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_,.�i _ � __ __ <br /> - . ---- <br /> .. e AA�y <br /> � ° �Q`�.RI� _____ _ ..__.. . ._ ._ <br /> perlod�Uwt Lender requlrra. iho inaurence cenitt provlding iha Insurenco ehe116a c�ostn by Borrower�ub cct to LenAerY <br /> npproval�vhich shn1l not be unreasonebty withheld. [f Bortower falli to malmeln wve a descdbed abovo, der may,et - <br /> Lenderl op�lon,oCtaln wvemge to protect LenderY righn In�he Rnpeny In exoNance w ih poragnph 7. <br /> ----— - <br /> __ AI1 Incmance po➢ciea end rcnewel��hall be aoceptabto�o I.cnder end dwll Inciude a aandard mong�go d�usa. Lendcr <br /> ehatl Levo aro�ight W hold Uro policiw end�enawala. if Lender aquirte,Bvwwer sfiall�ror�tpily giva ta Lendu all rtcu�yU - <br /> of peld prcmiume and renewat noticee. In�he ovent ot Ios�,Bortower�hell glvo prompt no8co to�he insuranco carticr end <br /> Lendu. Lenda mey meke prootot Ios�(f not mado promptly by Bortower. <br /> UNes�Lender and Borrower othuwise egrw in wrttlng,Inwranca procecd�shell be epplied io rcsaretion or rcpalr ot <br />-.-r: the Property damnged, It the ratomtlon or repalr Is uonomicelly &asible and l.endttl savdry ia na leasened. I(thc =------•--�----�� -� -� - - <br /> - rcaroiaHon or rep�ir U na economfcetly feas@!e or Lendcrh secudty would be Ieasened,the Insuranoe proaed��hail be <br /> epplied�o the ams cxurcd by thb Secudty Inswment, whmhu or not ehen due, wltA eny oxasa paid to Bortowce It <br /> -'- Bortower ebandons �he Proporty,or doea not enswu withln 30 deyi a noflce fram Lender that the insurence curier ha� —. <br /> _ offercA to settle n claim,then Lender mety wpect tho inaurance procuda. Lender may uae the proceeda to rcpilr or rcstom ___. <br /> _ �he Pro�ay or ro pay cums cecurod by ehis Secudty Inserumm�,whaher or no[then due. 'Ihc 30-day pedod will begin when ---- <br /> -- �he not ce lag1ven. <br /> �W Unlessl.ender and Barower othenvise agree(n writing,any appIicatlon of proceeds ro principal�hali not extend or • -�--� -�----�-- �� <br /> pos�pone�he due date of tM monthly paymemn rcfemd ro tn paragwpha 1 end 2 or ohange th¢amount of the paymenn. If <br /> -� under paregreph 21 tha Ropnty te acqutred by Lender,Homowert�ight ro any in:urana policiei and proceeds rcsul8ng = <br /> from damage to tho Propeny pdor ro the ecqulaition�hell pav ro Londer ta the exirnt of the cum�ucurcd by ihia Seeudry = _- - <br /> -':'� Instrument immedietely pdor ro the ac�ukition. ��s` - <br /> ,-,� 6. Ottupancg Preatrvation, Malntenance and Protection of the PropeMy� Bortower'e Loan AppUcationi �fi_ . . <br /> I.easeholda. Bortower sM1all accupy,atoblish,end utt�he Property ne Bortowert pdncipal ruidrnu within sixty days eRer -__�-_- <br />�'�=� �he exauqon ot�hta Securi Inatrument and shall wnttnue to occu the as Bortowerb rinci I ms(dena for at ����'- <br /> - �Y PY �MnY P Pe .r <br /> _° least one year e4e� �he da�e of occupanry, unlw Lender otherwiu agrce� in wdung, which wnsent :hall not 6a �{�a�r---` -- <br /> -.�1 umeawnably withheld,or unlese exrenueting circumstence�exist which nro beyond Bomowerh oontroi. Bortower fhdl na <br /> destro dam e or tm air the Pro ailow th¢Pro n ro deteriorete,or commit wastt on the Pro rt Borrower shall �°`-`�"_-� <br />-�:;;''i Y� aB P P�nY. P� Y P� Y• ,�':i3r�`�- -. <br /> �''■ be in default if en foReiwrc aMion or raceedin ,whether civll or criminel,Is be un�hat in Lenderk ood faith ud mcm �;��ic=�!��' <br /> 'i'� could result in fodeicure of�he Rope�or ot ernfu meterielly impair the lien creeted 6y thia Se urity Inswment or - � - <br /> .%�� Lender's secudt mte�at. Borrower ma cure auch e default nnd rcimmte,ea rovidW in K'"_.^_ '�- <br /> y' y p puagraph 18,by ceusing the ection � � <br /> or pmceeding�o be dismissed with e mling iha4 in LenderY good feith determinetian,precludea fodeiture of the Bortower4 ��,, - <br /> �_;y intercat in 1he Property or other melerial impai1ment of�he lien crceted by Ihia Secudry Instrument or Lendenc�ecudty s,,,., ,__-_ <br /> si <br /> s imerest. Bofrower shall dso be in defeult if Bortower, dudn �hc loan e Ifeetion rocexs, ave meteriall falaa or t��--- <br />��:�.� 8 PP P E Y i`Y3��'2'i_%',�a';�� <br />.,_,��� inattunte In(ofmation or sietemenu�o Lender(or failed ro provide Lender wi�h eny materiel inform�tion)in connec�fon wfth .':�a.,:4.�._ <br /> the loan evidenced by �he Note, including, but not limiud to, rcprcxntetions conceming Borrowerk occupancy of the g x,�< - <br /> ,'i� Propeny as o principal rcaidence. if this Securiry tnstmment is on a Ieasehold,8ortower shall comply wi�h ell ihe provisiom tiY.,n�{>�.� <br /> =i of IhC Itase. If BortoWer acquircs fee litle ro 1he PropeM,ihe leazchold and IAe fee title nhall not mer¢e unlcac Lender aarees '1`'3 ___ . <br /> tothemergerinwdting. �<<ty�� - <br /> i 7. Protectlon of Lender's R(ghta in the Property. If Uorrower fuila io perform �he corenanu nnd agrcementa `�� 't�. <br /> _:; mmeined in �his Securiry insirumenL or�herc fa a legal proceeding thet may aigniflcandy affa� Lender4 righ�i in �he � ���`{�t��Y,; � <br /> Propeny(such as a praceeding in bankmptcy,probate,for crondemnation or fodeiturc or ro enforce hwa or Iogulatioac),�hen �� t F f I� e - <br /> �- � n EFP 59"�f�4 <br /> :� Lendcr mny do end pay for whatevcr is necessery m protect the vnluc of ihe Propcny end Lenderk righ�s in the Property. ; „ ��,� f; � �,�„- � <br /> '.�::� Lenderk ectians mny mclude paying auy sums secured by a lien which hu priority over this Securny Insuumrnt,nppearing �-,r 7.; ��� -.�=;. <br /> :.'# in coun,paying rcnsonable anomeyx ftts und entering on the Ropeny�o meke rcpairs.Although Lender mey take action • i a y�._"�� -_„_ <br /> ��] under thia pa�eg�aph 7,Lendcr does not hnve to do so. Y ��Y ��" <br /> 1 Any amoums disbursed by Lender under�hix puegmph 7 shnll become nddi�ion¢I deb�of Bortoxnr securcd by�hia � 3 ,� v di�i'Fn'y�°1- <br /> .-� Securiry Ins�mment. Unlcss Dortowcr xnd Lender agrec�o aher icmu of pnyment,ihexc nmoumx shnll bnr intcrcst from�he �� �} ��+� <br /> da�c of dixhursemcnt nt the No�e ro�e and sholl be payable,with intcrcst,upon noiice from Lender to Borrower requesqng •<<'���s�3���f�e,s - <br /> paymcm. ��'t3f ' .�ie i° �s � <br /> -.� 8. Mortgage Insurence. If Lender requircd mongage insurunce m a condi�ion o(making Ihe lam ucurcd by this i�4n � �+> � t <br /> Secumy InstrumenL Bolrower shnll pay�he rcmiums rc uimd�o maimnin the mnn n e insnrenm in eRect. If,for nn �} ��-�`�"�' <br /> rcason. Ihe mon u e insumntt coven e re uircd b Lender lo ces or ceases �o b�c Fn eRecl. Dortower ahall a thc �i`t� �i bl i^t �� �. <br /> _:,Y� 8 8 8 4 Y P P Y ,Y��f.,, �S�!t : <br /> prcnilums �equircd m obluin covenge substantially eyuivnlent Ia the mongage insumnce previously in e(fec6 ut a cost y�,.��;Y�k,:',n:��:'>!'�'�:� <br /> ;, subs�emially equivulent to the caxt to Bo'rower of the monguge insumnee previwsly in eRecL trom on altemute mongoge �$ � � � Fi+ � ���. <br /> insurcr uppmvcd by LenJer. 1(substantinlly ryuivnlent mongugc insumnce covcragc i.nrn nvailnM1le, Bortowcr shall pay�o ;•�:':.,1•:... '.���•n�.;:_�: <br /> *• Lender cuch momh a sum tyunl to uno-twelfth of the yeady mongage insunnce premium 6eins paid by 6orroo�er when the - w ��}'S lA;��Y� '` ` <br /> '-7 a inwmnce cavemge lapced orccased to 6e in effeci. Lcndcr will a�cep�.ux and reiain�hcsc paymcn�ca a lozs rcscrvc in licu - .�} ,�--�- � � �' <br /> ot monguge iasumnm. Lov rcserve pavments may no longer be requircd,ai d�e option of Lender. if mongege incurance ��;-r x�_.�i���rv��r��.'`•_', <br /> _._;,� � �vvemgc tin thc amoum and for lhe periad Iha�Lender rcyuims)pmvidcd by an insurcr apprrned by Lcnder again 6emmes , 'i .�,} .,; - <br /> availuble and i�obtained.Anrto�ver.hall pay the premimus rcyuircd�o maimain mongage�murance in ef(ect.or to provide a •y+•-. !;-�?+_�j.:,,,."...', <br /> - lo�.re,erve.umil�lie requircmem for mnngage inmr�nce ends in acconlan«wi�h any wraten nFrcemem he�ween Brnrawer :.�'` -�•;.:.-�.;.�;�;;S.'�__ <br /> - andLendermapplicablelaw. � ;S�?.lr..•�7'";� <br /> ; ��. ... <br /> 9. Inspectlon. Lendcr or its agenl may makc 1ca.onablc emrie+u�n anJ imper�ions nf Ihc Pmperty. LenJer ahall . ' <br /> � give�InrtowCr notil'e al Ihe linle nf or prinr la 9p inaPeciion��1CCifyitig fe.l�nn.1hle CauX for Ihe IllaPeclion. - � �� ' . <br /> " I0. Condemnallan. 7he pr.xecds nf any award nr riatm(or damage+.Jircci or amnectinn ieilh any � . , . _ - <br /> SmykFanuy-1cnnlNLe•pradditlLtl]IFONqI\\TNCNF.\T f-nmmm<a�aunw l90 iry¢rJqny¢n� <br /> n.ww..w��Nm.i. ■ �� . <br /> 1•�wfrc4u�NDm9]qrlA\f�HSI-11]I • <br /> 1 <br /> .nre.�.... . ... .;.�i - <br /> :..,._,: .. :. <.--� s ..., ru ,_:_;,.. . �._. . . _ .... . . . . ._ , <br /> _. . ,. <br /> . .:.... .. . . .. . . . <br /> � : - _. <br /> :.;.�_ <br /> ',t4_• , <br /> :`.' '_, <br /> ;c,- ,c�; '. . <br /> jG;t . _ <br /> �'%�� 'f�l, _ . <br /> _ ' ;• • <br /> �.1:`�• :'�• . <br /> t� <br /> �,i <br /> f <br /> ! t <br /> ;�t i . ' . . . .�.. <br /> }I .,' .�. ' r u_..+} . . ... ... .. . .. . . . � _. _ ._. . . t ... ._. ��._:)" . .. - �� . <br />