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} ��� .. , . .. .�.T — . � - - ...`.-.t 4} - -ii �� 4>i._ .._ <br /> +�a#�. . _ i s I i(: ._ <br /> �Q• <br /> 7'UQBTHIIR 1VITN nll Uw Imyrovemenu now or horeallor ercaed on�he PropaW,and dl�kmrn��� ,qmt <br /> Ilxtures row or hemaRer o put of tho property� All rcplaamenta end edd111on� ihall dw bo covertd y Q�I� ty <br /> _-, <br /> InstrumeM•All ot Ihe Porcgofnp le rcfcmd to In�hie 8audiy Inatmmcnt af the'Fropenyl - � <br /> BORROPJBR OOVHNAN[8�Hat Borcowu Is Nwhttfy wiud oI[he eataro here6y oonvoyed uid tu�1fia righi�o g�nl fA¢ : • <br /> convoy tha Property and t�m tAo ikopctty la unenwmberod,oxoipi for encumDruioca of�orord. Hortower warreots t�n0 Wilt �: <br /> -� deknd genemlly tho tllle ro t�o Fropeny agNnst ell elefma and denunda,�ubjM tv my encvmbrancq of rtartT, <br /> THI9 BECURI7'Y IN379tUMBNT comElnes unifomi eovw�anu for nntlond uso and non•unlform covenenro with timited <br /> variadoro 6y Jurisdlalon ro comtimte n unitortn�ocuAty i�uwmem covui�rcal propeny. ' <br /> ---• -� UNiFORM COVBNAN7'S.fiorrower andl.cMer covenant end agrce ee followr. <br /> ------ 1. Payment ot P�incipsl end Iatercst� Prepeyment and 4nta L�rges. Borrower �hail promptly pay when due tlw <br /> _ __— principal of and imcrat on ehe de6t evidenood by tho Note end any p2payment and leto chargca due undcr the Note. <br /> - 2. Wnde for Texts and Insuronce. SubJect�o applicablo law or ro a wrltten walver by Lender, Bortowe►shell pay to <br /> �°° - Lendor on tha day momhly paymenta ero duo uMer tho Nota unUl�ho Note i�pald In full,a sum l'Funde9 for.(a)ytariy titea <br /> -""`-_- uM auasmenta whtch may atuin priorlty ovu this Security InstNment a�e tlen on�he Propeny:N)Yua�Y kasehold paymenu <br /> � or ground rcnls on�he any:(o)Y�IY harard or property iasuranoo prcmiums:(d)Yprly 8aad insurence premlums. __- ,._.__... <br /> � � (t eny: (o)ywrly mongago tnsuronoe prcmium�. if�ny:end(�ary sums payable by Bortower ro I.endu,In acoordance with <br />-�_ :`- �r��` the provisfons ot paragreph B.In Iia ot�ha payment at matgage insu�anos prcmtum�.7fieao Items aro called'Bsorow Itemi.' <br /> �����it'�'- �'•: <br /> �t. I.ender miy, e[eny time.colla<and hotd Funda in an urount not to exceM the meximum emount a Icnder for e federally <br /> sr.?�i�� -��. rclated mortgaga loan may requiro for Borto�ver a easrow ucount under tM1e fede�al Real Hawro SetUwnent Procoduma Att of <br /> ` �'"�ic. 1974 as amended from tlme ro qme, 11 U.S.C.Sealon 2601 et uq. ('RBSPA'),unlw enother law tha�eppllea to tho Fuads <br /> a <br /> < <br /> � yr;, ute e laur amount. It so, I.ender may, e[eny tlme, wllect and huld Punds in en emowt no[�o exoeed Ihe lesscr emount. � <br /> �rmun+v.rY��' Lender may esNma�e the emount of Punde due on the 6mis of curtent dou ar.d rra.wnsbia ea8mazes of ecpenditutes of Poturo ---- ------ <br />_r,.-•c+�•'(�++j;pc,�-. <br />-v,;r.,�u r,�:.�, 8scrow I�una or otherniso in eaordence wi�h eppliceble law. <br /> �.: u� ar�;;. <br />-.::;n�-b;t":i' 'il�e Punda �hall bo held in en InsNw�ion whau deposfd ere inwrcd by e federel agency, instrumentaliry, or entlry _ <br /> -_ S,'t�::rS <br /> ;:�=iie•-;,,t���; (Including I.ender,if Lender is aueh an instituUon)or in any Fedenl Home Loan Bonk.Lender shall epply�ho Funda to pay tha =- <br />'-°c`�i�p��`4,,�! Pscrow Itum.Lender may not charge Bortower for holding e�d npplying the Funds,annually emlyzing�he escro�v a000unt,or __. <br />-`-�'t�:%?`-i i�;tzc verirying the Bscrow Items,unlus Lenda paya IIorrower imerest on the Punds and applicable la�v permita Leader m maka euch --- <br /> �'1 - ;' a cherge.However.Lender mey require Bortower ro pay o ono-time chaBe for an independent rcal wtete taz reponing cervice <br />