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��T� j/'am :- .�. . _ � �� _t . <br /> �r..�_J - . . _. • l t . .� <br /> _ .$3- �d��� ..- ' ,t , _ . <br /> - .. , ,.�._ <br /> candomnatlonormAertpkingotenypartofthoYropettg,orfotconvoy+nvrolnliepotcandemhedon;aro�heteby(t�tignt4u�d: �.,;"-f�=:� <br /> �ha11 bepdd to I.enda. . <br /> - I�t1w eveq[ ot a tael teNnp oi the t�inperty,tAo nroeccAr 6hd16o npDlled ro lho 4uma isautW Dy t�id Secur�tq <br /> Instnunent xfiuher or not�hen duo,wi�h eny exbasydd to Fonrower. In mo even�ot a paniel rak[ng o��he fi <br /> whicb�he fair mndcet ve1¢e of 0e Property immedintmy 6oforo��o roktng te eQual�o or tet ttv�n tho pfnou�t oCt,o�wns <br /> gtC@ n <br /> `-^' KcureA by�h1�8eauiry Instrument immedieeolY 6ofom tBe laktng..unlwa Bor�owtt und LErtdu a1F-ivdse a$rcC in Y�ti!ln;:.- - - - - <br /> -- �he eumt tecurc4 by tbli 8ecudry Instn�mrnt shall ba rcduced by tho emount ot tha proocede muhl�ited by�hc fol(oiNng , <br /> fiaction: (n)1ho totat emount of tha�uma eaured Immedietely beto�o Ila teking,divlded DY(b)tho fair merket Yaiva otl�a : < . <br /> -- pPrrooppue�tryy Immediatciy boforo the taking• MY balanco shall be palyd to Bortower. In tha event of a peitle!lelpng ot tho " . <br /> '_— «cured imm�r.din oly�betoro ihe�iekin8�unleaa Bm�rower end 4ender ath rwl�e��ge�o in�wil�ing or unlae appll bf4�l W . <br />- ot4oririse providee,�he pmaed�she11 be epplled ro�ho nums securcd Dy ehie Secu,iry[n�m�ment whahar or not t�o sum�e�o . . . <br /> -_— �hm duo. <br /> - ' If tfie Propnty 1�abendoned by Hortower,or If,aRcr notico by Lender to IIarower that tho condemqor offen to mako <br /> �--� an eward or eeWe a clalm for demaga,Bortower falis to respond to Lendcr wlthin 30 dayn atler the d'ete�he noRiee le glven, <br /> -� i.endu i�authodzed to collect and apply tho proceed�.e[iro optton,eitAer ro roswradop or ropelr of the Rnpony or ro Ihb <br /> --`��= cume aecurcd by�his Securlty tnst[ument,whether ornot t6en duo. -- <br /> _��iy Unlaa Lender and Bortower othawiae agrce in wdting.eny a plkation of procuds to pdncipal sda11 not extcnd or . <br />;;:;�,;� poatpone the due dato of�he monddy paymenb roferrcd ca in paregrepR�1 and 2 or change�he rnwunt ot�uch paymrnro. <br /> �- 11. Florrowor Not Releasedt ForbenrOnce Dy Lcnder Not a Walver. [ixtenston ot Uw Hme fot payment or <br /> -'-✓� modi0atlon of amonizetion ot ihe suma�ecumd by tbla 3eeudty Insaummt granled hy I.ender ro eny eucauor in Interat <br />:'.�;r,m� of IIoirower�hell not operote to roleasa[he Iiahility of�he odginal Qortower or Oortowerti sucasson in Interul.l.ender <br /> ?;�y.,� nhall not ba uircd eo wmmence proceed�n8a ag�inat eny succeasor in inrcrott or rofu�e ro exeend�ime for pxyment or <br />_>_._,_��° otherwlte modi�emonlm�ion of the sum�sanred by this Secwi�y Inswment by rsason of eny demand made by tha odgind _ <br /> -,.,.;«�' , Bortower or Hortowcr§wceessors In imeresc Any forbearencc by Lender in exercising eny dght or rcmedy shell not 6e a <br />-�:�'`"�t;, waiva of a prcclude�ho exerclse of eny�i8h�or rcmedy. <br />�"-�`-�=5+� 12. 8ucceasore end Aaigns Boundi Jolnt and 8everal Unbllity;Co-etgnen. 'Ihe wvenente end agrcementa ot�hii <br />-s�',"�;� Secudry Instmmem ehall bind md benefit Ihe successon and easlgns of Lender md Borto�ver,�ubJec[to the provlalnro of <br /> ��:�.i��� pnragreph 17.Bortowerl wvenante end egrcemema shell bo Jotnt and severel.Any Bortower who casigne thl�Secud�y <br /> �� � Inatrument but dou not tacaute tho Noio: (n)ia co�signing thle Sceurity Insuument only to mortgege,grant end anvey t�at <br />�'`°'s''" Bortowuh intenut in U�o Property under the�ertns ot�hin Secudty InsaumenC @)ie not personelly obllgetW to pay the ams <br />=:�.,rs.�, <br />--��5;ly�(.' seeurW by thia Secudty Instrument:end(c)agrces�het I.ender and eny o�her Borro�ver mey agrco ro oxtend,modify.for6ear <br /> '%`"t"L`� or rtuke eny eccommodatiom wl�h rcgerd w the tertns of�his Securiry Inswment or ihe Nae withom �hat Bortoxxrh <br />=;:i'�e.�. <br /> -;...i£� consent. <br />`���?:t��� 13. Loan Chargea. It�he loan cecured 6y thia Secudty Instnunene is aubJect �o a law whlch�ete meximum loui <br /> -':-J)2 <br />:;'r_j:�,r_ eharaes,and the�law Is 6nalty inrc`preied ao ihet the inrcrc.i�or other toan charga collected or to be collected In wnnu�on <br /> �f��;} wU�I�e loen exeeed fie permitied limda,ther: :a)azy sc:h loan chu-y:shal:�«du�by the amour.t neasssry to r!d��ee - <br /> �h,� the chnrge to�Ae permittW limit:end(b)any sum�alrcady collecred from Ilorto�ver which exceededpc mihted Ilmita wlll 6e <br /> i ti��% refunded ro Bortower. Lender may choose ro mnke thia rc6md by redudns thc prineipal owed under tho Noro or by meking e <br /> :,:,.����:.� dirut payment fo Bortomc If e mfund rcducea principal.�he reducqon wfli be trcated m a paniul prcpayment wi�hout my <br /> ;�C-� prcpayment chorge under�he Note. <br /> � l0. Noticea. Any notiec to 8ortowcr provided for in�his Sceurity Insuument sholl be given by delivering it or by <br /> `'� mailing it by fint clsss mail unle�s applicable Imv requires use of another me�hod.'Ihe no�ice sh¢II ba dirccted to the Property <br /> -�t��'�x` Address or eny other addrcss Borrower designntes 6y naifec to Lender. Any notice ta Lender ahall be giren by first cless —_ <br /> �^�•"�" ma31 to I.enderh addmxs smted herein or ony othcr uddrcv Lendcr designnces by notice to Borro�vcr. Any notiee provided tor = <br /> -'i'�'�" in �hi�Security Imlrumem ahnll hc deemed m hnve heen givcn to Borcower or Lender when givcn m provided in thla = <br />".'';��iii pnragraph. �-� <br />'- �O'�'`' I5. Governln Le�vi 5eve�abllit Thia Sccurity Inswmmt ahnll M goremed by kdeml la�v und �hc lew o(�he <br />;'2.::�.,;-� g y. Q-� <br /> -=rY�r:; Juri`diction in whieh the Rapeny is located. In the event�ha�miy provislon or clauu of this Securrty Inswment or ihe No�e �-,. <br /> "•-'�r•'' wnilicw with applicnble law,such con0ict xhnll no�nffect oeher provixions of this Security Iaarummt or�he No�e which cen _ <br />,�.Y`�}�T�l <br />.;.j;u�,�A� be givrn effae wlihnut �he con0ic�ing provivion. To this end the pfuvisi�m.of thi.Sauri�y Inswmrnt and the Note erc ��__ <br /> �+;x%x;,� declarcd to be ccvcnble. �: <br /> jii� 16. Dorro�rer's Copy. 6ormwcr shall 6c given ane�ronformed copy o(�he Nate.nd of�his Security Insuumem. F'• <br /> , I7. 7Yensfer of the Property or a Renetieial Interest in IIorro���cr. If ulI or nny pan of�hc Propeny ur uny imercst in e �._ <br />..,,;c�,�� it iF sold or�ronsfeved (or if a beneficial imerc.t in Ronmver i.wld m�r�nsferteA and �ortuwer ix not a nmm�l person) <br /> _ �-���;,, without Lenderk prior wrinen consent.Lender may,at ii�np�iun,myuire immedia�e pa�'ment in Poil uf all xums ucurcd by ; <br /> ;�;;,�;�t%; �hix Sewrity Instrument. Houpver.�his nption shall not 6c cxcreised by Lcnder ifcxercisc i+pmhibitcd 6y(edcrnl law m of _ <br />..•;:;1;,_.±, ihe d�te of�his Security Instmment. _-, <br /> If Lender exercises�Ais opiion.LenJet shall gi�•c Bomn�cr no�ice nf:kccler�tion. "Ihe nolice aha11 pmvide a period of p__ <br /> v.`-. nol less�han 30 dnys fmm Ihe da�e th¢nmice ia delirercd nr mailed n i�6in which�nvo�cer mu��pay�dl aum.4ecurcd 6y�hic <br />'�`�;�'it" Securi�y Instmmem. If 6nrtoxrr fnils to�u�� �hex .nm. prinr ia tix .�pirmi�m ol ihi. peri�xl. Lcndcr may inruke nny <br /> .�.���'.� rcmediesp{lmtiitedby111isSRVrityImlNnlcl�IWilhnulfunhcntnliCCnrdclnallJnnlSortot�er. <br /> - I8. Borrotver'a RIRht to Relnsta�e. If Rnrcnacr mml. cenain rondilinn.. Uommcr +hall harc Iht rigM to have <br /> �-'.�!e;;' en(oacmenl of Ihis Securily Imlmmenl Ji.canlinucd:n anr limc prior io�hc<adirr ol: la)5 Jay.(nr+uch olher periaJ a+ =. <br /> - . Si�kl-anni.-FmnkVnr�FreddlAlulVF11R\II\SiNINE\7'� I-m4+nrt'mrnm�. 99D .ryerL9^ry�.+ --. <br /> i'_ <br /> 't+v^-[!lt.�.,.......-�..�_ . . .... . . - - . - . - ... -. . . ; . . ' . _. .- -_" . . <br /> �.,�..�.. ..� � . <br /> y• <br /> :. .I <br /> ....1:.';., -" _ <br />._ _....'_..� . <br />-:� ��y. �___ <br />.����Jt��._.'� ' <br /> ' y:..; : •. ... - .. _ . . <br /> .;�: <br /> . ,- <br /> , � <br />