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. _. . . _ __ <br /> . t . �" ° p — <br /> J� , <br /> ` �_c . _ .. ��"...iQ����. . . _ . - . -----� <br /> .` no�t4 ���.N��'�.�m�under ra a taaewy�rditsd rt�ronq�ye toui mry roGu4a tor Oortowete asarow ia�mp uede7 U��:r "�" ` - <br /> -� ' tkw7i At�l Es�ct�B�Wrunt Na6oQ�m�Ap oi�871�a unroQ+d tra(�tkw ro ttmx. t9 U,B.q.P801 N tQ.pAE8VA7,unin�lraNK l►w; —. - �_- <br /> N�I�pD�to N�FunM seSe�Nt�a unoun4 11�a L�ndx rc�y, �t rnY tlm�,aoioct ond�Nd iunG�N m unount no110 �zciid(h : <br /> _ Nsfx Mnun6 UnQa m�y �aWntU 1��woum ol NnG 0u�on the 6rsle ol anMt d�q md ra6on�Dl� �SWNU� 01 �mdWn�,C��.:-_ <br /> �---- -Y.... AMre Eearow Axn�a oOxvAa�N�eoorMnca wM epp¢ca6h Isw. - - -� - - - <br /> - "— TI��fund����7 b�hHd N m N�OWOn wl�oe�Cepo�llt u�Nw�od by a IeQeN apency,In�WmmWy,or enOq pncNP�p llndN�tl <br /> ��� unaa N wc-h en hsWilsN w N vqr F�Hom�Wan B:nR. lrnJx thel egpy�h��uncb a pry u�e�vow Itana tc�du mry nol = �-- _ - � <br /> �''-^���,� oAUp�Batowx fa hW�+y and�DDM�9 Ne iunde,mnwP/m�ydn9 Ih�eauan aeeoum,a vMqMO No Eeaow ttam�,urtuf lxtdw _ <br />_ti,•,`,:�y� pryr 8onowu Inle�tt on Iln Fund��n0�DP�GbI�Yw D�L�nde to m�k�tuoh�cliupti Hanwa�Nndx m�y nqutl Bortoxw lo — <br /> - pey�on�Wn�eh+rpe 1a an InMp�ndmt ral�wte ua repanNq ieMea ufad 6y Lendn In aonnaeWn wM Nlt lou6 uNeaa�DP�ube 4w --.. . _. ... <br /> ,-, <br /> ',°� �� ptorldl� othNw4R UnIES� �n �prNment 17 mtdo or �pD1uDU 4w reQUtr�f Nlere�l lo C� pYd, Unda s�d n01 Ds rep�410 b p1y � � - <br /> ' �•• Bonoxar�ny hlxnt a xmHpf on N�funda.Bortoner�nd t�nder m�y�prae N wrltlnp�oweN,Net Nbrest�h�16�D�d On Ih�R7ndf. __ <br /> , � E:t <br /> i� i(i�-- IMAa i1N0 pN��o BOrtOwO�,wnnom w�uoe..n um�u■eew�wo a me�,o«a��.na aoene�o me ms wmo�e �. <br /> , r t lor rMeh euh de61t to Ne Funde w�f mide. TAe FunAe ue pledyad w�dONlond saadly tor�0�ume�ewrad Cy We BecuAly IntNmenL � , <br /> -i �!S: tl the Funde hetd b/ Lenda aued tAa unounu pem�ItW to M hd0 Ey�ppBcaele 4w, lenda�MG aaount to Baroww 1a t�� �,T <br /> -"�^°�'-'��� erzuae iwde N�000rdNes wM tM�eW4emmte ot�ppOUGe lew. 11 th�emounl of Ns FmWf hNd Ey Lender et nny Wne B not wlEtl�nt F _ <br /> 6 `— _ .. <br /> ��n,C• to D�I'th�Earow Item�whrn du0. landa miy io notiy Barower N wAUny,an0. In weh u�a Bortowsr sAOO pey to LmGa t��unount �,_____f. ._ . . <br /> + �}� neu�sary b mek�uD�e delldenry. Bonower�he0 meke up Ihe da9dmry N no mae then IweMO monNly prymenb, �t LMdeh wk � <br /> �a,h.f.7 ,n-� _ <br /> r '�, msallon �_� <br /> ,�� „� Upon peymenl N M o1 e7 eume eewred by Nle &aAry IneWmen� Lender ahN Dromprt/retund to Bortarra en funda hdA by fr <br /> r ` ' , lenEa. tl,unAa pamp2ph 21,Lenda aheG eequYs oi seG No Propeny.Lender.PAOr lo Ne acqulsNon a Wo ol ih�Pr pMy.thJ rppy rt�lY�'�'_ <br /> te�,�1�' <br /> R _, ury Fund�hdd by lenda et t�e tlma ol ecqilaXlon or s�le ee�aadtt�gehut ths aum�eewretl Gy IMa 8awdry InsWment. ,g t . <br /> ' s� - 9. App11Q8GOt1 0(Peyi1�911l8. UNeee eppieabie law Drovldes oNarvASe.eC payn�enC recdveA by Lender under penBmpht t �nd '���_'._ _ <br /> r� R ir'% 2 tht0 b�npp[aG tirat,to onY prepeymenl ohupee dua unda the Nota�eeond to unoum�payaMe under perayraPi� 2: W� to YAxest yF;s,:�. � <br /> t� '�.. � Nr,louM,to ryNdp�Na:end laat to eny lale�Au�unAe�the Notu. �f�4�� <br /> ` 5 ' 4. ChefgBB; LIBt18. Barowar ehd pey eC Wcas.esaessmont6,d+arpe�. Enef end NposXiona ait�W61e 10 Mo Roperry whkh � tr�� - <br /> i f�_ �,', '� �i, .'.. <br /> i d� mty�tleln pAOAIy ove�tM1b BeaAry InaWment,end Ieasehold paymmte a pround rmu,M any. Bortowa shaE pey thne oMyallone k�the ��; <br /> J t��jl' <br /> �f inema orltled h ep h 2, a M not peid N Ihot memer. 8onower shaC pey Nen on time d4edy to the pxeon axod pt„nent. i.-.:,,TR_- <br /> - r431+}� Bonowar shd promply Wmish to Lender a0 nolius of unounU to be paid uMU We Pd+9�Dh. H Bortowa m�kea 1hNa pqmEnte r£ ��•` . -- <br /> �`� -` d4eqy, Bortorrer the�prompty fumph to Lmder raalpW erldmdnq lhe peymenl�. i}�-i <br /> �ttj���!{x�� Bortowa ahel prompty dlseLerpe ony Oen whieli hae plalry aer lhl�BeaAy Inswment unle» Bonmver: (e)eyooa N wAWq W ihe � a--.,R�. _ <br /> �4h�iJ,' prymcnt ol tiw obGgaYOn eeWred by ihe tlen N a manner�ecepieble t0 Lender. (D) conleaW N pood lillh Ne Qm by, of defenG�qWst +��y� r��� <br /> � .;,�. enlaCemMt ol th�Oen h�egal proeeedinga whleh in Ihe Lentlde opWOn opemle to qeven[ihe enfore¢tnenl ol iM Len;or(e)betum hom 4' i�}i�:l� ��' <br /> '� ��� �n.nwer n��n.oen .n�agreemenl.eua�arlory m lender tu6ordinetino tne um to tnb 8eau4f�Inawmenc 11 lenda aetermNei tlut my ,,,�,�c,. _ <br /> ny�{�P fr n5- >_ <br /> � tt�j c 0�of the Property le�Wl�to a Oen whkh may atuN piWiry over ihl�BeaAry Inawment Lenda may yNe Bortower a notice Identl�MO #�����Z�Q� _,: <br /> {tiS`��F Ne Len. Bortower ahaC mtlsfy Ne Len or Wce one or moro ol Ne�clbns tet lorlh ebora wi1hN 10 Aaya ol Ihe gtMg ol notica 7� j<g„f.���'T, <br /> t i�1 i ::: <br /> .. �t 6. HB28�C 0� Pf0�1BAy IIIBUf01160. Bortow¢f 6h00 keep Ihe YnpfoYemenb now mdslN9 a hereafta aeded on lhs Ropeny � ._rii�i ��if��7- = <br /> t ., ia Nw�¢d �yeNst losa by Ye. hexarCS NdudeO wdhH Ne tertn 'e�tlenOM corere9a' and eny oNer hezerdf, ItdudNp Aoode a Ooodny, fa 4 i in y �i �---. <br /> �•�tir.�•; whkh Lenda roqu4os Nwrmu. Thb hsmenee MaA be maNlaNad In th�amounb en0 br Iha pMOds Ihat Lenda requlroa. The Mw�anu ,�`(�'r� tb E,F> ,t�-- <br /> _i > .,� r}'��3 .,.5� ; -.___ <br /> � � --:i certler providny iho Nswenw nhell ba chosen Dy Bortower tuOJaet to Lentlefe apporal which tha0 nol De unreasoneby wNhhtld. 11 tt� tip�J�s�i 1j,� .�,� <br /> `>-��-j,:. Bortaver WGe to meinWN covaage tles�nLed abore. lender mey, et Lentlere optlon,obWh eoraraye to prolad Lendef� dphU N ihe .,�f} f"r'l-S�� ���( <br /> t ;�r��� Propxry h awordenee wllh panOreph 7. n�r�����t�}}), �+p�: <br /> - � °s_ NI Nauwnee olidn onE rmewNe ehe7 be acc lebk to Londer an0 eheY NGuA�e stenAerU morlqaye dauis Lander�he7 Mre Ne r F:, �1 , H, <br /> t. t.��} "' fqhl to hoitl tha D�da end qnwrW. 11 lend�r nqu4ea,8onower ahel promply ph�to lender U roea�p4 0l p�ld qeMumf�nd renwvY i' P�'`�i j'r+���•'• <br /> ~rA f� nollua. In the ment ol loaa. Bortowa ah�E pHe P��Vt noliw to Ihe Insumnee eanfa end Lmdx. Lenda mey meko proW of Iw�N not i4 . ` �i�41d�' � _ <br /> t <br /> �}I�Fj'j, meE�PromG�N M/Bonarer. r5` ����'<��`s��� <br /> �-v� : Unleta lenCCr antl Bortower otheiwise ayee N rrtitln0. inaunnce poceed� ahaf ba epp0ed to reatorellon u�epalr ol ihe Ropery - <br /> f � '.° �1 °-3> " ' '� �: <br /> � f-'�� dvmqatl. H Ne �entoroBon or repa4 b eeonomiwry leasiGe end Lentlefa aeeudry b not leumed. N the ralowtlon a repYr N not � ,� a.5, y f� 4 <br /> " - eeonomle�lly bu�6ie or lendefs aew�Ry woultl bo katenaA.Ne Nsmann pwceetla�MO be apPled to tho aums aetured b/Ih4 Batudy � -..t � d� <br /> ' �� � InnWment wheNer w nol ihen Oue,wlih�ny.xeou Da10 to Borto.ver. 11 Borrowm�bandons 1M PropMy, or doe�not answer wAhln]0 7 ,,- �} ���E� �j 4. �- <br /> ;i�;� Mya a no0a 4om LenAer tha�Ihe Inaunnce u�Aer�ea otlerotl to am0e a dai�f�en LmOer may colleU Ihe Nsurmce proceeAa Lentlu -- <- :;�� � , . `"�- <br /> �� -..�' meY usa Ihe proceetls�o reP�«relloq t�a ProOMY or to Pay Nme sewred Oy INf 3ewtlry Inslrument.wheNer or no[Nen due. The -'- i'.{����' an.:'.. <br /> t i n �p-My p¢tlod w0 begln wh�n the noUeo b qMm. � -_ � �f - <br /> � Y <br /> ,� - Unlesn Lmdx end Bortower olnercASe egree in aDP���� ol proeaed+to D�dpel aheu not eAmd or posipone ihe duo f�s� � _; <br /> �S�: ' � r <br /> .. r,;_,j�, ; 0aie ol fhe monthy peymenb telertM to in pemgnDha 1 an0 2 or chanqe fhe amount ol the paymeMS. 11 unEer pan9raph 21 tha RopMy ' � �� :y;� <br />�� ri;',•.� - U ecqulred 6y Lender.Bartowere dght fo�ny Nsurance poEdes anA proceeda resuilinq Irom tlamage to the Prope+ly pAOr to Ne acq�ASNOn �` � .',�;�.��>„_� .� - <br /> "�-5'�"{ ah�7 pesa to Lmtler to t�e exlml ol Iha sume secured by Nb Sewrrty Imwmenl immedutety D�or lo t�e�cQuisXion. i�. . • � . <br /> 8. Occupancy, Preaervation, Mafntonance and Protection ot the PropeAy; Borrower'a Lom • - <br /> .� `<I� AppI1CeHOn; L089BhOIdS.Bortawer al�a�i occupy. esubfnh. entl use Ihe Pmpetly �s Bo�awer's pMdpel msitlmee wlhin aMy dayn �, � <br /> _ �tler IhB CxaaNOn ol tltif Sea�ly �nsirumenl and ShaO conlhue to ocwDY the PmpMy as Bortower 5 p�cipal reSiEmCe In 0t leasl one <br /> - �` year elter Iha dale ol ocwpanry. unless LenEe� otne�wrse eqrees m wriivig. wMCh wnsenl shail m� be unreasonaby wil��eld, w untesa - _ <br /> - eatem�eWy cYamstenw e�iel which ere beyontl Bortowni commL 8ortower sna11 nol Aesvoy.damaqe or ImpYv Ihe PropMy.elow Ihe <br />� , Property l0 tl¢IMOmie.or eorturvl w2sle on Ihe ProOMY� Bortowb shell be in deiautl d any IoAeiWre ection or DroceeAing.whelhM dvY or <br />- ' Mmina�,is bequn I�et N LenCei s good ladh rydgmm�rnuld resuh�n lodedurc ol Ihe Roperry or otherwise matedsYy impe'v Ne Gm aeatetl <br /> �:.+: OY 1�6 Sewriy InsWmml or lmders secumY inttt¢sl. Bonowtt maY �+�e such a aehull md rNnstate. es Dmdded In D�g�Ph iB. by <br /> ' �`��: pushg Iha �cUOn or D�oceeSnq to be 6smissM wMh e mGnq Iha1. n Lentlers qood IaXh OMemtinetion. preWOes �MeOu�o ol I�e - � <br />" " - BortOweit NlMeil in 1h1 Prop¢rty w othEl maleri3l impaimiMt ol t�e I�¢n aealed Ey Ihif Seariry InsWment U LMEer's ceWrily PlMest. <br /> .....¢...� ���6.Wae Iv Na��vrato Inlermalion d allllm¢n�f <br /> -�}�' . t0 LMdOt (Ot IitOE IO pOVi09 IMEM wtlh Bny mel¢nii inlomallon) In connection'wAh the loan eriEenceA by Ue Nole. InrLOinp.DN not <br /> � • 6Med to. lepti3d11U�lOns ConcemNq Bortoweis oCNpenry ol Ihe RopMy es e pMdpel re5l0MCa- �� Ihi1 SeCUAy �nSWmMI b on e <br /> kaeehold. Bortowtt eM1 eompy w�l� �Y I�e proHSions ol Ne leasa. I4 Dortoner ewuires �ee UOe to I�e PropMy.Iho leasehold�nE IM <br /> a-�_i_;;"-_; lee We n�N not merge unless Ihe LenAer aqreea lo��e m�gtt N vriting. � <br /> t;` <br /> �,`r:�•�:�' ve0•]0�5 �am]0]E9A0 <br /> �'}`}�� <:� FtG7Y.UA0HNA _ <br /> `. +.' . <br /> a <br /> � � � � <br /> SISW <br /> t - <br />