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l �—_ . <br /> � j�� g3 ' ��t��ag =- - .. <br /> , <br /> � `a� !.4U4�rA or PcoDeriy lasuranoe,Borrower ehd!keap tha Improvamanta nocr ox99stfn�or hercattst ercote8 ca --------- <br /> ""'''�s � the hropoRy insuted�edna{lare 6y(iro h�urQv inctuQed aithio the term'estended oovengo �n4�ny otAer MzdCs:' <br /> _..J.„� idoludiay 1loade or ttoodlnp,tor P,N�n t�naer�mr�i�ran�o.Thle lnsuranoe shall Ee melntelnaA in tho amounte <br /> ^m� end(or the pbriode thit LenEer rcqulrea Tha fnsunnoe cartier�provldlng the I�uurance shail 6e chosen by Borrower _ ______ <br /> �; eub)oot to LendePe epproval whloh ahe11 not ba unaasonebiy altAhotd.It Horrowu ttpe to msinuin oovengb de�cr(bed � — <br /> � sbova Lender mey,at LondePe option,obtein oovenpe co proteot lander'e dghte in the Propeny io�aorQenoe M(th <br /> t� ph 7. _ . <br /> �t�� ���All Inauronce polidea and ronowele ehell 6e eaepuble to Lendor end ehall inoludo e eundard mortga e oleusa. ---- <br /> Lender stup heve tho dght m hold the polleiee �nd renewela It Lenduroquirca, Borrower ehe11 promp�g(ve to <br /> r s � } linder nll ttalpte ofp�Id promtume end ronewal notlaa In the evem of loss,8orrowm elutl giva prompt not ee to tha p __ , . <br /> -�. a:' tnauronce arcier md Lrnder.Lender may m��a proot ot lose if not m�do promptly by Bortowoa <br /> " �� �: Unleas I.endu�ndBarroner otherxlse egne in wAflng,{neuronoe prooeeds ehall be appHed w rcswatlon orrepeir i <br /> ���t�i�; ot the Properry damagod,itthe reatorotion or ropair te 000nomlaally temlbloenG Lendele aeaurity ta not Icasened.IttAe F — <br /> � -, roetoretlon or repeir ie not eaonomioally�easible or iander'e seouAty xould be leasenad,the Insurenoe praaeds ehall be F - <br /> ,� �� r epp11cd to the auma sewred by this BeouAty Inetrumant,whether or not then due,with any etoesvpnId to Borrower.It E,, � =— <br /> n y ��� Borrower ebandona the Propeny,or doea nounswer wlthln 30 dsYe a notiee tmm Lender thst the ineunnoe cerrier hs9 �3 ;„ -`- <br /> _ ottercd to settle n claim, tAm Lender mey collect the trreurnnce proxede.Lender mey use the praoaads to ropafr or _ ?_'_�- — . <br /> '{`'�`?� «store the Proporty orto p�y eums swured br thie BeauAty inatrumrnt,whecher or not then dua The 30�day podod wi11 <br /> , r.r' ," �-- <br /> r�r� beginahonthenottaele ven. <br /> � <br /> `��{s� Untas Londcr end rroxer otherwfsa�groo in wrlting,any application o!proaede to principal ehall not ertend or ��';. -- <br /> + �� � post ponetheduedotaotthemonthlyp�ymenmroterredtoinparoyrephslend2orchangetheamountotthepayments. 11�'= _ <br /> �t.� `- �f{ A under pnngroph 21 the Property ie aoquired by Lender, HorrowePe rleht to�ny insurance policies and proceeds r��i %_ <br /> k` �t reauhing trom demagew tha Propetty pr[or w tho eoqulsluon ehill pise tol.ander to the ertent ot tha euma secured by �� t <br /> " thie8ecurfrylnatrumentlmmediateiy PriorWthaeoquleidon, h�"�`,� <br /> r,,,' ��(' Q Ocoupeacy,Proaervatton,ASainten�nuaad P�otectlon of tLe Property:HorroweP�LoenApplication; n�snn,_!. - <br /> � a`"f� Leaaeholda.Horrower�hell occupy,eateblieh,end use the Property s+Horrower'e principet residence nithin efrty deye � 't <br /> ����y�KC�j���`�>a etter the execution oi thie&curlty Tretrument and ahell condnue to oaupy the Property as Borrower'e prinoipal F „L� - - <br /> °��'�fi,�l asidance tor at least one ywr+iter the dnte ot occupancy,unleas Lender otherwise egrees in ntlting,which conssnt ehall !�>n<i,x -- <br /> a�� iS°y not be unreasonabiy withheld,or unless ertenvaHng cinvmetancea eiis[which ax beyond Borcower's control.Horcower f�V,: , <br /> ��g�k,, ?� ehell not dtattoy,damqe or impalr the Ptoperty,allow the Propetry to dateriorat0.or commit waste on tha Property. 'r' (,."� �� <br /> t .s� �% Borrower shell be in delault It any toddturo ectfon or proaeding,nhether civil or ctiminet,te begun that in LendePe � ��y`��-_ <br /> ° gwd taith judgment could result in todeituro ot the PropMy or mhernise meterinlly impair the Ilen created by thia i t;f�'{ <br /> ��, � Securiry Inatrument or I.anda'e cecuriry intereat. Borrower mny eura euch e detnult and reinstate,as provlded in ���i��`y�r j = <br /> , �( `�•` paragreph 18, by cawing the acdon or proaeding to be diemi�d with e ruling thet, in Lendcr's good teith ';���z�A�p <br /> n i,,g'�: determinetion,ptecludes foddturo ot the HorcowePe interest in the Properry or other material impairment ot the lien ���'�i�rE'�` _ <br /> � ��e.e by tht!�!��Itj in��ument nr Isnder e securi�y internat.Borcower ahell dso be in detault it Horrowar,durinR �'k�� '�a�" <br /> } *�F4yi the loan application proceas, geve meterielly talse or ineccurate inlormetion or staumenta to Lender(or lailed m �y}�ncr -- <br /> „ �r:s provide Lender wtth eny matttiel intormndon)in wnnxtion with tAe loan avidenced b�fie Hota,including,but not +��'���y'k� i�i� -: <br />_�;;-�.�1��, limited to,repraenta6ona conxming Dorrower'e occupency ot the Property ae e ptinapal rtaidonca I1 thle Security }������s�h��l�,y_A;_�,_ <br /> ; Inauument ie on a Icasehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provistonv ot the leese.If Dorrowor acquires tee title to �4 ,, ,� <br /> '+• °�e` theProperty,thaleasalwldendthetwtitleahellnotmer eunlaeI.endere tothamergerinwritin . �k� iff}>�Y9SGf1v ,. <br /> 8 P Y �Pe B 8roemmts �E'?t'r.�•` ` �;�*�r. <br /> - 7.ProtecNon of LendePs Ri Lta In the Pro ort .It BorcoNCr feils to rtorm the covenante end a ,'s+�, (,�_`i-. <br /> � �� conuined in thfs Securiry Inetrumant,ar thero ie a legal proceeAing that mny eigniticently nttect Lendtt's righta in tho f�%` i`�ry��i� .._. <br /> f r'}-� ' Ptoperry (such es a proceeding in benkruptcy, probate, (or mndemnation or tor[eitura or to enforca leNe or �l ' - ��f s�, �}, <br /> �t`� -- rogulatione),than I.ender mey do and pay tor whetever ia neeessery tu protect the velue o[tho Property end Lender s � ° -'.�h 1 ��`,- <br /> - � - - ' righte in the Property.Lender'e actions may include paying nny euma saured by a lien which hes prioriry over thia � � r ��F,�t�`:,i <br /> - A�': Sceuriry Inatrument,appaering in court,psying reesoneble attomeys'tcea end entering on tha Proporty to maka repaire. - i--" 4i,`n ;-;?i;' <br /> Although Lender may uka ection under thie pvagroph 7,Lendar doea not have to do so. �q�t a.,'; <br /> � ` `� Any emounts diebursed by Lander under thfe pvegreph 7 ehell bacome edditionel debt of Horrower secured by thie + �k , <br /> ' -S71_�y �urity Inatrument.Lnles9[iorrower and Lendar egree to other terme ot peymrnt,these amounte ahell boer interest _ _ ; ,�f{.i'j t;�%;.- <br /> ;; :,. irom the data ot diaburaemenut tha Nme rateand ehall be payable,Nith interest,upon notite from Lender to IIorrower � „+ ,, �. <br /> I' .'.' requeating payment. ;- 2 �._ �,1 „��,;.:"-- <br /> 8.Mottgage Iosurana.It Lender required mortgage inaurena es a condition of ineking tha loan socured by thie ; � � �,_'- <br /> ��!'� Securitylnetrument,Borrowershellpaythepremiumarequiredtomeinteinthemongageineurenceinettat.It,torany - il; Z�1 � '-;� <br /> +c reason,the mongega ireurence covrnge required by Lender lapsea or ceaus to bo in etfect,IIorcower shell pay the �ry' ��_��. <br /> 9 i - '�'�- promiume required to obtain coverage eubsuntislly equivalmt to the mortgage insuranx previously in ettcet,et a cost : '�, -� � <br /> c,. -. subskntielly equivalent to the cost to IIorrower ot the mortgege inauronce prcviously in eftxt, tram an niternete ._ t � <br /> �, �' mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivolent mortgage ireurance coveroga is not available, ���-� � S� ,,' <br /> '-I "��i�"�` Borcower shell pay to Lender wch momh e sum equal to one-twclfth of the yearly mongage insurena prcmium lxing : ••,;��:�-;'"� <br /> ''�?;i :�� paid by Dorcower when the insurnnce coverage lepsed or ceased to be in ettcet.Lender will accept,use and rotein thes� i�' . : � <br />, - ' paymmts ea e losa rcxrve in lieu ot mongage insurance. I.oss reser��e paymcnta mey no longer be requireJ. - � . <br /> .,.i. . <br /> �' _ ,- hrm 3021 9/90 . <br />_.�:i. : �� i �-Bii(NElmwsu� r.n�.�e mm��r_ . <br /> i:, <br /> '1`S::''`, ' <br /> "'�'hi <br /> �.l,:L;irq��,:p�•B-ci..._. -" - - _. <br /> �5'r� <br /> _ `�=F'...':zJ�. . <br />. :'i:;*'.,�n�. <br /> _'�i' <br /> � i�� ;l• ..i%' . <br /> -.��4.� t."i . <br /> ��1.. n°f' . <br /> `?.�{-��;. . . • <br /> . <br /> ; - - . .�.�{-. _ . _ I. <br />