. .. ���� - . - . \\.. � ,�. , `�, . .. �`,s 7ti ��',��,t . -.' .:.` '� - l� _
<br /> . '•� �. _��.
<br /> ---,----�-� --- ---�'---�--__.. -- =- -. . . .___...�.. _ -
<br />. . . . �.,. . . ... .. .. .. . _
<br /> .. ._..
<br /> : . .
<br /> ... ..,�r. ..
<br /> , . � ........._... _
<br /> � MtiT!t b ' : _: ''_�:
<br /> . , can�n c,�a�rr�,icx�io�Noc�� �l`� ������ . �_1_
<br /> . . ...�_
<br /> , f, � .
<br /> . ' Th1.o Unocl ot Tcuot !a m�Ao ttitn �QCh du ot t'1�Y... , 11A1�1�. �y nnd n�u+nq '
<br /> - , :- .� 'T�i:i'f�inc�lar:_.Ni�e�liz�n�t n��"i'�'T�fa` . : NEs' �,,;_. . . ._ _. ..- . - -
<br /> Frnd W. L'_handicr und lopnne t• •
<br /> -�--�-------zi�..._.-...-sr•
<br /> ---� herels�aFtar reCc+read ta au frantoc, ahaao m�►lling addr�A�� !d Zl��`�CY�:tneft�����f r����t�ao.�GNAal � � _ ..._ .
<br /> .,` �
<br /> �, Actarna ae t�N. � - — .
<br /> — -:- � Aren:� Q.,�i�,a��k � � a — ---
<br /> ���ntao�n�'i+l�aoo m,�iling�uAdrn�n in ,_P._ q. tl�►Y.�9L�R uXH��c1.I}i1,�P.�a ��.-._- ���Q� � -- -
<br /> .� u n n CRAND I9lANU� huroiaaeto� rafarecd to o��ry'Oannt'tctnry," vhonn fl�tling I
<br />- ' and TtiS OVf.t:LA�.R ..AT2i..�"lL OASiK F E
<br /> ;` nddraoo !a 1'. 0. Oox 16p8� Grand I�lnnd, Nchrai+kn GOfl02. � �. ' ' � � -
<br /> � L�or vnlui�hlo canaldoratton, TruaCUr irrovoc.ably gri�nt��, �rnnnforo. ���nvoyo and a�m4rn� t� 7'ruotan.
<br /> !� erunt, e i t L po Na r a t' n e�l a, f a r t h o b o n a f l t n a d oe�cnrit y of I1�innY.1�lorY. 1°�dlocnto An in���trc j{c l j in,.._,. .
<br /> . tormo nnJ conditlona of ehin Ucud of Truet, thn foAlovinµ-donarlbod proDOetY� I'
<br /> Caunty� F:obraakn� to-wit s , , '.
<br /> •• l.at Tcaonty (20) lllock__ Ono (1)� Kni.akrahxn S�cond _.
<br /> Addit�on to tha f71ty of Grnnd_Iolttnd� Nr�l..l County. �
<br /> , Npbsuaka. -- — � .
<br /> . —.__.---
<br /> � i
<br /> . ...__—____-------- 1 •
<br /> � t�gathoY aieh all buildingu. improvemontn, tSxt�+R�N. �ICTCOttI� nileve+. pnnenit�w�:iyo,� onor,�onr.n. rxp,hr,o, I
<br /> ��civll.ogaa mtd npnurtonuncae� lncntad tharaop or in Any wny �+�TC��lntaA eh�rur.o, nnA th�� rcnr.o, lvnuqii, �
<br /> praFl.tn� reverolonn nnd tho ru�miindaca Chorno4, 1na.ludin� nll euah parnon�l pROpnrt)+ thut i� �f.taahad '
<br /> io th�+ lmprovn��n►.q na au to canntituto n ftxtuxo, n11 �f uhich., inr.�udSnR t�P������"nnr.n ratd ctcidAt�onH
<br /> . eAurota, uro hosoby doelbr�d cu bu u p+�c� oc U�.o ra:�l uc.4aeo COhVQyOt� 1R CCIIflG hRT�A;r, it b�rlr�{ oAr•or.d ' .
<br /> ' that all oP tho foraFclag :!+nli bo horainafCor rt�Err�ad ta ao tho "Praporty." � , ,
<br /> FOti THa Pt�RPOSI� nF SFGUATNOi �
<br /> � (rl the paymant of perAanol indobtodnnr�i� owA�t Frcn TCUxtpr. to Etun��YJc.leFy, ��+{ '
<br /> � avidoncod hy 1`mmis�osy Notes of vsrtous deti•n in trr, tctc�l. prm�onQ pYfnr�G<�� �{=�QCltt, oR 'i �
<br /> .�._...._.�._�.....�..<$-_____.- - � .
<br /> ".i, ,`: ,
<br /> (b) ehn pnyauant af intutoet nt tho r.ncc or rntoo pravidnd 1n chr. nfora-dotacribud notr.s Znd ; h-
<br /> � ' tho payment of 6oth pri,naipal und intarant �n n�iy and nll ronnwalo, mod.l4icntione �nd axGr.iivtono ;
<br /> of eur,h notao{ � ;
<br /> (c) tho poymant oY princip�l and intoro�t on nny fueuro udvnnco aa may bu ovidencud by i
<br /> �,�,, promiiinory noeoe etaeing ehoy aro nooucod by ¢hio Dood of Truat� providod, howovar, ehnt tho
<br /> .;
<br /> tott�l principal Sndobtodnone. nat incxudinF�ume i►dvnncod to prat�ct the aocurity or in1.��tceC— �
<br /> ; . �_ 00--_...,..EB 8.�.��� - '
<br /> :: acGruod, r�hn.l1 not exGOOd eha eiun of�,�� Tk��ttEa�.LI��nCl-�---.--��� ; '._
<br /> ..,,..:,___ _. _ r�r h rein contalrivdi and '
<br />_ - _-�� ----- - -
<br /> - , ; `----- �°--• - ''
<br /> (d) tho porfaro�noco or anch n�sracm�s. 3n3 �ztanant Q sus--- � ,---....,._,:-- -:---_ _ _ -
<br /> (c+) tho pt1Yr'�ont of any rium ar eumn c+f m.nuy whleli mny be herooftor pnid oi ndvnneod hY i ' „ i
<br /> Aonoficiary ►mdec the torme of thin Duad ef Truet. to�tetnur Hith �nt�raot at the hiqhont � . , ,r
<br /> - � _ r�_o ���q��iwd in ehe notoe eacurod horebv. � • } �
<br /> To protoct tho encusi.tv oi thin [laad of Tsust. Truator horchy covenanto und ngac�ea au iollouna f , -,_
<br /> 1, pnymane of I�idobt�dnnes. To pnY uhan dun, th� princlp+il o£. And thu 4.ntorone on, thc in-
<br /> f �
<br /> dohtednonn avidon'cad by tho nete. chnr�nr. YOUB and n.l ottier eum� ao pravlded in tha lonn inetru- , �
<br /> mentn. •
<br /> 2, Titla. Trnatar le tha uwnar of tho prapc+rcy nnd hne el�c r1�ht cuid auCnor.lty ta axocuto �
<br /> thia Paod of Tcuat io roppoct to cho prapc+rtp. ,
<br /> 3. TtIXQfl nncl .lnnaonmantn. '1'o pny, wnan duo. �ll taxoa, opGCtnl naaannmentn and oll nthnt
<br /> CTIAfda9 QR�li19C cho pxoporty. boforc tho samu buaomo dolinqucnt. i�nd, in tho ovant DonaflGiniy � .
<br /> ehnll eo rnqa�rc, tu add co tho pflymanta raquirud imdar the nota nocurad liar�by, auchon�mo�enC1ioy
<br /> muy bo sutficicnt to crtnblo Ron�ficiary to pnY auch taxor�, aon�aemc+nte or othor charp,
<br /> '�.
<br /> hocomo dua. . . . „
<br /> 4. Innurancc. To koop tha impravomante noW or Il0Lt1AECQT lacutnd un tho rcal ODLQtO �• ,
<br /> daacribed haroin ineurud a�{ninnt dmm�au by flro nnd euch PCI10! hOA[ILdB ne AenoPiciuey oMY roquiro, ;
<br /> in emounto and eomponie� necoptobla to QenoPiciary, nnd with loee� pnyoblo co 9anaficiary. In enao �
<br /> m
<br /> 04 loen undor auch policloy. Benariciury Se m�thorir.ad to ndjuet. r.allact und compromlaa, in Stp
<br /> � dlacrotion, nl] claime tharawtidc�r nnd, �t itA sola aptian� la Ai1tIlOT.l7.[1CI CO oit}iar apply ti�o pro-
<br /> cuedo ta tho roatorat�on af cho proPereY or upun ehu indobtndooso OPCUC[7d f1PTabY� but pnymonta
<br /> � roquirod by [ho noto aiholl continuo untxl tho a�ume �ocurod horoby nra pold 1n full.
<br /> 5� Rn�nir,y�taintonnnco imd Uao. Tc* psomptly rnpair, rootor� os robu�ld any buildinge+ ot '
<br /> impravomente noa as horon£tor on tha p=oportY; co kcup tho propert}• 1n good condition nnd ropnir,
<br /> Wit110Ut HAEICO c�nd ttan from mechanica or oth�r lienx not oxproosly aubarditwtad to tho lion horeoY�
<br /> ta nat anka, auP�or or pormit any nuie�nnca [o axine nor to dimtni�h or impnir thu valuo af tho
<br /> propc+rty by any nct or umie�Son ta nce; and to comply Wich oll requ�romentn af lnw with sonpece
<br /> ta tho psoposty.
<br /> ; b. Condomnr�tion. In t►ia �vont the proD�T�Y. or any part ctmseof, ehall bn tnken by umSnunt
<br /> dOC1A1O� Banoficlary in ont.ltled to colle�•t flnd rocaiv� ull compc+n�atlon Which moy bu pnf.d for nny
<br /> proparty takcn or for dno�n&e� tv propprev nat tAkan. nnd Aanoficinry ehc�ll 1pF1y such campanoation.
<br /> � � at it�� oytii,�t, aithaT ta a :�»LSi,rn ^f *he tndabeudnone aacureJ horoby or tc sopal.c and Y�atara
<br /> ttw propprty ao tukvn.
<br /> � 7, Porformr►nco hY Aanafict<tiry, BE:.r..mflciory mny, hut eholl hUVn no obligation to. do nnY nct
<br /> Hhich Tcuator hau agroad but Euilad tc cl.. and Bannficlary mny alno da nny nct it docm� nOCOALAFy
<br /> to protect tho lion hareof. Truator aFrean to ropaY, upon dutnand, nny numa eo uxpandod 4y 9uno^
<br /> ficlnsy Por tho r�bovo puryosae, cuid am• �um rl� cr,pandad hy [►onoficiary eh�ll ho nddpd to tho in-
<br /> dabtednufie soaur4d hc�eeby nnd bocomo nocused by tho licn 1�oreof. Aenoficinry ehnll not incur nny
<br /> poc�nnal llnbility becuuae o£ inythinFi it mny do PT omlt to do haroimdor.
<br /> I 8. I.nePnctionc�. Re�eficfnry, or i.ce nFontf�, ropiosentattvea or workmen. nie nuthorizad to
<br /> � ontar ut any ra�e�pnaplo timuPupon ur in •7°Yof�thc��nctaul[rls�authorir,odo[ouperformf�mdcrethont;orme
<br /> i et�mo und fr,r tho ur oae of orformtn� uny
<br /> oY nny loan inatsumonte executod by Tru�tor.
<br /> ! 9, Aooignment oY Renea. Banaficiory nhall hnva tho right, powar uid nuthority durin�} tho
<br /> � coniinuanco of this Dead of Truet to collect tho rante, laeuon and profite of the propatty and oP
<br /> ' any poroannl property locntod thoreo� vith or WiChout cnking poeneseion of th� propartY nfPected
<br /> � horoby, ond Truatar horeby nbsulutoly and uncon.iitionully aeai�ne sill ouch rentu. laeuos �nd prafi[a
<br /> �, tu Danoficiary. Hen�fieiory, hoNOVer, heroby coneenca tu Truar.or's collection nnd ratontion of tiuch
<br /> , rento, lenuoo und profite �a choy necrua and bacome poyublo, eo lon�s na Truatar ie no[. ot euch timo,
<br /> , I -�-
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> ' - --�--�-- --- -
<br />