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}' 3 . ,.�,. . . . ' -- - � -:•. :� i�>. �� �rqi- — <br /> i ._ _ _ • - _ _ _ " _ . .- 'V����V��.9f .-t . 5 '�_ __Str�,{s< _ _— ,=�.., . <br /> .__—� .. _ . ' ' : . .. __.. ._.�__. . <br /> -ouq�emnaH0noeoNert�kingotanypartofthePropetty.orforepnvoyanc41n11euotcondemnmlon,tro�erabyesaigbedend. . <br /> ehoit 6p D�d to Lendcr. � <br /> Id�he event ot u totoi tNcing of tho Property.O�e proc9ed� ahpll ba applicQ ta�ho wm� eewhA 6Y t4fa 3eairlty — <br /> Insuument,wheiher br mt Ihen dua,with any ex s��eid ro Borro�ver. tn�he evont ot e partlel taking of i�o PcoportY!n ,_ <br /> whioh the(air merkot value of ehe Propeny►mmd�atc y betoro tho taking la equd to or gcata�han the amount of Iho tutlu - <br /> secuwd by thta Sea�ity fmWment imni�,lliatly betora tha Wcing.unlas Bortuwa aM Lertdtr othe�wiw agita Irs viriUng, ` <br /> me euma�ured by thb Suu�iry Insuumem ehali be rcduad by elre emount of the proceeda mutNpIled by the following <br /> heetloq: (a)tiw total amount otiho�ums eaueed Imrtiedlaceiy 6etoro the�eking,divlde4 by(b)tho falr mazku value o/Iho <br />__,___,._, Propeny immWlately betoro the taking. My betence shxll 6a paid to Bortowee In�ha ovent of e parlial Wcing ot�ho <br /> Propeny In whlch�ho tetr mazku valuo of tAo Propnry immedlately beforo the ieking b lau�han�he anounl of 1he cum� ' - '° - <br /> «curtd immedlataly heforo the�aking, unles� Bortower ad Lendu oihenvlae egreo in wridng or unless epplicable law <br /> otherwise providea,the prooecda�Aell ba epplied�o the sum�cecurcd by thi�3eeudty Inswment whethcr or nm tha wms aro <br /> �hen dua <br /> I[the Propeny la ehmdoned by Borto�ver,or If,�fter nodca by Lender to Bortower that�he condemnor offare to make <br /> �--- en awerd or settla a claim tor damaga.Borrower feil�io respond ro Lender wt�hin 30 daya eRer the dale�he notiw Ia givcn, <br /> ---- Lender b euthodud to tollect end app{y the proceede,at h�opLLon,ei�her to rcs�oratlon or«yfr of Uw Property or ro the <br /> - -"'- <br />�-�-""""'m wms securcd by this Saa�rity lnswmen4 whuher or not[hen due. <br /> —;-- ��___ ._.__.. <br /> _y-�� Unless I.endu and Bortowu otMerwise agree In wdNns,any epplkatian of proacdi to pdncipal ehell not extend or <br /> W.-'�--.= postpone tAe due d�ta of�he mon�hly qymenu rcferted to in p�ragmplu I and 2 orchange�ha emount otwch paymenu. <br /> (� i 11. Borromer Not Rcleated� Porbearentt 6y I.ender Not a \Vaivcr. Pactendon of �ha time for payment or <br />'`s� modiAcation of emordza0on of Ne wma cecured by thii Saudty In:uumrnt grented by Lender to any mcceuor In Ineercst <br /> •=�=.,u� of Bortower�Aall not operato to rcleaw the Iisblliry ot Uie odginal Barower or Borrowerb cucceason in intemst.l.ender <br /> - �hell not barcq uisd ro commenee procadinga ageinst eny cucceasor in in[ercst or rcfiue ro extend t(me for pxyment or <br /> ?'� othenvlse modify em�rtizaqon nithe cums Recurcd by�his 3avdty tnatmmmt 6y rcason of eny demand made by tho original � ._,_._. . . <br />="="��' �'� Bortower or Bortowei;wcces»ev in increa•. Any 'xbesmnee by Leider in exerciefng nny right or rcmedy�hall not be a _ <br />---."y.a;��� waiver of or prcclude the exerciu of eny flght or remWy. - <br />",�i�U�'= IZ. 8uccecsore and Aesigm Bound;Jolnt and 8everal LIabllity�Co-atgnere. 7Le covenanta end egrcemenu of thia <br />�'�:'�`�� Securiry lmdument ehe116ind and benefit�he aucceasors and essigna of Lender md Bortower,subJat to�he provialom of --"�� <br />�;`.�;�: ( pare gmph 17.BomowerY covrnonro enA agrcemen�a shall be Joint end uverel.Any Bortower who w•stgn��hls Seeudry <br />�-CC�:i�•r.'�: Luuument but doa not execute�he Notr. (e)is co-signing�hu Saurity Instrument only to mongage,gmnt end cv,��vey that __ <br />