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� 93-�1141�.'7 �-� - - <br /> • pedoda thet Lender«quirca. 'Ihe tasuranco canier pmviding tha huuronco�h�l bo ehoson by Bortower sublect to Lender! <br /> approval wLich�MII not bo unrcssonebly w1�Ahold. If Bortowcr tdle lo meimatn coverage dacdbcd e6ovo.i.endcr may,m = _ _ <br /> , Lenderb optton,ob�ein covicrage w protaHl.enEer6 rlghu tn the Properry in awordance whh puegreph 7. <br /> All insuranw policla and rcnow�l�eAall ba a tebie to Leader and�hdl include a stenderd mongago oleuao. Lender <br /> �hali hava�he right ro hoid the pdicita nrid Fi�iBwal�f LdnJa rtynlrm,Bo�rower shail p�ompUy give to l.ender Wl realp�a <br /> ot paid prcmlum�end rcnewal nottcc�. In tho ovent ot loss,Oorrowcr�hnll givo prompt noNce to the inaurenee cartier�nd =.—. <br /> Lendu. Lendu mny meke proof of los�if not made prompdy by Dowower. <br /> Unlesn I.ender end Dortowu otlxmise egrw 1n wriling.lnsuranee proaedn ch�Il he epptfed to rcstoralion or npatr of <br /> �hn Property dam�ged, if the «aioradon or ropalr ir uonomically kulbte md Lender�seeudey is not lesuned. If the — - <br /> rcstoretion or rtpair is not cconomtcally fexsl6lo or Lendorti security would 6e lessened,tAe Insurance proceeda chall be —� - -- - <br /> applied ro tM wm►sccurcd by�hie 8ecuriry In:trumen6 whetha or not �hen due,wph any oxca:peid to Horrower, tf ° <br /> Bortower abandoro tho Propeny,or doea not nnaver�Nihin 30 dry�a noilco from Lender�het the Inauruice carricr hm �„��'"'-- <br /> oftered to u�Ae n claim,then Lender may collcet the ineurnnee proceed�. Lender mry use�he prooeeda to mpelr or roarorc ---- <br /> the Property or ro pny sum�secured by�hl�Sceuriry Insmunen6 whether or not�hon due. 'Ihe SPday pedod�viU begin when `:.�-,_--- <br /> thenoHcelagiven. .,, - —_- <br /> Unla�I.ender end Oorro�vu o�hohviw egree In writtng,ony eppItcatlon of aoceeds ro princiql shall not ex�end or -- --- ^--�-- <br /> postpone the due delo of tha momh�y paymonW rotomd to 1n perag�ayEs 1 end 2 or ehange�ho amouni of the paymems. tf . -:._._ - <br /> under pazegreph 21 �he Property Is acqulrcA by Lender,Bortowrr� right w any insumntt policies end procads rcsulting �1��(7,��,�";�;:!:�:-__---- <br /> from damngo to tho Property pdor to ihe eequlsitton s6e11 pw to Lender ro�he extem of�he sums sxured by thie 3auriry ����r n - <br /> Insqumen[immediumlyprIortotheacquidqon. , �ntl.F:CP�S ..:� <br /> G Occupancy, preservadon, Melntenance and Protectlon of tAe Property; Enrrowera Loan Appllceqon� �s - - - <br /> IaaselmYl� dorrowor sAill oavPY.e.tebliah,end use tM PropenY a+Bonowerh principal rcsidentt wi�hin dzty dey�efter �?yr��,� -- <br /> the exxutloo of thi�Secudty Imwment md shall contlnuo to occapy�he Ptopeny es Boiroacrk prineipel rosidence for et �_,,,r_._ __- <br /> Ieast one year efler �he daro of occupancy, unlw Lender aherwise egrtes in wAting, a�hicA mnsent ehell no� be ��-;:. - <br /> umeasona�ly�rhhheld,or uniw exrenueting circums�ences exist which nrc 6eyond 6orrowerk contml. Bortower shell not y;`%,,:'-'=_='yY <br /> dntro ,dnm e or im ir the Pro ellow tho Pro n to datedonte,or commit wasro on�he Pro rc . 8ortower ahnll ;,s';`;��- <br /> r �s w v�m, a� r a r ��;�....;a.«,;:,, <br /> Ae in default if any fodei�uro aedon or prawAing,whuher civil or criminal,b begun tha[in Lenderl good feith judgmen[ =.r��):-�:���"� <br /> caild rewit in foAefmrc of the Propeny or otherwise maledelly impair�he lien tteateA by this Sttudry Insaummt nr �;��;�??±��.�'— <br /> l.enderh securit imerese Bortower me curc:uch edef�ult md rcinstaie,aa rovided in h I8,b causin Ihe eciion .`.; �''�F'?!:; -_ <br /> �. <br /> or pmceeding to be dismixted wi�h a Nling�hat,in Lender§goad teith detertnination,pm�ul dr,�a foAeimre of�he Bonowerk ��:`y'f-� <br /> intereat in the Properey or o[her matedal Impairtnent of tho Ifen crea�W by�hia Secudly Inswment m Lenderh aecudry �+-�,s �`��F � . <br /> intercst. Dortower sha�l nlao be tn defauh (f Bomower, dudng the loan�pplia�lon procass, gave meterialty fNse or l, �G' `�-�-_- <br /> ineccurete infomietlon oraatemems�o Lender(or feiled ro pmvtde Lender wiih any mecedal inPortnation)in eonnection wi�h �A(r.��� � -=-_� <br /> the loan evidenced by �M10 Nao, including, bm not Iimited to,reprcsemations mnceming Bortowerb oecupancy of�he ���++f.;7r = <br /> Propeny ai a pdnctpat rcsidence. If thi�Savdty Instrument is on�leuehold,Bortower shell mmply with ell t�e provialons �.��.- �) 1 __- <br /> of the!es:z. !f Bamv'�er�qui»•tee t!�Sa M!hC PM�'rty,tht Ice!thn�.��rl�Fe(ee�itie xhP��M�memt unlen Lendet a¢`rex ?."°i��� -:- �-� <br /> w the merger in�vriHng. ;''�;`f� ,�;f .�:. <br /> 7. Proteetion of I.enderY Righta In tho Property. If Oortower fvls ro pcdortn tlic rnvenmts end agramenu ,.}t+ .� ' - - <br /> conteined in thfa Sxadty Inatmmen6 or�herc is a legel prceecding that m¢y sigmficantly affect Lender's righis in �he ����fp��,�SN�i- <br /> 1'ropmy(such u a proceeding in bankmp�cy,pmbale,for condenmation or fodeiture or to enforce laws or rcgulntions),�hen j•��-� t`->a„---•-' <br /> Lender may do and pay for whaiever is necessery to proMCt�Ite valuc of�he Propeny nnd Lendert dghu in the Propeny. .'�"��"'�t's�'�`Y;�;- <br /> :,�ijZ)i�;'+:�� >nfi <br /> Lenderk actians may include p�ying eny sums securcd by a lien which hns prioriry over tl�is Security Instrument,appenring � :.,,�t , •�� � � <br /> in rcasnnablc utrom¢ a fces end entcrin on �he Pro n to nukc rc �rc Althou h Lender ma take action i +S:-:b'��^�£=+�^�- <br /> inrnurt.PaY 8 Y � 8 P� Y P��. g Y 1 :�.rr(,-.,/�:::;�i:. <br /> nnAer thie pumgmph 7.4nd¢r dces not huvo to do sa 4�'rl`:.:,�-'7;;;�,,:,LL <br /> Any umoums dla6ursed by Lender under ihis paro6mph 7 shell Mcome udditionnl debt of 6ortower ucurcd by�hie +:�/V;'„�:,�+�S�rtYQer;.. <br /> Sceurity Instrumrnt. Unlesa Bortowcr and Lendcr agrte Io oiher temis of paymcnt.thcsc nmounts shxll bear imerest from�he ��5�_;?'�;:g'^';:='-�-- <br /> -.r,.,,�,yi,)<f}C:�:(. <br /> daie of disbuacmcnt a��hc Note rnte ond shull Ix payuble,with intcrcs6 upon no�icc fmm Lcndcr ro Borrower rcqucuing :i�:i`,.3:t��;fY�;�?Y�a;� <br /> payment. tr:j s?'�;W;4�;r::c::.:, <br /> 8. Mnrtgege Inaurance. If Lender fcyuircd mottgage inmmnce as¢condition of muking the lonn saurcd by d�is ; � if� x+r;_;._ <br /> Sreuon�ythesmort at eB ncurnntt�C�ovenychrcPu mdubs Lendcrdla ses��or��ceahe.+-mo hse 8n efkct�8ortower�shall far�e ;i;'+���F�`'�'�i'';a�;��5�;_��•. <br /> 8 8 8 4 Y P P Y � ,'. >. 3r c m. - <br /> prcmiums requircd �o obain coremge subsmntielly equivalent �a tl�e mongage insurance prcviousiy in e(fec4 at u cost ., � 'k;�;,,,,;,. -- <br /> suhstnn�ielly equivulent m�he cm� ta Bortawer of ihe mortgage insumnee prcviously in effmt,from m altemare mongage f4?,.1 ��r i!,l��;-�. <br /> insurcr approved by Lendcr. I(xubstantially equivaient mongagc inr:umncc mvemgc is not urailnble.6orrowcr shall pay ro �tr.,,�;;;,d�,Ar'tSs,�Sy.-�,"-, <br /> Lender each mamh a sum equol io one-twel(�h of the yeorly mortgage iasurance prcmium being paid by Bonower whm the ���S�i� .N'�,�7.i ;.,.? <br /> insumnce mvemge lapud or ceaxd to be in effat. Lenda�rill naept.use and re�ain�hese paymen[s az o loss reserve in lieu _,., :�.r�- -` <br /> of mon u e insurenca Losx rcxrve ents me no lon er be rc uimd.a��he o �on of Lender,it mon a e insmance ',��;�-�%�`�`+d`�"-"`=^"" <br /> 8 8 WYm Y 8 9 P� 8 B .. . .�..:Yt,f��}:ii<:.;.C>1 <br /> covcmgc(in�he amount and tor�hc periad�hat Lender rcyuircs)provided by an insumr�ppmveA by Lcndcr agnin bemmcs ' ' '`" �..-�., x:'. <br /> i 7;i':1'4";:'`� .G . <br /> available and is o6�ained.Dortoerr shall pay ihe pmmiums reyuircd to maimain mangage insurance in e((eci.or to provide a ;^.,.6,.,:,hrJ,,� �i;�:_�.. <br /> loss rcscrve,umil the requiremem for mongage in�urance accorduntt�vith any wrinen agrecment beuveen Borroxcr „i.:;�__: t?:>�r_;;r-� <br /> and Lendcr orapplicaNlc law. ''���j,�:i�;-.'_-�. <br /> 9. Inspecllon. LenJer or its ageN muy make rcasonabic entria apnn and impcctiam of the Ropeny. Lender shall , . <br /> give 8orrower notice al IM1e time af or prior to an imprclion.pecifring rcasonable c:mx for Ihe inq+ec�inn. _ <br /> 10, Condemnallon. The prckeeJs o(any a�vard nrelaim fm dnmages,dimct or cannenion�vieh any <br /> Singlefm�fly-F�onk�Le/F7[ddkflacC\IH)R\/1YSIpC\1F\7-4mf��mCmenanu 9N0 •ryFrtnfnpuxu .,a.t �•,1 •� . <br /> brtlJnwveul�■ " � <br /> lnrtYl�SO IATSt6Alf1:'F1ta16]l1�111 . ' <br /> ,yq -T•' . .. 6. . _1 �._.�-.- : `7 S'^^.�..-.-.��v.�..- -v�r ..�. i- .r. <br /> IIJt ]f�}1�4 . <br /> 4 T�l t'� � '.1`j- <br /> -;,�ax��i'j'l..p;� . � 1 - . <br /> \ y9�jf� . . , .� . . <br /> ijy_ _ ��__ ._�" __ _ . . . ' .. ' . . . ', •- ' _ <br /> � � �1 h� .V� . � - � - _ _ . ._ _ _ . _ ... <br /> t h-i ,,.i Y�yy f:_: t ' - . � - ' - � . <br /> 3'�Sti/ = e'j . . . . <br /> 1-, <br /> ._�t�i .,�_. '_-i.-. . . ' . . <br /> � .} - -F-`l '." . , . . .. . <br /> �ti< ,4+';,.i._��'.i' . . .. � ' . . � . .. _ _ <br /> .i. ., . . . . _ _ " _ <br /> '.�r.:.y.f'� ' . ' , . . . . . . <br /> .� : <br /> r 51i '. <br /> � . <br /> � i r .`. . , � '.ei f <br /> � <br /> } }. <br /> d' f . � � - � � � � .� . <br /> t <br /> Y <br /> r �--- -. . :i� -__ .+ � ' _ <br /> � i_ t ' A "' F " ' � � �. t -_ / " <br /> � .. . M�. _ . .. �� .. . ..a. , . . \{.:.._ S. . .. . . .0 s � . . . �_. . . .n�i . _�. . . . .... ....... . .. <br />