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. � �: :.. i ' r <br /> . <br /> . _ .q -• . �� \ _ • . 1.-� _o✓�taf�F..__�-1 ' �..—__.�{ c5«.. u.�i .�Li,YA 1d��_�'.}.J' �� <br /> 1 L � �. �{ _ _ . �'Y 7�n ' _——_. <br /> -..v ; l �f�111r�/. li � �N(. TaijS l ��t `YSt _— . <br /> ,. ,: ,,. ` , � �2 ; S, _ ;!_ <br /> , .: � "- . . .- , � - , � � <br /> ore��) a� r�s�uarnj��eri,�ientotfhe�.Yus�ea,feeeek�u'u��ymarregna�roeahea� •Q , ���y ?, � <br /> , , tbfp r e,attGtnot6�ti ei�oltAe�Jld�wtWuOtQenWt,qqdkWonAblBRttorqeys�tcaAYp"er�p4 �;, ' <br /> .6Y�� i(� !o Ieurm�ecaredL�tCl�.&ruHtytnttrameay�t�dfc3as,Yexy�sttbSh�per6onqp�e4one14?J�lfy�;�� . <br /> tol. . . . .,, <br /> iA-Ra9drePqna. Upon payfne�t ot a11 eum�sea�cd by.�Ale�ecuriW tn;wment,Len9u 4h�ru1J�t'►Iu���4 tR � <br /> r�convey Ne Propeny anA�ha11 wmnAer Nf�Secwlry Insuumeni anA ati naia evluencine 0�6�sewred by tnis Sao(Ity <br /> Inapumcpt l0 7luatco. 7lustee ehal(recohvoy,Ilw Propeny wichout wertenry end wfthout chvga�o tAo peison or persons - <br /> IegillvemWedtoit. Suc�penonoYpt�aoro�hatipayanyrccor0ationcasu. -. , <br /> �.7. BuUstllute 7Yustee. Lendu.nt iu npeion,mey from�ime lo ttma removo'kuetco end eDDo�nt a eucaawt 4vft�10 .� <br /> any 7tualdv eppointed hettunEer by en insuumcnt[aorQM In tha counry In whlch tN�8au�iiy lnsnument:i�seaaNed. - <br /> WIO�out convayanoo of the Pmpeny,tho�uueasor trustee�ll euoceed to nll the tltie,power end duda amferred upbn - _ <br /> 7lnstce Gerein Md by app11cab1a lnw. <br /> 2q. Rtqueat for Nofiaa. Gortower rcgueais Nat copiw ot the naicaa ot de[eui[and eaie 6e unt ro Dorrownb adGress <br /> whlch le tta ProF«4'Addrca�. <br /> 2S. Rlden to t�u BauNty Instrumtnt. It one or moro tlden are exuuted Dy Borrower aad raorded rograt�t wi�h <br /> thL�Sawity Instrument,me coveoenu'md agrcemenu ot each sucA rlder�hall 6e Inmryoreted imo and ehatl amrnd and . __ __ <br /> �upptement�e coven�nta and�geemenu of thla Secudry Instrument a�It the dderU)wero n part o[W�3ecadry IpstNaunt. <br /> (Q�tck epplicable box(ee)] t <br /> �AdJuslebleReteRida �CondomfniumRidu �1-4PoMlyRfdu <br /> �OnduetedPaymmtRidu �PlennedUnitDevelopmentRider �HlwecklyPaymentRldu <br /> �Belloon Rider �Rete Improvement Rider �Secand Home Rider � �� � <br /> �X O�hup)(spocify] IICKNOWLEOGPIENT, ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS --�-. <br /> �;.. <br /> BY SiONM(3 BHIAW,Borrower accepte and agrus[o�e tercm nnd covcnanw contained(n tN�3audty InatNment — . <br /> end in any dder(q exceuted by Bortower and recorded whh it. <br /> Wimetua: _._._-- <br /> I-�V�/M �IW�.�O'r (Seal) _--_ <br /> mI1RK P. NEWHOUSE •��� __ <br /> Soc�ial3audryNumber S05_72-98G9 . . <br /> _l�//� .(. /l/ /.a.Ci "'_"': <br /> R NE LLNEUMO E � .p;,�'k 6,'{:�- <br /> �?,,!3.r::--`::.. <br /> SocielSeeuriryNumber 5�p-�A-���1� �t+; <br /> {C.=j,_',.c'; <br /> `�;:�. '. <br /> STATSOFN88RASKA. H111L Countyer. lji;xy'.'i•:, . <br /> `a�s�!x�), <br /> On this da of ,before me,the undeni ed,e Note Publk *;�r=�.vs'--- <br /> � _, . <br /> 14TH Y MlIY 1993 B� �Y t.trr.t,�:-x:•,:. <br />_ dulyrnmmiuloned ond queilfied foraaid counry,peraonelly came (MRK P. NEUMOUSE RND ANNE L. NEWiOUSE� � t.'rr{r,;: <br /> owntobe�he .,,�,�%Y�;-y��s. <br /> HUSBAND FND WIFE r:.��,:s;' <br /> ;�;;,,....; <br /> Idenqcel pe�cons(s) whose neme(a)erc subxri6ed w�he forcgoing instrument and ecknowlWg ex ution thercof lo ,;}a�,4a:«??:::_ <br /> � TFIEIR volunuryactanddeed. ��'�-y�,�� .- <br /> Wim hendendnowielscalet GRAND I ND, .B Cll seid ry.�hc � qsr�, <br /> date afo id. a \ i�.�i`t �� <br />� My Com i c��Es4 !�o �t i <br /> h� a NobryWWic � ���i; <br /> T0IRUSTEE: ���ka�—`�4 EQUEST�ORRECONVEYANCE 'i',ti:�i.;;.__:.,: <br /> 7Te undenigned is the ho no�e or no�es secured by this Deed of 7}us�. S�id note ur naes,tagether�vi�h dl �t"-�:�'�T;�;;�' <br /> othu indebtednus secured b �his Dee l7Fust,heve 6een aid in full. You are hereb dircc�ed ro cancel said nore or naes ��'-`?'--`��" <br /> Y P Y r.,rs�..t:.',:. <br />�� • and Nis Dad o(7Fust,whicii ere delirered hercby,end�o rcconvey,wiihom warramy,all the es�ate now held by you under ���•:,^„�..,: � <br />- this Deed of Ttust ro the person or persons Iegally emiticd�hercw. :'�";"�"���;,�-- <br /> .�,_ .}:',$t.� <br /> • �8Il: 7N{::�:�_= .ii. <br /> AIl i:.Ja:a_ <br /> iorm IOL 9/90 ! r� 6 iL ',1�:.F['..'i::�-. <br /> MF ^/ NR • , <br />_ .'(c..i:.',;�,-" <br /> ;���_:_. ,., <br /> ye,::):. <br /> ::�.;>;•.�;��-.: <br /> ..,,.,,:.„, <br /> r . --.._l'_`ti t: Furi ..-.� .�:-'.[: . ::...; , w . -.:;._.� _ ' ':_�,.T.—...rry� . . .. <br /> , . ., <br /> 1-.- - - ' :.. . ' . . _ _ �, ' . ' . - <br /> � �i _ . . . . • _ <br /> M1 - <br /> t.:�.-. .� . . ,_ �. ,-. . .. "'_ _ '" ' _ _ .. . <br /> :_�....:� _. .._-.:-:.-.,-....._ .' .• . '- . - � "� . <br /> . , ... . .... . .- . . ... . . - <br /> .. . ._ � :. � . <br /> . _.- _—. . . . _ .. 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