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� � <br /> _ _ <br /> _. , r � , <br /> , . . . . �����4��.�^� `^ ; � . =_-- -- <br /> � pqygxnq rnaY no tongar po rt+�ulreQ,n��ho q pon oi 4cndsr,If mongago inwranea aaveii8a flplh0 uiwunt�hd tot ttlspRdaA .:. ..: ; — — <br /> ihA►t�fnQerrcquitce)9rAyIQSOCyanlnluro�oyproved6yl.cndej,q4gln6eMme�avaltobloo6dieobwl�d�QortoweJ�liatAp�y..�:.' :., <br /> tho premiunu reyuftal to mclntaln morl�ago In�u�enp7ln offcob ot a praplQo a tae�rcacrvo,uNll the nyuitrnum Fo�morigage • <br /> ' Idiurenee ondi id a0oordanfiD wiin aoy�dUCil if8tanknt bttween tJorruwor end Lsnda ar oppltc�blo Inw. . -. <br /> 9.[ne�SCettOn.Lcndor or in agent may moko reasona6lo cmrl+u upon ond Inspcctioni of Ao Property.l.cndEf�hS11 glva' ' , . <br /> Burio'wer�7utiie�t d�a itrnv of ae prlor ta en In�p:#lan tp�itying roasonoble rauu fot the Inspatlon. ' ' <br /> 10.Co�idcmomlon.7tie proxod�ot any nwurd or�Iat�Por demagca,d�rca or oonscquontiet, in connedloo wIN my --- <br /> cpndemnallon or other teking of eny pan ot�e Proper[y,or for conveyenco in Ilcu of condcmimtion,ero hereby es�lgned u�d <br /> snall bo peia to Lender. <br /> In the ovent oi a totsl toking of the Propeny,tho pr000rda shn116e appited to�he wmi secuced 6y thli Saudty InsuuJneM, - - �• -- <br /> whetAer or not�hen due,with any exop�pald ro 8orro�ver. In�t�o ovent of a paniel taking ot the Proporry In whleh tha fAd . <br /> mnrket vatue ot tAa Property Immedlatcly betoro�he ta2ing ia equal to or gn�ter than the emwnt ot�he aum�uared 6y�hl� <br /> Sxuripr inst�ument Immediately 6efore t�e taking,unless Borrower nrd Lenda othernlsc�grca in wriNng.�ha uim+uw�ed by <br /> tDi� Sewdty GWroment sfiall Ce ttduced �y �he emount of the proceed.+ multipiied by thc follo�ving fwaton: (a)tha tael <br /> amouat ot the eume secured immediatdy bePom the teking, divided by @) Uro feir merket vah�e of the Prope�ty immedie�ely <br /> beforo the teking. Any balnnce nhall be paid to Hortower. in the cvent of n ptrtlel taking ot the Properry in widch the felr ---�--•-�--�--- <br /> market velua of U�e Propmty immcdietely beforc the�eNng Is less d�en the amount of the wma Kcured immodintely before�he <br /> teking,unless Bortower and Lender o�herniu agree in w�iHng or unless epplicable law othernlu providu,the proaeda�hall <br /> be applied to�fie eum+suurcd 6y thla Suurity Inatrument whuhw or not�hc suma ere U�cn due. <br /> If Ihe Property ie ebandoncd by Dortower,or IL atter notla by I.ender to Borrower�hat the condemnor otters to meke en <br /> award or settlo u cleim for demagea,Bortowu fell�ro rcspond w Lender wi�hin 30 daya eflu the dero the noHa ia given, <br /> Lender h euthodzed ro mllat and apply�he procada,et iu optton,either ro rexto�aflan or repair of the Property or to the cwnv __ ___ <br /> secured by thi�Secudty Inxtmmenl,whUher or not�hen due. <br /> Unless Lender end Hortowu otAenvice agreo in wdUng, any epplica8on ot procads ro pdneipnl aM1all not exte�d or <br /> postpone�he due dnte of�he monthly paymenu rckrnd to In paregrapM 1 end 2 or change the amount of such paymenu. _____- <br /> 11.6orro�rer Not Releasedi Forhearertce By Lender Not a Welver.Extenaion of the time far payment or modifica�ion e��,�� <br /> of amorti•ra�ion of�he suma uwred by this Securiry Irut�ument gronted by Lenda to eny aucceswr in imeresi of Bortower shall ����"� <br /> not operote to releau 1he IlebiUty o(the odginal Borm�ver or Bortower'a cuccessors in imereat.Lender:hxll no[be rcqutred to =---_- <br />_ commence procadings agetnst eny suceasor in in[cres�or rePose to exund Nrtx for pnyment nr othenvise mudify emortiza�ion -=__ <br />�- of the :unu :ecured by thie Secudry Instrument by reason of any demand made by Ihe origi�ml Bonower or Bortotver'a �y�✓ ���°_F_ <br />._ sucttasors In imercst. Any forbcamnce by I.ender in exercising eny right or rcmedy shnll nol 6e a waiver of or preclude�he • ��'��__"'.-W- <br />-- exerclu of eny right or remedy. �"�y�'=`'-N - - <br /> 12. Succeson and Assl m Boundt Jolnt ond Several LIa611i Co-aI nen. TAc mvenanta and u reementa of ihis �'�`-'"-.- T —. <br /> g 4: 6 S � . <br />_ Savflty/natrument shall bind and benefit the successon and assigre of Lender end Borro�ver, suCjat ro the proviaiom at ��r;� , <br />= peregreph 17. Oortower's covenanu end agrcemenu ahell be Joint end seveml. Any [tartower who co•signa �his Securiry � 7,��1 _, <br />= Instmment 6ut doea not execute the No�r. (e)is co•signing this Security Inslrument only lo mortge6e,gran[and canvcy that ��; t+ ,- <br />�- [iorrower'e imcrcst in�hc Pro n undcr�he terms af thie Sccurit InstrumenC(b)is not rsamlt obli ated m thc wms ;���-`'�°�s•t°'�`--� <br /> P� Y Y P� Y 8 WY `:y:��p�y�?y��i_=� <br />-- securcd by this Secudry InslmmenC ond(c)egrcex�hut Lender and uny o�her Oormwer nmy ugrce to extend,modi(y,forbe+ror :_-�,c;SF;,;,�;_,;_ <br />- make uny attnmmodMbns with n:ganl m the tcrms of�h(s Security Instrumem or thc Nnic whhout�hat Oorrower's eonsent. '�s�;�•;;-�.��_•- <br />� 13.Loan Chn�{ Ihe Inan cceurcd by thi+Sceurity InsnunuN i.wbjeci m a In�v wh&h u�+maximum Iw�n chm{es, xt�;�:�'i�E�x•�": <br /> •..>YP�.Z: �.:.�:_. <br />_ ond that law i� Onally imeryreted en ihat ihe interca�or ather Iwn churgca mllcetal or�o he mllccted im m�naiion widi the 'i`�r;:';i��!;`un.�;;_. <br /> Iwn excad�he rmi�tal Iiml�s,�hen:(al on such Iea�n chor c xholl he reduceJ b ihe mm�um necesm �o rcduce�he chu e + 1+���ip%3k,t;`�."-' <br />- P� Y 6 Y �Y B ')'r`e 1� <br />� �o the permlued IimIL nnJ(b)any nunu alrcudy ttill�t�ed fmm Itorro�ver which excoedcd permilta!liml�s will 6e rcNnJtd�o �2?�:.y �'t .. <br />- Bormwcr. Lcndcr mny chaasc to nukc thia rcfunJ hy rcducing ihc principd mrcd unJcr ihe Noic or by making a Jlrcct �±„��.'_�?L�t r ._• <br />- �.:,✓�r �l'v:itt�c�,- <br />-= pnyment to Oormx�cr. If n rcfmul rcJuces principal. �hc radunim� �vill he trwicJ u+ a partiol prcpnymem witiwut my r,-;����T�'y.,,,.,:_.._,. <br />_ prcpaynxnt chergc undcr Ihc No�c. <;'F%� `s���s,s=-'. <br />• I4.Noticea.Any noticc ro Borrm�cr pmvided fnr in this Security In+trumcnt.hall lx givcn by Jclivering i�ur by mailing ;�7;�y h'� r " <br /> . r-.�.V� tc;re.�I.}�y: <br />- it by first doss mail unless opplicuble imv rcyuircs ux nf m�oiher me�hoJ.The nu�ice�lull be direc�ed to the Propeny Addrcss i�y„Lt„�rg,27�;;;p_�. <br />= or any other oddress Borro�rer Jesigrotes by nmice m Lender. Any na�i�e ta Leider �huil he given hy first clnzs meil ro `s°,�,���5 i���:�Y_� <br /> - Lendcr s nddrcsa stelcd hCrcin nr ony mhcr nJJrcu Ie�nler no�i�e to&ttro�vcr. Any nrnicc provided for in�his i�;j.:vpr;. kR'�_:,<_�=_. <br />. Scwrity laswnunt shall bc dccmcJ m havc hcen given�o Bnrro�vcr or l.cndcr��hen gircn m proviJcJ in this pangroph. kr •�"`� - �::_:-. <br />= I5.Gnvemin Le�r; Sevemhilit . 7'his Sccurit Imwment .hull tk oremal b kJeml law und H�c law ut�he � ,hw�` 3�`"�"A` <br /> - N Y Y b Y ks�� 5-:/��'� � '� � <br />_ juri�ic�iun in which tl�e Prnpeny is la��ed. In tlu evem�hat an�•pmrision nr cinux n(thi+Sewriry In+wmrn�ur the Nate z��4.1�?'��5�,t �.;: <br />-= mnilicts with applicablc la�v.wch am0in+hall nnt affirot n�her prori�ians of�hi+Savrity Imuument nr�he Noie�rhich��n Ae t.,.,.�`,1-;1a1.f� F-.;,-: <br />_ given effett wilhau[the conllicting prnviainn.Tn Ihi�enJ Ihe pn+ri�ion+af Ihi.Sttvriq�In+irumem:nd the Nale an declued y_Y;"5).�'i:L;�„t^..;.�. <br /> e� . <br />., tobexvcrablc. •:•P:':i;�_.:. ...:,1:'' <br /> t � . �. . <br />_ 16.Barroa�e�'s Copy.Borrmccr+hall hc gircn onc.�+ninnmvl av�py nf thc Na�c:mJ nl Il�i.ticauri�c In.trumcnL scf - �. _;. <br />__ Po�m 3028 89� - �} <br />- VqI.AR �,.``• r�)'� <br />_ F' `• <br />- �t�•'" <br /> G.. JYIJ � - 1.. ��1.. _..1 ..�. �.•_. � . � _ . . . .`l2'��^'�LJ�- l'�kl♦ `S': 1�. _ . � _. .,�v. - . .. . <br /> � / ( - . . . _ . . . . <br /> 1 . <br /> �� �/- i .., � - . . . .. . `� _ . _ . . _ . <br /> �t�. � � • .t l. . . � . <br /> / I�Y'A � . ,.. . -- - - �- .l - " _ -. <br /> xs�� .l� [ LI J , ., . . . � . _ . <br /> v't ` � } _ _ � . . t <br /> � (i��yd`8 . _ "r � _ � _ _ _ <br /> tf}��Y�'�St� � �1 4(�' � -. . . - _ .- .. . <br /> r � �t�j i 1Y�3'�r f`.' � Y 1 _`� , i 7}S � - <br /> '1 <br /> t.}��"{v f � r� , � x - w '� e � ' '. _ <br /> ��f� i i k� � �i G ). � i!: 1 __ • _ '( ' `.. <br /> a 1 .� �} � � + < � 1. . St � __ <br /> ` X ; � t( _t! ffy,'. . ._ y ` . .4. j iiyl , Vi fh��V . - ir ._ <br /> ti � . ` -:Fi> t � �' i�� � l,�\���-+/r 1 <br /> 3itf ' �`. . t 1 3 - � f7e.• �� 51rt�� firt� !Z C n: 5 '' � . . . <br /> _ 'si/ I \ _tr 1 l 4t i x t . t a � <br /> T � l - j \ t- f � t ' <br /> ♦ _- -4 1 1 - _ il�.�l ;v�l� t� � � �� it.. . r ' _ ' . <br /> �- L; fa � __ . ` r . -r }a, - .' s . ,} a .� 4 � �? " ,.��. �' . . <br /> � " <br /> . <br /> i <br /> y^L.._..>.. ,�. . ...h..- e . .�- . . . - . t...,. . . �...: _S� ,t .�. --...i �. ' :". <br />