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, J . �� <br /> 93������s �- - _____ <br /> � M..v4 .� . � � <br /> � Y.V►O!lCHOn 09 diflAOPd A}�1i1i M 1h0 PlO�Ofly. n 8arown t1e lo pMrnn tM armona end o1P�ms+��ts5�t�1� ° — <br /> ___.__-_: • qy BeWrly Vutlum�4 a Ntte le p leyd DrocaeAn01he1 mry tlpnlAunty�H�d lenANS AphU N l��Propxq(tucU o�pfocHQliq YI _.. .. _ .... <br /> --- 61A7upta��pOC►Ih f01 EOeQfmnlVOn 0�fatNNr�or to lnfMN 4tr»w qqWWnt�,IhM LOndH nuy do�nd DW fol YANN7M 1�IIINItfry <br />---•-���- ��'�i lo prNaol lh�rdu�ot N�Vroptiy tnd UndePs dghls N Ihe PropMy. Lmders tctlona mry 4�7uda paying�nY wm�Itarb by�Nn <br />::._._:,�:� v�En pu O�yAy oyee W� Btaudpl NnWmem, eppeai4ip N eowt PMM ra�on�ble�tlomoye ka rn0 mteMp on 1��PtoD�i to mrk� .. . . <br /> v��es , repWs. Nihough UndM mry pk��ollon undx W�o�nCnA�7,LenEn doe�nol Mw lo do�a ` � - - <br /> ' �Jv� My unoun�e mabun�d by lxidx undor mlo Dw9nDh/nMlOewm��AaGonY de61 0l Barowd eoaxad by Wa O�arlry ImWmen� �_ _ <br /> U�as Borowar ind lard:r ayrca to oiha Ixm�ot paymcnt,tho:a miwmta ch:!Dw Infaa�tran Ne dste al Gs6unsm!M el N�NWO -- � <br /> � - �,� aie rnd�hW D�p+y+Ele wM N�eraN,upon nouw Irom landa�o Oortower raQue�Wp p►ymen6 .�.;-�=...—� � <br /> � B. MortgaO� �n�urmo�. 11 lendH reQutreO monp�y�N�unnu�e � aon�llon ol mddnp Ih� lom oan0 by Nia eawAb <br /> � �!�'� NsYUmant. 6mowa W7 D�Y Ihs prem4mf raqa4ed to nxHUN Ns monpage Nt�ranee In,for eny reeton,lhe moRyape Nauruia �,.,�;,,v,_ <br /> � �A� �� yvqt9� r�quYeO by LenEw YptU Ot u�a»lo Ce N �fiaW, Barowar�h�0 pty Ne praMumf ioQuYOtl to obldn ooven9e�ubtWlloP/ = " '-�_--_ . <br /> asi���r��- equHaienl to Ne mo�lq�9e hsumia ptwlouay In�Haa.�1�uq eubalanWP/equtNON to the eosl to Bortowtt ol lhe matq�0e NwMU _ <br /> �s hq.� qcAOVey In etlee4 fran m Nemrte malyiqe N�mtt epproved by Lende. II eubstenNaYy eqvhtlenl mo�paqe N6uru�u covore9e b nol � _;��__ <br /> <<�}�UF{y� �� �v�Wb�e, Bortowa ehJ p�y lo Lmda euh month � eum equ�to onslvreMh d Ihe yeort�r mortgeye Nsuranoe prttNum beinq pYd Cy <br /> n s�^ !� gpnowe�when th� Nfuruw! o0ren9� qptad or aned lo ba h eMOd. lender w10 weepL u�� ond relWn IDase D�Y��s u� loa� ; : <br /> _,_`{ti�;;,;: roarvs N Cou ol mo�gapo Inaumnce. los�resene peymmb mey no bnper ba requ4ad, �t N�optlon ol Lenda, H malp�9e N�uwnee '�� �:_'. <br /> ,� .r� eaaaye pn Na amount end tor Ihe pMod t�et Lender requYee)qaAdaA Ey�n Nturer�Dpraed by LendN eqeln 6eeomee araltaUb end b .� <br /> q, , ts �;, obWnad Bortowa ahel pay the D�m� requYed to m�N1�N mo�ly�9a NiuMCO N etleel, or to prorWS � ba� rafene, unul tho �, — � - -- <br /> o t���t�rF� �equlremmt tor mongege Nsurenee ends N eaordenea vedh my mllten aq-eement betwoen Barowu end LenAe�or�pP��aa I�w. +t��.n - <br /> ,�-;. 8. In8p80tion. lender or M�agmt mey meke reawnabl�anWea upon end NapaWone ol tho Propary. Lender ahel pNe Banowa l�'.` <br /> 'r+� �i' � notice et iho tlma ol or p�lor to an NspecYOn tpetll�M9 re�soneWe eause for ihe hspectlon. ,'�?}rr •- <br /> 4 ''�. ��:�i 10. COndBlnt1it10n. Tha proaede ol ury awuC a UaM lor dem�ges, tllreU or eon�equentlil, N wnneqbn wllh anY -, ,_..— <br /> -s r �`p�7*�{ caMemnetlon a oNer feldng 01 ony poK ol Ihs Property.or for eonreyanee N Yau ol ConGamn�llon. Re hereby�sa�9�ad Nd shL EO p�d -�T"��i f <br /> 1 ).�`1_'��! IOLMdar. !.L 5`' _--_.,.,_._ <br /> . f ': e <br /> -ti.• �:�t_ In tha erent ol e toW itWn9 0l lhe Propertg Ne proeaetls ahW be eppled to Ne euma eearced by thle BewrRy InaW�G whelher a L,�v,-�_, <br /> �+YG �• no�then dua wrth eny mmese pe1E to Bortowa. In��e erent of e perHel Wdny ol N�Propwry In xMeh the la4 muket w4e ol ths Prope�y y�3 <br /> f�-`Ai�;ls Yxnedfelely belore the LkNg le equel to a groola Ihen No amounl of Ne 6umf tecured by t�b 88emAy InaWmenl 4nmedklely belora tha �� r� s - <br /> .ii��Ie_T�} WNNg,unlesf Bortoritt md Lender olhercAse egrea N wrllNg.Ihe nums�ewred by Ihb Searily Wlrumenl aha0 be redueeA by N�u�a�n� ?i};�7�,� __ <br /> �t ���5�� ol Ne prouedt muNplM by Ihe lolbwlnq 4aWon:(e)iho lolal amount ol lhe auma tewred Nunedleley 6eiore ihs 1aWn9•ArWad by N)�he �-��'�` � _ <br /> � 4Y me�kat vWe ol the PropeM����N bebra Ihe toWng.My belence eMG 6e pald lo Bonower.In the event of�paNW teldn9 0l the -'�`1 <br /> �:�f�;'���t��3� Ro N whleh Ihe la4 merkel raNe ol Ihe Property Mmedletey before Ne teldng b leas iMn the emounl ol ihe a�me eewnd Imme�atcN '- f ` �F- <br /> �i . . 's P�y t;as t <br /> before Ihe taldng,uNei�Bortower end Lmder othenvlse�yae N rrtlling or unlase�pp�ceble law olhemba proMda7,the proceede shN be ��ly` }r <br /> i�`iy ,'i: - t .�:��.. <br /> + 7 �y�>. �Dplled to th�wms eewred by thU BecuMy InsWm¢nt wh¢Iher or not the eums ara Ih¢n due. +�i. _ <br /> �-+�- r I(e�e Prope'ly In�bendoned by Bortower.or tl,e11er no�ce by lenda la Bortower that the condemnor ollen to meke en�ward a settle � y 3�� -,�= <br /> � �'�� 1 <br /> � - a daYn foI dame ee. BortoWef IOBS�o fea onE to Llndef wMhln 70 da �dIG lAe Oob the notlee b pNln.Lendel la GNhoAeOd to COYeet NE - +;�}f+� t�[ `.-=,��� <br /> _ ...t�)tr`� 9 P Y �...•�I < <br /> �°-�Hi�•.e:. appN the N opWn, Mher to raslomlion or repair ol!he Propury or lo the aume sewred Cy thie SawAry NsWment,whatha ;�ef,�p.� L,� �-:--�. <br /> /a5,�.s,-uCN4_- <br /> *r ..-�j_.p'� a not ihen Me. ✓��,�� �vy .-�a - <br /> �.,�«,.:.�� Unbse Lmder entl Bortowu oNervMO egree N writln8• eny�ppGCetion ol Droceeda to pdndpet she0 not exten0 or poslpone th� due ( SI��� +Y��� �r..,_ <br /> ? �Z .:�� Gla oi Ne monihly peymente rolerted to in pvagreph�1 md 2 a ehenye 1ha emount ot eueh qymenie. ��;,i' t �,i'" �_ � - <br /> .,-� 11. Bmrower Not Relanaod: Forbearance By Lender Not e Walvor. E,nen�on o� me uma Ia paymem a r�vi��f� {��7 i�s�,,_ <br /> . - mo0ificetlon of emallratbn ol 1ha sums eeeured 6y fhis 8ewAry InaWment gmnled by Landa to�ny aueeessa In Nlorest ol Bortowcr alul �A,YS �°(�t� f.(SJn," <br /> � r� '��� nol operele to rekaae tha Oebdry ol the otlqinal Bonowtt or Bortowefe wccesaon�n Nleesl Lenda eha0 not ba roqu@ed lo eomnmu S7_���ti r���i��� <br /> '-- " - � roeaedinge e ainsl en euceesaor In Inlerost or reluea�o wdenA Wne lor e ml or othenvise modt emoNxaOOn ol the tuma eecweE by �--�" - �'�� ,. <br /> y .`, P 9 Y PYm �Y c ; -t�� '-� <br /> - , �.' thb 8eafily InaWment by reason ot a�ry demand made by the odgNel Borrowa a Bortowere wece�aae in Nlerest.fury forbwmee by �-.:� � � �T�,"i'�,�. <br /> �y !{�x L¢nda In arzerdsMy em/dpM a remady nht0 nol be e waNer ol w preduda Ihe azadse oi eny Apht or remetly. <br /> i. + <�-�t�- <br /> � - �- 12. Succesaore end Assigna Bound; Jolnt end Sevaral Llablllty: Co•slgnara. me corenents ma �greemm�e o1 ii-,, �;�" 58� - <br /> � , <br /> � IMS 88atlry In66ument ehell bNtl �nd bme6t the auccesaon end easigne of Lendu and Bortower. subJeq to ihe prorbiana of panyeph �;` � �y;�+ry;V, <br /> � -. �;' 17. Bartower'a eovunanU and egreemenb aheil be loint anE nereraL MY Bortower who w�alyn� 1NS Sewdryl InsWmenl bW Eoas not r� �., ��t� `n`-Y.F+ :� <br /> r <br /> ` � � p;_ aewle Ihe Note: (a)�eo-slgninq Ihis 8eadly InsWment ony to mongage.gnnt.end eonvay Ih�l Bortowers Niaest In Iho Property under ',-.� t J,�-ia, .�. <br /> - r- �:� ' Ihe le`ms ol Ihb Seadly IneWmmC (b)le not pernona�y obOgeted to pay the emro eecuretl Ey Nt+ 3ewdly InnWmenk mE(o) ayeaa ih�t . : � 4�v�j.�y.- <br /> � <br /> �� - ,�_ -v,j� Lender and my olher Bonowe mey eyee to extme. mod�ly. fo�bear or make any ecrnnunoAetions wnh regarC to temq ol thb&wdly S �•�t il\)i'��� � :.! <br /> r , InslNment Ot Ne NotY wMOUt Ihet BonOwefa wnsenL �`' � Z -�� °.` <br /> 13. L08n Ch6rgBe. ��1he loen eeared by Ihb SeemXy insuumenl ie sub�eet to a lew xhich sols mWmum Iwn eha9ea.end 1Nt ' w{, .-f��' --- <br /> ����'� . �+ law Is f�nally NterprelM so that t�e Nlaest or other loen ehu ee coileeted or lo be coGected in wnneolion wXh Ne loen e�aed th� '��`.�4��;'."'�<' ``iY.�,��_ <br /> - 9 tK;-�`a .. <br /> `y , pmnitted �m�la,thm: (e)any�uch loen charyes ahall he reEUUd by Ihe�mount neceawry to reduce the chergo to Ihe permNled Pml�; end �'=" � - ,r <br /> '-�.4< <<�::.� (b)eny a�mf elreaAy eolleeted from BortowH whkh ezceeded pemYlt¢d LiAla wIL be roNndud lo Bortowet. Lendet may choo6�IO meke ^ �'{�'}n;y, <br /> ....q�;.:�.�-!�: <br /> ^';�, . thb reNnd by reduchp Ihe pdndpnl ovrod unda Iha Nole or by maWnp e dreel peymrnt to Barowa. II a reNnd raEUCea prNdpal. No _ :=- h�={}.° ` <br /> �'�-'.• ; rcductlon v�be Yea1eE ee a paNal prepryment wMhoul any prepayment cherge under ihe Nolo. � ��`•,*• - <br /> -'; ' 14. NOtIC68. My notlu lo Bonower proHded for N thb Sew�Xy Inalrummi shall be ghm by tleMeMp k or by m»Inp X by lfml - <br /> desa ma�l unlesa eppG�eble lew roqulrea u�e o/anoi�er me1�oE. T�o nolke aha0 Ea d6eclaE to t�e PropeM�weu w ury othx eddreae � - , ' <br /> Bortower EeslgnNee by nollce to Lendec My notice to LenAer s�aY E� qMen by funt cleaa maD b Lenaera addrns slaled hereN or �ny <br /> olher etlEreu Lentler desiqnates by naGCa lo Boiwwec My noGCe p�orideE/or n�his Securily�nswmenl shaY ba deeme0 to h�re bem - <br /> °•..�", qken to Bonow¢r w Lender when yNen ef prodAetl N l�is Darogreph. . <br /> ��'; 15. �oveming Lew; Severablllly. Tn�s Sewny Inswmmi shall be 9oremeA by�ederel lari�nd 1�e Ww ol lh�JutisC�GiOn N <br /> which�ho ProO�Y���letl. In I�e eren11�e1 eny prorislon or Wuse ol thia Sewrity Insin�mrnl or Ne NoU conNCb wth epplceEle law. , <br /> w <br /> �� ' auch eonllld ahaG nol ellecl othM prorislDns ol Ihis Sewtity �nslNment or ihe Nole which un be ghen eMeU wilhout Ihe ConllftWg <br /> _ ' prorblon. To Ihif end Ihe prortSlons of lhis SGCU�ry��sWmenl enE ihe Nola a�a EecWreC to Ce sMetabte. <br /> 18. Borrower'e COpy. Barower shall be given one conlormed copy ol lhe Nole a�d ol lnis Sacuury InstrvmenL <br /> •- 17. Tranafer of tho Property or e Beneficial Intereat in BOrrOWOf. II sll o�any Dan ol lhe Property or eny Nlttest in <br />� i11s aold or Uanalmed (ot ll a beneGCUi inleresl n Bortoxer is sold or Vansleved antl Bonowe��s �ot e nawral person)w��ou1 tender's _.. <br /> _ �.� pior wMten cOn5en1.LenEer may. al IIS opUOn. reqmrp immediale paymenl in lull ol BII Svms secmo0 by Ihis Securily��slrvment.HowerM. <br /> " ! IMS oD��O� thell not ba ex¢rdseE by Lendtt d exaase is pm��0iletl by lederol Ww as ol lhe dale al th�s Sewny�nsWmml. <br /> . ;-� II Lmdtt exMdses IMa oplion.Lendn shall grve Bmrorvav nouce ol accelera�wn_ 71m nouce shao pronae a pmoa o��o� �ess man iu <br /> tlays hOm N� tlale I�B no�kC h tlClntteO or matle0 w�hu� w�ich Ihe Bouowe� must Oay e0 sums uc„«a oy m�s Seariy InSWmmi II <br /> Bortower la0f to pay Nwe aums Wtor lo Int expeebon ol Ihis penotl.Lmdx mey invoke any remetlies pemMled by Ihi�S¢tutlty InSWmM1 <br /> wl�oN h�rlhtt nolite or EemanE on Bortower <br /> �. <br /> ...1.•`: va0.]o�5 Fam]f1I8 990 <br /> =Yn ;.c:-�' noAWUHBS) <br /> �4' r r�, <br /> ' .i�i, t. <br /> .. r- . <br /> � '! y � <br /> +c <br /> ! <br /> � 5�565 <br /> � 5 1 <br /> _ <br /> ".� <br />