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`m3_ . . �3w 9.0�11163. _ _ . > ,x _. <br /> - <br /> _ -_ , <br /> --"`" 19.7lnnsfer ot eh�RroyeHy or a BmeAdol tntercst In Horrower.Tt ntl or� pan of�M P�openy ur eny huarest•ln li. , '� - <br /> . i�wld or iwn+hrred(ar If e 6cneliefal Intercat In Oortowe►le w(d or transRrred end�orrower b not a naNrol person)wltllout r-_.� <br /> • I.endcr'� pdor wrinen consent, Lcndcr mey, ct Ite optlon. Iro Immedimo p�yman�la NII �f dl wm� aedurcd Dy lhfq <br /> --- &xvAty lnurument.No�vovcr,�hb optlon�hall not bo exerelsed�y Lender If exercJw in prohl�ited Dy fedcral Inw ai Ot Iho dtto _ ' <br /> - � oi�hle 3audty InatNment. <br /> If Lender exerclaa+�hfe op0on,Lendu�hall givo 8�no�ver naico ot eccelerotion. 71w no�loe ehall rovido a pe�lad ot not --- <br /> Ica��han 30 day� irom�ho deco�Iw notia ia ddivcrcd or mailcd wUfiin whlcFi Hurrower must paq afPeums acard by Ihit <br /> '"`p' Securlty Instrument.if Bortower fdla top�y U�eso�um+prior to�Ae expiration of thi�perlod, I.cndu may Invoko any rcmcdiw <br /> pemd�tcd Ay�hb 8eauiry Instrument wl�fiout Nnhw natiw or demmd on Bonowcr. <br /> _�� I8. Do�ro�ve�'e Rtp�t to Retiutete. It Borrower mocte annin condidom, Borrowrn ihall havo the right to hevo <br />�` -�— enfomement of�hin ScNdty lnstrument diacominued�t any time pdor io tho urlier oL• (e)S day� (or euch Wher pedod ae ' � <br />---_— applicablo law may specify tor rcfnatatcmenq 6efnra ble of tho Propeny punuam ro my power of eala contdned In �hle <br /> _�--y�1 Sxudry Instrumcnt:or @)cntry of a Judgment enforcins tAi�Seadty Insnument 7fiosa condttlom aro that[iortowcr:(a)paye <br />`��'�?s?� Lcndtr ell wnu which�hcn would be due under thl�&cudry Imwmcnt and che Noto a+tf no aoocicretion lud aavrrcd;@) <br />_.',�� curca eny defeult of eny other avenenu or egrcemenu, (c)pays dl expen+ea Inam:d in enlorcing thh Sceuflty Instrument, <br /> Includlng,but not Iimited to,reasomble�ttome fces;and (d)�ekee wch apion es Lendu may rcasonably rcqulro lo assuro <br />-�'� that[he Ilen of thia Secudty Inswmcnt, Lender�i righu In the Property end Bortower•a obllge�lon to pay tho wms suvred by <br />-;y.�� ehia Scarity /nstrumen[ ahell antinue uncAmged. Upon reins�atemrnt by Do�ro.ver, �hin Secudty Insuummt a� tice �--. <br /> obligetlam cecured hercby ahall rcmefn Polly ctfxHvo a�ii no ecaleratfon hed oavrred.However, IIII61'I$A1 IO MI16IfiIQ 6AYII <br /> -s�; no�eppty in the case of xceelemtlon undu paregr�ph 17. — <br /> t 19. Sale ot Note; Change of l.oan Bervlcer. 1fie Nore or e panial intcart in the Note(together�rith [his Secudry -- <br /> ����'� InsuumenU may be mld one or morc tima widaut prbr notice w Bortoxror. A sele may result in a change in the entiry(known -- <br /> m ihe'Loan Serv�cer')ihat collau momhly paymenla tlue under the Nom and Uia Securiry Insuumen6 7Tere elco may bo one <br /> t _�y� or more clunga ot ihe Lonn Servittr unrcieted m a sale of�he Note.lf�here ia e change of�he Loan Servicer,Bortower wlll be ._ <br /> _ -� given written nolice of�he ehange in ettrordance with pamgraph 14 ebove ond applireble le�v.Thc notia wlll atett�he namc and � ;,, <br /> addrcst of Ihe new Loan Strvicer and �e nddress to which paymenu ahould be made. 1Le no�ia will elm mntain any other <br /> ,,,_� informntion rcquircd by epplireble law. <br />�-'-"��%� 20. Hazxrdom 3ubstencen.Bonower ahall not wuxc or pem�i[ tha presence, uu,diapeuol, stofage.or relcase of eny e= <br /> .°�;a He7ardnus Subsmntts on or in �hc Propeny. Bortower shall nat do, nor xllnw anyone else ro do, any�hing affaiing the <br /> - Propeny ihet is in violn�ion of any Environmrnwl taw. The praeding �wo seniences xhall not apply io�he presenee,use,or _-_ <br /> -,� a�omge on the Roperty of small quami�ia of Ha�ardous SuF�aancea that ere generelly recognized ro be eppropriete ro normal <br /> . residential uaes and�o maintennnce of�hc Pmpeny. - <br /> -- ' Borrower shell Promp�ly gire Lender wntten noeim of nny inrestigaiion,claim, demend, lawsuii or o�her action by my = . <br /> ,r�� govemmentel or regularory ngeney or private party involving tl�e Propcny and any Haznrdous Subs�nmm�r P.nvironmcntnl Law - <br />---.y4}q,� of which Oortowcr M1as eduel knowledge. If Bortower learns,or iz notified by any govemmenml or rcgulerory¢ulhodty, that <br />-_�i;;r�� any rcmoval or othcr rcmedia�fon of uny Hezardous Su6smncc effeating thc Prapeny is neces.wry.Borrowcr shall promptly tekc <br />'':1;A1�` all necessery rcmedi�l aqions in eccordence wi�h Emimnmental Lew. <br /> - As uttd in�hie pahgraph 30. 'Naartlous SuAs�ences' nrc ilwu subs�unxs dcfincd u toxic or heze�daus subaiancce by <br /> �l�� Bnvimnn�entnl lnw und the following wbxmncca: 6nsoline, kerosene. oiher tlemma6le or toxic petmleum praduaL ro:ic ---� <br /> pcs�icidci and hcrbiddcs.volaillemlvemc.mntcrfalx rnnmining tu6estnx nr formoldehydc,and mdioanivc m�mrlal�.As uscd In <br /> �r� thh pamgmph 20, 'Gnvironmemal la�w' meons faleml luw. unJ laws nf�he Jud:diction �vherc �he Pmpeny iF Incated that e,.H <br /> "i .;j rclnlc m hcnith.sefMy ar cnvironnMmnl pro�tttinn. �..:�_ <br /> � �� NON-UNIFORM COVF:NANTS. linrtnwcr unJ I.enJer fimhe awenont ond ogrcc m fnllo�vs: <br /> :.! 31.Acceleretlan;Remedia. I.ender ehail gire nollce In Bnrrower pAor la ecceieretion tnilo�dnq Oorro�rer'e breech - <br /> � ,� of any mrenonl or agreement in Ihia tiecurily ►a9rumeN (6ul not prlar to eccelerntlon under purogroph 17 unim ,�.� <br /> ,.� eppllcnble la�r pro�ida othrnrtse). The nalice chull cp�rl(y: (u)�he detaulh(b)the actlan required to cure t6e defaulte ,,;,,��� <br /> �- . (c)o dpte,nat lesv�hpn 30 duy�■hnm tlm dute�he no�kr Ix ghen ta Oorro�rer,6y which t6e default must be cured;end r <br /> (d) that fallurc M eure the default m�or befnre ihe dote specilicd in the natla mny result In acceleiaqon of Ihe sunu <br />_ !��;; cecnred by thls tiecudiy In�trument nnd xnle nt Ihe Proprrq�.The nallee shnll NMher Infom� Dortooxr of ihe rlght to �j,",- <br /> - � � rcirt+inle efter ncceleratlm� and Ihe dgAt tn brh�p e cnurt ocllon ta accert Ihe non-ezisicnce of n defeult or uny olher �zi <br /> �}E' dekrtse af Ifarmx�er la nccelentlan and snla If Ihe defnnit 4+not cured on or before the date FpeciHM In lhe natice, F�a �'. <br /> ��°�� I.ender,al ita aptlan, mu�• rttryirc hnmedlate puymenl Gi NII ot ull xuma xecureJ by ihls SceuNly Inrirument �vithaut 4 <br /> {.-� Nrlher demend und mey Inroke lhc puxcr nf sidc und uny ulher rcmedieh pemdtled Ag nppIlrnblc la�r.I.ender shnll be � -� <br /> - � eNitled lo mlleel ull expensa 6imrred In pursuing the rcmediex prorlded in�hts pivaRyPh 21,IncludlnR,but nat 16nifed <br /> ,,vy�, to,reasonoble uttorne�x hes nnd costs of tftle evfdence. i::_..` <br /> = It lhepo�rer of w�e Is hn�oked,Trnstce shxll record u notice ut defu�d� In euch countv In �cltic6 any pun nf the h =+ <br /> -� Rnperly Is I�cated und shell muil copia nf such natice In the mnnner pre.urihed b��uppllcnLle le�r to Bormner end to [' � <br /> °�,�°`` ihe other 'sonr �.m�a n��� Ilcable lon.ARer Ihe ihnr r utred b� x Iicable Imr.Tru�tee shall I�e uhlic nutla ['_:_re:. <br /> -.::;.;;: Pe� P PP N - VP 6 ' P ... <br /> <.:t� of sele to Ihe penwns ond In lhe mxnner premdbcd by uppllcaAlr lu��.Trusice,oithuut dcmm�d nn Dorron�cn sh�dl ye{f y?{,;_:'�. <br />- ' the Properly nt publle ouctlou to the hipher7 blJder nt t6r time und plett nnd under the ternir detiignnted in Ihr notice ot F',�;;.- <br /> ';';,° sele 6�nne or mnrc pereeh and in uny nrJer Trus�m determine..'1'rusiee nwy p��lpme.xle nt idl or em parcel nf Ihe ,',;r,' <br />-.'-�'... Propert}� b�� public annnuncemenl ni Ihe time und pluir•of nm prc�lousl� .cheJUlid snlr. t.ender or Itx desiFnee mu)� <br /> purchase Ihe Properl�el nm snlc. - <br />.-:..'.... - . <br /> Porm 3028 8/80 �. <br />. ���,:,,� .�. .., - <br /> , k <br /> , <br /> .��,- - . . . . . . <br /> .:;:.:�� . <br /> ,, . <br /> :;:, <br /> :r:,�::�: <br /> .:��:;::.:� <br /> �. 4.�t�. . <br /> �>:fa;�;.: " . - . _ ._ <br /> . <br /> �� � <br /> .�� . '-; -. - -� . <br /> _ . �.,: .k °- . .. . :�:���' . <br />