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83-����,� -.-` � <br /> 7Y)091Yitflt WITFI eil tAe Impmvcroma now or horca0a uated on th9�rapcnY,and eii caxmenu,eppunsnenoN�end <br /> 8xturee now or hercaRer q put ot�ha propeny. All rcylecsmeMS wM eddilloro �nnU dco be wverM Oy thi� BavrltX:. <br /> InstNmcm.All of�ho foraqoing I�rotorteC 4o In U�I�Baurity tna�NmcN ss tho'Vropcny.' <br /> DORltORBR COVBNANTB tAs�porrowcr le IewPo��y klec4 ot the cstato hercby anveycd end hus Ua right to grent md _ _ <br /> convoy the Propeny and chat�ho Propetty la unencumbered,oxapt for encvmbrencce af raoM. Borrower warronu end will <br /> defend generelly the Hfle ro the Pm�ry�gdnet eil cteim+and domenda.mbkct to eny cncumbmnca of rcco�d. `_ _ __ ___ _ <br /> THIS BECUR[TY INSTRUMBNT com6lnea unlfomi oovatmnro foi natlonal uso end non•unifomi�rorenants wl�h Ilmitod <br /> variaqom by judadictlon to consHmte e unitorm eeadty Inswment oovedng rcal propercY• <br /> UNIFORM COV8NAN7'8.[iorrowu and I.ender covenant md agree m followr. <br /> 1. Poyment ot Prindpal erid Wettati Prepaymmt and Leta Chargea. Borrowcr�hWl pmmpely pay �vhrn due�he ` ` - •. <br /> p�tncipal of end interest on�Ae d�Dt evidencal by the Noto end any prcpaymen[end leto cherges duo uMer�he Noto. <br /> 3. Funds tor 7Yucea and imurantt.SubJect�o applieable law or to a wdtten wafver by [.endu. Bo�rower chall p�to <br />� [.endcr on the day monthly prymenu ere duc unde��M1e Note,untll tAe Nom(s paid(n PoII,a sum CPunds')for.(a)yeuly raxe� <br /> and assessmcnts which may a�teln prlorlry over Ihla Securiry Insnument m a Iien on the Property:@)yearlY�ceschold paymenb <br /> or ground rcnro on�he Propeny,It eny; (e)yearly hezxrd or property Inwnnce prcmfums;(d)ycarly Flaod insumna premfum+. <br /> if aqy: (o)ywrly mortgege insurenoe pttmiums, If any;and(Q eny sunu payabl¢by Borrower to Lcnder,in aaordana wirb =-� -�---- � <br />' the piovisions ot paragreph 6,in Iku of�he peyment of moneage imurence premiums.lTese item�erc called 'Pscrow Items.' <br /> Le�dcr may,at any �ime, collcet end hald fimds (n an amount no[ ro exceW tha meximum emount a lender for a kderatly = --. <br /> rclated mongege loan may rcquim for Horrower's escrow eaoant uader�he hderal Real Evetn Settlement Proadurea Aa of =_ __-_ <br /> 1974 es emenlcd from t{me to Nme, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ('RESPA"),unlesa anaher law ihut�pplia ro the Punds - _ <br /> seta e lesser emount. If an. 4nder may,at any Nme, collect and hold Funds in en emount not ro ezcced�he lesur omaunt. - -- <br /> 4ender may ealfmate the amount of Funds duo on the basi�of curtent daia and reawnoble eslima�ea of expendi[ures of Polurq =—___ =� <br /> Pacrow Item+ar otherwiu in accordance wlih eppliuble law. - <br /> The Funds shall be M1eld In en institmion whou depa+tro orc insured by a hderal agency, inatrumencaliry, or entiry _.., <br /> (including Lender,if Lcnder is such en im�itution)or in any Federal HonK I.aan Dank.Lender shall epply�hc Funds to pay the b�;:�;_.__-: <br /> Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding md applying�he Funds.annual ly analyzing the eurow eccount, or =__ _ <br /> vuifying the Eurow Irems,unless Lender pay:Bortower ime�est on Ihe Punds and applicable law pem�its Lender to make such �ct.--. <br /> n oha e.Ho�vever,Lender ma mre Itortower lo a a one-time cher e for an ind dent real es�ate ux rc rtin service ���'`='<`-=—"-- <br /> �8 Y re9 � P Y 8 � P� 8 �?,,.,jl,r;,..�_=?-:� <br /> uacd by Lender in conneclion with thix Ioan, uniw applicable law provides ot6envisa Unlcss an agrcement ie mede or {,,����,_____ � <br /> applicxble law rcquirca interesi to 6e paid,Latder ahall not he required to pay Borrower uny interest ar eazning�on�he Funds. 1"�i�rs:___-- <br /> Bortowcr und Lcndcr nwy agree in writing,howtveq t6at intcrest sliall be paid an thc Punds. Lender shail give to Bortower. ��x"=--- . <br /> wllhout charge, en annual nccaurning of�he Punds, ahowing crcdi�s nnd debits ro the Funds and the purpeac for which eech n{F;�;,,��„�,_..,.. <br />. debit to�he Funds was roada The Funds arc pledced es addi�ional security(or¢II sums saured by this Securiry Instrument. �j�:� ___ <br /> If the Funds held by Le�er exceed�he emounts permitltd to be held by upplica6lo law.Lendar shetl eccount to Bortower =_`.,.L_�,-. <br /> for the excev Fundi in acmrdnnce with the requirements af�pplicable law. If the amount of ihe Funds heW b Lender et en ��1=_'s��--- <br /> Y Y ��aw=1'•'.:�--.-. <br /> time is not su(flclent�o a �he Escrow Iten�s when due.Lender nw so ro�if Borrower in wri�in .ond, in such caze Borrower ;s-'"�""`====- <br /> P Y Y� Y 8 .�K�a��:. <br /> shell pay�o Lender�he emount neceswry lo make up the dcficiency. Bortower shall make up the deficienry in nm m�m�hnn ;,,. � =i,;:=`���_ <br /> h�.�''tt �-`-� <br /> twelve momhly paymcn�s,a�Lender's sole diurction. '�'7,:`hJ,�1��,��C;••__:� <br /> Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by ihis Securi�y Instrumen6 Lender�I�ull promp�ly refund to Dorrower any '?&}til:�.�;�iteri--. <br /> Funds held 6y Lender.If,undcr pamgmph 21. Lendcr+hell xyuirc nr xll�hc Pmpeny. Lendcr, priono thc acquisi�ion or:alc -;i!'{iyk�is-i�2:;,_N�'��- <br /> �. n' ; �.: .•;,,�k_:. <br /> of�he Propeny,xhull apply uny Funds heid Ay Lender ut�he�ime of ncyuiaiiion or mle m n crcdi�ugains��he sums secured by �.i�,:�,,;;:.i�t;;F�_:. <br /> thfe Sccurity Instrumcnt. t� :°�j'��J���j n��, <br />- 3.Appllcetlon of Paymentn.Unlet+�pplirnblc Imv proridca o�henri�c.ull paymcros raeivnl by I.ender unJer pamgmp6s : {; �?ys���_i;•+- <br /> I nnd 2 shell hc e Iied: finL to an rc mem ehur cc Juc umicr�hc Nntc: xa+nJ. �o m�nums paynblc unJcr pxragmph 2; �:,�,.;i�;y�`::�;';%"`�--''`' <br /> PP Y P P�Y R � ... .. t:�..:�_� <br /> thiM,to intcrc.+t due principol duc:und Im�,to nny liuc churpa Juc unJer thc No�c. ':;;;:�j(;i��?s���.".. <br /> 4.Chargp: I.Icns. &imiwcr+hnll pay ull tuxcs.a.scaanent+,rhurgc.. linc.und impo.i�ion+uurihmn6lc lo thc Propcny � ri i -_: - <br /> which nv mmin rforit over thix Sccum Inswnxnl. aiM Ic�choid nunl+or raunJ rcnh. if un Bnrm�vcr shull a � �'�1« i t Q�, ,-: <br /> Y P Y Y P+Y F Y� P Y ,.,i.... rn-�74,� <br /> thcu o61i6ationc in�hc nwnncr prnvidcd in par.�gruph if not paiJ in�6m manncr.timm�ar+hull p�y ihem an�imc dinctly %;:�;,;..F;.Z�:;�:�,;..;�rJ��,: <br /> to thc person nx�ed paymcnt.Borrawer.hall pmmp�ly furni.h�o lsnder all nmia�nf he p�iJ uMCr thi.pamgr�ph. h���?"` - <br /> If Burroxvr mekes Ihcx paynxnt+dircclly.Unrmn�r. .hall pmmplly(umf+h lo Isndcr mtiipl.cvidcncin�Ihc�ymcnlx. '•�r_�_s��5s,�:;.''..� <br /> 6urroxer ahall promptly diMha�c any licn+riu.l�tu.priuriq�ovcr�hi.Sccuriq�hninmam unle>, agnty in b- "' �},e --"'t:. <br /> writing m the paymem o(�IM abligation.�ured by�hc lien in:� manner xarp�ablc tn laixlcr.�hl am�au in gawl f�ith tl�c licn ,y, '; ,.;.�i f:�r���.`: <br /> b nr Jekndx� ain+l enforccmcm of Ihc licn in. Ic al n+ccedin•. irhich in �hc lxndcr'� u mian o nlc lo rcrcm Ihc �'�t::'":::�._..�' �pt�l�': <br /> Y• �' F P b P P�� P - .�,,,irr.�_5��,� .- <br /> enforeemenl��f the lien:or Ic)�earca In�m the hoWer uf Ihc lien an agrcemem wiilf:�cwn� �o LetWer.uM��din:nmg Ihe licn to ��'��>;',,`i:�'-Ar.`:.-Y'�� <br /> Ihis Sccuriq•ImlmmenL If I.cnJer Jclem�ine.thal an)�{urt nl �ha Propcnr i..nhJ�ty �.,:� lien ��hidi ma� auain pnont�nvcr ���.!�.:....'F:' . <br /> Ihis Stturily Lnwmcnl. IwnJcr ma� gi�c[inrzmcrr a nolirc iJcmif�inE thc li.n. f4,rroecr.hall v� �hc licn ur IaAc rnM or •'� ""�.�:4� - <br /> marc of thc aAinn.�et f.,nh aM,rc��rthin IU da�.ul thc gf�inE nf noliir. �'4-�.�t,i;t". .; <br /> [�e.t.;_._ <br /> Porm 3028 9/80 4•��.. , <br /> ov....,. 4: _ <br /> �- <br /> t, . � <br /> ':. <br /> — .._-.-.. _ . . f . . � .. .. - ._ _ ..:T{:".�a" •r ��: ..-..� '-. :: .'_' '; . -. . ... <br /> `'` _ <br />":'�..''4';.•...-._... � - � . . <br /> '�,l.��_; .�. 1. . . . . <br /> t�4.dn`,`J,.y - , <br /> j e7( . . <br /> SYU 1 - i: _ ' _ <br /> � ��{��x���}�rI ,t s. . - <br /> ir:V v , '.f c . _ . . . . <br /> .e�i. ll.: - �+d:F-_ 1. , - . <br /> i�2(,t��)��.11r � 1i. ' . . . . <br /> r I _'. <br /> -1 .f i:i "-/�, . " . [-T'_ _ <br /> � y ' r <br /> F • h - a� . t, . ' t[. <br /> � _ __ . � . .. . ..} .. . .� . .. . ... . . . ... . . . . . .. .`�i .. t ... 1'�1.. _ . . . . <br />