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� �� �_ --- <br /> 93� �O�t�� - � ^ �,s <br /> -� at tha op�ton pfl.ande4 if mort�¢�e insuraneo covcraYe ({n tho emount and tor the p.-riod tAnt Lander rcyultetp} `:°— -- <br /> - yrovided Dy en tnauror spprove0 by LenEer aYatn 6womee�vatU�te enQ la obhtned.8ottower�ha11 pey the promiuma <br /> �� roauirod to meinteln mort�e�e inaunnoe in eitwl,or w provlEo�losa rccarvo, unttl the rcqv(roment tor mortg�go <br /> _�.� InaurenoeonQeinn000rdanaewlth�nywdttanegreement6otwaenlforronerenALenderornpp1(cnDlelnw. _ _ _ _____._ <br /> n D.IaepeoMon.LenEar or{te�IIont may m�ke ro+sonabta eatrice upon md Inepootiore oT the Property.Lender otu11 <br /> �a,`*�' glve8orrowernmioeetthedmeoto�pdoeto�ntnnpeotionepxitylnare+eonableonusetorthelnepwdon. �_ <br /> ,,, �� 10.Condemu�tioa.'Ow prooeeGa ot eny award or otaim tor dem�gcs,direae or consoquondal,tn oonnxtton wlth <br /> 'a„ �i' eny aondomnotion or other kking ot eny pert ot the Properry,or!or conveyanoe In Ileu ot condemnaflon,ero heroby <br /> t+fi�� east�ned�nd ehall be peld w Lender. <br /> ' .- :, In the event ot e tout uklng af the Proporry,the proaede ehell be applled to the eums seoured by thle 8aoudty „ ; _ ,,. . . <br /> '"` Inatrumant,whotheror not then duo,with any e:oeea piid to Sorcower.In the event o!e pantel ulcing ot the Propetry in <br /> -�eF�� whioh tha talr market velue ot the Pro rty ImmWietely Eetoro the teYi ie usl w ar ter than tho emount ot the <br /> -;:+kt:':�..s;. Pe �Y W B� <br /> �, r � auma ewured by thls 8ocurity Inetrument immedGtely botoro tho teking,unlesv Borrower and Lender othorwise egree - <br /> � ,�, in wdting,tha eume seaured by thie Becurlty Inattument ehell ba teduoed by the emouns ot the ptooceda multiplied by <br /> ;a�, f"�� the lotlowing traotton:(a)the toul amount ot the eume sewred Immedhwly 6eforo the taking,dlvlded by(b)the tatr <br /> -,:;���',� mer�et value ot the Properry Immedintely 6otoro tha uking.Any 6aiance siull bepetd w 8orrower.In the event of a <br /> �rS��r parNal taking ot tho PropoAy in hhiofi the teir muket value ot the Property immediswty betoro the uking is leas then • —�--- •�--- <br /> °" _ �•h the emount ot the aume sewnd(mmedlauly 6etore the ulcing,unless Horcoaar and Lendar otherwise agru in Nr[ting <br /> �`iz�S i <br /> __:. �s�t or unlesa epplicnble !aw otherwise provides, the proa«de shall ba appRed to the eums aecured by thta Security <br /> � 'r�'` Inatrumentwhetheror not thesume aro then due. - <br />?';{;�^s_3.{§, - <br />,,,:{:n^,,o�r;� It the Pro rty is abendoned by Horcower,or tt,dter notice by I.ender w Borrower that tho wndemnor ottere to - <br />_�+?�?.�y�� make an ewa ot settle a alelm tor demages, Borrower teils w respond to Iander aithin 30 daye atter the daW the -- <br /> > <br /> ,r ` `+,'�; notioe ia given,Lendar ie authorized w colleot and�pply the proaede,at ite opdon,oicher to«storetfon or repeir ot the �, <br /> , ;j;�- Property or to the auma sowred by thta 3ecuAty Instrument,whether or not then due. �,� --_-- <br />. .,r,_ �_�,;^ Unless Lender and Horrowm otherwfse agrce in wBting,nny epplica6on ot procade m principel shatl not ertend or t'�.-�= <br /> - t.,; postpone the due date ot the monthly peymente roterred to in peregrapha 1 and 2 or ahenge the emount ot ouoh .f f;;;�, <br /> � �" PaYmenTa *rf'yi -'- <br /> 7*;��4 11. Botrower Not Relased;Forboannce By Leadet Not� �Vdvet. Hxtenaion ot the tfmo tot payment or �,�,�._,' <br /> s , moditication ot amonizetion ot tha sume sacured by thia Security Instrument granted by Lender m any aucceawr in z � �,�, � <br /> __ „' G y {nterest ot Borcowar eheli not op¢teU to retease the Hab11{ty ot tha origfnal Bortnwm or Borcower's aucaaeore in q;�f,:�`, <br /> ' s," intarest.Lendar sha11 not be required to commence procadinga egeinat any auccessor in interest or refuse w ertend s��:% _ _�_ <br /> z�jJ� time for psyment or otherwise modity amonizstton ot the sums sxured by thte 3eaurity Inetrument by rwson ot any - ,�'ki'�s , x h�� <br /> ,�e�; � dammd made by tha otiginel Borcower or Horrower's eucaxsore in inrorcst.Any forbearanco by Lendor in esercieing �,'.�.4 t�i`i';��-: <br /> +'�zy` �.,; eny right or romcdy ehall not be a waivm ot or prceluda the exentse of sny right or remedy. ,1�+kit e r� - <br /> , � ,,,; 12.Suuesiote sad Aasigna Bouad;Joint and Sevetal Li�blHty.Caeiguera.The covenanis end agreementa �cc� •;� ���,��-. -,. <br /> , re 1 �- o[this�ecurity instrument shal l bind and'nenafit sho auca�ore and a�gne oE Londer and Bortower, suu�eci b iho �;_ iy�j -fr, <br /> .�r provieione ot perogreph 17.Borcower e cavenente md egreemente shntl bs joint and sevual.My Borrower who ca'signs f� l� n; r;+.+_ <br /> :,�ts , thfe 3ecudty Instrument but doea noc etxute the Note: (a) is co-eigning thie 3ecurity Instrument only W mortgege, "' ,, Y�,s - _ <br /> � «r;:_' grent and convey that BorcoaePa inurest in the Proporty undor the tarma ot this&curity Instrument; (b) ie not ;-; ' r 1�?t_.,;� _- <br /> '}i _ ':;� personally obligated to pay the sume saured by thie Security Inetrumenp and (c) agrers that Lander end any other ;�;t},�z �Y�R �k;;� <br /> +�:`•<•:? ;?' Borroner may agree to ertend,modity,torbearoe meke any naommodeuons with regard w tha terma ot ehfe Secudty >:;:�t�"3•"'-�rG'�n�-_� <br /> £+ • . <br /> '� -� - Inetrummt or the Note Hithout that Borconer's consent. --. t}�, ft „�'-+ <br /> -.,,:4..�.1��.:< 13. Loan Cbergee.It the loen sxured by thie Security Inetrument ia subject to s Inw which sats me:(mum loan;.,•'},,,i:v�:;._��:=� <br /> � `° chargea, and that lew ie tinally interproted so that the interest or othar loan chatges colleoted or w ba collxted in �. u u -_ <br /> x �S-S'; connecdon with the loan exceed the per�m�itted 1 mkh�nde(b)eny sume elread�Illcetedlr�om�Borcower which �.�����"-�?�..f�i�"- <br /> „ nuessaty ta reduce the cher e to the y - } ra_� <br /> y,�t .s eicaded permitted limite nill be retunded to Dorroner. Lender may choose m meke thie rofund by reducing the � ir_ ' 41' '�S� : <br /> ,,•,a,� :` r, r .,�1ji:_:` <br /> , _ principal owed under the Note or by meking a dircet pnymrnt to Borrower.Ita refund reduces principal,the reduction -;,-,; � , x� * ._ <br /> r 1!�,� will txi treated asa partial propaymrnt withouteny propayment cherge under the Nom. -_-_"• , yr f '�, - <br /> 1� . • • 14.Noticoa.Any notice w Dorcower provided tor in thia Saurity Inatrument ahell be given by delivering it or by - � �y�L �:± .,. <br /> j`-, meiling it by tirst clesv mail unlesa applicablo lan requires use ot enother methad.The notice shall be dirce�ed to the -. r.�� -�' - ; -' <br /> `���-�-; Propeny Addres+or any other addresv Dorrower designates by notice to Leader.Any notiw to Lendar shall be given by -'-=�; � � ` ` <br /> t <br /> I s •�sr: Iiret claes meil to Lendera nddress stated herein or any other addresv Lender designatea by notice to Borrower.Any - _ ,7�} *' '� <br /> � ��_.,--� notico provided tor In thia Saurity Instrument shall 6a deemed to have been given to Borroner or Lendcr when givan �'` ; 'j3�''>':`� <br /> fq�i es provided in this paragreph. -:� ��- `<c�: <br /> >, --'� IS. Goverofng Len;Severability.'lliie Security Instrummt aheli be governed by federal law and the laN of the ,---��-. �-;, `�'� <br /> ' Y�i?+-: jurisdictioninwhichthePropenyislocated.IntheeventthatanyprovisionorclauseotthisSecuritylnstrumentorthe , ;it :-',.-- <br /> � . Note contliera with appliable law,such contlictsh�ll not aitect other provisiona of this Securicy(nserumentor the Note {'_ � >t�" <br />'���th%�����r.� which can be given ettect without the conflicting provision.To this end the proeisions ot this Security Inatrumrnt and - ���. � - . , - ' <br />- �-a:--'-, the Nou ere declared to be severable. <br /> �:'G;(,: <br /> '„�f°F`��-�� • hrm 30t! 9/90 � � . <br /> ;'�;�t.='�:�.-� �s -BfIPltl�o�ox�� r.n�.�e �nwnc - . � <br /> r.��`.','.•il�. <br /> :.,�.i;,,._.. <br /> s.�r:61?�::p° � <br /> ':�'e'�,.�_'SF'.^e+.'T.+--sv.r...eqr`. - .. . . . . M1 '.__•L... ' o ' ' � <br /> -.L -xa .1 .. . <br /> �,�S.I. . . 1 <br /> _ '.�l�...� _ <br /> _ �'` - •-. ' . <br /> • '. �.' • <br /> `fF_: ' <br /> ,�5". <br />. - _ :3:i .. . <br /> r� <br /> ),i, <br /> .':5�1}._ . . <br /> :��.f:ry�',=�,J*,� . , . <br /> �:fi:... _ . .. . <br /> . <br /> . � � . - <br /> c ' ` <br /> 5- .,. . . . . _ ,.,. . - . . . . . . _ �. .._ .. �.i�L�: _ ,_ . . _ . _l.__ .. . _. - <br />