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;.i��,� .- - _ _--, - .�-_;,- ---- <br /> ,.:_ <br /> I� �g,g�s . . :, <br /> -. _' .. _ .. ��1s ��t1G617� - . - �—. . <br />. ._. ,_�. - . . . _ .. —_—.. <br /> , condemnatlon or othor talcing o!eny pun ottha P�openy,or tor conveyenco In Ileu otcondemneNon,ero hcreby aselgned anA - <br /> sho116a patd lo Lcndar. <br /> In the orent ot e lotal taking of Ne Property, tAe proaed� �holl 6e opplled m �he euma securcd by th� 8ecurity <br /> Ins�mmenR wAmhet or not Nca duo,with any oxaca pafd to portowcr. In�ho ovcm ot s pettial wking ot tha Pm y in ` <br /> ; which IAe falr makat veluo o/tLo Proy�rty Immedietely boforo the teking le cqual ro orgrcater�hen�he amount of a cum� <br /> aecvRd 6y�Alt Sacu�iry(nctrumaat tmmedletoly beforo the taking.unlcas Bortawer md Lendtr athxrwiw apxa in wrfdrtg, - <br /> tho sum�sccurt0 by thl�Secud�y InatNment�hall be rcduccd by�he amoum ot the proceed�multip11cd by the fotlowing <br /> hactlom (a)the total amount o!�M eum��aurcd Immedlatoly boforo�ha talcing,divided by @)�he fetr market valuo of tho <br /> __' Propony Immcdiately betom tAe taking. Any baionce�bell be pnld m Hortower. In the event ot a partlel takL�g ot the <br />--' n in wNch the talr market value of�he Pro h <br />. - . , Prope y puty Immcdieiely betore thc taking Is less tAan the amount of t e wms ••..�---:---�-_• . . . ..: <br />-- -- iccure4 fmmWiaroly beforo ehe�eking,unless Bortower and Lender o�herwisa agrce In wdtlng or unlos�epplluble lavi <br /> — od�crwise provldce,tho procoedt thaU be npplied ro�he cume securcd by Ihla Secudty Inatrument wheiher or mt the sume aro <br />