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r .k ' 1 <br /> , ��� � 93� �p���;R _. __ - . <br /> v�� 1& Bovrovrer'e Ripht to Reinstete, i�Dorraxw m��ss anun oonbuon�,emowa�n�7 Mva�h�npTt to liav�m(orok;Nii� — <br /> �..-_--_ ' QteonlNUldll Ny Qni PAor to iho avC:t oC f�E daya(m euoh olhA periatl q�p9AuEb 4w mtY�P�Y ta rdn Wqnmq�tar�Yft.�.-�_---.._........ . . .. <br /> ---- oi N� Cropuqi D�u�nt to �ny pow� of e�lo eonttlnW N M� BeaiM/ IntGVmanL• or 0,) .nuy o��NdynM� a�tad,p u�o 8�su�RY;"-� <br /> �°=�"�-'�O IntWm�nt Thas�oondtlon�ua Ntl Owrowor. (y D�Y�lcndw UI aum�vfile0 thm wout3 b�du�unEer NI�BeauiGy NeWmMI �AO p19' '�• <br /> ���"'�-�d Note en tl n0 neM}xellOn A!d oECUrt1� (b) auef my delauR ol eny othN covinent o� a�tlmMt6; (o) D�YO � �%OMSC! NtUrttd In �' __ _ <br />-�-�=;'�, enladnp IIY.i Beartiqr IntWmenl, InWEMp, bu� nm MiNCd to. ra�onebla �nanays' le�a: uW (d) Ykea wch �Wan a UndM mty - <br /> s '�` re�aan�Lty rcquYe to uwro Wt Ne Im ol Ub Baurly NsWm�6nL Lendal�dpht� N the Vropc+ly ond Borrc�vtlo obApntlon to pry tho - : <br /> . -_ __ . ___. <br /> � �:�:' numf aewred Ey IN! 80WAy NtWmMI 6hr➢ CoMNue unehNpoA. UpOn rclnaUlem¢nt Ey BOROwer. IN� Bearlly In6WmMt OnU t�e _ _ _ <br /> �.�u"� oClg�BOna mwrod hee0y�h�E ramfN NCy aHxpe a� B na�ocelewYOn hed oaune0. Hars�m,tNf ApM lo reHelste ehaC no1�DDN h � <br /> � #t"'� the eeee W sccetemWn undar pnngraph 17. _ <br /> �z�n�°:' 18. 8tle of Not�; Chanpa at Loan 6ervtoer. rne Nae or � pWsl Imuo+t b mo Nota Ropathw wnh Nu sewdN � - <br /> :i ,�.< Ntwmmq m�y be wld ono w mora Umef vAlhoul pAw notla Io Barovrx. A ads mry nsull h � cMnpe In tA��nlMy pmovm u th� ___ <br />���:z`�;r,;;; •toan BmMCer•)thet ooAede monNy peymenu duo under tha Nole�nd Ihls SteuAy IntWmant. ThHe eNo mey Oe on�a more ohmpta - _- _ <br /> -� � ` ol Iha Lom BeMecr uNeWlad to a eele ol the Nole. II there b a chen0e of the Loen&MCM.Bortovrar rrB De pHan wAttcn notke ol NO - v.�, —. <br /> f� � <br /> 1t ffrE: ehuge N lo6adanee wNh ptngaph 14�bove uid appAeeEie lew. The nWG w�aWle the name end adNeee ot lh�new 1o7r1 BaNeer F .C�7'+i h��'°� <br /> ,y�L¢s;p; end ihe addres�to wNth p�ymenit nhoulA be m�da The noYee wAI�to wnleh�ny olha Nlormalbn requYed 6y eppEable 4w. ,� �i��rr4t�3_°kl u -'':_ <br /> 40. Hazardoue 8ubeten0e& Bortower rAaO nol eauso w pomY� Ne presenoe. uta Bsposel, qora9a, a rdetw d �ny �b-�-"�'� �'r��. <br /> 3t«�� HwrEOU�8ubstanoee on a N Ihe Proppry. Barowu ahel not Ao,nor aYOw myone Nsa ta do,nnylhNp e1ledNg the ProD�Y thtt le N �.�c,,�e,u.�.e� �� <br /> �s �� �IOWtlon ol my EnWOnmentd lew. The preeedlnp Nro aentmew ehal not eppy to the pesonee,uae,or�torage on Ne Ropwty ol em�➢ `t,�y R��,td�,��:-.. <br /> ,,�ja! quanWea ol Hererdan &+�alenas tM� ew pmaeGy �ewp�lze0 to 6e approqlnlo ta namel re�WWaNaI uaes end to mnhtenenca ol Ne �FJki;k' � <br /> &i <br /> P(ODBAY• L 3h'�.n_r .. <br /> 7i'fq�;�' Bortower thaY prom�tly pNe lender wriqen nolke ol�ny hrres11pa0on, d,M. EemonOJewaull w oNer�cUOn by ony eorammenlal or �,�`'� -; -- <br /> ��}��fi-., royu�atory epanq w prlrato D�Y NvoMny the RopMy and my Hamrdoue 8u6stanea a Em4onmeneel law ot whleh Bortowar Ms�elual ���' , <br /> � ;��• knaHedga H Bortower Iwm�. or b notlAatl Cy enY 8oremmmlel w repulatary eulhaAry. �hal ury remarW a otAer rtmadetlon o1 arry ��1 :. .a _ .-.-.-... <br /> i`�}y�� Nazutloua 8uhalana �XeeW9 the Propa�ly la neeesnery. Bonowe� ahN promply teka N noeauery remedel �ctlone N neeordanee wilh �s' � ?'�r <br /> S� EmtronmenYl Lew. � <br /> r'n +d�. 4�t }�;t e�- <br /> py uepd In iNe ponyreph 20. 'Hezerdou� Su6ateneea' ere those �ubsWncei deMaA ea tode or hezerAOw eubsunee� by ir�}..h d f-- <br /> ��i�+ E' <br /> r ��y�; EmYOnmenYl taw �nd I�e toGOwN9 wbalenee�: 986oMe. kerosene. othor Nnuneble a tod6 peVOleum produUn, tmda pesYddee and ,� �-,y <br /> ��� ,i� her61dAe0. volelAe toMenl�, metedala conteNNy nbastoe a lo(maldehyAe. md reElacWe meteMla. As uaed In thb pany2ph 20, t}�j�;f L j }•-:;— <br /> �13is�; 'Em4onmenlal Lew' mcans IeAere� kwe enA laws oi the Jutl�dlelbn whae tha ProPmY y laated lhat relele to heallh. Wtly or p4 �Y;}.,J,� <br /> '��'�+•� enrtonmenul proleetlon. S rF ' `` __ <br /> � NON•UNIFONM CAVENANf& Bortower and Lendor NMa eovemnl end�yee ae IoGOws: -,i�Lti,�S <br /> ,��i�-• 27. Aoaeloration; Remodloa. Landar ahall glve notloe to Borrowor prlor to aooele�etion tollowing F'a�" `s " <br /> „r��x-;� Borrower'a broaoh:of any oovenent or egraement in thla Seou�ity InaVUment (but not prior to eooelerafton qi �`�r3;ri%��� : <br /> ft°�"'�° undar paragraph !7 unlesa appilcable lew provl�!ea oeharwlea). The notica ehall apeoify: (e) tho default; z�!f$.��` -� <br /> ��F'�� (b) ihe eotion required to oure the defeult; (c) a dete, not lesa than 30 deya trom the date tho notloe la 's* -`'a �, n,+ �: <br /> �5� ��F given to Borrower, by whioh the default muat ba oured: end (d) that tailure to oure lhe defauit on or �'� � �T� :-; <br />- `��Y�'��;�� n t umant end ealee}t e Proparty.tThe nolica eheli furthor Inform Bor ower of tha ight toy�elnetete�after 4�r3�+,�l �7E�� AS�:;�� <br /> r in .i.: <br /> �,- . - acceleretion and the dght to bring s aourt ection to eased the nomexletence of a deteult or any olher ���,r�},,C,����,t��.:- <br /> �t 4��':' detenae of Borrower to eoaeleratlon and sele. If the defeult is not oured on or betore the date epecifled � ^ + ++'-`.- <br /> ; ' r� in tha notloe, Lender et Ite optlon mey requi�e Immediete peyment In tull of all auma securad by thla �� Y���`��{�r�'l�"_ <br /> ���'���'����" Seourtty Instrument wtthout further demand end may Invoke tho power of sele and eny othar remedlao ��; ��'�•''���t-:v�•�, <br /> .z '-��-."., parmittod by epplloabla low. Lendor ehell be entlGed to oollect ell expansas Inouned In pureuing the stf �t�•.r4��'`*��k- <br /> -!_:vv / R�4<vl4 <br /> i �- romedioe proWded In thle peragraph 21, Inoluding, but not Ifmited to, reasoneble ettwnoys' faae end coats 4��.�;js y;s 'tr�i ,; <br /> (�,� =, o}titleevldonco. Y'�'°�r�� s - c�_' <br />�:�j-^-s;:!' If ihe power o} eale is Invoked, Truatee ahell reaord e notice of default In each coun In which an +•�-�'>'�}`��"'"`t.,.°.� <br /> F, r: Ty y � 1�.. t��f _. <br /> , 7":'• part of the Proporiy le locatod end ahall mail coples of auch notice in the manner preacdbad by eppliceblo ,_� :- �. - <br /> r lew to Borrower and to the othar peraone p�aecribod by eppllcable law. AHar the time required 6y � -�f� it�� �z�-�;.:! <br /> �`- `1. epplicable law, Truatee ehall-give public notice of sale to tha pe�sona and In the mannar presoribad by - , �,g , <br /> `� -� " a Iloable law. Truatea, without damand on Bonower, ehall aell the Property at ublio euction to the ` �S� 7� G �- <br /> PP P !f. �� �;�, <br /> _ higheat b(ddar at the timo end piece end undor the terma dealgnated in the nottce of aele In one or more ;__,,,__,�,�;n,y,.?•,,.x•. <br /> Y� -i�� parcels and In aay order Truetee detorminas. Truetee mey poatpona eale of all or any parcei ot the ,-� ��t�.` � :;_ <br /> '��� �s P�operty by public ennouncement at U�e time end plece of any previously schedulad sele. Lender or ite f a, r _: <br />-..�,�:r�,;•j; dealgnae mey purchane the P�operty at eny aela �,.; ..-.'.:�� F�-�.-!�r� <br /> -�"� Upon �ecelpt of paymont of tho pflce bld, Truetea ehall deliver to the purchasor Truatea'e deed � .: -�"`i�=�• <br />--��ti.�.�-•�' wnveying the PropeRy. The recNals In the Trustee's deed ahell bo prime facia evidence of tha truth oi - � � <br />� ' ihe stetomonte mede therain. Truatee ahell eppty lhe proceeds of the sale In tha following order: (a) to all i � . <br /> costs end ¢xponsea of exercising the power of eale, and the sale. Including tha peymont of the Trusteo's <br /> � teee ectunlly Incurrad, not to axceed 3.00 Yo of the principel amount of the note nt tho time of the <br /> declaration of default, end reaeonebla eltorney e feea as permittod by lew; (b) to ell suma sacured by thle <br />� Socurity Inetrum¢nt; end (c) any excees to tho person or pereona legally entitled to it. <br /> 22. RBCOt1VBy011CB. Upon payment ol a0 aums exmetl by Ihle Searit/Inslniment. LmGer s�a��requeat hu5iee fo recomey Ihe <br /> Propery mtl sheY wrtenAer Ihia Secutlry Instrvment enC aV no�ea erWmGng de01 securcd by m�s Secudry �osWmenllo Truatca Tm�toe <br /> �` �: � - a�a7 rBCOmOy Ihe PropMy wllhoul wMYnry entl wilhoul chazqa to Ihe peROn o�persons legaly mtil�e0 lo il Such pttson or perconc 6hetl <br />. --� . par eny recor0alion coste. <br /> 23. SOb4tI�ulB TrUetBO. LmCa. at ns opUOn. may Irom lune to ��e .emore Tevslee �ntl appo��l e successo� iruslee lo eny _ <br /> Tmslee �ppolnled heeunEer by en inslmmmt recometl in Ihe counly fn which Nfs Secm+ly �nswment is rewrded. Wa�oul conreyance o1 <br /> . : �.�� �he Prop¢rty suttee6or Wslea 6haU Eucceed�O e0 Ihe lule.D�'M anE dulle5 conlerreC epo^Tmslee he�eio enG by eppGCe61e Vw. <br /> ..- ., <br /> .•__ .. _ __ � . . .._..___ .. ._'_ .`_. '.___ _..._ _�.'Y� .�u�..0 �..w..u.�....m b.R..n.wr'a aNLeea wWM <br /> ' .,.:� 29. tlBqYBbl �OI nVllVna. om�vno �'ryvo.a .....wv.^ �•.••.. ••..^�. ••• �•��_�••�—.___ __ <br /> is Ihe Pfoperly Addrese. <br /> 25. Rldere lo th18 Security InstNmenL �( one o� more ridero a�t e.ecuied by eorrower end recorde0 �ogethtt �rilh �nis <br /> _ Securiry Inslrumenl. the corenanla antl �g�ea+nems ol eaU such nder s�aY be incoryo�eted �IO and she4 amend antl Supplemmt 1�e <br /> - � ';- covmenls end agreemeNe ol this S¢w�ry��slrumenl es il Iha tlaer(s)eere a v�N ol ih�s Securiry Insbument. <br /> •.1Y��� .,,y..„�s F<.m;r.e ara .. <br />---lt:_°�%�� F1WV.WONAJ) <br /> •.'�:�,+;; <br /> � 5�565 <br /> . . . ___. . � . _ ___ ._. <br />