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{ , . __- . . . ' <br /> � r � <br /> --' <br /> _ f <br /> {f% _ . . '" . . :: \ -._._ <br /> *��../� _____ _. <br /> _� �,19•��5YA'AFiY'- -t{ !i � i 1� . ._.___ <br /> . periad�thet Lender ulrqa. 'Rio Inswmce wcler vlEing U�e Insivanco�hoit bu CUoswi by Aortpwe�suUJ eo8��p'FxnEer9 '`�' <br /> apprpval whlah ehal pot be un[aasonnbly WINAoId.Sif$oaower faib j0 matnw pov9t�a de�c¢ped aDovtrrJ,d�id,et�nny�at . :; , <br /> _: I.enderhop�loa,obtafnwve aropmtxtLendubdgU,u'NthdP rtyin rAenoo thpuegrep�i ' � __ <br /> p���n:umnoo poucien�rcnewat��hau eo eaoptabtbro�d erie shau tneNdo e swiaazdmodgegd��ieuqe, LenAet <br /> � sha11 have�he dgllt ro hold O�e polieiea end renewafa If Lender rcarylra�.Bortower ihall promptly glve toLenQet e11 rWe�ptt . <br /> � oi pald pnmiums and rtnevnl noNae. In�he event of Cob,Eosmwn efidl glve prompt no�fce ro�he Insumpca i�rttet u�d - <br /> I.ender. Lendermaymakeprootoflo�ifnotmedoprompt�yby$orrowu. <br /> Unleas Lsnder nnd Bortowerothuwiw�gw in wrRing,insurence praoted�thall Ee epDltCd to testot6tlon or reytlt Ot .- <br /> - -=-A the Pro rty dumagM.U the�estomtlon or repaU ie economieally fcastblo and Lenderb sccurity tA not Iesseiic0. ll Q�e ' <br /> ,.._ ._ , <br /> rts�omt on or ropdr le not aonomtcNry feasiblo or 4cnderb seci¢Iry would bo lwaened,�Iw inwranco proaeda�hal1 ka. � '° "" ' ' " <br />___- appliW ro mo wms suumA by�hfa 3aurtry Inakumony whe�her or not then due,wUh eny ozo6be ptid lo Ddrsow2'r. it, <br /> �=-!�g Bortower ebandona tde Property,or dara not answer wiihin 30 drya e nadce from Lender thet�ho Inaiuenco eaniet hae <br />-���F36� otfued to settle a claim,then Lender may oollect Uw inaurmce proxed+• Lender may uae tho pro�eede to royalr or[esrore . <br /> i�r::u,� the Prope�ty or to pay wma caurcd by�hii Socuriry Inevumenr,whuhor or not then due. YLe 30�dry perlod wlll begln whea <br /> -��'^"•<,,;�?� �he notico ii given. <br /> - �;,'�N��ra Unlws Lendtt end 6ortower otlxrwlse�grea!n wr(Mg,any rppliution ot proceede ro pdnc[pal�hall not extend ot <br /> a� postponc�ha duo date of tNe rtwntNy paymenu roferted ro in paragropha 1 and 2 or ekange Ihe amount ot tha paymcnte. if '�'-- � <br /> under pazagreph 21 the Property A acqulrcd by Lender.Bocrowerl dqht ro eny inaurenca poliotw end pracceQ�rosuttlng <br /> ,��� from dnmago m tlw Peoperty pdor to�he acqui:idon shell paw to Lender ro the axtent ot the�um+secured by Ihia 3ecvriry <br /> ,�_�sN_� Inauument(mmcdieroly pdono the acqu�idtlon. _ <br /> �_::d�;,v�� 6. Occupancy, Preserretlon, Meintenentt and Protectlon of the Property; Qorromr'e Loan Appllcallon� <br /> ;;_,;;g;;,; I.eaaeholda. Dortowar�heil occupy,esiebliah,end use the Property m Bortowerb pdncipal rtaldence wtthin six�y dayo a1tFt <br />` •��` - - the executlon of NB Secudty[naimment and shell continue�o occupy the Property aa�orrowerl principal rcafdenee for et <br /> �����'-�- leest one yeer eftu the daze of ocapancy, udesa Lender otherwlse agreea in writlng, whfch eoncent �hall no[ be .._-____. <br /> {�'3'��}�;� unreasonebly wtthheld,or uniese extenuating circumstanca exist which aro beyond BomowerY conwl. Bortowet ihall not - . <br />.r��t�j�<f,, deatroy,damago or impafr the Property,ello�v the Property to detuiorero,or wmm(t waste on tho Property. Borrower shell =�--- <br />_;,,�s, � be in default if any foReiturc ectlon or praceeding,whethereivll or cdmind,la begun that in I..enderb good fahh Judgment _ _ <br /> ''��-u � could msult in fode[ture o(the Property or othenvise muedalty impair Ihe Iien creeied 6y this Secwity Wnument or -- <br />":�4�'��j�'� Lenderk accnriry intercat. Bartower may cum�vch e defeult end reinstate,a+providW in p4ragreph 18,by causing Ne ection <br /> _}.., ,,. y- <br />,-���iy'F�+'"'�;.y nt rcs�t io�he Propeny�o�ertma[edd8mpilmrcnt of�Ihe Ilen c��reated�by thh SecuPrity 1 av Bn�NOr�I.ende 6�aecudty — <br />";'}�;��' inrercac 6orto�ver shail atw be in defeuit if Bomowu,dudng the loan epplication praess, geve rturedelly felu or "" <br /> °�"��,�.� inaccurete in(ortne�ion ar steeemrnts to Lender(or feiled m proride Lender with eny mataial InfortoaHoN in connxtlon with -- - <br /> t t� <br /> ,,,� i}}5�;.� the loan evidenad by iho Note, including, but not Ilmited to, rcprcsentetion�conceming BortowerY occupancy ot�h¢ --- <br /> '^�>-t; 1'ropeny as a pdncipaJ residena. If th4 Security Instmment i�on a leasehold.Bortower shail wmply with ell th¢provlsions <br /> --f w'%x��:�: of the leusa ff Dortower acqulres ke tllle ro�he Ptoperty,Ua leasehold nnd the ke HUo ahnll not merge unless Lender egrseo - <br /> 1 � _ <br /> -- �a�hc me`ger in wriiing. -` - <br /> ,� � ,' 7. Protectlon ot I.ender4 Righte In Ihe Propertr. If Bortower faiis io pedorm U�e rnvenmu end agrecmenu � <br /> u��j��. mnteined in �his Securiry Instrumem,or[herc ia a Iegel praecding �ha[may iignifieently attcet Lenderb dghu in �he "'�'�� -� <br /> r'i� k�" �P�rty(such as e proceeding in bankruprcy,probata for condemn�tion or fodeiturc or ro enforce laws or rcgulallona),�hen ` �+" - <br /> l.ender mey do and pay for whatever is necessary b pro�at ihe wlue of�hc 1'ropcny and Lcndttk dghu In ihe Property. ��-�F " <br /> � -P <_�i= Lenderl ecqons mey Include paying any sum+securcd by i lien which hm priority over this Sewrity InsWmem,appeering U�}• _._ <br /> i � '�.. in court,paying reasoneble airomeys'fan and enuring on ihe Property to makc rcpain.Al�hough Lender may teke action �s`��j <br /> � i �- undcr this paregrvph 7,Lendet das not heve ro do w. -�'#�rr rc � <br />__#l_#,�('� Any nmounu dis6ursed by Lender under�his paregrtph 7 slull become additionel debt of Borrower aecurcd by thia �;-_;i�� ?- <br />:::�t..�F:�: '�v_aF..��.,:_:. <br /> ,, Securi�y Insuumem. Unlcss Borrowermd Lendcr ugree roo�her terms of paymem,thtu umounts shell heer intereat from tAc ���s,,.f,.-� <br /> ,. dntc uf disbuRCmem et�6e Nate rate wd shull be payeblq wi�h imercst,upon no�ice from Lcnder to Bortowtr aquestlng :�`��';y - <br /> �"Y(r-i, pnymem. �"(���fi' "- <br /> �u"' R. Mort n e[nsurance. If Lender rc mrcd mon � c insunnce ac a candition of makin the loan secured b this • <br /> .�4. ' B 6 9 � B B B Y �' �`,{�� <br /> :��., - Sewri�y Instmmen4 6ortowcr shall pay thc prcmiumx rcquircd w m¢intain�he mortgoge insurence in e(kct. If,for eny -�'„ti�,{„ + :�� <br /> - ��;'- ' rcawn, the mort u e insuranw mven c rc uired b Lender la s or ceuses ro 6e in eRect. 6ortower :holl �he "�?•:�k-_-'-- <br /> .-. . . B S 6 4 Y Pu• P8Y - - r,,.,. <br />--�.y�<,;se�::� ; prcmiumx rcyuircd ro abmin covemge substentially eyuiralent to�he mongage inxumnce previously in eRat, at a cost ;���en;.��'c:-�. <br /> ,y � �.• subs�mtielly eyuivnlent to the cos�ro Bormwer of Ihe mnngage insurunce prcviausly in efkc6 from an oltemaie mottgx6e , z'�rJ�a.�,__ <br /> �. �,.,,i i insurcr appmved by Lender. I(suhstnmiolly equivntent manauge inmmnce cove�age is no�arniluble,Bortower shull pay�o „ - yyt�.-- <br /> "+�ss;'� � Lender each munth o sum e uul to onru�xlflA of the eml mort a e insuance rcmium 6ein aid b Oorrower when the :=�'`'�.'�%��;(-�- <br /> � : 9 Y Y SB P SP Y r w.. . -. <br /> i t insumnce covemge lop.ud orceuud to M in etfen. Lender will necepi,use and re�ain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu L��'� � �-_. <br /> ,�� �y��� of mongoge inmm�c. Losc rcscrve wymems muy no longcr be��he op�ion uf Lender, i(mongage insurancc [ ---i•'4z - <br /> � k .• mvemge(in�he mnoum and for�he{reriad�hat Lender reymrcs) pmvided by an imurcr approved by Lender again becomes ar _� �f <br /> 7''��ff �� availabic and i+nbmined.Bortuwer+hall pay�he pmmiums nyuired�o maimain mortgage insumnce in effec6 or to pmvide e - -•- <br /> r��'�f�. lus.rnerve,until�he rcyuircment(or mongage in.urance acconiance wi�h any���riuen agrcemem benveen 6orro�mr f- -�� ' <br /> .�.r ir�i.. �ndLendcrarapplicablclx�v. :.�.�,t�.. _..,,��. <br />��2•;�i��.�'."� 9. Inspec�lon. LcnJcr or ilx ngrm may makc ma�nnaM1lc cmrics upnn:mJ in.�aelinnx of�hc Pmpcny. Lendcr shall :�, <br /> `�'.S'l:r::::•I give 6orto�ver noliae anhe time of ur prinr Io an m�peciion�peci(ying reawnahk cau�e(nr the inapec�ion. - <br /> ':?t^•+r�':' 10. Condrmnatian. The anr aaard or daim fnrdamage.dinr�rn� m�nection wi�h any <br /> _:::�'i", �".;:'. �. <br />- :�":I timpkFamdy-HnnieNnrFrMdie\I�tlY1FOR\11Sb7NC\tE]T-t'nn..m�CO�enam. 9N0 �ryer?..lM1ryea� . • . <br /> J!, r a wnl�.�w ram.ln O . . . . <br /> �- n.:earia� �+mirorra�rraaa�av�.�m <br /> S i: I �:. � <br /> 'r:,�: ! i <br /> ���r . <br /> l`�,s'', _ _ __ <br /> . . ..g•x'_ . . .- . ,.. . . . . _. _ - . . .:'i- . . . .- , . . <br /> ' ..v_ : <br /> y:..i�-. ' <br /> ':�.•i ' ._. <br />, ..� � I <br /> � �- -.- . . . - `} . <br /> . .� . I . . . . - . .. . . . .._ . � _. . . <br /> J <br />