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D. Hs�ard ov PropeRy insunnoe. Bonowor�hall I�cep�ho Improvommta now exis�o► htt�caRc�c�r��o3"on IAo � <br /> {7opetty Infurcd ageinst tosa by ftm.hararde Induded�vltAln tM tcrm'excended covcmgo' nnd ony other hazardb Including <br /> floade or flooding.for whlch Lender rcqufre�inwnnco.7LIa Insuronco�h¢II bo malntaincd In iho emaunte end(or Iho perlodt <br /> that Lender roqulrca.7Ua insumnco curlu provlding�he Inauranco�hall bo chosen by Dorrower�ubJay�o Lender'e apprnrnl <br /> whlch�dell nnt M anrc�wnnafily whhhdd. [t Borrowu felb to malNaln covorogo descflbcd u6uvo, Lerder mny, et I.endbr'e <br /> optlon,obtaln corerage ro protea I.endcr'e righro in tha Property fn ecoordoncc wfth paragmph 7. <br /> A�I Inaurance polidea and rcnewal� shell be acapteblo to Le�er md shall Includo e ctenderd mongego cleuso. Lendw <br /> iheil Mve the dght to lald�ho pollciea and renawele.It Lender rcquirea,OoTro�ver e6ell promptly give io Lender dl rcoeipt�of <br /> patd prcmfums and ttnewnl rrotloes•In�irc event ot lose,Bovower ahell givo prompt notice to the(nsurenco cartiu end I.endea _ ._,_,_____________ <br /> Lcndu may make proof of loss i[not madc prompUy by Bortowu. — - - <br /> Unleas Lender and Hortower othernim ugrco in�vdHng,imurenoa proceads�hall be epplied to reNOretion or repalr af�ho _ <br /> Properiy dnmeged,if Ihe ratoretlon ar rcpair ia eeonomically feasible end Lender'e stcurity i�not lusened.[t U�o rcsWre�fon or °_- <br /> repair I�not eoonomlally fmsible or Lender'�ttcudty would 6e lessened,the inswena procoeds shell be epplied ro�he cums �,_ <br /> cecured by �hia Savdry Insnument, whethcr or not tArn due,with any excess paid ro 8ortower. If Bortower abandons the �,_;� <br /> Propeny,or doea not answer within 30 doye a nodce fmm[.ender thxt the incurence cerrler hu ofkrcd lo aelqo e clafm, then �_ _ _ . <br /> Lender mey allect �he insurenaa pnKreds. Lender may use thc prooada to repair or reirorc�he Propeny or ro pay sums ___ _ <br /> ceeured by thla SecuAry Insuunxnt,�vhuher or not tfwn due.The period will be8(n when�he notice Is given. __— <br /> Unles� t.endu md Bortower otherwix agrce in wriNng, any applfca[ion of proceed� to prixipal ahall not extend or �,�,-_,. <br /> postpone ihe due date of thc monthl a ments rcferrcd to in re hs I and 2 or chan c�he amount of tha ments. If F'°"'--� <br /> Y P Y P�8 P 8 �Y ��,�;__-:- - <br /> under paragiap6 21�the Property is ecquired by Lenda,Bortower'a dgh[ro any insmnnx pol Iciea end proaWa rauiting from __ ____ <br /> damege�o�he Properry pdor to�he ucquisi�ion shall pass ro Lender[o the e�cent of the mm+secured by thie Secud�y Insnument `"�-'-�_�f� <br /> immediately prior to�he ecquisition. � �A `-----._.. <br /> 6.Oocupancy,Presermqon,Meintenence and Protectton o(the Properly;Borro�rer's Loan Applicatlons I.easehold+. we.�= - <br /> Bortower aheil occupy,esteblish,and uu the Property a+Borro�ver's pdncipal residence within:ixty daya eRer the ezocution of E�_� <br /> this Security Instmmem and shall rnminue[o occupy the Propeny as Bortower'a principal rc+idence for at lease one year efler )y��� -.-_ <br /> the da�e of occupency,unless IxnJer olhernlae egrees in writing,which mnaent shall not be unreazonebl wfthheid,or unlas �".:•_- �-- <br /> Y ->"d).d�a�:�_;, <br /> ex�enuating circumstances exis[ which erc beyond Borrower's mntrol. Borruwcr shall not descmy, damegc or impair �he ;����;�N;�;;__ <br /> Property, allow �he Roperty w dUCriorete, or commit wasre on the Pmperty. Bortower shall be in dcfault(f en tadeimm ��i�cr•i+iui.«� <br /> Y i�:v���R�,�-n..__ <br /> adian or proceeding,whether civil or criminal, la 6egun�het in I.ender s goad felih Judgment could rault in foRciwrc of ihe h�+"*.s�..-c--,r"+-- <br /> Propetty or othenvise mntedelly impair the lien created by�his Sceurity Instrument or Lender's secudty interesL OoROwer may Sii yl��'t+ - <br /> cure wch a default and rcinsiate,as provided in paregreph 18, by causing the action or procceding ro he dismissed with¢ruling Q�EQtY�g�y,K�� -:- <br /> thal, in LeMer'a goad�fai�h detcrmine�ion, precludes forfeiwre of �hc➢orrowcr s intercst in tht Propeny ar o�er materiel �ICf�Zh'f d'�'� � <br /> iuipai�Ti�ci�l oi ihz lie��tre:t�ty ihis°.,;.curity InstNiiCnt oi LCfIdCf�s:CCU[i[y I:ftEPx!. SIo!!^wrr chpll alm M in defaull If 1,��U��Y3! _ _. <br /> .)4•.ee:rsnf. x...__ <br /> Dorrower,dudng the loan applicetion pracss,geve marerinlly talse or inoccurate infomution or s�atcments to Lender(or failed `��f.'y�;u�n��j._.,- <br /> w provido Lender wi�h uny mutcrial informa�ioN in conna�ion wi�L�hc laan evidenced by the Note, including,but no�limited t,;:�.�(r.�„-,�,-: <br /> ro,reprcten�etiom mncerning Borm�ver's occupancy o(�he Property m a principal rcsidence. If�his Savrity Instrument is on e �y,�,1.l.;;�•.;c- <br /> leauhold, Borrowcr shnll compiy with all �hc pmvisionc of�hc Icasc. It Borcowcr a uircs fcc Udc to the Pro n . �he �*r.r,:?r,,�,^,3�,t�,. <br /> ry P� Y i;,--,Ut}'"'rfi`si'-- <br /> leaschold and thc fec�idc xAatl no�mcr e unless Lendcr e rces to ihe mcr cr in�vritin . 7'�' �' <br /> 8 S S B ..y{'m;�t�6�<:iy-�. <br /> 7.ProtecNon ot LendePa Rightx In ihe PropeRy.If Bortower fails io pedorm�he covenams nnd egrecnxms contained in {e�t.;-��� � � <br /> �y.:�531�r;.-: <br /> this Secudty InstrunxnL or�herc k u Icgnl procceding that may signfOcontly atfec� Lender's dgh�s In the Pmpeny(auch m a '��;,�;•;:}_.zq4;;•,,.�: <br /> procecding in hankrupuy, pmboM. G+r amdcmna�ian nr forkiturc nr�o enforce luws nr rc ulu�innsl, �hcn Lcndcr nw do w¢I - -� ��-' •�'_-� <br /> 8 Y i�.i'�i",.';µ:���' <br /> pay for aha�ever is nmssery�u pro�ec� �he vuluc of the Propeny und Lender'�righis in Ihe Pmpeny. l.ender's ncUonx may �];='i �-.i_����i'•�i., <br /> .?-„�:,ry...,_ <br /> Includc paying any mms �cuml Ay n licn which has priori�y ovcr �hic Sccuri�y Instrunxm. oppcndng in mun, paying ;�,.,{h_;,.�.j�:_: <br /> rcawnoble nttomcys'(ces and enicring on the Propeny m nmkc repoin.AlUtaugh Lcndcr mny toke n�Yion undcr�his parvgrepli ��_-% � `� �: <br /> 7, Lcndcr docs no�huvc tn do so. ' (� �4 .- <br /> �..'.�s{^ tqr.'.-•_; <br /> Any omoums disbursal 6y Lc�dcr undcr �hi. pamgmph 7 .hnll bnvm�e ndJi�ional Jcbt uf Bortowcr ucurcJ by thix �:,�«;�},�F,lt:,�.(._�: <br /> Securily Insuumcnt. Unlcss Bartowcr ond LenJCr ngrcc to oqMr temis of pnymcm. �hac nmoums.hall bcar imcrca� from�hc ' �,, �r�7(�� <br /> datc af disburscmcnt m �hc No�e mtc nnd sholl be piyabic, with intem�. upm nn�i�e fmm Lcndcr to &im�wcr reyuesting ��� _ <br /> payment. ;-:';',-��::.ct.;c:c,. <br /> • �`�;.�:... . . <br /> ;,i'r�;% Y, f,+��� <br /> 8.111oHgugc Ituurancc.If Lcndcr requircJ inongage imurancc ut a co�Hli�ion nf mnkinF�hc laan xcurcd hy�his Sccuriry -.i::_��t=,.�,. <br /> InsuunKnt. Borrowcr shall a t6c rcmiums m maimain �hc mm� a c imumncc in cff�ti�. IG for an rcmm�. �he �"'�`��� �'" <br /> P Y P rc9 F F Y ��t�1,.'> ��:;rh <br /> mongegc inwmna�roveragc rcyuircJ hy LenJcr lap+e+�+r.rase.�o hc in cffect. Ilarmnxr.lull pay�hc prcmiunu rcquired ta '�,'�*.�,+"ti:�•"�- <br /> ob�nin mverage sub+tantially equivnlem m�M1e mnngage imuranee previnualy in effcc�.at n n+a wbs�antiully equivaiem �o�he �'�'�"?i;.��'��:� : <br /> F:e:".-,'a.n'hi u.�. <br /> cost lo Bormwer nt the mnn¢age insummi pra�inmly in effaY. trnm an altemate mongage imurer appmveJ by Lender. If ' ��"� �- <br /> 5,Y..,,`;,.:,.-.�,--' <br />- subs�antially equivalcm mm�gage in.urance mvcnge is�xn avaiiablc. &rtroarr.hall Fuy�a Is�ulcr cach manlh a+um eqUal[o :..,n'-. '._.S`. <br /> one-laellih af�he yeady mnngage inwmnce prcmium hcinF paid hp Bortox�er nhen Ihe im.uran.c mveragc lapxd or cea+eJ to , <br /> be in efkct.Le�MCr wiil uccept.u.e anJ re�ain�he+c pa��nenu:n :�in.. re.en�e m hcu nl mnngage mwranca Ln++ rcxrve <br /> form 3028 9180 ' - <br /> o.�r�..�r. .. <br /> �i ..1. v- ,[ ;P_ '. .. ' . rl--. _ . ..: . . _ '. - _n . .... . _ . - . <br /> -.Z�, �i .' _ . _ . <br /> '�i:+ - - . . ' _: � _ . . _ <br /> .rj'?:�'v•l,'?:1 - . . . . <br /> U. ��-`: 14 -t.�i . . . - _ . — . _ . . <br /> I� ��y <br /> � ��)i<}r �x x 4f rl ._�r 2�3V/.. _ _' . . - . <br /> l I � f f� , i. -. . - <br /> N; � jr r.,p - , . � . • . - . , <br /> i ` <br /> s�h�i . i j -_- � 2i - - _ . . <br /> i <br /> < �: <br /> ��i� .�� �n - . t � �- ) �� � . - _ . <br /> �f ' ,, _ f , ,� . r r� .. . . . <br /> C i � .! 1i - i{tr'S/) ' - - <br /> t � ' ', ' 7t I � - - 5 ' � ' �_ .' <br /> 3. � . . <br /> � W - -,)l�Yf� ! t " . <br /> L : Y f_ . ` � f t y i S <br /> ' . 4 , . . -- ! ) <br /> -' r . 1 ' � C. ,.. .:'- _ , ..---..1. . v/, ': ..__. .. .�Z <br /> ..... . . .. . . .... .� .?.v� .:. _: . _ .:1. _. '.__..._ _. _ <br />