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.W�,.�.. -, ... . <br /> t� : �: �. . <br /> x�. :'��. �,(����' ' >, , , f;. -- <br /> � p�;ymenu mry ao tonggr be roqulrcd,at the opHon ot I.endu,it pwngase inwronao ooverege lin tha emo6nt nn�foi tlifi�d64 _"`,`�__ <br /> �at Lendc� rqqulrw)Dmvidcd by en insurcr apyroveG by 1Rnder egeln blcomw evollaDla u�d ia oEtalned �oitoWer eT�}l!pry <br /> �ho pmmlumi rcQulrcO ro rnilmaln mo[tgego insumnco in effoct,or lo ptbvldo a lo�i rcsert�o,until tho toqutremenkfoi fiwrtgeae-., • <br /> Insumnm end�In aconrdanea ai�h a�ry wricmn agreement betwccn Bortower end LaWu or apylicable taw. ` '. . '• <br /> —' 4.IacpeNlon.Lendu or lu agrnt may make reasonable entriw upon and laspoctlons ot tho Property.Lende�thall glvE , � - <br /> _� Oorrowcr wcica u the�Ime ot or pdor to m inspeqion spccirying reasonebl0�auso for[ha inspealort. ._ �_ <br /> 10. Condemnetlon.7Le prooee0a ot eny award or cleim for demegc.+,dirat or consequen8al,in oonaection wltti'e�ry . <br /> oondcmnedon or other taklna of any pcn ot tho Property,or!or aonvoyance In liw of condemnatlon,ero kereby sssignt4 aqd <br /> _ �hall bo paid ro I.endcr. ' <br /> = In cha ovrnc of a io�al�eking of ihe Property.�he pr000cds at�all 6o appticd to tha sunu uarcd by Oiii&cwdty�astcYnieat, •- •.-- <br /> —°—' whethx or not ihen due, Nich any exces+patd m�he ovent ot a pa�tlel�aking ot the_Ptopc[ty In whlch tpp fok - <br /> = markU value ot tho Propeny Immedietcly betoro tiw�aking b oqud to or greator�hen tho eroount at�e wm+seated by tdis <br />_�-- Saurity tnstrument immediately befom the taking.unles�Rortowor end►.ender o�herwlm agree In wdtlng,the�ums eearixF by ':;i.' <br />_=-- this Securtry Instmmem ehdl be reduood by tho emount of tho pmacda mulUplicd by tha foilowing fraabn: (e)t6e tolal ' ,.••, <br /> - unount of the sums securcd ImrtMdletely befora tho taking,dtvidcd by N)�he fe�r market velue ot the Proputy fmmedlatcty •``�;,"' <br /> 6cforo thc teking. A�ry baluae shall he paid to Horrower. In the event ot a panlal taking of the Property lo�vhieh U�o fal� ___ <br />��:3_i� matkU velue ot tha Property immedletaly beforo the roking I�loss ihen the artwunt of the cumf securod Imtrtad�ntsty 6efote tM0 . <br /> -:�;�>� �eking,unlw Hortower end Lendor otherwise agree in writlng or unlcss epplicable law othecwfsa provWea,the pcocads shdl <br /> "an;�a be applicd m�he wnv eecurcd by thia 3avriry Insnument whcther or not the suma arc thcn due. ' . <br />�-_.�;x�`•Y� It tAa Property�la ebendoned by Ilortower.or if,aRu noqae by Lender to IIorrowcr�h�t�he condunnor otfero to mske en <br />--:`�34,� oward or sUtle a cleim for damega. Bortower faila ro respond ro Lendcr wlthln 30 day�a4u�he dato the noQce Is glven, <br /> r.��.� Lendu ie authodud to collea end epply the procoeds,et Ite opNon,cither�o ratore�lon or repalr of the Property or to Ihe suw <br /> . > cecurcd by thi�Securiry Inummnnt,wheU�er or not�hen due. <br /> }S��3 Unteas I.ender and Borto�ver othmvise agree in wr(ting, eny appliwtlon of prooeeds to prindpal e1W1 not extend o� <br /> +; � postpone�he duc dete of the momhly paymcnts rcfertcd to in paregmphs 1 and 2 or chango the emount of�uch paymenU. <br />:�,�,�.;, ll.ltorroxer Not Releasedt For6enrana IIy I.endw Not a Walvw.Bxtenslon of the dme for payment or modiflcetion <br />�""•.�?'�-�� of amoni�aAon of the sum+secured by thia Secudry Initrument grented by Lender�o any suoceasor in imuast of Horrower shdl <br />_.;'�;�� not operete to rcicasc�he Ihbility of the odginal Bortower or Bortower's succesmn in intercs�.Lenderihell not ba rcqutrcd to <br />�-_?�:,g�•: commena prooeedlnEs egalnst any sucaswr in imercst or rcPose�o ex�end time tor payment or otherwise modify amortfmtlon <br />-''y:=��{:_ of �he euma ucured by this Security Instrument by rcawn of any demend made by ihe original Bortower or 8orrowu'� <br /> -�'"`�t succesmn in inrorest. Any forbeerenw by Lender In exercising any dght or rcmcdy sha11 not be a�niver ot or prccludo 1he __.. <br /> �� �``z ezcrcise of any rigM or remedy. <br />...p3� <br /> `'Y.i'�>� 12. Successoro nnd Ascigm Qound;Jolnt end Severel Llabllityt Co-signere. The mvenenu end adreemems of this <br />�w';��'t�� Security Insttument shell 6ind and benefit �he auccasors and assigna of Lentier anu Isorrower, aubjm m d¢ provisions oi <br />