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___ <br /> y . :..,e._ . . <br /> _ .�`1 ' -- . -_-p <br />:_ ... ._... <br /> _...�; - . -. . -d_:. <br /> __ 8�- �����3: . ,. ::._� <br /> condemnalion or other nictng otany pan oF tho Propeny,or forconveyence In Ilcu otcondemnatlon,aro hercby easignod and - <br /> � �haUhopaldroLendva <br /> � In�he event ot a total taking of�fw Propeny,�he prooeedt�hdl bo applled�o �ho�um� Resured by�hia 9ecurity <br /> °---._ __ <br /> __„ Insuumtnt whetAer or not then due,wtth any exces�patd to Bortower. In the ovant ot n penial teking of�ho Ptoperty in <br /> - � whtch the�atr macket valw_o!the Pro�rcy Immedtatety�Pon eha Iattng Is squ�l to or�eatsr tAan the emount o!Ihb sami <br /> --_- «curcd by p�l�Security(nswment Immediately boPoro the taking.unleu 13ortowct md Lendbr othemiso agrce In wtlflng, <br /> �he wma secured by thia Sau�iry Inatmmeni�hdl be rcduad by�he amount of tM prooeed+multipIfed by�hv(ollowing <br /> „ flnGiom (a)�ho rotai amount of tha�ums eecured Immcdlatel9 boPoro tha�ektng,dlvided by(b)�ho tafr muket velue ot tho — <br /> --._- Property immedietcly beforo the roking. Any batence shell 6e poid to Bortower. In the event of a panial tekin ot the <br /> •--.............. <br /> Propeny in whlch tho t�r me�ka vatue of the Propeny Immedlatety betore the tektng Ii Icas�hen tho omount ot e sum� <br /> __ secured immedletely beforo the toking,unl¢s� Bortower end Lender othenviw e�e In wdting or unless applieablo uw <br /> oNetwlw providw,the procad+shail be applied�o�e sums cecured by�his 3audry Inswmene whether or no[the wm�ue <br /> _-` rhendue. <br /> � _` If ihe Prope�ty(a nbandoned by Bortower,or it,eRer notice 6y Lender to Bortower that the candemnor offen ro meko <br /> =; en awerd or aple e cleim for d�magea,Bortower tella to rcapond[o Lendu wlthfn 30 dey�aRer�he daro tho noHce Is given, <br />-- - l.ender B amhodud to wllat end epply�Iw procecd�,et iu option,etther to rcetoretlon or repair of�he Pfoperty or to�he . <br /> ..,. <br /> ---- euma eecurcd by this Saudry inspument,whether or not tAen due. � <br />:_�; Unlese Lender and Bortower otherwisa agree in wri8ng,any eppliutlon ot prceccd+ro pdnc(pal sAdl not ox�ond or <br />-- postpone�he due daro ottha monU�ly paymenu rcfernd to in paragnphs 1 and 2 or chenga�ho amount of auch paymrn�e. <br />-° Il. Dorro�eer Not Releasedt Far6eerance IIy Lender Not o Wefver. 8x�ension of the eimo Por paymem or <br />=-- modiflution of emorttzetlon of ihe sums secured by�hb Secudry tnmument grented by Lender�o eny suaeasor In interat <br />��-„�� of Bortower ihall not opemte to rclesce tha Ilebility ot�he odginel Bortower or Bortower6 successom in incerest.Lender =- <br /> =� slull not 6o uired ro commence proceedinga agelnst eny euceeoor in fntear�or rofuse to oxrend time for payment or <br /> otherwiu mod�amortization of the suma secwed by Ihia Sauriry Inatrument by rcason of uny demend roada by thc odgfnU -°- - <br /> �� 8ortower or Bortower4 cucoeswn in interest. My torbearena by Lcnder in exemising eny dght or remedy:hall not 6e a - <br /> �� waiverotorprccludeUaexerciseotanyrightorrcmcdy. ,. <br />°• ,;, 12. 3uaeaon and Assigm Boundt Joint end Several Llability;Caalgnere. 71x covrnenn end egrcemcnu of thi� ��:_�_�;'- <br /> :;rY?�I Securiry Inattument shall bind and benefit the successors and esaigns of Lender and Bortower,subject to ihe provisiona of �`�""' <br />.'.�. -., paregraph 17.Bortowenc �orenanu and agrcements shall be joint and uverei.Any Uarrower who casigns thla Security �_�.-� <br /> -�?!�� Instrument but doa no�e:ecme�he Nou: (a)ia caafgning Ihi:Savdty Inatrument onty ro mongage,grent ond convey lhat � <br /> Bortowab iNercs�in IAe Propnty undcr the terms of chb Secudty Initrumem; (b)is na personally oblfgated fo pay the aums � <br /> -.*�I eecurcd by�hia Savriry Instmmenr,and(c)egrcu that Lendcr end ony oiher portowcr muy egree ro extend,modify,forbeu �I - �� �— <br /> --�i or meka any accommodatiom wiN regerd to the urms of�his Saudty Instrumem or�he Note whhom�het BortowerS ` �� <br /> ,,,� consent. cr <br /> --��� 13. Iuan Cherga. 1f�he Ioen securcd by th8 Secumy Insuument is cubject ro n lew which seu maximum Iwn �4i„ � <br /> cherBea,end�het law�ia finally imerprtied ao�hee�he imerea�or other Ioan cherges collecred or to tie m11u�W in connection �,,,sy__ `� <br /> :s;� with the loan exaed the pertnilted limip.�hen: (a7 xny such loan charge�all be reduced by the omomt neassery�o rotluce F^s P -� � <br /> +r`!� �he charge ro the permined limit;end(b)eny sums elrcady rnllec�ed from 6ortower which exceeded pemiined ifmiu will be �+,� �_-_——. <br /> �..x _ <br /> i'_;-r-� refunded to Borrower. Lender mey choose ro make�his rcPond by reducing Ihe principal owed under the Nole or by mekina a R �,�i•���----- <br /> ` �L'Y dlrcet payment m Bortowee If e rcfund reduces principal,�he reduction will be tmated os n panial prepayment without eny �`+{� frK =•-.— <br /> -�r�' prepayment charge under�he Nott. ���' r'� "" --- <br /> ��,4 4tt�, "* _ <br /> -�S 14. Notleee. Any notitt ro Bortower pmvided for in�his Securi�y Insuument shull be given 6y delivcring ii or by rt }�� gi ._ <br /> (fi meiling it by 6nt class mail unless applicn6le Inw reyuircs uxe of anoiher me�had.'Ihe notice shdl be directed�a the Propeny ���d �:�� _ <br /> iYk Addrcss or eny other addrcas 8orrower designmes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sl�all be given by fint dess t 3"j t --_ <br /> '`� mail�o Lender§address stated hercin or any aiher nddmsc Lender designn�es 6y no�itt to Bormwer. Any noGce provided for ��t,?F ��7�` ' <br /> -�i in this Security Insuumcnt ahall be decmM to hnvc bcen giren �o Bortower ar Lendcr�vhen given us provided in �his r-+i4� ''� ... <br /> 1e h n7 � fW .. <br />��::'� �g15 Gorerning Le�v: Serernbllity. This Sccurity Instrumem xhnll 6e govemed by federnl law ond �he law ot�he �:•��'�' a<�'ci:?�`� <br /> -�tte t �H�II�J. <br /> jurisdiction in which ihe Propeny is locmed. In�he event�ho�any pmvision m clnux af thi.Security lastmment or ihe Nae �r {i�z a , � �� <br /> -;r� confiicta with nppliceblc Inw,such con0ict shall nm affcct o�hcr pmvixions uf�his Scwri�y Insirvmrnt nr chc Note which rnn �> .;�1��,f � <br /> r;i be gWen effect whhout�he confiiciing provision To this rnd the pmvisinn.uf�hix Securrty Inswment and the Note arc J �,i ,.�Wk� - <br /> declarcdrobeseveroble. b E 2f- ';j( r� <br /> -_:1 16. Borro�rer's Copy. Borton•cnhall bc givcn onc canfurmcd copy o(thc No�c nnd nf�his Securiry Insuumcnt. ����3'C,�t}�' - <br /> 17. 7Yanakr of the Properly or a Deneticlal Interest In Rorrower. If all ur any pan o(the Prapcny or any imerest in �' � n '`i 3� ,s.��-� <br /> _-�iJ� it is sold or transferted tor i(a Mne�cial interes�in 8ormo�cr is nild ar�nn.ferrcJ anJ Rurm�cer i.not a naturul persoN �� � �,; ,„ <br /> �i- without Lcndcrk prior writtem m�un6 Lendcr may,a�ih oplian.rcyuirc immcdia�c�uymcm in(ull of nll sumti xttvrcd by � _,-,�, <br /> �`; this Securi�y instmment. Houcver,�hia op�iun.hall nrn be exerci.eJ by Iwnder if exerci+c ia pmhihited hy kdeml la�v aa o( , � �f }'` <br /> thcdatcofthisSccurit Inctrument. -�?�4��;^';1-5'�>:S`- <br /> ' If Lender exereixs�his op�ion.Lender.6all gi�e Ilom�xcr nnuce of acceleralinn. 7Le no�ice+hall proride a period a( { t �j�b _' <br /> ,..t" nd Icss 16an 30 dayx(rom thc ditc Ihc nnlim i.Jciivcrcd nr maikJ wilhin wl�ieh Rnrtowcr nm.l pa)�all.wm xeurcd by Ihi+ _. �,�. ;' - <br /> :_y Sewrity InstmmenL If Bortoxcr taile tu pa�� the, �o�he expira�ion nf�hi. �riaf. lxnJer may inwke any .••••?;S`).� <br /> ' -'? remedic:pem�ittcd hy�hi.Saurity In.wment wi�hnm funh.r no� d.mand on I3nno��rr. <br /> 18. Borro�rer's Ri�ht to Relnstnte. It Bnrrna�cr mcen cctlain nmdilinn•. Ilnrtmcrr �hall h:rvc Ihc righl In ha�x .; <br />. - enforcemem o(�hi.Security Irowmem ducaminu.J ai an��um.pnnr In ihe earher nl: 1:u S�f�y�.(nr tiuch rnher prrioJ m - .. <br /> �: timFlrFmd�-FannleVaeFieAdle\I¢UIFUp\11`\TRIVF.\T-1'mlmmCmnum. 9.90qvr.J.qnpyvn 1 - .. - . <br /> .f:r� �... - . <br /> �'�•��'_ - . . <br /> i <br />`:"-: <br /> . _.. .^.3 �:���: . .r°1•-^e:t...: _.. � . . -. ... :.v,tq'.. .. . <br /> � .y.. ....... . . . ..... �.-... ........ � <br /> 'i' <br /> -�(:i= �_L� ' . . - .. <br /> _i;� <br /> .tr.:' - - � � - <br /> - :;�:��j.�'` ' , . . <br /> �Y <br /> � � . . _ . . - " _ . - � . ... <br /> }'1 .. - .. : . � <br /> G <br /> _ . } -"- _� - - . . �. . <br /> . ., ��. - - . . . <br /> 1 - � � . .. _. _ . � <br />