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..,..�-. . . : .� ,.�. �:�,x . ... a _. .., ..: ,. <br /> ,`t" _ . - .-''; _� � <br /> ._-. __ <br /> ; - <br /> _ 93��R��S� _: , .. - . <br /> TOOB7tI8[1 VYfi71 WI�ho tmproremenu now on c�rwRu ereetcd on tho propeny,en0 WI tasemenU,appurtcnanoea; '',�'� <br /> and 1lxtute�now or f�cmaRer a part of�lw property. All rcpleamenu and eddil�one�nell elao bo oovered by thle Securiry <br /> InstNmonl.All ot mo forogoing I�rcfirtcd to tn thla Bavdty lnsaumcnt e�tha"Property.' - -- <br /> BO�ROWBR COVIiNAPTI'8 that Bortowcr ia l�wNily Kised ot the atate hercby convoycd and tw tha dgAt to grant <br /> end convoy tM Froperty und�hat�he Yropedy ia unencu�bztz4 axc�pt tur znoanbnmuc ot raord. 8wrower wartenu end --- - <br />-- wlll detend geaerally tho tltle la tho Propcny egelnst ell clnlmi end dcmanM,abJcet�o any encumbrenccn ot rocord. , <br /> 7Y{19 BECUR�I'Y IN377tUM8Mf combineo oniform toven�nro tor ne�lonal uu �nd non•unlPorm covenanu with <br />---- Ilmlted vazhilons by Jurl�dialon to constlmte�unifoim naurtty IneWment covuing rcal property. <br /> . , <br /> �....-,.---------„-.,,. ...- <br /> — UNIFOAM ODVHNAbTI'9. Borrower and I.endu covenem end agrce a+foqows: <br /> _ 1. Fayment oT P�Incipol and Intereaq Prepayment and I.ata Chargca. Bortower�hall promptiy pay whcn duo the <br /> = pdncipal of md Intereat on the deDl evldeneed 6y Iho Neto end eny prcpnyment end laro chuges duo under�he Noto. <br /> � 3. Nnds tor7Lxea anA inauranea SubJect to eppIiubla law or ro a wdtten weivw by Lender.Bortowcr shell pay to <br />.T,µV l.ender on tha day monNly pxymems aro due under the Nae,until�he Nmo ie peid in PoII,a wm('INnd�')for.(e)yearly _ _ <br />`�-_w roxa and assewmema which mey ana�n pdodty over ihie SauBry Inawment ea e Iien on�ho Property;N)yearlY�eeachold __ <br /> �_= paymente or ground rencs on cho Propeny, if any: (c) ywrly huzud or property Insurance prcmlums; (d) yeariy flaod � . <br /> " insurenco prcmtum�, if my;(e1 yearly monsage fnsurenee prcmiume, it my; and (q eny sum� payeble by porrower to '°-�--�- -�--- <br /> '� Lender,in�aordence with�he provisions ot pamgraph Ileu of tha payment ot moegago Insurenco prcmluma. 71wse - <br />��''��. Itenu era ulled"&crow Items." 1-ender mey,at eny lime,rntlest and hold Punds in en emount not[o eaceed�ha max(mum - ._ <br /> _"?'�� amount a Iender for a feAenlly rcleted mort6ege loan mey requiro for Bortowerh eserow account under tho federel Reai � =� <br /> Eslete Settlement Roadurca Act of 1974 es emended from tlmc to�ime,12 U.S.C.4��«seq.("RESPA'�.unless ano�her P` <br />;;;y;� Iaw Net applies to�Ae I�nda uta a lesaer amount. It w,Lender may,at any dme,collect and hold Ponde in en arnount not to F.��-__.'- <br />:;:;t;:,, eacad the lesser amount. Lender mey estimete the emount of IOmds due on the basis of curtent deta end rcasoneble ��,�2-,.__ <br /> '; asHmatea of expendimroe of Poturc Bscrow Items or otherwim in accordence with appliceble Iew. °- - - <br /> �� 7M Wnd� ehell be held in en institu�ion whose depostu aro Inaurcd by e federal agency, inawmentelity,or emity Xr F ' <br /> �is i pncluding Lender,if Lender is such en InsNtmion)or in any Pederal Home Loan Bank. Lender shell apply the Wnda to pay +�F r - <br /> _a� the 6scrow I�ems. Lender may not charge Bortower for hotding nnd epplying Ihe Wn&,annuelly enalyzing �he escrow �h��� :- <br /> i aceoun6 or rerifying tha Escrow Ttems, unleaa Lender peya Bortower interc:t on the Wnda uM applicable lew pertn(Is <br /> �j i l.ender to make sucA e cherge. However, Lender mry requirc Bonower to pay a one-time cherge tor en Ndependent real j �y �- <br /> :�:� esuro tex rcponing urvia used by Lender in eonnecGon�vith thin loan,unlesa applicable law provides otherwice. Unlesa an �� ^ <br /> ::;:; agreemcnt U made or upplicebte law rcquircs interost io be paid,Lender ahall not be required to pay Hovower any interc:�or }-°s• '���� <br /> �� eamings on the FLnds. Bortower and Lender may agrce in writing,however,�hat incercs�aAall be pxid on ihe I�nda. Lcndcr �`z i���n � <br /> �:� ahall givo�o Bortower.�vithaut eharge,en ennual accounting of the FLr�ds,ahowing crcdiu and debiu[o the Punds end Ihe �+'i�'r.+a <br /> r -t purpose tot whtch tach debit ro the Flmds wu made. 'Ihe Pondn are pledged ea additional security!or ell suma saurcA by r� t�; E; — . ---- <br /> - �hla Sxudry Instrumcnt. K�+1 h c - � <br /> �.+�- (f!!!��ndx hel8 by I<nder exceed �Ie emounu oerm0�ed to be hctd bv aoplieeble law. 4ender ahell eaount ro ,X D ._~ <br /> --- <br /> � '; Dorrower Por the exceaa Funds in acco�nce wi�h the requiremem�ot eppliceblc Idw. If�he emount of�he Ponds held by c �+�, �-��«._ <br />--:�:��� Lender et any�ime is not autfident to pay the Escrow I�em�when duc,Lender may so no�ify Oorto�vcr in�vdting,end,in ;;,; , ..��_�_. �•-- <br /> '-��`%: such case 6ortower shell pay to Lenda the emount nema�ery w make up �he deficiency. Borrower shall make up �he �-;�;�.;�':�4�.'j i:.t�_�ir; <br /> '- :hj deficieney in no more then twelre monthly paymenu,at LenderS soie discre�ion. _ , r `ru _ <br />_,;�'r U n ment in full of all rume ucurcd b �hu Saurit Instrumem.Lender shail rum �i rePonJ �o Bovower an ,! '`l �-x�i =.' - <br /> Po PHY Y Y P P Y Y , �a, <br /> _' ,� fvnds held by Lendec It,under paragmph 21,Lender shell acquirc or sell ihe Propeny,Lender,prior to the ecquisition or , -,�,'-,,t rer���' <br /> salo of the Property.shall apply any Mnds M1eld by Lcnder at�he�ime of acquisition or sale u a credit egatnst the sums � {�i�rj���,�}3 <br />,,. sa•' ucurcdbythh3ecudlylnawmrnt. s h x�sr)r �.- <br /> 3. Appllcetion of I'nymend. Unlesa npplicuble law providex othenvise, all paymenu rcceived by Lender under ��c,,Rr-• fn --_ <br /> --�-�� paregrephe I�nd 2 sAall be epplied:firs6 to eny prcpryment charges duc under�he No�c; amounu payable under �}��}-���i`'ti'� - <br /> - t; parugraph 2:third,to intercat due;founh,ta principul duc:nnd InsL�o any lu�e charges due undenhe Note. �i { � *� .,� f- <br /> 4. CAargee; Llen�. Borto�ver shall pay all �oxes, a+xssmrnts,churges, fines end imposi�ions m�ribumblc ta ihc a �:4 ,�1+ r C <br /> -+3 Property which may attein priority over Ihis Security fnswmen6 and Icaxhold paymems or ground rcnis,if any. Uorro�ver '� �t Aj1.d��r✓�e.. <br /> h-i ahall pay�hese obligetfons in the manner provided in p�mgreph 2,or if no�paid in thnt manner.Borrower shall pey�hem on �??'' 'f< � � <br /> > -E� �imc dircaly ro Ihc person mred paymcn� Bortowershall promptly fumish�o I.ender ell noiiccs of nmounts�a be paid under '�� d'�y c pn#�`•-.' <br /> -. 4�! ��la paragraph. If Bortnwer makes.h�se pnyments directly,Bortower+6nll promp�ly Pom�sh �o Lender receipis eridencing ,. _ 7 <br /> „� thepaymenu. -..-?C'�>r� : <br /> '�� Dorrower ahall promptly discharge any lien which ha�prioriry aver ihis Securiry Inswment unleu Bovower.(a)ngrces �1(�v,T�"S�4�r,'+�t -_ <br /> u: <br /> _,�.. in wriling lo�he payment of Ihe obligmion cecured by Ihe licn in x manner acceplable to Lender.(b3 conresis in gaad fuith the �qr rt�4�°4?�L�7�F ` <br /> lien by,ordefends against en(orcemen�of ihc licn ptrccedinxa which in�he Lendert opinion operx�e to prevent the '+'+Y'�1 ?�1 �x <br /> 7"..�� enforcement o(the licn;or(c)securcs fmm�hc holder of�he licn an agrcemcnt sutisfac�ory�o Lender subordinating thc licn `7- t jf�i�,e <br /> .-;}a+� to�his Secumy Inswment. I(Lender determines tha�any pan of the Propeny is.ubjec�to a lien which may auein priority . ��,�1� q�� <br /> ,�;�+;� over this Securrty Instrument.Lender may gire Uortower a no�ice idemifying the licn. Borrower+hall s��isfy�he lien or teke _ �.,,��;�t��,.t-,�._ <br /> ,..:� one or more of ihe ections set(onh above�vilhin 10 days of Ihe giving of no�ice. -_ �?'F'( :�_; <br />'°!"? S. Hezerd or Property Insurnnce. Borrowcr shail kcep�hc improvemcros now cxisting or hercaftcr ercaed on thc r�..y. .,.te- ,.y '`;-_ <br /> -y ��� Propeny insurcd againsl loss by firc,hezards includcd within�Ae cemi"ex�cndcJ wveragc and any n�hcr haiard.,induding �? - --r� :� <br /> �;}�,' floods or flaading,for �vhich Lender rcyuirca inwnnce. 7Ti. inwnnce �hall he maimained in �he amoumx and for lhe � .1- <br />:".�1"�� <br /> �,.; <br /> �_^��t term�07E 9N0 rNe�lu�npqru " . . <br /> _ i:,�� � ' <br /> -:.ny � <br /> ��S}� r <br /> �x},g:;;S'=-r -. ._.. ,��fl_.Yyr..._�: r . . .. n. ..0 .... " _ . .. . _:--. . :n.r. . .,_nt ....... . . , _ <br /> -'.R:' . . . ' - � <br /> .�P,r.' <br />���_: r <br /> i::. <br /> _.-,sc`F::-.- - - _ . -_ . _ <br /> '-:✓f,i�... _ <br /> - r,y'-=`�• �..i" - � <br /> '��I .�t.• - . . <br /> 4 'I <br /> �.5.. -t-.. . <br /> ._1'�;\: `�:i � . - - . ., - , <br /> ::il�.tp��?��+,' � . - . � ; . - ' , <br /> � gj�_ c � _ . . ... . ., . ., . . .. ,. <br /> t _ . <br /> s • , � <br /> ��n - � ' <br /> `-i .-.: ,- ��., . � . <br /> :. <br /> , , <br /> 7 .�: �,. - - - - ° <br /> . _ .. . . .. . . ,. . .,.... �. ._ . . . . _ . . . . _. <br />