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..�...,-��::.�:.� ...__ . ... <br /> ; .. g�� >,. -- <br /> ..�� ' �,tl��E,�r �. � -____ - _ _ _. . <br />- _:� . . <br /> �;�ri � 'e 16.gorrowet'sC�y y.HorrowereM116eglvenon000ntormedaopyottheNote�ndolllJeBswritpinstntmonf. — — <br /> 3 � '� , 17,Tnntter ot tLe Yroport Of�BOGOIIOI��IO�OfOt!IO BOItOHOf.ll etl m any part ot th4Ymperty or eny <br /> ' v�''��'� Inkrcst In it 1@ eold or tranatemA�or tt e beneticld Intcnst in Dorroam te eold or uansterrcd anA Horrowet ia�otq <br /> �,_.�' naturol pereon)ahAoutl.endor'e p or written conaen6 Lender m�y at lu oytion,requlro Immedi�m peyment In full of _ T <br /> c �11 aume eeeurcd by tMe Baoutity lnatrument.However, thle optton eAill not bo osoroised by Londer it eYCtclso ls "- <br /> '„ ��_c �,: prohtbitedbytedetallewesattt�odateotthieBecudtylnatrument <br /> I�i.andm axeruisea this apnon,I.enda sheU give 8orroxer notice ot ecceleeetivn.lrie nottce ehell provldo�perlod <br /> r,,z otnotlesvthan30deyetromthedatethonottoeledellveredormailedwithinwhlehBorcowermusepayellsumaseoured <br /> � ° .� bythle&curirylnstrument.ItDorcomerteilewpaythesoeume pdortotMe:pIreAoaotthtepedod,Lendermaylnvoke �_ -- <br /> �,,,t,�� fq J� enyromedi�perm�ttedbythie&ourityinstNmentwtthoutturthernoticeordemmdon8orrower. <br /> 18.Borroam'e RigOt to Reinat�te.if Borrorer meote oertaln aondlttona Hortower ehdl heve tha rlgAt to have F::; N <br /> ` ��Y���� entoroement o!thie 8eouriq Inatrumentdiawnt�nued nt eny dme prlor m the earlior oh(e)S day�(or euoh otherporiod �� <br /> ', f {�' °�'- av ipplicabie taw mny spoclty or rolnstakment)betoro ee e of tho Properry pureuant to enypower ot eele oonufned in <br /> " �,��f this eocuAty Inetcumenr or �b)rntry ot e ludgment on1forcing thte 6ccur[ty Inatrument.71�ose conditione ero thnt y�!f �� r <br /> �'� fi r,{;;�; Horrowar: (e) paye Lendee et sume whlch then would bo due under this SecuAty InRtcumant end the Note�s tt no -,t.+ pr�«-� <br /> �i,�n t�tr yy� eooeleretlon hnd oocurcod:(b)cures eny deteult ot eny athor covenante or agreemmtt�(a)pays etl espenses incurted in ��ty,i s�,��r k � � _ <br /> t, {�.�, �,� antoroing this Sauriri InetrumenS,inoluding,but not Ilmited m,reasonabla ettomays'tas•and(d)tnkea euah ection es e,�x�, , y�� ,;, _ <br /> Lender mey reaeonnWy requiro to essuro thnt the 1{en ot thie 8coudty Inettument,Lender�e Aghte in tM Property nnd ;� � r i,,, <br /> + �i '��{*' Borcower'eobllgationwpay thesumeswuttdby thie8eourityInetrumentehallcontinueunohtnged.Uponreinstatament �„ � ,�Y - <br /> < "'�h' '?'`l byBorcoaer thie&ourfty Inetromentendtheo611g�tionasxurodherobyehallromelntullyatteotiveasitnoeooelaretton A .���, u,e f;�� ; <br /> � hedoccurced.However,thlerightmrolnotateshaUnotsp lytnthecaeeo[eaelerationunderperegraphl7. `�.,��±6��„`-•�l,t,�; <br /> .i � w .' :�. p <br /> ,��„ rj f��; 19.Sde ofyNote;C6�age o!Loau Serviur.The Note or a panial inteceat tn theNote(mgether with thle8ccurity ;;r= uy, ,� �j� ,,. , <br /> �e{° ��ij i; (Icnownavtt�he"I.oen�Ser icer')th tcollectemonthlypeym n�ted eHu d theNoteandihie�8ecudtylnetiummt6There `t� ��'3�� ��f, <br /> 3` ` }3� �� f rr� <br /> �.� ��i , elso may be one or moro chengea ot the Loan Servicer untelated to e sele ot the Nou.It thera ie s ohenge of tfie Loan :��{,�`�qT <br /> � &rvicer,Borrowu will be given written nottce of the ohenge in ecaordance Nkh paragmph lA ebove and appllceble lan +; �, � � , •� <br /> jr t Y r� �� 1Le notico Nill state the name and addreav ot the new Loan&rviar and the nddresx to whlch paymente should be made n * �� ��- <br /> ; � <� - `R� Thenotfeewillalsoconuinanyothaintormetfonrequiredbyappiicablelaw. �k',��`���r{�l< <r"-- <br /> �a�+,,� 2p.Haasrdoua Substeneu.Horrower ehell not cause orperm tt lhe praenee, use,dispoae1,storega or releasa ot r� � ,'�S�r _ <br /> �- , � r`�` any Hazerdoue 3ubstenare on or in ihe Ptopar[y.Horrower shell not do,nor ellow eayona else to do,anything et(ectitlg , �'� iJ'� '-' -- <br /> f i�,_ -.�,' the Propetry that ie in violetion ot any Env(ronmenkl Lew.The preceding two sentanas shall not apply to the presenoe, :��, �5�i i' _ __ <br /> t,t , � -�ti��� use, or etoroge on the Property ot amell quantities ot Hazatdoue Subetenas that aro ganerelly [aognfud to ba ;; �' �+�' _-.— <br /> �> >r� ',. �. epprop rfatewnormelresidentieluusandtomeintenancaottheProperty. '3 ,> ,E< - <br /> �� 1,'.�, BotrowershellpromptlygiveLondernrittannoticaotenyinv,eatigetion,cidm,demend,lewauitorothereaionby �_ r` fz <br /> � t,4 r�.'� any govemmentel or rogulatory egency or prtvate perty involvmg the Propeny and any Hezerdous 9ubstenee or ,r ,r�����y _ <br /> .ly. Bnvironmentel Iaw ot Nhich Borroxer has ac[u�1 knowled e.It Borrower laerne,or ta notihed by eny governmental or Q"�� �,F . <br /> ,. : ,A rogulatory authority, thet any romoval ot other remediat�ion ot eny Heurdous 3ubstance atfecting tho Property ie �: j.+�, �� �;�° <br /> ,� Zi.�= moesaery,BonowereMllprom tlZukaellnxessaryremedialactionelneccordancamthEnvironmenulLaw. ,,,�(�r u� . <br /> �ji�� �u;�ir.this p:agraph�, H�atdous SuiMeMu'ere tFc!a eu1_+?Gn�+dntined ea mvc or hazardoue aubstances ,. _.. _ . <br /> ' L� by$mironmenul Law and the tollowing aubstenees gesolina,kerosene,other tlamm�ble or toxle patroleum producta, r X r '.,y`_ <br />'��t, � SShyji;: WYiC �estiddes and herbicidea, voletile solvents, meteriele wnteinfng esheatos or tormaldehyde, and redioactive "f� if'i' - -_ <br /> `f` _,.f��T�r�JA, matennls.Asuaedinthie re h20,'HnvironmemalLaw'meanetederellawaendlawaotthe�uriedictlonwherethe '�} ��2rr� ° <br /> -'�r a .q,.,;,= Property ielocetedthotreletetohePalth,setotyorcnvironmenulprotection. �`��t ��" '��.'f�"�.- <br /> �r�s '�1ji;:;��,d NON-UN[FORMCOVHNANI'S.HorrowerandLenderturthacovenantendagraestollon� .;. i;r,j,a�tiy � '- <br /> � �+�r 21, Accolention; Remedies. Lender shall givo notice to Dorrover prior to accolerotlon following ;, < < r7 + �±�_ <br /> � -- -i'".;g Borrower'e broach ot my covonant or egreement in thte Security Inatrument(but aot prtot to eccolemUon � t, -.:,�,���;� <br /> ` -�;,? undot patsYraph 17 unless eppItuble lew provides oth¢rvice).Thenoticeahall specify:(e)tho defeult;(b)tde .v 1 , �ti .; _ <br /> - , ;,ri action required to cure the det�ult; (c) a date, not tess then 30 dsys from the date t6e notieo ie given to i�. ,R ..��._ <br /> ;i� dotrover,by w61ch the doTeult muat bo cured;end (d)ihet failuro to curo the de[ault on ot betore tbe date �� , y,; _ <br /> ,F _:h+L specified io tho aotice mey roeult in accelerotion ot the aums secured by thls Stcurlty lastrument end sele oT j+: t, :.0 , .- <br /> �� tde Proporty. T6o ootice shall turthot intorm Borroner of the right to rein�tete aftar accoleration eud the _ ��j,`'� �_ <br /> right to bdag �eourt nction to easert tLe non�oYietmee oi s detault or sny other dofoaae ot Borro�vor to : , ^ - � �_: <br /> �' aecoloratloo and aale.If tho dotault la not cured on or betoie the date apecifled ia tho notiu,Lender, et ite ' , - -�'- �r';^ <br /> ��" ' option, may requiro immcdiate payment io tull of all aums securcd by thie Securiry lnatrumont�vithout �;� , - - •. :. <br /> � - furtLer demaad aad may invoko tho pocrer of selo end any other remedia petmitted by applicable law. 4;- �-s �.; , <br /> ' Leader shall bo antitled to collect all exponsea inemred in pureuing t6e remediea provided in t6ie paregrapb . , <. A',.,•.'�;';' <br /> � 21,iacluding,but not limitedto,reaaonableattomeye'teea and costa of title evidena. �t�`� *-:� <br /> - If t6o powor of aale is invoked,Truateo ahell rccord a notice ot detault in each county io Rhfch any part of �_ -__4/�>�:�� - <br /> - th¢Property ie located and a6ell mail copiea ot auch notice in the menner Prescribed bp applicable law to U _c ei� <br /> ` Dorroiscr ead to the other peraons prescribed by epplicablc la�v.After tAe timc required by applicable lax, � -:k���;°•�`' . <br /> j�}� �-� TruateeahallgivopublicnoticeoisaletothepersonsandinthamannerprescribedbyappIicsblelew.Trustee, i; - <br /> - xit6out demend ou IIorroiver,ahell aclt the Property at public auction to the highc�t bidder at the time and <br /> :� plece eud under the terma desi6neted in the natice of sale in one or more parcela and in any order Truatee - <br /> � � determinea.Trustee mey postpone sale ot e11 or any pareel ot the Property by pub�ic annovncemrnt at the _ <br /> � time aod place ot any previoualy scheduled sele. [,ender nr itx designee ma�•purch�ae the Property at sny <br /> sale. <br /> � <br /> t Ferm 307! 9/!0 <br /> �—BRMEI�o�oaio� nu s..e mm.�e <br /> 1 <br /> 3 <br /> 1 <br /> , <br /> _ ,: :; <br /> .. <br />. : � <br /> . �� _. _ - t __ <br />