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' `" <br /> ' [Qiccksppliea6lebox(ae)� <br /> �AdJusubla Rete Ridu �CondomSntum IUdu �1-4 Pamily Rider <br /> � �(iradue�ed Wyment Rida �Plenned Unit Developmeau Rider �Biwukly Payment Rtder <br /> "_`-°-`----- <br /> �BalloonRider �RmelmyrovemantRider �SecondHomeR(der =•—� <br /> �OtAcr(q[ipeclry] ACKNOWLED(YQENT, HSSIGNl+IENT OF HENTS {5ti�.=..�_ <br /> BY SI�NIP16 BBIAW,6ortowu�ccepu end ageea to�he temu end coveneme antained in�hia Secudry Instrummt n'�.:_"- <br /> md in my ddu(t)axeculed by Homoweru�d raorded with II. --- <br /> ' �j_.�r,:,-_ <br /> �pICiSW: -•;�.� <br /> �.: _ <br /> �$!L�) ii..—_— <br /> • .Rnmre� _ .______. <br /> 506-72-9544 �'+�-� <br /> S il Securiry Npmb , .. . 3,±:;,f=',,,,— <br /> y ,� d��: <br /> � (Scaq ., T. <br />„ A IICE K. SPERL NG •eo�� �,`°�`' <br /> 'Si�;c:A,�r-[,,. <br />� S alSecurityNumber 6-90-8024 ;(�;�,?1+;;;:��..: <br /> i.1'4�,:��SS:'.j'�3�,: <br /> y�.�A „� *{ . <br /> STA7Si0FNEURA3KA� HIILL Counryat: :�• r%'•t:rr".::-rz=: <br /> r>�v:it?i�.. <br /> s ,ri �"4 <br />-- On thla 17TH day of maY 1993 ,beforc mo,the undeni ned,a No�ery Public `<'1 u s{t " -` <br /> � `'iy . �r <br /> duly commissionedend qualiliedPorseidmunry,personallycame DIIVID 7. SPERLING IIND J11 ICE K. r�„��i 7 � `; <br /> SPENLING, HUSBpND RNO WIFE ,romeknownwbethc ;s�::i`'�� � ' <br /> identical persom(s)whose�amKs) att subscribed to�M1e forcgoing Instrumem end acknowledgW�he execution thereof Io },�;•lh� s�5:_ <br /> ye THEIR volwieryactandaeed. si��j�`h ` " <br /> Wimeu my hand and nourial seel rt GRAND ISLJIND. f@R !L%� Id county�the �? ++ >r` -. <br /> date eforcaeid. / -�f` � fr=.' <br /> ���z/�-1 -6 � � <br /> Commfuion expires / .�`-«�f;��:==:- <br /> � N�'Ws�k r�l � - <br /> 6����MO�Ilpy�j REQUESTFORRECONVEYANCE r-�'�%;�'�-��-` <br /> . L MCLELLqfl ,� S H . <br /> r of tAe nmc or nota seeureA by�his Deed of'llust. Seid no�e or nota,rogether with nll r f�;��'� �- <br /> other Indebtedneas ateu 'a Decd of 7tuy,hxve been p�id in full. You ue hereby dimcted ro cancel said note or no�ea R���u,?� --- <br /> ' and�his Dad of 7tus4 which are delivered hereby,and ro raonvey,wi�hout werranty,all the s�ate irow held by you under `:�;��:��°3'`-'t <br />� thia Dad of 7tust to�he pcnon or person�Icgalty entitlW therc�o. +Y4}h�s:�-" ` <br /> �_-;;... <br /> • D�tc: �S�;�S'� -_ <br /> MF uJ I++R -�•.f'`..'�'?���:'. <br /> FxmJOl! 91➢0 f r6 6 nl .-:�Sq:�._.`-�:. <br /> "�'"'" (`__: <br />. �'i•. .:��.. <br />_ r �:' l <br /> i-"��4I1..-�"�i-,^ .'_ -r,� e�� �;�ir +t' j�r(� y�d`�n�`T— . �.-^ 2P�.{� �'�'C�:�aSktriY:F"�_ _s � �i <br /> 1 !_ .y.i ' f F _: � -- - <� '�� 1 1 -�vtr t-_� 52 yL � f e�F.. - i �. <br /> y -�-% 1 x : - ; _.1 - �� -f7rl f -.- -�..': . � <br /> Y s t s i 1 • _ .� . � � . L.; �i . <br /> � -�if )r yT� -R _ �[ -�.p _��- S _ <br /> ? <br /> 'C r ai ,. � ± � _ ` ,. _ .� <br /> , .� *_�_ -0 .�2.. 1`" "� <br /> N . ..'_,S G?�� Y � v - �; � f � ( � ) . . <br /> +� 1 .�' } t t l I � � ( . d _ f f 1�. .a`JS '" '. 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