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� � . . <br /> _� 93° AU���� . _ <br /> 17,7Y8nttcr otth¢Pra�y or o Ntus[!c!d Interat ta ell or eny pan ot�Aa Property or any ntereat In it _ _-_ _ <br /> la wld or tmmfcrrcd(o►if e ticneticlal inrcrcat In Bortowcr le wid or twufcrted and Borrowcr ie not e nerorai persoN wltAom <br /> I.e�ber'e prlar writtcm m�sont, Lendcr mcy, et lu opdon, rtqulro InuneGlato payment In th11 of eil �um� caurid Dy thie <br /> B�cutlty Insuumcnt,Howevcr, �hi�optlan chdl not bo o�cerclwl6y Lcndcr If cxerciso le prohtbltcd by kdcrel law es of Iho dale <br />.-.` of Ihlf BauAty Imuunxm. --°—.. .... ... .... .. <br /> If Lcndct oxcrciaa thb optlon, I.Gdcr ilwli gIvo Borrower notice ot acccicretlon.7Lo no�lco�hdl roWdo a perlod ot not <br /> less tfun 30 day�from the date the nake le dellverM or rtMilod�vi�hin which Borrawcr must pay nlPeum�cewrcd by thl� �.---------— <br /> Savdty Instrumcnt. It Qortower fdle to�my�eao cum+prlor to�ha oxplreHon ot�hi�perlod.Lcndcr may invoke eny remedia <br /> -- permitted hy this Stcudty Instcunxnt witfiout Ntlher notiie ot demand on Borrower. <br /> !8. Rorrox¢r'e R�t to Relnstate. If Oorrowcr mau anelm m�ditioro, t)orrowcr ehdl havo �ho rlghi to have <br /> cnforcement of this S�adty Imtamcnt dlacontlnucd m ony tinro prlor m tho tariicr ot: (e)J doy�(or wch oiher perlod m <br /> V' nDpllcabla law mey cpecity tor relnslatqmenq Detoro sele of�he Property punuom �o my power o( �ulo mmeinal in thl� "- <br /> Savdty[nswnxnr,or @)cntry of a Judgln¢nt enforcing�hla 8ecudty Iniwmcnt.7Lom conditiana�ro that Oortower.(o)pay� <br /> Lcader all eums which�Acn would bo duo under thin Savrity fnstrumcm end tha Noto es If no ecccleretlon hed occvrrcd; (G) <br /> — curp ony defuult of ony other covenonu or agreementr,(c) p�yi ell oxpense��ncurrcd in enforcing thle 9ecudty Imwment. <br /> _= Including but not Nmhed ro, rcasonebla attomeYs' tocs;end(d)�aken wch eclion es Le�er may rcasonebiy rcquirc ro assurc <br /> _= tdat Ihe Iicn ot�his Smnity[nstNment,Lender�dghu in�he Fropeny ond I3ortower'e obilgation to pay the suma scwred by <br />--'.-= thla Securiry Inurununt ehall conNnue undungeA. Upon reinstetement by Bortoxer, thl� Security Instrument end the <br />..,— obligatlona earcd hereby thull rcmWn Poliy eRxtive ac if no aoceleretion had acurred. Howover,thie right m reinsie�o shdl `--'. '.. . .--.. . <br />_ __ not appIy in�hc cau ot acceleretion undcr paregmph 17. <br /> == 19. Sale ot Note; Change of Loan Rervlcer. The No�e or e panial intercs[ in thc Noic (together wi�h this Socud�y - <br />- -= InsttumrnU mny be sold onc or moro Umea without pdor noticc to Borrower. A anlc may rcault In e chan8e In thc mtiry(known <br /> as�he'Loan Serviccr')tAat mIIM�momhly peymenu due under�he Note and this Savrf�y Inswmem.Therc elso may ba ona _ <br />"_'��� or morc changes of the Loan Scrvicer unrcleted to a sde af�he Note.if�here I�a chengc of the luan Servicer.Bortower wlll be =:_- <br /> given written no�ice of the change in accordnnce wfth paregreph 14 a6ove end upplicable law.7'he nodtt will pete the nemu end �,., <br /> -•,- addrcss nf�he new luan Servittr and the addrrss�o�vhich payments shauld 6e made. TM1e notim will also mntain any other E . <br /> inPommtlon rcquired by epplicabie law. � <br /> 20. Hmnrdouv SSrbstenas.Borrower shall not ceuu or permit �he presa¢e, ux,disposel. storage, or releau of any k� <br /> _� Hazardoua Substa�rces on or in �he Pmperty. Dortowcr ahnll no� do. nor ellow onyone clse to do, enything afkcting �hc �,y�ni _ <br /> ` Prapeny tliat is in vlalation of any Gnvironmenul Law. 7Te praeding�wo untences shall not epply ta the prcsence,use, or ,5`I ��� - <br /> -' atorege on the Propcny of small queMi�ies of Hverdous Su6s�ances that are generally recognized ro 6t appropriate m nomW ��Sf� _ <br /> �-� residential uses and to maimenance af the Property. @iu � -.��--�� <br /> �t� Borrower shnll romptly give L.ender x�itten nolice of any imexlign�ion,claim,demnnd, lawsuit or other nction by any u <br /> t� govemncentel or rcguRmary ngency or privme p�ny involving the Pmpeny and any Haznrdous Su6siena or Environmemal La�v `�f���r.�� <br /> _-.� of�vhich Horrower hm aaual kirowledge. If Borrowcr Icnms,or is nntified 6y any govemmental or rcgulntory authority, tha� �1��� �� <br /> , eny removxl or other rcnxdiation o(any Hnznrdnu�Subs�anm affceling�he Propeny is nece.csary,Bortower shall prompily�ake <br /> -�� all neceasary remedinl aciions in accordance with Environmental Lew. a - :'.- <br /> ;;� A+uaed in Ihis pvagreph 20. 'Hetardnus Subs�ences"arc those subxtences defined as mxic or hazarAom subuenees by t �>>`r •�.. <br /> _ Fnvimnmentel law nM Ihe fnllrnvine suhaeroes: ¢usnline, kemmne. olher flamnuble or loxic pelmiCUm D��Ups, toxic _���X Fjs�?�r� — <br /> �� pca�icides a�d herhicides,volntile solvcros, materials mmaining m6es�os nr fommldehyde.nnd mdimaive mu�eduls.As ased in - ��,. ,„._ . <br /> _J� thi+pamsreph 20. 'Envimnmcmol Luw' mcans (cdeml luws unJ laws of�hc jurfsdininn whcrc �hc Propeny is laca�cd Ihat 'j" '" �-��> <br /> rola�c lo health,eekty nr cnvirnnnnntul protacion. � " ` ��'��'`'�`-- <br /> _.,y NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Onrrnwa nnd Icndcr funher covenant anJ ngrce�u follows: jya,'{��„�lf'. ��•_: <br /> _��'s,� SI.Aceeieredom Remedlee.I.ender ahall give nnqrn lo Oorrowrr prlor ro aceelemUon folloning ftartowM'e brcach � . '�;��%��,•--_ <br />�--;p ot any mvenent or egrcemenl In tht+ Securlty 4utrument (6ul nm pdor lo uaeleratimi under peregreph 17 mtiec+ �1t� Gts,< <:'�,�� - <br /> ;#�7 uppllcoble le�r�rovide+olhenrtu).'ILe notlm■Aull speclry: (a) the defuultt(bl the nctlon rcqulrcd ta curc the defaulp 4t_- v; ,� <br /> i (c)n dnte,not es tAen 30 du .Mm��hc Aatc Ihe nmicc la Iren la Itnrro�rcr.A ahich Ihe dePoull mwt bc curedt nnd � � '.} ;� ' 1f= <br />_���;`� (d) tAnt tnliure to curc thr d�ault on or befnm Ihe date ipecificd 6� �hr nntlttinuy reicuit In eceelerotlon nf the xm�G� .'s�.�.,��:�`t ��` <br /> secured by thla 3ceudty Instrument end aslc of the Prapeny.The notl�r ahall Nrlher infonn Oorra�rer o�the right to ' � ' �F;i4: '�" <br /> ,�,a rchutate uRcr ncccicreqan und Ihe dght lo hrhip n mur� oninn �a nsserl Ihc nnmexistence at e def¢uil or my othrr r if' ', -�, �.F _ <br /> defensc of Dnrrowcr to eaderntlon und sule. If�he defnult h nnt curcd on nr hefom thc daic apecl0ed In Ihe notia. + v � 2}4,�i�;::- <br /> ,,;� I.ender, at ia aptlon, may requirc Immediale payment in full of all xumx xecarcd by this Secudfy Instrumenl oithout -_,� _ �t .�tig,����: <br /> G+ Nrther demend end may Invokc the po�rcr of Fate m�d any mhcr rcmedlc,:pennitted by npplleeblc lum. I.ender ehnll bc �,.�� } ;�u 9i�a�F. <br /> '�+ entltltd to mllect ell ezpertsea Incurred In pursuing the rcmttllec pmrided In thlc pam�rnph 21.Inclnding,hut nat Iimited v _ ��p.iF ;bA•. <br /> '�i m,rcnsonuble atmrne���'fecs and cona nf tl�le cvidencc. 1 't, ,t_.,�����. : <br /> ` V tbepo e-cr nf sele Ix Im�oked,Truace shnll recnrd a nuUce ai defoult In c�ic6 cmmfp 6� �rhich eny parl of the �3 � � � <br /> �' Pm�xrly IF I�ented nnd shnll mail enplex of such notice In Ihr munner preacdheel b�'epplicnble lew to Ibrtoozr end lo r S _ �,!�- p� ` <br /> -7 the other permns preccrilxd by xpplirnble lan�.After the tlme myuired h��nppllrnhle Im��.Tn�RCC xhnll gke public notfm �� �x�� 'r7y <br /> � of sele to the persons and In the mancer prescrih�d hy npplirnble Ix��.Trn+lee,oithout drmxnd an Oorm��ea xhall ull -;�is� 1' � <br /> ra,��'a Ihe Pmperly ot pnhllc auc�inn to the Alghetit hidder at the tlmr xnd pince xnd undcr thc lcmis desl�neted in the nutice af ���„ :�`�;f_>t3�c :. <br /> w,�� sxle In one or more psrcel.s and in an}�order detcrndnc+.Tru�ice mar pnstpnne snle af all or nny parcel of lhe +yy43� +��, �t <br /> Property by public emm�ncemmi n�the time�md pince af�n� prcrinucic+chidulcd +nle. I.endrr or ils de+dRnce mny # r� ��µ � <br /> � purchase the Aopert�et xny sele. i�`��i�} ;. �� � <br /> � <br /> ` ;.y;'• .�.: ' <br /> �:}� y''�it` :'�� � <br /> ��`� Fxm 3028 8180 <br /> Pqe 5 e�6 <br /> I' <br /> '`-�� (..' . . . <br /> P <br /> 1 <br /> t <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> ,.�:�'A�*IT7^_ . . . 8 :�- . . . . . ' _ .. _.. .... .. . ' . . . .._ . . . . . <br /> � '`-43 ..l•.. i!; •-�� <br /> � � T� .t.i.a -- .• . . , •• ' � • <br /> _ iil'T'�: . � " � . .. <br /> ..., � :. .._ . _".. . ' _ _ . ':. __ — . _ . _ . . <br /> 1}x`' :'{4' . � . . <br /> /� <br /> il ` 3 '4! i ' � . ' <br /> � <br /> 25� ___' . r.1T • \ l . -�'-'� ' � " � � - - <br /> � <br /> A!�F� �„ �q i ' �_ - � . - '�' � . <br /> 5�)} T: r. f. �,� � . � . . . . � � �. . <br /> --�t1 et;.� Ssltl�lk : t . � _ . . _l,. . . _ <br /> �i �. - - -i F r _. � _ . . , • . <br /> r}k �r, i � . ' �° -. ii r� . <br /> .4i��t � � �a -.j i � . . . �. � <br /> y(� P. ��) � _ _. � . . ( !., i _ } _ . <br /> �' l ._ x - ' .I 1._' _.,4 t . <br /> �� y� l '._t, s � : { j J . � - . - ( <br /> },�r _ i` i_` � "� � -S .e " _ , � F_-`� (t _ <br /> .. . .. . . :l .i,� . ?:r .� _ . . .'.i . . __ . . 4..� . �.-�..a.�l -� . /1i .. .'f_-�. � . _._. . _.. <br />