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, <br /> -_`�`tti;�� ', ` _- _ ------ __-- -- <br /> _ - _ g3-�.�4i�►9; �` .. . � _ <br /> TWTi19I[1N WPI'il a11 tho Improvemenu now m�ercafler era�cd on Uro propeny,end nll casemenp,�ppurtewicc+, <br /> __ and Iixtura now or hercaller o put of tho property. All rcplacemenu and additlon�ehall dao be coverod by Ihb Bccudty <br /> Inswmem. AII oi�ho forogofng b rcfcrted ro in�hb 9eeudty Inswment o��ha"Ropeny." <br /> _ QORRO\VBR COVIiNAN7'9 that Bortowcr 1�IawNlly ulaed of tAe eNnlo Acroby canvcycd and ha�the dght to grant <br /> end conrsy the ProDCtty end�hut�Ao Propeny le unencum6ertd,oxcept for cnoumbroncce ot record. Borro�vu wartanro and <br /> --_—�° wiU detend gen�rel(y tha UNo to No Ptopeny egNnat ali clalmi ond demend�,�ubJect ro wy rncumbrukee otrao�Q <br /> 74119 BflClAtT1'Y IN9IRUMBNf combine� unitorm mvenonu for national uw md non•unlform mvenanp wl�h <br /> '��-.=; Iimlted variaeion�by Judsdialon to consdtme e witorm secudly instmment covedng real Dropeny. � <br /> UNIFORM COWNAM'3. Hortowcr and Lendcr uvenont and ngree oa follows: ` - ` f - <br /> — 1. Taymmt of IMfncipol ond Interestt�p�ent anA Late CAorges� Bortower�hall promptlyp�y when due the <br /> "-�3�� pdncipal o(and InMrcat on No debt ovidenced by�ho Noto and my prcpayment end lato cl�mga�due under Ihe Noro. <br /> --�.;� E. Ponda for'Ihxea and[naunnce. SubJec[to appIlubie law or�o a wdtten waiver by I.endsr.Bortn�cr ahall pay to <br />_°M1;��;� 1.ender on�ha day moathty paymenu aro duo under U�e Nae,untll tAO Note ia peld in NI6 n wm('Pomde�for.(a)yeeriy _ <br /> � ,.� texa and assessmenu whfch may utain pdoriry over thts Sewriry lnstmment e�e Iien on�he Property:(b)yeerly Ieasehotd <br /> _.—_ �aymentt a ground ronts on the Propeny, if ony; <c) Yearly hozerd or propsrty inwrenee premiums; (d) yeariy fload �....—, .-...__ ,_.. <br /> -+°++:�i nsurence prcmlum�.It any: (a)yearly mongage ins¢rence prcmlum�, if v,y:md(q eny sums payuWe br Borrower ro <br /> .,���. „i Lender,in ewordence wim me provition�of paragaph Iieu of thopayma+t of mortgage insurenco pcemiums. 7ruo ___ <br />;-"',_;:`. �=-, i�em�nro ceiitd"flurow Items.' Lender may,et�ny Ume,collect end hold Wnd�in en amount not�o exceed�he maximum <br />--:i��a'�; � emount e lender for a fedmlly rclated mortgege loam m�y requ(ro for Bortowerk eacrow aocount under ihe hdeml Real — <br /> y{��i;;y%,�' &taro Settlement ProcWurca Act of 1974 a+emended from Nme to time,l2 U.S.C.p 2601 rr seq.("R&4PA").unleae another <br /> -��;�q:•.3 lew that eppliee to the Phnde uu a lesxr emount. It so,Lender may,�t eny time,collect and hold Punds In en amount not ro <br /> `e°e�a.�: excad the lesser emount. Lender may aifma�e the emounl ot Wnds due on tho 6asis ot curtem dete u�d rcawneblo — <br /> - '§.' estlmatee ot expenditutt�of tuture Cscrow dems or otherwitt in acwrdence wi�h eppliceble Inw. ---------- <br /> '�G�i4 " 7Ue Wnd��hall he held in en insNtmion whose deposiu ere insurcA by a fedeml igenry, inswmemdity.or entlty <br /> „�.•r�; (including Lender,if Lender is wch an InanmdoN or in any Rederel Home Loan Benk. Lender:hell epply the Punds ro pay _ <br /> ,_y;���._,_ the Eurow Items. Lender mey not charge Dortower for holding and epplying the Wnds,annually nnal}rsing �he escrow � __:;_-:. <br /> , ,�,f;t eccount,or verifying the Escrow I[ema, unlese Lender payf Bortower inrercst on the Wnda end eppliuble law pertniu = <br /> �AC- ;;t Lender ro make sueh a charga Howeva.Lender mey rcquirc Bortower ro pay e onctime charge for en independent rcnl ��i -�- <br /> �,'t �+;;p estaro tex reponing cervice used by Lendtt in connection wnh thia loan,unless appllcebla law provida othervdse. Unleas an �,.'�`"' <br /> 1��iF,� agreement b medc or epplicabic law requim intercat to be paid,I.ender shell not be requircd to pay Bortower my intera[or � -' �_ � <br /> �frl eaminga on Ihe Ei�nds. Bortower and l.ender mny egrce in wri0ng.6owever,that intercst cMll be paid on the Wnds. I.endcr `' �t� <br /> r #�,� ahall give to Ho�rower,without ch�rge,en annual eccounting of�he FLnd�,showing crcdi�e and debip�o[he FLnds end�he q��;- , <br /> f��i'�: purpose tor which each debit to ihe Punds was mede. 7Le W nds arc plWged as edditional securiry for all suma securcd by f; <br /> S � �hSs Securil Inatmmmt. �"���t S <br /> '�"����� � If tM1e Punde held bv Lender ozceed�he emounu pertnitied to be held by applicable Iaw. Lender shall attnum ro ,�:7--;��„._ __ __ <br /> ��r����I Bortower tor the excess fiunds in eeeordence wi�h the requircments of applicable law. If the emount of�Ae FLnds�ela by �F �-�., ^�---� <br /> r Lender et my time is not sufficicnt to pay�he Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Bortower in writlng,end,in � n �r{ r. , <br /> ,_ ��„i� such cace Borrower shall pay �o Lender the emount necessary [o meke up the deficiency. Bormwer shall meke up ihe +"�� _ys .v, <br /> ` deFictency in no morc then twelve monthly paymems,et Lenderk sote discre[ion. �"'t�=� �` <br /> �t -- <br /> �n�'�;� Upon paymrnt in full oi all sums secured by�hia Security Inswment.I.ender shall pmmpUy rcPond ro Bortower eny ��r?a=j �1" <br /> � -��� Wnda held by Lender. If,under paregreph:I,Lender shall acquire or uli the Property.Lender,prior ro�he ecqulxi�inn or ° s'C�rJ` �i6i�J�. +`' <br />-�?:iir c<;%:: sale of the Property,ahntl epply eny WnJs hcld by Lcnder at the lime of acyuisition or sale�s a crcdit eaainst the aums ,�;.,�'r F;+;y�";�.+�i'_.-_ <br /> k.t��Y securcd by�his Securiry Inawmcnt. � i Sr+t + s -"-- <br /> �p��`�.t 3. Applieatfon of Peymenla. Unless npplirnble luw provides aherniu, ell paymenu rcceived by Lender nnder FTr �, r uSsjar,_ <br /> i.,.-.,� t� pamgraplu I xad 2 shull be nppliM:first.�o nny prcpayment charges due under�he No�e:second,to amounu payable under ,�� o-:� }�'){�,r ,__- <br /> �4 s_�9�; paregrtph 2;� imercst due:tounh,ro principal due:ond last,to eny late charges due undet�he Note. �i2`, �?�V, �-. <br /> S 4. Cherges; Llem. 6ofrower shell pay all mxes.uussmems,cherges. Gnes and imposi�ions atiribmeblc to �he � � - • 1 � +�•�� <br /> r - � Roperty which may�uafn priority ovcr�his Security Instrumcm,und Ieacehold payments or ground rcnts,itany. Bortowcr ?�. Y ''�r}i� -� <br /> ! � - ;' ahall pay�hcae obligaiions in�hc mnnner providcd in pnrogrnph 2,m if nw paid in thx�mmner.Bortower shall pny them on ' �i y i7�.-#{ � <br /> --��� � Iime dirtt�ly to the person owed paymenL �ofrower shell promplly fumish ro Lender ali no�ices of amouNS to be paid under �t.+e°;Siy �+ �";� <br /> _ �-��� this paragreph. If Borto�ver makes these piymems dircc�ly.Borrower shall promptly Pomish to Lender rcceipts evidencing �'+F ti ��b z ` - <br /> ,"'.-�J+; . �he pnyments. ,- <br /> r �t Bortawershall promp�ly discharge xny licn which hu priority orer�his Security Ins�mmem uNezs Bortower.(e)agrca � '�'���n :, <br /> , -i�y} in writing lo Ihe payment o(the obliga�ion zecumd by the lien in n manner acceptable to Lender.tb)mntesle in goad(eilh Ihe 4 . �l�i,�N'�` ;,, <br /> - ? `,` lien by,ordefends against enforcemem ofthe ticn in.Iegal procecdings�he LenderF opinion opemte to prevent the - ;��% ift�,� ,_. <br /> -ft a ,� t �I��� a ,� <br /> S ,: � entorcemen[of Ihe litn;or(c)securcs from�he holder of�he lien an agrcement vti+(ucrory lo Lender suboNinating the licn -- 1ta�}v + y� <br /> �t , � lo Ihis Securiry Inserument If Lender detemiina ihat any pan of ehe Propeny i..ubj«t�o a lien�vhich may a[lain priorily f" _ � ���, E� : <br /> � . _�� ovcr this Securily Insvument.Lender m¢y give Onrrowcr a noticc idemifying thc licn. Nurtower shall sati�(y�he lien or�ake ;�! �t} Yi ,: <br /> .- F, onc or morc of Ihe ac�ions set fonh above�viihin 10 dayx of�hc giving o(noticc. �} - �� + � ' <br /> ,� '- S. Hezerd or Properly In�urance. I3ortnwcr+hall kccp thc improvemcm,nnw�enisting on c�mattcrerccted on�he � ' � _ <br /> � - Property insurcd against bss 6y firc.hazartis incluJeJ ni�hin�hc tcmi"extendcd coreragc and any othcr hv�rds,inciuding � -�_�'� - ' <br /> ;,. �; f l o o ds or�a Ming.for w hi c h L e n d e r r c y u i rc s i n.u r a nce. T h i. i n w�a n c e s h a l l b e m a i n i a i n e d i n I h t a m n u n t s a n d fo r Ihe ;_=-" � <br /> .�°x�C t�:., Y,`'. <br /> ;:�i,}r:=;.f � F . ..n <br /> Fbrm!OLS 9N0 �r�erl..f^l+�tn� (,:.,-:`i'...` <br /> ` . _; F '1.'' . <br /> ,,� <br /> 4 <br /> , , .> <br /> _ S 4 �5 <br /> "e:,_.', = , <br /> . r:.-. � <br /> :;�,T!7S'r�..;r..i.tA'lF.'., , . . ... . . . . . . _.... ._ . . .. . . .... .. . .. _. <br /> .{ <br /> �;y , - <br /> .t,. _ I'3 .. .... <br />_.�i'-,.y_:�.�_:'-r-.-: -._ -_: -. <br /> _` '�i: - . -� - . . <br /> `ii• �l.'-. . <br />. i.,lcy:�`!����.p j�-il•.��. ' . . . <br /> 'q^a !�� • <br /> - `}fis <br /> .'''���;s�';��� _ i ' . <br /> or � .. _ '..� � <br /> s •. <br /> . <br /> � � �,:. :. .. . , � � - . <br />