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_ ; __. . _ .... . . . . <br /> . , j � : <br /> Q yi �o���� -�— �il , _ r. « <br /> . .S, l(u�rd a►Pso tmtrrance�8or�we��NII fcecy.�ho f�i�vemcnu naw o�lettng ar htrcattor rreStqi o0 i�e" ; <br /> y� ilt <br /> P[operiy 1qsute4 rgdnai iosf by nro,Aotatdi inctudc4 wI1hU.We tcm�•tztendod covenge'enA Rny�her hwrda,idefut!np- <br /> flaode orRcading.for whlch LcnEee rcquirra insuranca,7rib Insumnco dmli bo mNnminsA In the onrounte end for the poitpda�, ` � .. <br /> ' tEet Len4u roquftee.7'ho Inwwka oerrler pmvlding the fnaprnnce�halt bo chosen 6y SOaower adb)oM to Lcnper9 epptove! <br /> whlch�hatl no1 Da unrcawnebiy wlthhcld. If Bortowcr falte w mainutn covcraga dcscrtbed nbovo. I.enAcr mey,et 1;enQu'a <br /> optidn,oAtnln coveroga to protxt I.endcP�Nghta la tho Propeny In aao[danoo wl�h paregroph 7. ' <br /> All imurenoo yoliclos end renowala chall bo ecaptablo to Lendu and ehell inciude a stendard mongego deuso. Lv�nQCr <br /> ehell havo tho dgfit ro hotd�ha policta aiM renowai�.It Lcndu rcquirca,Borrower�hell prompUy g[vo to LeMer ell roocipro of <br /> paid prcm(m1u and rurowel nalod. fn Ihe ovent of loae,Aortower sh�li givo prompt natico mtho inmrence articr end I.endu. .. <br /> Lcndu mey meke prootnt loa i!not mad6 prompdy by Borrowu. <br /> Unita�I.ender and flotmNerothenvlso ngreo in wdting,Insorence praoada�hell be epplled ro res�oraiion or repaico[�fie <br /> Propeny dameged,itthe icstomdon or repair 1�eoonomicelly tcasiblo ond Lender'e sear(ty ii not Iossene0.If iha rwtoradon ur <br /> rtpair u not eoonomically fwi6le or 4nder'a cewdty woutd 6e Ies:enad,th¢InsurarMe proceeda shall be epplied to�he wm� <br /> ecarod by tMa Sewdry Insnument, whether or not then due, whh nny eacw paid a Bortowcr. If Bortower ebandoiu tho <br /> Property,or dae not amwcr with�n 30 days a noNca trom l.endcr thet the intmana carrlu hae offored ro scule fl cWm,�hen <br /> Lender may collea the Insurence prooceda. 1.uWu may usa tha proocoAs ro rcpoir or ratoro No Properry or to pay cums <br /> uwrcd by thia 8ecuriry Instmment,ahethcr or not then due.TAe 30-0ay period wili 6cgin whrn the notice 1�given. <br /> UNes� Lender end Bortowu o�Aerwlse egree in mltlng, any appllcation of proaM� to principal dmll not wttend or <br /> postpone the due dale ot the monthly paymenW rcRrred to In paregwpha i end 2 or chongc the amount of the paymen�e. If <br /> undor paregreph 21 tha Property ie acqulred by Lender,Horrowu'e right to eny Insurance policia and prooeed�rcaulHng from <br /> damaga ro tAe Propeny prior to the acqulattion shall paa�a I.e�Mu to ihe oxtent of ihe wm�accurcd by�his Sceudry insuumen[ <br /> tmmedlaroty pdor to tha eoquklHon. <br /> 6.Occupency.Preservatlon,Meintenance xnd Protectlon of the Propertyt Borro�ver'e Loan Apppcatlonj I.easehold+. - <br /> Bonowu ehell occupy,ata6lBh,and uu the Propeny m Dorrower'�princlpal«afdentt.vithin nixry day�efter the exavdon of __ <br /> thia Secudty Inslntment end shall con4nue to aavpy�he Propetty s�Horrower'e principal reaidena for at Itast one year aRer -� <br /> the dn[c of ocapanry,unlc.x+I.ender aherniu agreea in writing,whieh consent ihall no[be unrcawnably wlthhcld,or unless <br /> entenuatlng cir�vms�enaa aist which ere beyond Hortower's mntrol. Bortower ahall not destroy, dnrt�age or fmpalt the <br /> Property, ailow the Property to dctedorate, or commh waste on �he Propeny. Borrower shell be in default if eny forfeiturc <br /> ec�Ion or proceeding,wAether c1vi1 or crlminal,ia begun ihet in l.ender's goad feith judgment could result in forfe(ture of tde <br /> Propeny or otherwiae mxcerialty impair the lien crrnted by this Securiry instrument or LendePe security interat.Borrower may -- <br /> cure sueh a defeult end ninsteie,as provided in paregmph 18,by cau:ing�he aafon or proaoding to be dismissed with a culing =� <br /> thet, in Lcnder'a gaod tnith determimtion, praludea forfei�urc of�hc Borro�ver's imerat fn the Properry or other mnterial - <br /> impairn;.nt ot the lirn cr,ated by thi:S,.-vrity (n;:�u�Gni or Lux:r':a,.,^vrity Intu-•,st. �.�.::.h:l1 al:a�- en d:tsa:t :f - <br /> Itortower,during thc loan epplicxtion process,geve mearielly felse or inoxuretc infortnaeion or stetemcn�s to Lcnder(or felled <br /> to provide Lcnder wilh eny materiei info`metioN im m�nection with the laen evidenad by che Note,includ(ng,but nol Ilmit�d _ <br /> ro,rcpresentetions conceming BorrowerS occupancy of�Ae Propeny as n principal rcsidena. If thie Security Instrument ia on a = <br /> leasehold. �orto�ver ahell comply wi�h dl �he provisions ot�he lease. If Bortower ocquires (ec �itle to �he Property, the ° <br /> Iwaehold and the fec titic shill not mergc unlcsa Lender agrcca ro ihe mcrg¢r in�vAting. _- <br /> 7.Protectlon of Lender'i Rlghte In the Properly.lf Borrowcr fails to pertorm thc mvennnu and agrccnMnta comefned in <br /> thh Secudty Inswment, or tberc is a legal procceding iMt m¢y xignilicanUy a(fat l.ender'e dghts In the Pmperty (cuch as a - <br /> proceeding in bankmptcy, p�obate, fnr�vndemno�inn or forfeimrc or ia enfnrce lows ar rcguletinns), �hen Lender nmy do and = <br /> pay for whntever fs necessery ro protecl the valuc nf�he Propeny und Lender's righu in ihe Propeny. l.ender's ectfana mey - <br /> Includc paying any sumc sm�rcd by n tlen which haa prinri�y ovcr this Sccurity laarumcnt, appcaring in murt, paying <br /> rcasonablc ottorncya'fay end enMdng nn thc Pmpcny�o mnkc rcpain. Ahhough Lendcr nuy tnke actlon undcr this paragraph = <br /> 7,Lender doen not hrve to da w. _ <br /> Any emaunts disburstd 6y Lender under ihix pamgruph 7 shall become udditionul debt o( Dovower secured by this ` <br /> Security Inatrumcnt.Unleu Bonower und I.ender egrec�o othcr tcrmc of paymcn6 thcx nmounts shall 6cur interes�from the <br /> deM of disburscmcnt at thc Notc mm and +hall bc payablc. �vith intem�, upnn nntia from Lendcr w Bnrro�vcr requesting <br /> payment. <br /> 8.Mort�age Insurana.If Lender requimi mm�gnge inw�a�rcc at u co�nli�ion of nwking�he I�nn sccurtd by�his Securiry - <br /> Instrument, Borrower slull pay the prcmiumx reyuired m maimain the mongaFe in+urance in effct7. If, for any reason, the - <br /> mongege insumnce mvemge reyuired M1y Lcnder lapsa or ccaus Io be in cffccl. &xmwer shall p:ry the prcmiunu required to <br /> ob�ain mveroge subaunti¢Ily equivalent to�he mnrtgage inwr�nm previomly in ef(c.�.at n cnst suhctantially equivalem tn the - <br /> mst to Borrowcr of thc mnngage inwrn�kr prcvinusly in cffaL Gmm �� al�cma�c mattgagc in.ufcr apprnred by Lendee 1( <br /> substunlially equivnlent mongage imur�nie caverage i.not arailaM1le. Oorrnw-er.hali piy Io IanJer cach mnmh a wm eyual[o <br /> onh[wCllth of�he ycady mongagc inmmnar premium Ming paiJ h��Ikirma�er�nc�n Ihe rarcragc lapxrl or ccaccJ to <br /> be in effecl.Lender will acttpl. me and rciain Ihe�a paynunn a. a lo.. rncne m licu of mangage inwr:m.c. Iwu. rnerve <br /> � <br /> Farm 3028 8180 <br /> +P1�16 � <br /> y: <br /> .... -- . -�T---..�.c-_ ..��— � <br /> __._. -i.:��._ .ti..,; -::.:,:ti.. _ ._ . ,—.._- ".,-�- ..,�' . r, T .�1-�"«_"_� _ ...., . . <br /> . .'p.._ . ___ . . - . �._.�._ . ....—}.t i�._ ..-1__" <br /> '.[� i(�. . , . 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