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""": 1 - ! i -i�Iw <br /> . �y y�y �j r <br /> a� : -.:. � :' �. � �-�. ) - _: 1 -4!:t __. _ ��T�r'�+� ff_ft_r'f �f .r. �•.�� <br /> — .. .• . � � � � . _ .! . 11�- . � . -'r�V'�O � _ . <br /> .� -." :.. . .. .... <br /> � . � <br /> -- aBPlleebto law�ay spCctfy for teidatatemeoV�fae�lla ef Qi4 Roperlp pursrenhto iny pdive!o!,NfOtontelt�(a iNl ' 'l a' : <br /> ' , Bkudcyinsuumen�;or(D)enuyotaJuAgmsnenfotstna�Ne6e��Y�sinmmnu 7houaondi�lo�pae�h�t8pjrb�u,�(q <br /> _ Payi l.dnder.dl�m7ia-whlcti 4hen�YaDa d0 due Ylld2�_�tue sseyrt q r tniuumsnr►rd:Ow�Iaa�s If no katero�an A�+t � ,:' <br /> '� a�@)cvruanydof�ultotuiyp�noovenonpo�Dgroemenrs;tu)P+ya�I JCxpripk�i n e u rt Nf h e�f d k t d p m i t a e c a n ry <br /> tn�ment;lnatu Ing,Aut not I�pIRcd to,�Cflso�15Die�etiomey�•Rea;.And( t�ea wch aelton a t l:�nde►m►y tea.soppblY ,�`,,. <br /> -- � regqiietosuaid�e4R�cUtlBttt�tgStcudty WstlUmeR1.l.�Srbil$Aftln�]1'Opel!9}s�s°�:.+.�F�a a�r,.ti�,.w..rt. , _ <br /> eumf aeeurcA Ey thle seewity.Insitument phatl oo �tnue unohange0. Vpon reinstatemedt Dy IIarroWea t�lil�,t�W <br /> Inswment and t t w bbllgallon�ce�vrcd herchy��a31 r�meiri fullY itno Naetcrelion h�d t�y m A:'.Howpvd,� •, <br /> righ�t6relnsteteshallnotapplylntheeasooleaoiereuonunderpaiagrapni7: . � f, <br /> . - , 18. Sale ot Nokt Chenge ot I.ean Bt�v!�er. 7Le Noro or a paMel(�tercat 1q thp Note pogother whh chti Securlty <br /> - fnatrumenq mey tio an ld onb m moro dma�vi t hout priar notice to Bortawer. A e a le may rosu lt in e a i o fl i d Z�B i y — <br /> (known ae the"�Aen 3ervixr�that coUeMs month1Y paymcau dua�mdcr�ho Note md thi�$esurlty t�s�nt.,7(urb alw <br /> may 6e one or moro changa ohAe I.oan Seivlar wrolated ro a�alo of U�e Nota. !f tdero le e cli a n go of 1he Loot1$eNtar, <br /> Bortower wi11 bo given wrinen notice ot�ha chango in naordanco whh paregepA 14 abovo endayp°iiro nb�tee ' <br /> - ---= wUl�taro the name and eddres�ottho new Loan&rvlar and tha eddcesa to whieD paymenu should 6e mada 11w nollc4 WW ' <br /> - aisoconteinanyothuinfortnaiim[aquirodbyapplicablel4w. • � <br /> �= 20. Ffemrdoue Substancea. Bortoww sddt not wuu a peimit tAe pmcnce,une,dispoaal,�torega,o►rolwe ot ady •� r:' _ <br /> -- Ftawdou�Substancae on or In the Proputy. Bortowu�hall not do,nor allow anyone elu�o do,eny�in$affec4ng tA0 <br /> -y,�.��� Propecty thae la in vloladon otmy Fnvironmemal Law. 7Tre peeading two eentenas ehnll not e y to ihe pm.acnce;udo,or <br />::r�, etorege on the Property of:mall quaaNtlu of Huardous Suhs�ances that aro gcnerally ttcogn ro ba�ppropdato ro notmil <br /> �= residenqal usea end to maintenenm ot tho Properry. <br /> ';�". Dorrowa sM1eil prompUy give I.ender wdtten notice of any Inratlge�ion,claim,dem�nd,lavnoit or ahu aellon Dy any <br /> � • govemmentet or rogulaiory egenoy or pdvate pazty Invotving�he Propmty end eny Hezazdoua Substanoe or 8nvironmeMel <br /> "�� Lew ot which Bortower hes�cmal knowledge. It Uortower leama, or ia noqfled by any goremmemel or rogulatory <br /> =="�:�'-' authodty,thet any removel or other remediedon of eny Hazudoue SUbannce pffectlng Ihe Propetly le naessery,Bort4wu - <br /> �' � ahall promptiy teke eU neoessery rcmediel acUon�in eaordance wiN Envimnmenpl Lflw. ' <br /> t„��" Aa used In ehii pareg�aph 20."Hezerdow Substa�es"ere those euMtanca deflned a�toxic or hazardow substanoea by <br /> ��- � PnvironmenW Gw and tAe followfng substences: geaoline,kerosene,other flammable ot Ioxie petrolam producta,toxic <br /> ,y,,�4,�_, peaticida end hwbiddea,volatiie solvenu,ma�edeta conroining eabestw or tormaldehyde,and ndloaaive matedale. Af <br />__';nn{_:,-:{� used in�his pangreph 20,"Environmemel Law"mexns fedemi lawi end Inwa ot the Jurisdistlon whue tAe Arope�ty(e loceted <br /> >=+T�,� �hat reinro ro health,ea[ety or cnvlronmemel protcetlon. -' <br />'??-�'!�_'.' NON-UNtFORM COVENAN7'3. Bortower and Lender Nrther wvenant end egrce a+follow�: <br />�--='d?1:�;�?:. El. Acceleretbni Remediee. Lender shall give notirn to DorroNer prtor lo accelere0on foibeing QorzowwY <br /> ;ir.`r..f,:,e bresch ot eny covenant or egreement in thb Saurity Insirummt(but not pdor ro acceteration under pangrepd 17 <br />-`;!i�"��" unlw applicabte le�provlda othenvise). The notice ahall�pecitys (e)the default;(b)Iha adlon required to cure th� <br /> '"�}�s`� detoulh(c1 a date,not less tAen 30 deye tYOm the dete Ihe notice Is given to Borrower,by whlch the detaWt muet ht <br />:rijJ. }S <br />�=�������'`_- cured;anA{el�M1n�tatiun to eure the default on ar hePorc t6e dote specf0ed In Ihe notice may resull In accelereqon ot <br /> ` i�:: ° - <br /> '�j�Y fhe sum�aec�ired by th�a Saurtty Instrument end eale ot fhe Property. The notice ehell Nrlher(nform Borrower oT <br />-`''t-�`: , the ri ht to reinstate atter acceleratton and the d t to bring a murt action to esert the nomexlatente of a defauit or <br />,:i�t;.t%.� 8 Bh <br />`�'•��x;ir, any other defense of Qorro�rer to ecceleretlon end rale. [f Ihe defeult 1�not eured on or 6tPore 16e data epecifted In _ <br /> ;:: t,_.. <br /> %.,;,.��.:. Ihe nofice,f.ender at Its optinn may requtre Immediate payment In NII of ell surtu aecured by fhix Saudty In�trument _ <br /> ;'_�<<;;j\ nithout Nrther demend end may Invoke fhe power ot sele und eny oiher rcmedlea permitted by applleable law. <br />��-rn:�u:, Lender shall be entltled to mllect all expensea Incurred In pursuing the remedles provlded fn th�paregraph 21, �- <br />..r.x /:: __ <br /> Including,but not Ilmtted to,reasonabte attorne9�'tees end msb of qtle evidence. ��_ <br /> `::,t�a�.; If the power of sele 4+Inroked,7Yustee ahall record a nofice at defeuit in each county In whicM1 any parl of the p,,.-_._ <br /> '' �YS'r;. Property b loceted end ahall matl mpies otaucA notice in the manner prescribed by eppllceUle law to Borro�eer and ro <br /> ' r+i!;; lhe other penom prexcribed by appliceble le�r. Atrer lhe tlme required by appliceble le�r,7Fushe shall give pu611c ��, :- <br /> - `:��<� notice of sele ta the peraom end In the manner prescribed by epplicable law. 7�ustee,�rithout demand on Oorro�ver, �=-� <br /> - -' ahall sell ihe Property ot publlc euNion to Ihe AlgAext bidder at lhe Iime end plece and under Ihe terma dealgnated In �' �- <br /> •. �.`•� ihe notice ot sele in one or more parcels and In any order 7Yustce determines. 7Yustee mny pastpone sele otell or any - <br /> �"��f'�-=' arcel of Ihe Pra ert b ublic announcemmt et Ihe ttme and lam ot en reviouel scheduted cele. Lender or iu �-����� <br /> „ P D Y YP P YP Y R : <br /> � �`" designee may purchase the Prnperty at any sate. '� - <br /> -- ,�,�!, Upon recetpt of payment of Ihe price bld,7Yustce shail delirer m Ihe purcheur 7Yustce's deed conreylns Ihe „, <br /> Property. The raltals in ihe 7}ustee's deed Fhall be prima fade evidencr of Ihe trulh ot Ihe sletemenla made thereln. � , . <br /> i �.-'�� 7Yustee ahall apply Ihe praceeds of thesele in the follo�rinp order. (al lo nll cosl.g and expenses of exercising Ihe po�rer <br /> -,�'•.:i Ec;�r, <br /> ?-r',: t1�nv I <br /> �i1'` � [[ <br /> ..4' lS:�':� <br /> �5}�t f <br /> -if•_; C __. <br /> ':��Y/IX �C_._. <br /> ' .i . ��i.�'.! <br /> ` { <br /> '.�t:���i Fbrm.WlM 110 yrCrtn/n�nn� �'y_�. <br /> -f �:,. <br /> j: <br /> i <br /> }.��� <br /> f <br /> ..� .. � . . . ` . .i <br /> . .:'!'r_°"1.Y_'•-.��..n_.,_ei.=—_,:._..._._'""'.'".' " . _ ."._ . _ ." . _ . _ .. <br /> . . " " _ . . � . . . : c = " " ' _ _ ,'..>.:T ,:-^t <br /> � <br /> _ �'y- . <br />. .11. ./�� . . <br /> :' - . <br /> .,r; <br /> •ti'y. <br /> i�%_y;-._,� %. <br /> � . <br /> ,� 3 . . <br /> , ` ` <br /> • • <br /> ` '' - ���,.- .. .....-_�... <br />