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p� •-..4;� ...-� _ _ _ _ ,:.;. <br /> . -• <br /> ` --- . ,. <br />._%:id:�ixi�:� . .. <br /> ,..,, _ _ . . .__ _ _�—.-- <br /> __ . .—__ _.'�—. <br />.,_ " _'__ . . . , .I -.. _'_ _ _—_. _ <br /> - _ 93- �o:�g��. . _- - <br /> eppllcaDle Isw may specify for relmtatemenq beforo eele ot�he Propeny punuent ro eny power ot salo conuiaed(n Q�b <br /> _� Bee�u[ly Inswmenr,or @)cntry of a�adgmem entomblp Nb Beariry fnstrumrnt. 7hose conditlau are th8t Borrower: (n) -_- ___ <br /> payt lanEer dl�um�whtch then would bo due uMer thla 3eaflty inatNmem end tAe Note w It no ecalewtlon had <br /> opcurred;(D)cu�a eny detaulc oteny aAer covenmte oregrecmenu:(c1 paya ell oxpensea Ineurted in cnforeing this 8audty <br /> lnatNmcn6 imluding,Dat not Ilmtted to,rcaadnabio epanay�'tus;end (�teket�uch mion a Lender may reasonably ------ <br /> -�_-�-- • rcQufre to assure that the Ilen of�his 8ecuritY]nstrumen6l.enderti dghte In tM Fropetty end Ba�wub obllgatim to pay Ne <br /> euma «curodpy thb Sauriiy inswment �hall contiaue uncAenged. Upon rdnstatement by Borrowu, thie Secudty <br /> _- Inshument and the obligetlon�cecund hercby eh�li mmain tully etfettire aa Itno exeiemtion had occurrcd. HowoveR thfo <br /> �- ° righrto rcinaute�he1l na eypty In�hc case otacalctation undcrp3mgraph lR <br /> '""-'�" � 1�. Bale of Note Chaoge ot Loan Bervlar. 1Le Note or apartla1 imcrost in the Note pogaher with�Ne Sxudty <br /> -_- (natmment)may 6e co�d one or moro tima wl0wut pdor notice�o Boaower. A We m�y reauit in e chmge In the enqty � <br /> -- (known e�the'Loan&rvla��hat wllaro mon�hly paymrnts due under the Note end�hU 9aurlty inadumenc '[hue elw <br /> �_�� may be one or more chnngw of ehe Loan 3ervlar unrelated ta a�ele of�ha Nae. If thero u n change of the Loaq 9ervicer. <br />-_���_�t� IIonower will bo given written nodca ot tho change in eocoNanm with paregnph 14¢bove end appBcable law. The no�lce <br /> - - = wiU ctaro the 1wne and addmss ot th¢new Loan Servicu u�d tha�ddra�to which paymenp�hould ba mede. 1Le notice wlll <br /> � - also mmain my o�her intortaadon requlred by appliceble law. �--�� -- <br /> 20. Ita�ardous Substancea. Bortower shall not uuu or pertnit�he praence,use,disposal,storage,or releax ot any - <br /> ?.�%S HazaNOUa Su6stencoa on or in the Propnty. Borrower�hall na do,nor ellow myone else to do,anything�ffecqng the <br /> • .s . <br />-�--.-:>�v}��� Prope�ry that b in vloladon of any Envimnmemel Law. Tha precWtng lwo aenre�a shall not apply ro�M prcunce,use,or <br /> t;��� ���'�'- atorege on the Property o[nmall quantitiea of Heardoue Substenaa that erc gme�ally ttcognized ro ba appmpda�a to nortnal - <br />-:"3�d���t`.- reildemlal usa end ro mntnronence of the Propeny. <br /> ���;1��� Bortowu iAall promp[ly give Lender wrltten noNa of eny InvesrigaUon,cla3m,demand,laxauh ar oNcr aelton by any <br /> govemmental or rcgulatory agency or private pany involving the Propeny a'M any Hezerdous Substence or Environmentel <br /> � 's^�'r� Lew ot which Borrowu hm acNal knowledga If Bortower leam+, or is notified by any goremmentel or regulatory ----- - <br />��-;fn�;i'1�r�t� euthodty,that eny rcmovel or o�her mmedierion of any Hmardom Substena affecfing the Propeny la necessary.Sortower =°------ <br /> JtQ�ar �' ahall prompAy take ell necessary rcmeAiel ections in nccordence with Environmenml Law. ___-__ <br /> j��� As used in�Ma pamgreph 20,"Hazardoua Substnnces"are those aubs[ancea defined es roxic or hezardoua sobstancea by � _-� <br /> n!� Environmmtal La�v nnd�e following aubstenas: gasoline,kerosene,other tlemmable or toxic penoleam producta,toxlc <br /> ?'"�`° pesticldea and herbicida,volatile solvents,ma�eriala canteining xsbama or formeldehyde,and mdioacfive ma�eduls. As --- - <br /> �r.�}k�r7 �ea..a., -. <br /> `Yj>nr�ri used In this pangreph 20,"Lnvironmentel Lew"means hdcrnl laws and laws of the juriadinion where the Anperry is Iocated �e,,,, ,_. <br /> ,�r qq �hat rclaie to heallh,cefcty or enrironmemd procce�ioa �•�..,. <br /> j{jj r` NON-UNIFORM COVBNAN7'S. Bofrowtt and Lcnder Ponher covennm and agree es follows: 1l�n 's��- - �-- <br /> % � - 21. Acaieratlon;Remedles. Lender shall sive notla fo Bmrower prlor to uccelerellon follo�ving Borrower'e [4W � <br /> �;tf � breaeh of anr mvenant or egreement In this Sceurity Instrument(but not prior to ecceltratton under peragraph 17 Y <br /> `drN � unlea�appllcable larv providea othernke). The noNce�hell ap�c(fy: (a)lhe deftultt(b)the aelion requlrcd to cure Ihe �c =^' <br /> S'� ��-- dl�eulti{C�E d!t?�04t It�!h9A��dar�hmn the dale Ihe nollre�glvm fo 6orro�ver,hy avhlch the default muat 6e t_� -- <br /> '�^"'<'., cured;and(d)thet fellure to eure the defeult on or 6etore Ihe date spectited(n the notice may rcsult In eeeeleration ot .�;�� - - <br /> ��t��� the suma secured by thle Security Insirument and axle af lhe Property. The notice ahall fUrther inform Dorrower ot �;,� � � <br /> -; the right to refnstate eRer acceieretlon and the right to b�ins e court actlon to assert Ihe non•exiatence ota defeult or �;,y. ��r,� -� <br /> � ` �1S�T}t¢: any olher deknse of 6orrower to acceieratfon end Fxle. If ihe defeult G not cured on or before the dete apeciiled In �,'h s - <br /> �r t�i% Ihe notice,Lender et Ile optton mey requlre immedlate pnyment In NII of all xumv sewred by Iht+Saudty Instrument -�f9Y�, � - <br /> - � 'f �vithout Nrther demend end mey Invoke Ihe po�rer of sule end eny other remedla permitted 6y applicable la�v ° +f'sj,c�_> r ?`". <br /> M���}��� Lender ahall be ent(fled Po mliect all expensa Incurred In pursuing the remediex provided ln Ihis pnragraph 21. �'r�'�`•'�''�`+r �r� <br />�-�-;A4��`�:?`r Inciudfng,but not Ilmfted to,reesonable ettorneys'teei end msix nftitle eridenee. ' `!�rf.q�?(�ia�-::_; <br /> �';.'(;�_" If the power of sele(s inroked,7Yuslee+hell remrd e natice of defeult In each munty In�vhich any part of the ��s%+:if x;'h' �iw�<• <br /> ^- Property Is laeted and chall mail mplea af xuch noHCe in Ihr manner prescribed by applicable la�v to Dorro�ver and to t�'?`"b3,y +� ,.-.. <br /> �."-''����`�' Ihe other erfons rescribed b a Iicable lav. Afler the tlme re utred b B IICAbI!Ifl1Y 7}ustce shell ive ubltc ^}ri;��xi,-.�554,.._=: <br /> ' - notice aisele ro the eraons and In 1he menner rescri6ed b a I,eable la,v 7}ustea�vNhant demend on 6orro�rer. ' <br /> � P P Y PP �°Y: ,� e7� .,1:.. <br /> :�••�:-�:`�:; ahall aell the Property nt public euctian ro fhe hlghext 6ldder nf Ihe Ilme und placs and under the term�designeted In ,„ +•Sy��x:�y�N;�_L� <br /> �,jh Ihe notitt af sate In one or more pnrceta and In xny order'1}ustee delerminex. 7Fustee moy postpone sale of all or any ,�;�'t' rt'�5 <br /> parcel of ihe Property by public announcement ut the Iime and plece of ony previuudy xcheduled snle. Lender or fls " :`r �,�� <br /> i � �: dealgnee may purchese lhe Property et eny sele e� yR�,�r 'w �'F - <br /> ,l5 f �; Upon reeeipt of paymrnt of the pdce bid,'(Yu+tee shell delirer ro�he purchuur'IYustee'n deed mnveying the ,- t " �s <br /> (-, a s <br /> ��< y, Praperty. The recital�In ihe 7}urtak deed sholl be prime fncle evidence af Ihe truth of lhe xlatemenis made lhereln. � __y�i ,.'�` ; -- <br /> •.,�,'`:,';,: 7Yustceshnllapplytheprace�dsutlheselelnihefollo�rinRarder. m)taellcostcnndexpeacesofexerAdngthepo�rer -_.;s;.;-�,�Y.,.���-,,.r::�; <br /> �� {;:) r �.y �� '�k3�sf�. <br /> ':.N;.._ n <br /> nt ii: -. !".1 ``���'i� .: <br /> - (t}`1+�.�.I. f :.. 4!x{ <br /> .tf:U�:�`•:f _o. �'• 'C'Yi;-: <br /> t!`4r�t��1: i <br /> -E)�,Yl.. . �;<: <br /> r..,;.. <br /> ,',n <br /> -�i'F�• <br /> Fwm.021t 9.90 qvv�..lup.�r � �. " � � <br /> ��nPi�� �j . _ � <br /> � :,.Y. .�.: - . _ <br /> :;;v:=; <br /> i� <br /> -� e . - - - - - - , . <br /> _` �'' 7���"f.-Y� _ .�i/'I., :'1i:... .. . . . . . .. . .-:a ,.�p�•; - . _ . - . . <br /> �:�� ,t V.' _ _ _ . . . <br /> ��4'.p'."`_• j`s.'.._ .- . _ <br /> ''�: " ' <br /> -�-,:; <br />. .'!•(. <br /> :�,., _4! - . <br /> .Y. . . <br /> ,t'. <br /> 1. , <br /> - ,-�y�il . . . . <br /> �V�"`�:.1+��' .. ' . <br /> �r } �' .. � . . . , . <br /> 3 v + ' 1 . ' . ' . ' f <br /> . a . . .. ... . . . . .. _ . ,. . . _ ._-., ._.._ . . . . . . .1._f= . . '. . _7 .. ._ _ _ . <br />