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, . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . <br /> . .. . . . �. •. <br /> � � �93= ���� =- -- <br /> ' ep plleablo.taw may spxtfy tor tzlnstetement)Daforo�ilo of�he Pmpe[ry pursuant to eny power o/wlo contalned In Utls <br /> 6uvrtry,Tnstiumem;or(b)enus�ot o JuGgment cntorcing thle Secwfty fncuumen�. 7hoso cunditlans ere thet 8ortonu: (e) <br /> piyt�l:ender dl eums wdich thtn would be due under thi�Securiry [mwment end�he Note ai If no nooetaation ha4 <br /> ocourtedl(b)ciura eny dePoult of nny otl�er covenanu oragreemcnp:(o)payi all expenxa tncurted in entorcing chb 9audty <br /> Ios6umen6 Inetudin8.6ul no[Iiml�ed to,ressonabte q�qmey�'fces;end(�teka cuch aalon u Leader mey reasonably <br />� roqult0 ro tfsluo Ihat the lien ot ihb 8ecudry Naaumenl,Lendcrb Agnte In�he Property md Bortowert obligaiion to�ay iha °— <br /> Ntnf sxuRd by �h[e Saudty Tnswment ehnil cominuo mwhen8ed• Upon reinsta�ement by Bortower, �hb 8ecurity <br /> Insbument end ihe obligation�axurc0 here6r�heil remdn PoIIy eHectivo ea if no ecceluatlon A�d oocurted. Hovravu,thfi <br /> dgltt ro relmtete shall not eppty In�he ease ofeocelcration unEerparegeph 17. , __ <br /> 19. Bile oP Note{Change of Loao 8ervker. 71a Nota or spanial Inrerat In�ho Note(rogc�her whh thla Saudcy <br /> [nswment)may be,sold one or moro flmea wllhout pdor noNce�o Bortowu. A sela mny result In�change in the enUty <br /> (known as�ho'Loan Serviar'�that wllecn monthty prymenu due wdtt the Nae and tMe BceuAty tnswmen[. 71iem alao <br /> mny bo ona or moro cTungea of Ne Loan Servker unrciated to a eaie o/the Note. If there ia a change ot the Loen Servicer, <br /> Bo�rower w1116o given wdnen nodce ot tAe change In�ccordance�vt[hporagreph I4 e6ova end apptlubie lew. 7Le notice — <br /> wtll uate cAa namo md eddress of�Ia new Loan Smiarand the addrea�co which paymmu�hould be made. Tha notlx wip — <br /> etso contain eny other Ntomiadon rcquired by eppilubk law. <br /> 20. Noaardous BoDsknca. Oortower ehall not cause or pe�mie�he prcsenco,use,Nsposal.aronge,or releese ot any -- - <br /> Hazardow Substancee on or In ehe Propeny. Bortower shell not do,nor allow enyone elu to do,eny�hing eftecting�he <br /> Property tlut b in vtoledon of any Hnvtronmentnl Lew. 7Te preceding txro sencenas aAall not apply�o the presenee,use,or <br /> srorego on 6he Ropeny of emall quentifiea of Hazetdous Subs�ence��hut are generally recogn(zed ro be�ppropdate w no�mal —_ <br /> rosldenHal usw end to melneenenco ot�he Propeny. �-_ <br /> Borrower nhall pmmplly gtve Lcnder written noritt ot eny invatlgetlon,clafm,demand,lawsuit or othcr aetlon by any — <br /> govemmen�el or rcgulatory egency or pdvate party Inmiving�Ae Propeny and eny Herardoua Subs�ance or Environmental =--- <br /> Law of�vhich Borto�rer hes ectud kno�riWge. if Bonower Iealns, or is nalfied by eny goremmentai or rcgulazory =_ _ <br /> euthodry,that any removel or other rcmWiadon ot eny Hezacdous Subs�ence afkaing the Propeny is neceuary,Bortower =__ <br /> shall promptly uke all nettsury rcmediel ecdons in accordanco whh Environmmtel I.ew. _- - <br /> Aa used In this paregreph 20,'Hazardom Substxnces'ere�hou substances definW e�roxic or hazerdom substanas by - -- <br /> Environmentel 4aw end the tollowing nubstencea: gasoltna keroune,other tlemmable or loxic petroleum producu,roxic --- <br /> peaticidea end herbicidea,voladle wivenu,mettdela contatning esbesim or formaldehyde,end ndioactive mamdala. As <br />