tima at Dona-
<br /> ficinry'a option. nnY pnrcal, portxon or all aE eha praparty; ,
<br /> ;;j•;t ,.�,�;' (o) tnke or ealenno any other or ndditi.onal i�acuriey Por �ny obli�atian horoin � ,
<br /> � ' mcntionad; ar : .
<br /> .•':,��',.• . .. .
<br /> ;�.
<br /> , • r° (f) moke compaef.tionn or othor nxrtutgomenea with dobtora in solation thorota. t
<br /> � `• 19. [�ovcrninp LnN. Thiu DOP(I of Trant ehali ha govarnad by sho lown of ti�n otats aP :ieb:ss«E �==-�---- --= �'
<br /> �;'�' � and� in tha c�vont nny onn ar moro oP thn p�ovi,eione ¢aatninad in this Ocad oE Trunt, ar thn n�to
<br /> •���`'•• or any athor noauriCy inntr�unt piven in conneation Wieh chie erimnaction ehnll bo for ony rouaon ,
<br /> '�'� bn hold to ba invnxid� i11c�Sn1 or unenforconblu in any ranpaat, euah invalidlty, illcgality os un- � �
<br /> ._._.,--- - -,__.._ .. . �..« .ti, n.o nP Tru�r t��.�. .. �
<br /> - ,..- -. ,._..-• ...s. _L_3 -- --•� -
<br /> onforcoo6111tY c�hnll nat aEtoct ony atnar pravieionn vi Enao 8oa.� w, ..u..., ..». '- °_°" -
<br /> ... t -- --
<br /> E�holl bo conntruod ne if euch invnlid, lllcy,nl ar anPorcanbla provifllon hr,J nuvar baen rontninad I � -
<br /> • horoin or thcraln.
<br /> 2p. EPfec[ �P Farbenrunco. Any forbf+�r�nco by flana£!clnry or Truatoo in axrrciei.a� Any ZighK i �.� .
<br /> or romady hnroimdor, or ocharwiea nPfordnd b� applicohlo 3c+N, rihnll not bo a WOIVOT of or pre•cludo �� . •
<br /> th� oxarcina af ru�y e�uch ripht or remndy horoundor. I.ikewiea. tho wnivor by Qortoficiory as Tsaotno
<br /> o£ a�ny dafault oP tho Truntur undar thio �uud af 'Pru�t ehnll not ho (�Oa�ll(Sl� CP bo a aaivox oP any ��
<br /> '�'. . athor ar eimilnr doPnult nubfl�quoatly ooaurrin�. I �
<br /> '„�.•, �
<br /> �,`,,,,, 21, Ra-convayanco bY Truaton. Upan wrieton req�w!�t of tho Aanoficinxy atntind thnt all etunfl �
<br /> aacurod hara6y hnaa baon pr�id, nnd upon surroodor of thi� DUPtI oP Truet and tho nuto to Cho Truotoo f
<br /> `�"�" for cuncollatinn und rotontion �1nd upon pflymant by Truator af TruNtao'e P�ofl• Truatao nhall ro-canvoy t;��::�
<br /> �,i :
<br /> "���;?` . • to Tcuator, or tha NQYfl00 or poraana legnlly ootltlad LIIQTPCP� wtthaut anrsonty, nny portion af tha .��,,;,•
<br /> ' propaYty held horoundar� ROCiCl118 in auch ra-cnnv�vanee of any mnttera �r fncrn ehnll bo soncluafvo j
<br /> • proof of eho truthfulnoA� tharoaf. GrAncac�e in tha ra-canvaynncu mny bo doncrlDud ne "�ho paraon I
<br /> _ ��, �". or poreanF� lonnlly antitlad th�rata." �
<br /> ' 22. Accaptnnca 6y Truotao. Teunt�c nccppta thie Ceuet uhan thia Dood nf Truflt, duly eac�cuT.od ' •
<br /> • � nnd AC{(IIOWiP(I(;od, Ss mndo n public record an providad by laW, i
<br /> IN WITN£9S WfiP.R�OF, Truetor hnn oxc+cutod t.hin Uuc+d of Truet on tho date firt�t nuLad �bove. `
<br /> � I
<br /> �.,•: ,r�r��{..:,r��.�.�rL- -l�� � ;
<br /> �.;. --F-recf-1 � �n �r
<br /> ,. .i_., Timc�1: �.i .�..,, — �
<br /> , �.
<br /> � �
<br /> . eanne r1._C].,_i�n��r ;
<br />� , � � tl�.i: •
<br /> CO1�1SY OF HALL )
<br /> " (hi thie 3Qrtldny ot M�} , �g$&�i , h�Fo*e s;�. thu undernlgned, a Nrtnsy p!�blic '
<br />- � duly commi�einnud nad qunlificd for enid County, pnrHOnnlly came Fred W. Chandlar ane; Jeanne �'1.
<br />• � Chandler, HuebAl7d $t1d W1fo , to mo knotim ta bo tha identiciil poraon s w�osu nnmo�� '
<br /> .;: (* ara) BUT�ACCS�IC(I to tho foragoing Aeod of Truat and 1�ticlSOfa/thuy/it� <<clmowledgud thu exocution
<br /> thorcof co ho *EC�i�QLAt/thair/447G$voluntAry act c�nd deod.
<br /> Witnoae my hand .ind Yotnrial Soal ac Gragd Island, NE �1n Haid Caunty, tha daCo nforoeaid.
<br /> , 7 , � --� �
<br /> ��.._�c..:_.li:s:_._r—____ � - l,C.,_
<br /> I ��fiW NOtAAY•SuL9 N A�Ii1N voca:y run��c
<br /> FiAOEAN 0.BWCii
<br /> ` MY Cnmm.faA f�i.b�I9SS
<br />� ,�
<br /> � -3- �
<br /> �
<br /> �_
<br /> _� _ _
<br />