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`1 r .. . { <br /> �� �i �� '.O���ig } y'` :�_ <br /> . ` , <br /> __._ . <br /> __ �. 17.7�an5hr ot tbap�y�r�y ore&nettdel iateresl lng�y wen B ell or enppattot QA ProDert or�iy ln{erest in it _ -..-.-. <br /> li wld or��onsferted(or if a 6encfictat lntores�in Dortowet la eotd or tronsfcrted ond BOrroxer la na�a ns�orpt perapn)witlwut , <br /> l.etWerY pdor writton co�sem, Luider may, ut lu opdon, rcq ulro Immedhte payment In tLll ot dlt wms Ka1ro7 6y YAI{ . � <br /> Saurit9 Ine�rvment.Noweror,�Rb ayuon sAall nm be exerclsod 6y Lcnder itexe�clso la proEibtttd by fedeml ll�w qs olthe dtt0 <br /> � otthis9audtylmcmmem. �`.` ' <br /> It Lcnder exerciwe�hla option,Lender shall gIve Boerower nodco of aooelcwtlon.'Rra aotica�hell pmvtda e period of ao1 <br /> , les�thou 30 dey�from the daie the notica U dcllvend or mnlled wi01n wNcL Borrowm must pay e11 cunu[aurtd�y tsli. - <br /> — Security Imtrument.If Rortower falie�o pay tAeso eums pdor to�ho oxplmtlon ot�hb poriod,I.ender mey Invoko eny rcnudla • .;. <br /> - <br /> --- permlued Ey thb 8cadty Inswment without Ponher notico or dcmand on Borco�ver. <br /> __ t8. ISOmoHer'e R�t lo Rdaskte. If Bortowcr mceu artaln condiHoro. I3orrowa thell heve the dg1�t to hav0 + <br /> """"' enforcement of�hla 9ecudty Inswment discontinucd a[any ttme prlor�o tho wrlier of: (d !deye(or wch othe�pedod e�. <br /> " ' aDpllcable law may �pairy (or rctns�ettmenq betore salo ot tho Propeny pumuN� to eny powcr ot reto contalne0 In �At�. . ' <br /> -- &arity Instrumenq or @)entry ot a Judgme�t entorcinp lhfi Savflry Intwmcnt.7Loso condttlon�ero th�t Bbrtowu:(a)paya � <br /> I.ender ell cums which�hen xnuld be due under thb Secudty IrouunKnl and 1ho Noto m If no eoocleretion had oavrted;tD) � <br /> °A� curq any dcfault ot any aher coveneo[e or egramente; (c) i ell expenua inartcd In enforcing thb Bxurlty Jnu�ument, <br /> � including but not Iimtted to,rcawnabte attome tcer,and(d �eka wch aalon u I.endu mey�tsOnably rcqutre to essuro <br /> N:'�� �hat the Iien of thia 3ceudty Luwment. Lender�rt�hts In ihe Property and Bortower's o6liBation ro pay Iha eumf saurod by <br />�.`s;C�'; _ �hia 3avdry Ins�mmene shall contlnuo.unchanged. Upon rclnstatement by Iiortower, dda Sxudty Insaument end the <br /> -___�� ablfgal(ons cecuttd Aereby ahtll rentaln fully effMiro m ff no aottlereqon had aocurral. Howevor. �Afs flght lo rclmleie aiWl - -� <br />�,.�;-:�''"— no[apply N the cese of acalemtion under paragraph 17. <br />' ;:�:: 19. 8aie ot Notei C9�ange of Laen Servtcu. Tha Notc or e partial In�ercst In the Note(rogethu wltb Ihia 3xudty <br />'�=`�Y"�'+ Inswmenq may be sold one or morc timu without pdor nolico ta Bortower.A sele may rcsult In n e in ihe enNty(known <br />; :_;r+;. : <br /> _ � r, es tho'Lom 3ervicerry tlut collays momhly payments dus under tho Note end ihia Security Instmmem. erc elm mey Da ona <br /> -��{'�s or more cAmges of ihe Lwn Scrviar unttleted ro e wlo ot�he Note.If Iherc u a change of ihe Loan Servloer.Bortower w1U be � <br /> �t� given wduen no6a of the chenge in eaordmco with paregreph 14 above end applicable law.The noda wlll etaro�ho namo end <br /> v=_ address of the new Lonn Servicer end the address to whlcA paymenta ahoutd 6o m�de. The notice will etso conmtn any o�her �_. ,.... <br />;,:E.��ek;{�, infomulion rcquircd by eppliabte Ia�r. <br />:._-;;4`i�,r;.l 20.Hezardou�SuCstanttn. BoROwer sM1all not cause or pefmit�he presence,use, dispoul, qomge, or rcteaw of uny <br /> :,�.`.,,��, Hemrdaue Subrences on or in �he Pmpeny. Hormwer chall not do, nar etlo�v myone elec io do, eny�hing aftecting �he -- . <br />--;u<;�-,. Propeny that ia in violation of eny Environmentel Lew. The pmc��ing two sentencea ahali mt ePply to Ihe presence,um,or <br /> =';��gx arorege on the Propeny of small quemities of Narardoua Su6s�ences thet ere genereily recognized to be appropdero ro normtl <br />���-�`_i:��'t% rcsidentid uses end to mnin[emnce of Ihe Property. <br />'-`%"�:}�� Hortower shall prompqy give Lender wrinen no�ia of any InvatlgeHon, cleim, demond, Iawwl[or other�cUon by eny <br />-;�Yn-�.,i govemmrntel or rcgulatory a�ency or priva�e pany involving the Propeny and eny Nazardow Substanc¢or Hnvironmentel Law — <br /> i;��-� of which Borrower has enua kno�vledge. i(Borrower leems, or is notified by nny govemmenul or reguletory euthoAty, �Aat <br /> r��{ any remoral or aher rcnudia�ion of eny Haznrdom Substence ef@c�ing the Property is naessary,Borrower shall promplly toka <br /> wr��r�� all necavey remedial�ctian�in accordance with Cnvironnxntal Luw. <br />:.�.•;:;,t�:,yfN Aa used In�his pa�agraph 20, 'Haiardous Subs�ances'em�hnse substnnces de�ined as toxic or heurdoue substmae by — <br /> .-= CRVIP+!9!!f!lIA� �9W ?!!� Iht (nllnwino <phUgnrra• owcnllM: �fmu���, nfMr flxmmable �v tn11c �IClmllLm produtli, tnxlC _.>.. <br /> , � pesNcides and herAicides,rolatile salvents, mntedals mnteining azbesios or formaldehyde,and radioaaive matedel�.Ae usod in . <br /> r'�� this pam;�aph 20. 'Envimnnxmnl Lmv' means hdcrnl laws nnd laws of�hc judsdiaion nc�rc the Propeny Ls located that = <br /> ��`' tj� rclnretoheal�h.safetp orenvironmental proiation. �r,s '--� <br /> NON•UNI�ORM COV C•NANTS.Bnrmwcr e�d I.endcr funhcr mvcnxnt xnd agrcc ax fnilows: <br /> ��,:�Fr;:, 21.Aceeleretton;Remedien.l.ender ahell gire nottee to Qorros�er prior to ecederelion tollmriog Borro�rer'e breach ���-,�„�,`�": <br /> r-T. of eny rn��enent or qpreement in Ihix Securily Inrirument (but nol prior ta aaelerofion underpa ragreph 17 unlm � �r � <br /> itl�' : appllceble lew provldes ofhendsd.The notice aAall specffy: (a)the dcfeul4 @)Ihe nNion requlred to cure lhe ddaWq ��, �y ;: <br /> { i.{� . (c)o dnte,not 1�Ihen 30 dayx hom Ihe date the notice 4c given�o Uorrower,hy whlch the deteWt must be cured;and �rN� { : <br />-�,,,_,Y�;'� (d) that fellure to curc�he dePault on nr bePorc�he dn�e spccificd In lhe�mNce may resWt fn aoceleretlon of the sume 4,,,t,__;; <br /> �, .- . aeeured 6y thl+Securite In�trumenl end.nle nf the Pmpeny.The�mtice ahell furlher Intorm Oorro�rer ot the rlght to - <br /> �t�-��' rcinst¢te eRer eeceleration and the dght tn bdng n murt actlnn m ecurt Ihe non•extstence ot o deteult or any other piP;;_`.. <br />-;'•%;j��.i�f' defense of Rarroo�er lo uccelera�imi and:ale. If�he defnuli Ix nm curcd an ar bePom�he dute apttifled in the notltt, j��"`���- <br />-- �•�.`�'=i I.ender,el Itx optlon, nw�• requlre Iromedinte pnyment In fnll oi nll sums sceurcd Ay lhfs Secudty Irtgtrument�dthout �<?;�;.z�. <br /> ° �` Nnhcr demund nnd mny imroke thc pow�er nf mle xnd en��other remedies pemdtled by eppIirn6te le�v. I.ender ahnll be * . <br /> - U:` entitled to mllect a0 ex sa incurred In urxtdn the rcmedics ms Ided In this urn n h 11.Intludln but not Iimlted e •- <br /> . .�: . P�'�� P R V P R P R. �l�t:;'' <br /> ��Y ', to,reawnehle attarne}�s`fees end cactA nf�I�le eridencc. G.:,_ <br /> It the�o���er of wle is h���oked, Truslce shall recnrd n notice nf defnull in each munly In �rhirh a�part of the � r�,- - <br /> v <br /> r•- ' Pmperty Ls lornled nnd xhull mnll mples af.nch nntim h�the mnnnrr prexcAhed by aQpllrnble Imr to Rorroo�er and to e,;;:" <br /> s�� it-•, Ihc nlher per+ona prcscrihed M�nppilcnhle Inx�.ARcr ihc Ihnc reyuired h��applirnble Ixu,Trustce shall�Ire publir nallee t t``.. <br /> ���?���.- ot xnle tu Ihe pennur and In�I�e mannrr prcxriheA by upplicuble lux.Trustcr,�rithom demand on Bormner,shell sell ;T .. <br /> -�1� -; ihe Prnpert,r at pnblir xuctinn ta the hishe�t bldAcr nt Ihe Ifmr mid pincr mid nnder the ierms dexi�ueled In Ihe notlm oi F'}` ��- <br /> - i;%<�}yr �elc In onr nr mnrc pnnelx and In nm�ordcr TnNCC defennines.Trurice mK+ putpm�r ude of all nr mppa rcel of the '�-.'-.:.;'. <br /> Properl��be public mmnnnreme�t al i6e Ilme xnd pince oT un� prerinual�� scheduled wle. I.ender or Ils desisnee me�� �` �"" <br /> _rJ':�:',� Purclia�x thc Prapert��nt an��sale. �i F - <br /> - - �A �e�i,��- <br /> ���,t21r,'i.,., :.d{'t,.:.. <br /> _:i,:t,.:�• ;;o..�s:.`. <br />.:_ .�.-.,:�,... <br /> !.;<.::_ <br /> ..:,.. ,..:.. <br /> � Fmm 30Y8 9/80 ��=�-� <br /> �i�ii,;'."'i l;Ii:i,iC.'-. <br /> ..-_yt�,_:i o.P...�6 1{\�: <br /> �ll...:l�f. <br />. �,I�l'�. t.�i <br /> "� �_.. <br /> 1:: <br /> . . . ^>;�.—. -,. . . . .. . . . . :.�.- s ..,, . <br /> . -:.> ;- <br />. 4i .1,., . • <br /> •r.'S��.' � <br /> ..i�I`. �" . . <br /> 'L <br /> � ` <br /> �_` ._ _ _""____.� ._ <br /> �. _ '. l .:�:'. . <br />