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T_ . _y .f� - . _ S-- �r��-� .>.� p �? `� Y � . <br /> .c� � . t ri. rt( .i � : rp3 af F - - - t j� ( [ .f+i��r �F�Izt{ Z� v � �'+ Y�. <br /> w:} J S 1'Ll�i i i � si.$ Y4.� i✓- :F .s' �Y��F�Sx ir 7 c � . . <br /> -:t; � 'i-ri � �- ;f . -t ' .- _ �. � .i ��-. -.. . tl. e <u t Tr ' {rt tl��l�m :._ <br /> , � ? � a fltl 1 f 6 8p1pEt� , � , <br /> �. + � TH18Aa@�GNMEryTOhRENtBRIp�p(1re���ndixwutfd)hle�i� � Q�yof�lp,�.�,..�Htll�i ? � � <br /> ' IncprDtitAlyfinro�nptfi�IlWt�N�(tltdunpqpMOauppl�mi0tth9Mort0490o�deed � �t,Ade�hll�ti0tp,��91f1����tN,, , ' <br /> •- "S�aiulty.(neta,m�nt":_o1 tebeune�nr gNen by tho unAeieiaded;hor�lnaitar refet���a fs t�ne�a qA �b•t��a �te , _ <br /> "�' � .�qtfojy�r�InQ�b�}Cni tihr(pnsllOtrqf�i(e<It0;1et1ip"NotN',toHON►6P�D8Mk8AV1Nt{BA�Ibi,pAN1►B�ClA�IQt�O� �r `.:� <br /> `GFUfNDiBLAyp Mr�� �1t�lrfit�rtYJt6qthe"tdfxteN',ot�AeQ�o�O�teandoarorf�OJ�epropertydp�otl��ntn��wwiht <br /> � :. 7ri��m�e[�ndlooit��u . _ . „ : , ; <br /> Al/�0 (IHYCTIJ000 �HI�j„f+RIIND I3LAND NE B�f 80E . ' `,i: <br />... . , .. 1V�ooeHV�aeroasl � � _ .. <br /> wrrNESS6rq: � . � . . . <br /> � WHERPJIB,Borrower and Lander��ve epraed that enY ronte entl protlta atuibutnDte to t4e proparty 6h0u10 conatitute "" <br /> �Qdftlon�l�ooutlty to the lenCer lor I�e pnyment of t�e Note; <br /> _ NOW.THEREFORH,IU��9reatltMttheBaourlrylnetrumeMehwllCOamandeAharobyneddeomedtotno�uOethB.fOtiowln4 <br /> __; provlslona <br />�`^� 1, Ap�JanmentofHents�ndlan�glpentalCellaetloniilahte.DOrtOWer�6�Bb/BWDIUtelyBlldU�C000111AIlYIly�4Elp(1aR11 • <br /> rent0. �aauae �nA proflte ol tha propedy to Benefiolery, Lender ahall have the tlpht, powpr and,uuthoAty durinp the <br />��_=`.ri; o0nqnuane0 ot the Seourny InatmmOnt to oolleot tha rente,lasuea and proNte of t�e properlY and obairy Personpl propedy <br />-•� looetod Nereon wlfh or without tekln0�ataealon ot the property ettootad �oreby.LonGOr,how9ve4 hareDy <br />�----�� porroweYacolleatlonandrolentionoteuohronte,ISauo�anAproflte8et�eyaaorueand6�oeomapayable,aolonyae6oROwee � <br />.,;'`� 10 001,6t lUOh tlms,1�dBf9UlT Wlth�bdplOt to p6ymOnt of eny InAebt0An0as BeoureA hereby,or In iha DedornldnCO OtYny <br /> eQ�lemint hareunder. <br /> 2, dpp,olntment of RacMver. 11 eny event of defnult In reapoot to the Seoudty Inetrument ah811 hav9 ooCUned antl 0'0 <br />_'t{�l� CondnWng,L811A8/,ee a melter ol rlqM and without notloe to Borrawer or anyono oialminp unticr Borcower,end wRhOUt <br />- "'� reQatO to the vatue of t�e truet eateto ortha Interaet ol the Borrowe�thareln,shell�are the dght to appiy lo any court�avl0p <br />_.zA:l,� �urledlotlon to app01N 9 rec9lver of the property. <br /> �`� & �p�t to Poeseaelon.In oaee of Gafeult In the paYmant ol the saltl pdnnipal Note or Intereat,or any pari thMaO►,�61t _ <br /> ahall mature,or In the oese of fallure to keep or perform eny of the aovenanta or e9�eomente contalnad In the BecuAty InatN• <br />".`�:�;• ment,then the LenOer, Ite auaaeeeore or aealgna, ahali be end le hareby autnorized anA empowered to teke Immedl�te <br />--:+Y,�� po66l831000/lhee0idpteml8aethotBlndBBadbBdenUtoO011eotl�areMe�heretrom,andtOBppIYlh9p�OCe6AetMt101tOth9 � <br /> payment ol tha Nota. <br /> ��`"i b Aoolloetion ot RBnte.leauea anA Proflfa.All reMe oolleoteA by Lander or the recelver ehall be epD��ed Hr6t to paymeM <br /> ,�ti� oHheooateofmanegamentoftheproperryanaconeononofreme,ino�udinp,buinoitimifadio,receirerafaes,Pi'vadu�oor -� <br /> �j, recelver�e bonde end reaeoneDle ettomeye feea,e�tl 1�en t0 thB 6Um8 BB6u�0A by thB 880Uflty I�BtfUm6nt.L80tl0�6�d�b0 <br /> `' r6Celver a�ell be Ileble to a0o0un[only for thosa�entn aotuelly reOelved. <br />_�;�:.� 8. �onat�uotlonofP�ovlelona.EflOholtheprovleloneaontaingClnt�leAeslpnmantOfRenteRiAerflnAth98B0u�ItyInBtN• _. <br /> -"'?�� ment shall,unleae othe�wlae spoolfloatty required, be oonntruatl In aocorAanw with Nebraeke lew, an0 In the event eny <br />'�=x��,f] provlelonherelnortherelncontalnedehellbedetermineAbyecourtofoompetanllurlsdlotlontobeunenforcoable,thoeame <br />--'%� ehell De aonetrued es though euoh unonloroeeble provlelon weie not a pert heraol or the�eof. <br /> ;,,�; <br /> `-'-?�`' 8. Efteot o1 RIUOr.Ezoopl ae 8peolfloelly morlltled by or Inconalatent with Thle Aeaignment of Rente Ridar or by eny other <br /> v�f�-� aPD���ble dder,all of the torme enA prmlelona contelned in e Seeurity Insirumant ehell continue In full PorCe enU effa¢t. - <br /> ,�.,,7 : <br />�-!�,?,';q IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower hae executed thia ei mont of Ritl on th9 ete tirst noted ebovo. <br /> s-,i;.� _ <br /> :tr'G� DRU . eo� ar = <br /> sif•� . � . <br /> �� � _ <br /> _;::'i jj 7N I E K. SPEflLING Borrowe� '' <br /> y�•2'# � <br /> -"�'R� BTATE OF NEBRASKA) <br /> .'_'iii� .. <br /> ='.:i'' (BD: <br /> • CAUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> � �,! Onthls »TH tlayof mpY t993 beforeme.theunders�gnea,eNOtary Publledulyeommisalonedentl <br /> >,Y''� pualHletllorealdwunty,pereoneltyeame bQVID J. SPERLING RND 7ANICE K. SPEflLING. HUSBRND RND � <br /> URFE ,to bo tne IOenticai person(a)whose name(s)Is�are euDacribed � <br /> -;N� t0 t�9 for0p01nq Inetrument,and�elshellhey acknowledge Ihe ezecution thereof to be hiMherltheir voluntary aci entl deod. <br /> f' <br /> WItn88amyhentlentlNOfetlalSoalal C.RAND i51_///pNf] NFBRII <br /> s.� in s'A coXN��ne dete a1E� �� ' <br /> , / C/ ?- � <br /> C n, L/ <br /> _�e. _' <br /> ;,�j:� Ndlery P�Ohc <br /> ' My Commlaeion expirea: �' Yl— <br /> xraxoxa B�Ell�rr.n._ <br /> - _' ���'��w41rr� <br /> �;f. �tiuu,� <br /> :>.::� <br />''S�\.'f <br /> �:f��:: <br /> :�zy <br />- : -.i <br />- rF <br /> .irt i: <br /> i:�i <br />_t:�7� <br />