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: <br /> � _ . ._... .. .. . .. . ,.. <br />---�-=�� �q �� at� " - <br /> � S. NaeM or Propmy [murona. Horrowa ehilt keep Ne Improvenaate now oxid�'6►�.att"e�qFfd€A on the ` <br /> 0 Propeny insured egelnst los�by 8ro,he�ard�inciudod wl0iln tha tcrm 'oxtendcd coverege'and any otAce herArQ�,tik(ii41nQ. -- <br /> Iloada or flooding,for whleh I�ender requlrea Irmurenco.'Ihb insurenco�Anll 6o malnmined In�ho enwunte and for t!!p perla0f <br /> —_ �hec Lendrr requlres.71w Insuranoa cartter pmvldtng the in�urorroe shzll be chosen by Bortoner aubJea to l.endePe epprovel --.-- <br /> =— wtdch cha11 not bo unrcesonably�vithhcid. If Borrowu feil�eo msintain ooveroge deseriDcd ebovo, I.ender may, at I.cnder'� <br /> optlon.obtatn mvcrage co protect Leader'e right�in the Propeny in ecmrd3nce with pa�agreph 7: �__ _ <br /> �t�� All inwranco policlta and rcnmval�ihell 6a ecttptabto to Lender and shel�lnoludo n ntendurd nwngago ciawo. LstWu <br /> sM1WI M1ave tho right ro hold the polidea and renewab.It Lcader rcquitta.Qorrower ehWl promptiy glvo to l.enda�II«alpn ot <br />-='•-�� paid premium�and rcnewel notices.In the ave�t of loss.Ibrtowcr eha11 glvo Drotryt noqeo to the Inwranoo cartlet end LeMeh . . . . <br /> -- Lcndcr may mako proot of los�It not made promptiy by Borrowu. <br /> - Unles+Lcndcr end Bortowtt othcrwiso egrco In wr(ting,Insurence proetM�sha116e appfled to«ato�allon or repair of tlw <br />.;".'?�m-_,�-.`-_'� Property demaged,if U�o ratoretlon or rcpair u economicaliy fcuiblo and LcndeP�eeadry U not Uw rcaroraHon or <br /> ;:�� repalr ii not eoonomically feesible or Lender'i�oaidty xrouid bo lessened.tho Insuranoe prooeed�srall bo applltd to tha�uw <br /> sewnd by�hia Sca�ity Imlrument, wheeder or not tAen due, w(th any oxocsf pald �o Bortowor. if Borrower abandotu tAe <br /> '�?#� Proputy,or das not amwtr wi�hin 30 daya a notico from I.ender that tho insumnce carttcr hm otfered to se�tle�da1m,tAeo <br /> - - `" Lender mey collca tho insumnce prooeeda. Lender may uso �o proceeGs eo rcpair or ratoro tho Pmpeny or to pay am� _'- - <br /> -1� aavred by�his Security Inst�ument,�vhUher or not then duo.11ie 34day perlad will begin when the notfce la given. <br /> 4.+i Unless i.enda end Hortowcr ahernise egroe in wdt(ng, eny application ot praetda ta principil sh.ill not extend or <br />_.;;�;.;-v, postpono�ha due date ot thc momhly paymcnn rckrted to lo parag�aph� 1 end 3 or cAange the amount of t6e paymc�u.It <br /> - - y under paragraph 21�the Properry Is eoquimd�y Lender,Bo�moei s rigAt to any In+urenoo po11Ma end ptooeod�rcsuldng from <br />''':� '�'� e co iAe Pm rior ro�he seaon shall eo Lendu to the extem of�he wms eenuad b thb 3ew�i Insuument <br /> '..;_,��: d�8 P�Y P ��� P� Y �Y <br /> Immedietely pdor to�M asquisidon. - - <br /> ",`�,'t� 6.Oxupancy,Preserratlon,Malntenona and Hotectlon ot the Propertyi Qorrower'e Lerm Appllcation�I.easehold+. <br /> ,r�r.�75 Bormwer shail occupy,esteblish,u�d uu the Pmperty as Bortowcr's principal rcsidzncc within siuy day�aRer[Ao oxecutlon ot <br />'-°`�7x,y Uds Security Insnumem and ahall mntinue to oavpy tIu Properry es Bortower's principal rcsCmce for et Itast one year eflu <br /> -�•°°• the date of occupancy, unlw Lender othern4u egrces in writlng,whlci�consent�hall not bo uweawnably withheld,or unlw <br />�'�`i'"''��' extenuating circumatenma exiat which erc beyond BorrowerY control. 6orrower ehall not destroy, danuge or Impair tha <br />��4`�'r� Pro n , ellow thc Pro n to dueriorete, or commlt�raste on �he Pro n . Borrowu�hell be in dcfnuU tf an forfdluro <br /> �re�4..,_ Ik Y P� Y P� Y Y <br /> r;°?`�G�;,' aaion or procttding, wAetha civil or cdminal,is begun�hat in l.ender'e gaod faith Judgment could rcsult in forfeiNn of�he ____ <br />--_�;4}��A�; Propeny or othcrwiu materielly impair the Ilen created by�hia Seeudry Instrument or Lender�eecudty interest.Bortower mty � <br />°=it;�iii� cure such a default and rcinatete,a+pmvided in parag�aph 18,by cauaing the aetlon or p�oaedtng to 6e dismfased with a ruling <br />-�=';�i;r`' thet, in l.enda'a good.(eith detcrtnina�ion, prccludca fodefturc of thc Borrower's imerest in the Propeny or other metuial <br /> � t�_ imrnirment of�he lien emated hy �hLa Seturity Irtvmment nr le'der':xecudty imerzst Bnrrowu�M1all eim h;in defeuh if ___ _. <br /> `�� Borrower,during the loen application process,geve ma�erielly felu or ineceurate infnmqtion or netementa to Lender(or fdled <br /> ra. - <br /> y?; to provide Lender wi�h eny nmtedal InformeeioN{n connec�ion with�he loen evidenoed by�he Noee,including, but not Ifmiied ` <br /> ,��._e ro,rcpresema�ions mnceming Bortower x occupancy of the Prapeny as e principel reafdence. If this Secudty Instrument fa on a _ <br /> sn;�i+ Irncchold, Borrower shdl comply wllh nll thc provisions of the Icau. If Borrawer ucquirca fce title ro the Property, the � -_. <br /> � ��'� Icaschold end�he fec ti�le shell nnt merge unicas Lendcr agrees�o thc mergcr in wd�ing. �f�_. <br /> T -� 7.Pratectlon of Lender'e Righta in Ihe Property.If Dorrower fails to perform the mvenanu and agrcemenu con[ained in �r �.--�: <br /> -� �i. thia Secudty tnstrument, or therc is a Iegel pfaeeding thnt mey.Ignificamly efkct Lender'a dghta in the Property(wch u a �mti,`� � <br /> --,v v proceeding in bankmptcy, probate. for mndemmtion or forfeitnrc or ro enfarcc laws or rcguletions). �hen Lender may do end �`� �;- ( <br /> -i� -r)� pay for whatever is necessury to protect ihe wlue of�he Propeny and Lender s righ�s In Ihe Property. Lender'a aclians may y -, ' <br /> - .'i�;� include paying eny sunu securcd by u lien which has prioriry over �his Securiry Instrument, appeedng in rnun, paying 33j7�?' '�. <br /> ' - reasonable eimme i(ecs end emerin on�he Pro n•to make m �rn.Alihnu h Lender ma tefce ac�lon under Ihie are � `'�`'> '- <br /> Y 8 P� 5 W� R Y P 8� �;:.�. .a.-. <br /> '{��; 7.Lcndcr dacs not have to do sa 1t�. '{', ; <br /> � � Any emounts disburacJ by Lendcr undcr �his pnngmph 7 xhnll M1ecomc additioml deM1� of Borrower savrcrl by ihis �r �",�:� <br /> ��-.� < �it�a�;r,�;: <br />-,_��nhJ�- Securiry Inswment. Unlexs Bonuwer aiW Lender ugree m other temu o(p:rynun4 thcte iimnunu shall bear imerest from�he <•',,;��i._A'_ <br /> � �'�' date of diabursemem at the No�c ra�e :md shall hc payahlc. �vilh imcres6 upon notim from Lender to Bortowet rcqua�ing r�i4yy; :_ <br /> � payment. �� �wr�„� <br /> !' 8.Morigage Insurance.It Lender rcquind man@age in.ur�n�e a,a mnJi�ion of makin@ ihe Inan secured by this Savrity rF�-���+>' <br />� ' Inswment. Bonmver shall pay the prcmiunn rcyuimf to nc�imain �he mortgage inwmn�r in etYect. IL (or any rcawn, �he ��'�f:.. <br /> - �';�i p.�.>^,';;: <br /> mangagc insumncc cnvemgc rcyuircd by LenJer lup+es nr�r.ucc tn 6c in efTttti. &�rrno�cr+hail pay�hc prcmiunu required m �%�_:z,�_,.. <br />�� nblain Covcrn e sUhsmnliall uiv:�lcnt Io ll�c mnn a�c in.uram�c rc��inu.l•in etkt6 al a ael•uM1alanlinll uivelent to lhe ''!�+:� '�': <br /> S Y�4 F'b P S Y�9 .r.... ......... <br /> enst to Borm�rer of t6e mongage inwran�ti m�((ec�. fmm an :Jtenu�e nxmgage inwrcr appm��ed Ay Lender. If y�`-. `F�_..• <br /> suAslantially equivalen�mnngagc imuranm a�rcragc�availahlc. Borrmccr.hall ryy�n l.c�xlcr cach month a+um cyual m �i r :'=_- <br /> mm-Iwd(Ih of Ihc yr.�rly mangagc inwramc premnnn tkmg p:�id h� Ifnrrrnerr��hen rnrcragc IapscJ or crnvd Io tk}�� �. . <br /> _ he in efferl.LetWenrill accep6 ux:nxl mtain Ihe�c p:nmem+:n a 1�+.. nycnr in licu nf monp:�g. in.nranr.. I.�w rceen�e fI 4� <br /> � ..r Fam3028 eN0 ��{�frnt. ' <br /> ,r.i <br /> E?•`., <br /> �-. ,. � <br /> ' , .. - :o��- � -':«.:u . . . . ._ _ ...�n:t. ;n . . . • . . . .. . , . - <br /> .. .. . <br /> ... . <br />. �. <br />