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:_ <br /> '_ 9g= �.����� :� __._ . <br /> t9 - <br /> TOOIIfHBR WYfH ell tho tmprovomeme now or hereatkr ercoteA on tho pro ny, and iil-e�eemont�. <br /> 7� appurtenmoea,�nd tirturea now or heratk�a p►n ot the propony.Ail ropl+ooemenu enC�Qd ticNehetl�fsd tip ooveri4 <br /> �� bythlaBeourity I�astrument,Ailofthetoro�olnybroterrodminWeBeouritylnnromencesthe'Propeny' <br /> �.`•'� BORROWI3R COVBNAM'9 that Botroxu ie IawNlly setacd ot tho eahk heraby wnvayod and he3 the Agttt ta <br /> ,�,;f gront md oonve the Propotty end thet tho Property ta unencumbered,exapt tor enoum6reaoo�ot«aord.l3orcower <br /> y 0 <br /> <�•-F� aartanUendwUldotnndgenerollythedtlemthePropenytgalnntallolalmeanddemande,wbJacetonnyenaumbruiocv <br /> ot r000[d. <br /> „;1�a� TFQS BECURITY INBTAUMBNf oombinw unitorm covonanta tor natlonel uee end non-unitorm eovanente wfth <br /> �c�„ Ifmttedver[etionsby jurledtoNont000nstlNteaunitormaoudtytnatrumentooveringrcalpropercy. <br /> UNiFOAM COVBNAN7'8.Borrowm end LenAar aovencnt end sgroe es tollow� . _-_., . . . _ <br /> "t^�= 1.P�yment ot Prinoip�l sad intereat;Prepaymeat and lato Ch�rse�.Borrower ahe11 promydy pay when dw <br /> ,J,k;� the princlpal otand intercat on the debt evidenood by the Noto end sny propeymentand lete chargadue under the Nota <br /> J r 1.Punds tor Tuea�nd insuraau.Subjeot w applicabfe law or to s wdtten waivor by�er,Horcowor eha11 <br /> e 5 y ` <br /> ' z pay to Lender on tho dsy monthlr paymenta are due under the Note,unttl the Note le pa{d in full,e sum('Fund9')lor. <br /> `�' (e)yudy tnxea md aase�menta xhich may atGin prlodty over thie 8ecurity inatrumant es e I len on the Properry;(b� _ <br /> ;�<fa }�eatly leesehotd payments or ground ronte on tAe Property,it an�;(o)yeerly h�zerd or propeny fnauronce promium� <br /> x x' (d)yeady tlood inaurance promiuma,ft any; (e)yeady mortgege nsurance promiuma,it any;and(f)enq suma payabie -- -- -- <br />'��d' by Dorrower w Lender,tn e000rdanoe ahh the ptovlefons ot par�gceph 8,in Ileu ot the paymont ot mongage ineurance _ <br />;;�i`?�;� promiuma These itema sro celled'Fscrow Iums.'I.ender may,at eny time,collect nnd hold Punds in en amount not =- <br /> ` f : to e:cad the muimum amourt� lendm tor e fadercUy retated mortgage loan may requlro Ior Horrowar'e esarow <br /> ��'Ji eocount under the tederol Re+l Bstate Bettlemant Procedures Act ot 1974 m�mended from time m time, I2 U.8.G �; <br /> �f� 3eodon?b01 et aeq.CRffiPA'),unlesv enother law thet appliea w the Funds sers e leaser amowt.It so,Lendu may, Fp <br /> 'f _i et any tim0.����t end hold Punde In an nmount not to eueed the lessar emount.Lender may eatimate the amount ot {.ZyS <br /> '� Punda dua on tho besie ot current dau end reasonebio estimaus o!os nditurm of foture Fscrow Itamaor othuwise In � ` �'- - <br /> P� rvi r r. ------- <br /> ,'� eccotdaneewithepplicablelaw. h,k� ' ._• � <br /> "� �� Thn Funds ehall be held in en ina4Wtion whose deposite aro ineured by e tederal egency,inattumentality,or entity F� fi -�-� <br /> �•;�,` Uncluding Lender,if Lender ie euch en inatitutfon)or in eny Federel Home Lom Bank.Lender ahill epply the Punda to �t -�;� = <br /> ',u�� pay ehe Bscrow Iume.Lender may not cherge Borrower tor holding md epplying tha Funds,mnually enelyzing the �x'�* `°"" <br />;_:_t;.;Jq� �!,,t�.�;�:�': <br /> � Fi acrow aocount,or veritying the Hscron Irome,unlesv Lendar paya Borrowcr interest on the Funds and appliwble law +3 s s�p,� _ <br /> ++A� per mite Iander to meke sueh a charge. Howaver, Lender msy requiro Dorrower to psy s one'time eharge for en `��r - tF; � —� <br /> y, : independant real eatete tex reporting service used by Iander in connection with thie loan,unless eppliwble law providea ��{O _ �;�# ��� <br /> + �. otherwise.Un�eav nn agreament ia mada or epplicable Inw requirea intatat w be paid, Lender atull not be required to r*�., j��� s i �._ <br /> ,.-}a� pay Horrower eny intereat or eaminga on the Punds.Borrotver and Lendar may agree in writing,howavet,thet Intercat �,r����7i';��f*�, ,:= <br /> -�! t:y. ehall be paid on the Funda.Londer ehall giva to Borrower,wfthout cherge,en annwl accounting ot the Funde,ehowing >�fr��:%f�� ��, n-_.- <br /> �� r�•- credita�nd debits to the Funds end the purpoae tor vvhich each dabit m tha Funda w�s meda.The Punde ere pledged ee �:.;-._r�����''�, g.`=-_ <br /> '-'�-° ad�it:cmisxaritqtorallsums�ur.dbythisSauritylrstrumtnt. _ "�-�.`;�_4�� -' <br /> ` ,' -L� I[the Funde held by Landar exceed tha emounte permitted to be hald by applicabla law,I.ender sAnll aaount to ��q f ��+�j�t <br /> �`� , Borrower tor the excese Funde in accordance with the requiremente ot eppliubte law.It the amount ot tha Punde held �Y�'+Y?s xXk t '` <br /> +� by Lender at any time ia not wfticient to pay tM Bscrow lume when due,Lender may so notity Borcower in writing, '`{�i - �;_ �f ` <br /> - r`� and,in such case Borrowar ehall pay w Lender tM10 amount necessery to meke up the daficimcy.Horrorer elull make . - ��•1 - <br /> " 3�'� up the de(icioncy in no moro then tNelve monthly paymenrs,at Lendar e sola discrotion. - t ': `� �� <br /> `� Upon payment in tul l ot all eume cecured by thia Sceuriry Instrument,I.ender ehel l promptly retwd to Borcower �7 t ��ri`�(Gt,F' t �`�,�� <br /> ti'_a;, any Funde held by Lender. If, under paragrapM1 21, Lender ehall ecquiro or eell the Properry,Lender, prior to the ;��t/���y�'�'y;<3,+,�� <br /> �r�k?'. eWuisition or eale ot the Properry,shall apply eny Funds held by Londer at the time ot ecquisition or sale ae a credit ' �, ,, *p; i��` <br /> .7�•, againattheaumesxuredbythieSauritylnetrumant. _y,,.;,::_.•`p',rz�.'��.:. <br /> �-•���i 3.Appliution ot Paymonte. Unlesv applicabla Iax pravides otherwise,all peyments receirod by Lander under -?.^'�S,''.Jif�i E;j'.: <br /> -� '; paregrephe 1 and 2 ahall be applieA:tireq to any prePayment ehargea due under th¢Noto;second,to emounis psyable - � :,t i _ �-. <br /> under pamgraph 2;third,w interest due:tourth,to pnnnpel due;and lest,to�ny late eharges due under the Nota �- �+ �-�+ <br /> ,� '� . 4. Charga; Uene. Iiorrower ehnil pay a1I taxca,esuavmente,charges,tinea and impositiore attributable to the !,;-r�� ';W",y-':- <br /> � -_5:;.`: Pro rt nhich ma attein riorit over this Sccurit Inatrumrnt,and leasehold mants or und ren t an . • �^ •-�� �'�-� '��U•� -� <br /> P� Y Y P Y Y A*Y 6ro t4i Y :,--s.:,.s•;:',-;:,,- <br /> Horrower ehall pay these obligationa in the manner provided in paregreph 2,or it not paid in that mmner, Horrower `�"�r.��:�:�� <br /> ' ��, am�oun�tstotxipaid�nder�tha'paregrc�ph(�fBorro e�rmekesthesepaym neudixtlytlBorrower N1 promptiytm h � - �l;�i � f}t�, ���-: <br /> j toLendeneceiptaevidencingthepaymenn. if,ti?�.%�cr tr:i <br /> ,-;�. Borrower shell promptly diseharge eny lien which has priority over thia Security Instrumentunless Borrower. (e) -')N �°s'k te,;,,,,-t- <br /> :�•: �•"�t (�.,:; <br /> ^,�'�;'':. agreea in writing to the payment ot the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to I.endee,(b)conteste in ..:.,;�;a;a�;ti-:� <br /> good leith the lien by,or de�enda�gainst entorament of the lien in, legal procadings ahich in tha Lender e opinion ���'��'�'�<�'�'�+� <br /> v.,,�•,^.�:(, . <br /> operote to prevent the entorcement ot ffie tien;nr (c)secures irom the holder of the lien an agramenc sntishctory to } �- °- �:�..,...,-.::�•�•+ <br /> - - Lender subordineting the lien to this Saurity InatrumrntJt I.endcr decermin�a that any part o[the Propeny is subject .- "'���� <br /> `.,. <br /> .- � to a lien which may attein priotity over thia Security lnstrument,Le�der may give Borro��•er a notice idrntitying the ° � - - <br />- lien. Dorrower ahall setiaty the lien or teke one or mare oi thc actions set torth above x•ithin l0 days ot the giving of � � - <br /> - notice. , , . • <br />' • Fxm 302! 9/10 <br /> - �—BPWO�o�ono� ..n:.�e mn.�u__ _ <br /> .. ," <br /> .. _. .:t.._ _ . ..... .. � - — <br /> � i.:�..,;: ' _ <br /> _.jti, • <br /> :�_:i.�:�.; <br /> . . - Lt <br /> . .t�:. .. <br /> '.' "�,"-; . <br /> i1 <br /> . .� , . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> � � <br />