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ej r;;� "'."'°�„""..' .� . . _. <br /> „-:,' � . � . .. �",`� , , . <br /> ------ <br /> 93= �c���s2 �_.. . ._ <br /> pttio0s that Lender rcquitti. 7he Insurenoo carticr pmvlding tl�e tnawenoe etiall be chcoremgn by Hortower subkc�to Lfndttb <br /> � LrnderYopttoa,�obWocoveuro8ercoprobtaiLia�id�u�rlgNaN�erfall�togmelntcm e�nawl�deac����ove�7.endcrmry,a► <br /> PtoPeM ' ' `----`--.. <br /> � All lnsuranca polides and ranewale�Aali be axaptable to I.cnder and�hall ineludo o clanEard mongnge clevae. LenQer <br /> slle11 heve�ha dght ro huid�ho poilefe�and rcnowab, If Lender�equlm.Bo+roaer shall promptly gire to Lender dl rcalptl <br />___ ' ' ot pald premluma and Rnewal notlaa. In the event of tos�,Bortower ihail gWe prompt notico to�he inewanco earrlor and <br /> I.ender. I.endermay meko pmotof lose ilnot mnde promptly by Bortower. <br /> Unles�Lender end Bortower othnwlse agrse In wdting,Ineumnoe procada�Aell be apptied to reatoreNon or rcpeir at <br /> ---- the Proyerty deme ed,if�he rosromdon or repeir Is economlcally feulble anA LenderL cecudty is not leuened. If the <br /> - -� <br /> rcstonti�n or rcpa i�not xonomicatly feuiblo or Lendub acurity xrould Aa leue�ed.tde inaurenco yroxed�ehalt be � <br /> appfled to�he wma seeured 6y thta Secudry Insuumen4 whuher or not then due,wi�h any exaa+Patd to Bo�wm. tt <br /> Borrowu ebendom�he Propttty,or doe�not mawu within 30 day�e nottce from Lender tha[�he Inswenco certler has <br /> offered w settla a claim,lhen I.eadcr may coUect the insuronoo proceed�. Lendcr mny uu�ha proaed�to rcpelr or ru�ore <br /> `--— <br /> the Pro ny or to pay suma secuttd by thit Seeudry tnaaument,whuhu or not then due. 7Te 3aday pedod wltl begfn when <br /> ----= tha not co(�gtven. <br /> -- Uniev Lender end Bortower othenvise egrce tn wr(ting,any eppIfcetton of proceed��o prfncipil ahall not extend or �__,__ _ _ .___ <br /> - -y postpone t�e due deta ot�ha momhly paymenu rtkned to in paragrepht 1 and 2 or chenge�e emowt of�Ae pa np. It <br /> ���� under paregmph 21 the Propeny b acquired Dy Lender.Hortowerb dght ro ony insurenca pollcia end p�rosulting <br />_. .}-��� Gom dam�ge to�he Propeny pdor ro tha acquisi��on ahall pav to Lendcr�o�Ae extent of the sum�uamd by Nia 9etudty <br /> k,��`� Tnswment Immedietel prior ro tha acquuition. <br /> 6. Oceupaacy,yPreaervaUon, Melntenance end Protecdon of the Property; Borrower'e I.oan AppllcaHon� <br /> Leaseholda. Bortower shall oaupy,establish,and uaa the Propeny at Horto�verh pdnclpel rosidenca within iixty day�eRer <br /> ti''"''�_ ehe axecution ot this Sceurity Insm�ment end shdl eonNnue�o occupy�he Propeny m Bortowerti pdceipal rcs(denoa for at <br /> ,.��� ,� ° leest one year afror the date of acupancy, unlus I.ender otherwiso agrce� in wri�ing, which conaent s6aU na ba =_--°�� <br /> �1J},� unreasonably withheld,or unlaas atenueting circumatanw exlat whieh ero beyond Boirower�conuoi. Hortower shell not .. <br /> .'.-,`' ""." destro dama e or im r the pe y pe Y —,; <br />_,__ti,.;,,i,�z. y, g pai Property,allow�he Pro rt ro detedoote,or commit wxarc on the Pro n . Borrower ahnll -Y,__: <br />�'`s�{,>.lu±,'�, b¢in detaWt if nny fodeimro attion or proceeding,whether civil or criminel,i�bcgun thet in Lenderh good fe4h judgment �J:,..,�;.- <br /> n -�� could result in fodeiture of�he Property or othuwisa matedaUy impair the lien crcatcd by �hia Secudty(nawment or .= <br /> ` �;`�*'!2, LenderS mudry intenst Bortower may wrc such a default and rcinstate,ns provided{n parvgraph I8,by uusing�he ection F -- - <br /> �,�}l; or proceeding ro be dismissed whh a ruling�he6 in LenderY good tai�h determination,preeludea[odeituro of the Borcower§ �u�? � <br /> �ri"�A�y�-,; intereat in�he Propeny or otlier mereriel lmpaifinent of the lien ercated by �hie Security inauummt or I.enderL secudty � �S : <br /> -- inte�est. Bortouer shall alao be in deteult if Bortower, Juring �ht loan application procets, gave m��eflally felu or ,'���:ct .- <br /> �i r� inaccurate info�merion or atatemen�s to Lender(or teiled to provide Lender with eny meterial InfortnetioN in conneetion wlth �i a;; -' <br /> n i,,'�. the loan evidenced by the Nnta including, but not Iimited �o, rcpresematioro conceming Oortower§ ouup�ncy of the �,;s^. �,�— <br /> ts s�^.�r {� Pmperty m a p�incipal reaidence. If thia Seeuriry In:trument ia on a leesehold,Bortower�hall comply with ell the provisiona .�,-`�( ; <br /> ^�____.,�:T_ of the leau. Jf Barto�Yer acquircs fee qqe to�he Propeny.�he leasehoid end the fee�itle shnll not merge unlese Lender egreea :,;.._�i,_cr`.____ <br /> .�!' ... to Uie merger in wri�(ng. ,��i - <br /> �'�'+f���#� 7. Protation ot Ltndert Righte in the Property. If Bomower fafla to pedorm the covenanta end agreements '` � <br /> r�t�`�� mmained in this Seeurity Inswment, or�herc i�a legei pr«eeding �hat may signiflcnndy ettect Lenderl dgh�s in the ��r�',��" ,_ <br /> a�`t propeny(such a�a protteding in bankmptcy,probate,for mndemnation or fodeiwrc or to en(orce lews or rcgulnqons),then �� t � ' <br /> F.,t���'� Ltnder mry do end pay for whatever ia nccessery to pmtat the value of thc Ptopeny and Lenderb righu in the Property. ;� r.�r � i� - <br /> i u Lenderk aetlon+may include paying ony xums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrvmen6 eppeadng ����;���E ��'"_;_-. <br /> /-�� n- < in coun,paying rcamnable elromeys'feea and emcring on ihe Propeny�o makt repairs.Alihough Lender mey teke eaion .�';.a+ li�s� _ <br /> .. z�`,2�-.. under�hi�pnregraph 7.Lender dac mt have to do w. !;,t:%�.,i',�P�f..:�i <br />�`+;;i^;:;•iJ�, Any emounte disbu�xed by Lender under thu paragmph 7 shall become addi�ional debt of 8ofrower secured by ihis ;�4��-+�:%`tnf f�-�t:= <br /> �t u2 ss� Securi�y Inn�umtnt. Unlw Bortower ond Lender egree�o other tertna of payment.�hex amounu ahall bear imercat from�he i ti4�1 a � - <br /> ` � � ' detc ot di:bursemrnt ut thc Note mte und ahall he payabie,with intcrcs4 upon noticc from Lender ro Borrower requating �'; `�i� <br /> `- ' � a menc ` �' `E ` �. <br /> 7.�ts{;��` P y 8. MortRage Insurance. If Lender rcquircd mongage insurence as u condi�ion of ineking�he loan accurcd by this �-� i� {tP,�� �.' <br />..,�t,�-.-�,. ' Securiry Insttument, 8ofrower shall poy the prcmiums rcymrcd �o maimnin �he mortgnge insurnnce in effttt. If, tor any - '- i Sk�r, ,%:. <br />._-:u��.:i:-;f%' :{V,`;'••,:5�i(Lf S . <br /> }..,y_;,;�... rcoson, ihe mongnge inaumnce mvemge requircd by Lender lepses or ceasez to be in etfect. Bofrower shell pay the � •i;�:q{;��c�;,:.•, _ <br /> + �` v� prcmiums rcquircd w obtnin covemge su6stnmially eyuiwlent ro �he mortgage insurence prcviously in effect, ut a cost �- �•. ir�f ._ <br /> ,r�i �. xubs�amielly eyvivnlent�o the cm��o Bonower uf the movguge insurence previously in eRect,(rom an nitema�e mongage . �',�r ,, �� �,�_ <br /> ,� � tti, - inxurer uppmved by Lender. If substantially equlvalem mongege insumnce covemge�s not availeble,Borrower shall pay to -�i,�"' �p <br /> �' _ -_ Lender each momh u sum equnl�o ane-melflh of ihe ycorly mongage insumnce prcmium Ming paid by Bortower when the � �-' �r ��,� <br /> �-�.}. insumncc mvcmgc lapsud orceased to bc in e(fat. Lendcnrill acccpt.usc and rctain thcx paymems m o lass 2urve in lieu - �.� �, � <br /> i�;t_3�� ot mongage inwmnce. Loss reserve puymenis may no longer be rcquircd,m�he option of Lender,i(mortgage insurance -ia�.: .�� p�� ;:- <br /> � _i�; covernge(in the umount nnd fm the periad that Lender rcquircs)provided by an iniurcr approved by Lender ag_in becomes '- .c'"� ' . <br /> i . availebte nnd is obmined.Oortower shall pay the prcmiunu myuircd ro maintain mortgage irourance m effect,or to pmvide a �?� �+,.'�i e� =i� <br /> . 5. -. �-� lass rcscrvc,uNil the reyuircmcnt for mon¢agc insurancc ends in acmrdancc o�ith any wriercn agrccmcnt belwccn Borrowcr .,;i� . +'�j <br /> 3{.�i .:-�.i andLendcrurnpplicablelaw. rW '-?•"�'. <br /> u <br /> s �-- - -• 9. Inspeclfon. Lender or itc ngeni may make reaconaM1le eniriet upnn and impec[ians n(�he Propeny. Lender shall ��a`° �� -' <br /> '��L�, i^,`i give Dormiver nolice at the time of orpriur m:m inspectian specifying rcn.onable cause fm�he impec�ion. :j�, <br /> � � 10. Condemnellon. "Ihe pmcceds o(any aoard nr daim(or damage.,dircct m conneclfon with any <br /> � �� <br /> � �- t� SinpleFamfir—F�noleM�NF}eddir\LcC\IFIIR\IIS\TNCNF.]7—�. 9N0 �ryxv!J6rycn� - - <br /> rir• <br /> r� " _} ? mx�newuwrmx�.r ■ ' rs . . <br /> ,:.lL�tiij'�t ToWVf1p �fUU6WfJOfA161LT1.11]I <br />_.:r,- _' �� _ . <br /> rrs:-,*'°-••.7'a'-^�z----^-...—;q,r--...�_..-:". ..._ _"' " -,: . . .;�:".'yd'. ; _'.:.3,,` ' !�' . . . . . : • <br /> ;''ji; " .. - . _ . . <br /> -rycF^riTta�.�. - - . <br /> ..7'. .:`ir.i�� �.�. - ' . <br /> -L_ ' _ ' ' ' _ _ — . - . . . . <br /> � -�. / �'`3 - . . <br /> :t.'� <br /> ..-j.,'fili_,',�` 1.:�:� . <br /> � ;, <br /> 6 '' , �. .- . • � . . <br /> � l. <br /> • <br /> r - �� �-' � 0- l � . . � - . <br /> 4 Y <br /> 1 3 �l '�: - . . . . . <br /> t�s< r <br /> i . , : - - . _ . . � <br /> Y . . {{ <br /> _ � i . . 1 -l� .....:1 �. ,.� ��_T.. <br /> � 'r b., . ' <br /> r t 4�,.`� ' - � -1 <br /> .l. .1\ _ . a _ . � . .� .. . . �i. � . .• . . . i .. . . . .. r .._n . . -i r . .. . __ . . <br />