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_.� . ----- _ . ; . ._ ., �y , � : <br /> . . . t ��..�_� dL ` �•_.� �_a—� � i .y,--) `;.-. <br /> � � ' �� <br /> 1 . ..._ - - a ._ ' . _. .. : ��m� .� ..'... . '". - ; . <br /> payNeqn mfy no tonger bo r�qutrcd,at Ih0 oytion otl,cndtb l�moTtBegb it�so�enc4 coyc�go On iRammun!eAd fotihe Pltio��:` �'_- <br /> . tha►Lep04r. rcyulrca)DrovlGeA bY�Insuru oppmvW Dy I.ender ngain 6000me�evaitab'to�nd li 9��� aP�yya�A4�WY. '' <br /> ,, tho yremiu�i�roqu�rod 10 malntdn raongsge(muranoo In etfciY,or Ia provlAn a top raservo,pnfll IQo:reyulremcnt fpr moAge$4. . <br /> Insuransa ende In eqcorEenro With eny wrilt"���'���`�sp�rrower end I,sMer o►epplkabto lew, <br /> 9.inlyettbn. knder or Iro agent may meke aasonnDlo cMr1G upon end InspoctioN of iAe Droperly. f.cadei nhaU glva � •• <br /> B�rtowpr notlM et dis tinx ot or prlpr to en lnspeNion speeltying reasoa�bie e�eN for tha Inspectlon. <br /> tD.Condemnatlon.7Lo prooceQ�oP eny award or claim for danage�, ditav or conscqucnUel, In coanatlan wlth eny <br /> oon0emneqon or other talcing of�ny part ot�ho Propeny,or Por conveyanoa In Iiw ot conOcmna�lon,aro hereby esaigned and <br /> �hnll bo pafd to Lsnder. <br /> ln�he ovenl ot e wtel roking ot the Proyotty�tha procced�ehell bo epplicd a tAe nume eecured by�hb Secudiy fastmmeat. �� <br /> whethcr or not�hen dua, wlth my oxcw pald ta Oortowe�.Jn tho ovem ot e pattial teking ot tho Propeny in wUlch Iho falt <br /> marka vnluo of�ha Propeny immediately beforo cho teldng b cqual to or grcater�han tho amount ot�ho wma csared by�hla <br /> Sccurity Inshument tmmeCiatcly 6atoro cAo teking,unlat florro�ver end Lcnder othawiao egrco in wrhfnp,tho�um+eeared by <br /> thle 3audty Instmment ehall be reduced by the emount of�ho proccede mul�iplicd 6y tho following frealan: (a)�he rotd <br /> amount ot the wma cecurcd immediately beforo�he uking,dlvldcd by(b) [ho felr markG velue ot tho Propeny Imrtkdiatdy <br /> beforo tla taking. My balmco sholl be paid ro Bormwcr. In tla event of o panUl�eking ot�o Propeny in whioh tiw Poir <br /> markU veluo ot�he Propeny immedieteJy 6eforo tAO taking I�tea�than tlw amount ot�he eume«arcd Immedletdy beforo�de <br /> taking,unlesa Borrousr and I.ender otherwlee egrce in wrlting or unlw eppllcabte lew otherwim provida, the pracuda chail <br /> bo epplicd to�he cusm ccared by thb Sxudry Imt�ument whelhcr or not�he sum�are then due. <br /> It tha Ptoperty�le abxndoned by Bortower,or If.aRer nodco by Lender to Oo�mwer thet Ihe condemnor often to make ea <br /> award or uttle a claim tor damegea. Bortower felle to rapond to I.ender within 30 day�aRer�he date tne noUce is given, <br /> Lenda is euthorired a collcet and epply the pmoo�da�ot ite optlon,either to ratontlon or repeir of the Property or ro tAe suw <br /> saurud by thia Securiry Imuument,whuher or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender md Dortower otherwise egrea in writing, any application of pnx;eeds to principal ahell not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of tAe mon�hly paymenta rcfcrtcd�o in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change thc amount of such paymenu. <br /> 11.Borroaer Not Rdeasedi Fo�Oearana 6y I.ender Not e Weirer.Bxtcnsion of the time for payment or modification <br /> of nmorlization of the tums aecured by ihis Securiry in�W ment gremed 6y Lendu to any suocessor in interest of Dortower shall =. <br /> not opemte to rclease ihe IiebiNry ot Ihe original8onower or Bortower'a auccesson in interest.I.endu shnll not be required�o --� <br /> commence praaeding�egainst any successor in interest or refuse m extend time!or payment or o�huwise modify amoniradon — <br />- of the sums savred by this Savrity Imtmment by rcaton of any dcmand made by the original Bortower or Borto�ruY <br /> suoecasors in imerest.Any for6w�ance by LenAer in aerci:ing eny right or rcmedy shel: not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> exercitt of any right ar remedy. <br /> 1]. Sueceswre ond Assignv Doundi Jolnt and 3everal I.lehilltyt Caalgnere. The mrenants and egreementa of thls <br /> Socurtty Insuument +hell bind end 6enefit thc succes+orx end assigns of l.cndcr end Borcowcr, RubJttt �o the provisions oi <br /> paragreph I7. Borcower's mverenta end agrcemem� sholl be Joint ond severel. Any Oorrower who co-aigns �hfa Secud�y <br /> Instrument bm does not cxccute thc Noic: (o) is rn•+igning this Scwdry Inammcm nnly to nwrtgngc, grum und convcy that _ <br /> Bortower'a intercst in Iho Propeny ufdcr Ihc temu of ihia Sttvdty inxwmcnr,1M1I is not pcnnnally obliga�al m pay the sums - <br /> saurcd by�h6 Secudty Instrunxnr,anJ tc)agrccs�hai Lcndcr and n�ry mhcr Bnrmxer nmy ogrcc to cx�cnd, m�xlity,Porbcar or = <br /> makc any accomnrodalione�vi�h rcgurd m�hc�cmu nf�61s Security Onlrumcnt ar ihc Notc withoul�hot Onnmvcr'�mnunl. - <br /> 13.Loan Churges. If Uie Inan.ecurcd by ihiti Sccud�y Inatmmem i+.u6Jai io n Imv ahich xcu nmxhnum loan eharga. _ " <br /> nnd thet I��v b Molly interprctal rn tha��he imerent nr niher lunn chnrye.colltttal nr�a he mllecuJ in rnnneciion�vith�he �� <br /> loan exceod the perminaf Iimita.�hen: (u)nny auch Inan c6arge.hnll hc raln�trl hy ihe nmoum nccessory m raluce Ihe char�e - <br /> w�he pemilltod Ilmil:nnd fb)any aums ulrcudy ailledal fmm Wxro�rer wldch cccecJal permlucd Ilmitx wlll be rcfunded�o t�_. <br /> Borrower. Lender nuy chunse m nmke �his rcfunJ by mluring �he principul aw�nl unJer the Note or by nmking a dlrett ` <br /> paynxnt to Barrowcr. If a rcPond nduces principal, thc rnluctfon x�ill bc uca�al a� o paninl prcpaymcnt wllhout any - <br /> prcpaymem cturgc under�hc No�c. <br /> 14.Notica.Any nwim m Borro�vcr providcd for in�his Sccurity In+trununt+hall hc given by dclivcring it or by mailing = <br />- it by first clau mail unless npplicable law requires use of nno�her me�hi�l.lLe nn�ice+hall he Jine�ed�o�he Pmpeny Address _ <br /> or any a�her uddrest Dormwer designmes by no�ice �o Lender. Any no�i�e tn Lnder shall be given Ay fint clacs mail ro ' <br />�' Lcnder's addrcsc statcd hercin or any o�hcr uddrecc Lendcr designau+by nnti�t m&�rro�rcr. Any nnti�c pmvidttl (or in this =_ <br /> Securi�y Ins�runxnt sM1all M decmal to havc hecn given�n Ik+rroxer or Lcnder uhen given n.pmvideJ in this pa�agraph. p <br />- IS.Goveming la�w, tieverebility. This Sauri�y Imtrunxnt .hall hc gorem�d hy (nlerul law nnd �hc law afihc `--- <br /> jurisdiciion in�rhich ihe Pmpcny iti I�KatcJ. In�he crcm t6m any pnrri,ion ar dau.c ot�hi.Sewri�y Im�rument or�hc Noic ' <br /> con0ins wich appiicahlc la�v,tiuch cnn0ic�shall nnt affac nthcr prorision.of�hi,Snvriq Imtrumcnt nr tice Nate which ran 6c - <br /> ¢ivm effect wi�hnut Ihe ronfliaing pm��isinn To�hi.enJ ihe pmvi.iom ol�hi.Snurin�In.trument anJ ihe No�e are Jeclarttl <br /> �o bc uvcruble. <br />.. 16.6orroner's Cnpr.Bom�wcr.hall hc gircn onc ronf,rnktl iv�pr ai�hc�o�c and nf�hf,Sa�uriq Imtrunkm. <br /> Fo�m 3028 B180 <br /> v.r�..a <br /> .� ":_r� "r"°`"x. t _r .-x- . . .- ,. . .. . . .t� . -.. _-tY,'`,{oUr�-'.S! _R_-^•-` . . _. 'l's� <br /> - t� _ . . . . _ . <br /> � ,� • . - ` � - - . _ . <br /> . . -,: ' ." - - - -. t <br /> - . tY.. _ �. . - . . . .: . . . - . . _. <br /> - -.. .-. <J-._ .. . - _ -_ . . . . .. <br /> �.,.� �. - .r _-_ � ._ ' ' _ ' . • •- . ;.—� . ._ ' _' .. "' __ _ <br /> �i�� : � t_ra ' . . - . _ . . <br /> j : y <br /> ��prPtyr v . t- - . . - . . . . . - . <br /> � <br /> _: , <br /> �� ' 3OY ��L � ' - - _ _ ' , ' _ <br /> d ,�n�rf-- r, , ..i � �1.-i' ! i 5 . . .. - ' . <br /> ', „x s ,; r � , f ,. . <br /> � � <br /> e �S Y� I i ' . . . <br /> `'a` y -. , _ f • .. . <br /> 74.- < --a�: ° � / t4 � � � 'C� - <br /> n ti A 4 t - r t -� . <br /> - 4 7= 1 `�� - t � ; � . . <br /> i ����1i 1 p S_�`4 � �t f_ ; � IS i- :'i� . <br /> - �t�-.S „ �. � i� ` i _ . , i_ �_; - <br /> L iy.< r C ! Y � � � e { . _ <br /> u� y � 1jfv .i - 1 :.�. _ <br /> �1 ... .., .�. . . _ .�.a, i .t . _.. _ . •�. 5 -� , _ .. . .. ' � .� ,r...�11 . . - _.. <br />