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�..r.�� . ——.- .. . ' . _. . ' . � "1 <br /> � r,� <br /> r ; . ; <br /> � '9�64 ����,+�`3 .;. `F 4 .- ____.__,_. <br /> _, <br /> e�ppliu�bio taw may�pecify tor rclmmumenq before�ale of the Piopcny pu�nuan��o my pumr of We CCnulacd!�h Qdt �� <br /> Seeuriry InsuumenR or(b)enuy ot o�ud�nrnt enPorcing Nle Saudty Insirument. rnose wndiuona ere that Eprrower..(e) <br /> _ � �ay1'l.ender ett wms whlch Ihen nould Oo due unda IhA Baurity insuumcnt end�a Note as U no acLeluntlon A1d : <br /> �n <br /> oocurrcQ;@)curca eny dePouU oteny othu covenenta oragrcemenu;(o)Daya el!e�cpeosa inarted in en(oroing Ibi�9tsud`g _ <br /> Inuiumr�4 Including,but mt ItmilcA to,reaaon�Dla etNmeye'fea;end(��efcea�uch ecpon es /.enEu mey reasonaDly .. <br /> _„_ • requiro ro euuro�hei tho tkn of�hb Sccurity int4vmratt,LeAdut dghts tn tAe Proyaty end Bortowert abligetla�4o sy I[i! — -= <br /> - -- eum� euumd 6y OJe Suuriry lnswmem shail wmNue uneAangaJ. Upon reinste�emem Dy HartoweR �hb �eeudty <br /> Lu�mment end t6e obligetlom sewrW hercby�Aell remaln NUy etteetive as it no ecaleradon had oceurted. Noweveb Fhl� <br /> ---- dght to rcinstaro ehdl not�pply tn tAa case of eaeleretlon undu pazagreph!7. <br /> - -,..,-„ <br /> 19. Bota of Notei Chonge of Loan 8erdcer. 11w Noro or e pnmu�mercst in the Nao(�ogaAer witq ihb ecu ty ���•- � --- - . <br /> — InsWmene)mny De wtd aro or moro Nma wl�w[pdor notka to Bortower. A c�le may nsuit In�chongo In the enNty — <br />�- (known u tha'Loan 8ecvia�')tM�mtle�i�monthly p�ymente due undu[ha Noto md ihle Suurtty Instfumont. 'R�uoatto <br />-- may ba one or moro changa of the Lom&rviar unttla�W to a sele ot U�e Note. Itthue ia a chenge ot�ho Loan Strvicer, <br /> -- Bortowu wi116e given w�iteen no�ice ot�he ohan;e in wro�dentt with paregraph 14 a6ovn ud eppl�abte law. 7Le nodce <br /> '-- -- will etete�he name u�d addreea ottla now I.oen Servicu md the Mdres+ro which paymenta should Ixi mada. 1Le nottoe will <br /> f-s.i etw comdn eny other Info�mation rcqufred by ap Iicable law. <br /> ;,.v Z0, Rezardow 8u6stancea. Sorrower a�t not wuse or pe�mit the prcsencq use,diaposnl,stonge,or releaso otany =-_—.___. . _ <br /> •��.;� Herardous SuM�on a in�he Propetty. Bonower�hell not do,nor ellow enyone etm to do,eayehing aHwling 1he <br /> ,.r,.,._ <br /> <<<.e,�i Ptopeny that ia in vMletlon of eny 8nvironmmiel Law. 7tie pracding two sentenas ihall not�pply ro Iha presence.uae,or <br /> � porago on the Property otsmall qumtttlef oi Hwrdow Subatencm that ere generally rccogniuA ro 6e�ppropdaio ro normal <br /> rc,tl� residend�use�Md�o malmenence of tho Property <br /> r f Hortower�heil promply give Lenda wrhien notico o!eny investigetion,cielm,demand,lawauft or oUwr�clion by eny <br /> y r_� govemmentel or mguletory egency or prirate pany(nvolving�he Propeny end eny Hazardow Substen�e or Envlronmentel <br /> ��,_f,.- La�r of which Bortower han edual knowkdga If Aolcower leam+, or is noHfied 6y any govemmental or ttgulatory __ <br />-:;fi;�`�" BIIIIIDTItY,�ha[any nmovel or o�her remedlallon of any Hezardom Subs�nna affeuing t�e Poputy U necessery,Bortowu <br />�:,,,.�t._. ahall promptiy take all necessary rcmediel rctiona in acardance wilh Environnientsl Lew. <br />'�'`_�'���`: As used 3n thi:pazag�aph 20.'Hezerdoua Subatanca"ere thom suMtenrea defined�s roxic or hazudom wbstaucea by <br /> "�'�"�� Environmentel Law und�he following aubstances: gnsoline,kerosene,other flammable or roxic peirolwm producla,toxic <br />-:���n_�, peedcide�and hefiicide�,voladte colvenu,matedals mmeining ubesem or fofmddefiyde,and raNaalve m�tedala. Af <br />- used in�hia pa�agreph 20,'Envtronmentel Lew'meens Rderal laws and lawa of the judadiction where the Propeny ia located <br /> ';';'.z-. thatrcletetohealth,saferywenvlronmemilpraation. <br />,".:;e�f,h;. NON•UMFORM COYHNANfS. Oortowcrend Lender funher mvenant end�grce m follows: <br />`-i,:,���!' 21. Acaiwation; Remedtea. I.ender ahell glve nollce ro Borrower pdor ro ecceterefion following Qorrower'e <br />--�";h;,�F„�� breach ot eny mvenant or egreement In lhN Sccurftr Imtrnment lbut not prtar to aeceleretion under peregraph 17 <br />"'�=^-;� .� unless appllcabie leN proddea otherwtm). The notice shell xpecify: (a)the detault;(b)the�cNon requlred to wre the <br />-°�:"�;;';. defauitt(c)e date,riot Im lhan 30 dop from the date the noqce u glven ro Borrower,6y�vhich the detault must be .. <br /> � �''%° cured�end id)Ifiut fnliuR i�c�u.z tGe deteclt m or hetars th¢date spxlii�In!he r.oLa msy rsu!!Ia es!'elersttnn n► _..__.._ _._--. <br /> ,� �� ihe cum+secured by thle Secudty Instrument end sele of the Properry. TAe oolice�hall Wrther intarm Qorrower ot <br /> �. .r.t <br /> ;_�,.fj_.., Ihe rfght ro reinstale aRer eccelereqon md ihe rlght to bring a murt ectlon to�ssert the non•existence ot e de au t or <br />' =-`'';%:'� any other defense of Borro�rer lo ecceieretton end sale. If the deteult le not wred on or betore the date apecitted In <br /> 7 - ihe notitt,Lender at Ita oplion mey requlre Immedlate paymmt fn NII otell ium+seeureA by thb RceuAty Inairument -..-�—�- <br /> t��F�.� wltAout Nrther demend and may invoke Ihe po�rer of anle and eny other rcmedlea permitled by eppitcable la�r �+�*�¢=_—� <br />,._.-�j:,� Lender shall be entlped to callat all expensn (neurred In pursuing the remedla provlded in Ihis paragreph 21. �i'.1 ��-� --' <br /> sg2::.y=.i_. <br /> _,.,�, Includi�,but not Iim(ted to,reuonableattorneyr,'fea end costa otthle evidena. t �:,,'x..�: <br /> [f Ihe pover oi sale Is Im�okcd.7Yustee aheil remrd e notice ot default in each counly in�Mich eny part ot ihe 4�-.tS4:,.��.T��.� <br /> �,_�; : <br /> � � - Propen7ls laceted end ahall mail rnpia of such notlm In the menner�rescribed by epplicable law to Uorrower end ro �,� - 4 .._ <br /> �j, the other peraons prescribed Ey applitabie la�r. ARer the time requ red by nppliceble lex;7Yuslee shall g(ve publle �,Ff+ -r-� �� <br /> .;.;4�, notice of sele to Ihe peraona and In the manner preserlbed by epplfcable Inn 7Fuslce.�dthout demend on Ilorroner. �A�}t f�^fs'r{i{ '_._ <br /> ,: ahnll Fell the Property at publicauctlan ro the higheat bidder at the 1lme and ploce and under lhe hrms designated in �'t`}� -i , <br /> �f y s- Ihe notlm ot sele In one or morc percels and In any order 7Yustee determines. Trustec may posipone sele of ell or nny r,,�lf '��i � R . <br /> „+y . parcel of lhe Property bp public announcement at lhe Ifine and place of uny pre�iously srheduled sele. I.ender or ila �Ytj 4I�„ ` nn >•� <br /> - �C:- dafgnee mey purchese ihe Propaly at�ny sete. )�r�� ,�n,'�4�n _ <br /> , ,�; Upon receipt of payment of the price bld.7Yuslee shell delirer m Ihe purchcser Trustee4 deed wnveying tAe �jr E,t���� {r . <br /> -� +Xz Propeny. The rxllals in the 7Yustee'+deed shall be prima fecle erfdence of�he trwh of the Atatements mede�hereln. i ,����,y;u� �. <br />� ( 7Yusteeshell a I Ihe rocceds ot ihe sulc In Ihe fallooin order: IxI[u all msis und ex nses otexercfsin Ihe a�rer �� � �- <br /> r -�4: PPP P R P� S P �4.�4�`t''��at -: <br /> . �� tf•�f�' s.:� <br /> _*.>�5:; i.ti:S'i��.,�t,.yii .,:: <br /> ;..� -� ��1�?::� +Fr'.!.: <br /> � ...Y. <br /> � . -i - � ' ' e .' <br /> •j� : <br /> =.i;' ..�:.�-' <br /> i::; <br /> :r i�"= .. . <br />`�:l�i'zi 6xmiO711990 que<<.•jnryen� <br /> �:'�:,,,' . ,. . <br /> -���''�J!�i <br /> J•,J.:J � <br /> s � _ ' <br /> �i, " <br /> i -^-�s�;�-�r'-�c�t eug', :�'__"'. .� -.�T.. _ , <br /> F., .. . !. �'J?. 't'iYr.�:1....v.�'�T^� . . t '- r -`fY—..��$'��1�;�� 'i:t - - <br /> �.lJ� ' � . . - . <br /> �_ __ :*}':�fl_� . .. . <br /> ! <br /> 1 <br /> /. _ <br /> � - l` �iN' �' S ' <br /> e_�. � /�i <br /> �'1. t�-�— _ . � <br /> i •� <br /> .` f 1F _ _ . . . . , <br /> - .� �•.1 ._ _ . . . . . - - . <br /> ��.�.- � r - .. . . " . I . <br /> i <br /> i i s}�,, 4 ' "� _ ' .. r' ' . �_ - . <br /> .�N i ..: - '. _ . . <br /> ' ' - , <br /> � _ , ; - ' ' , '� <br /> t <br /> - f -d . . - . _, . - . ,_ <br /> . <br /> . <br /> " <br /> � �..: <br /> : . . . . ..-. _ _.___ . <br /> 'i -4_]7 6_9. ._r.: � , c�_, . . . ...� ..... ... ... . .. . - _ . . .. _ . . <br />