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,r :� <br /> � <br /> �[- ah- _" .—___<_ <br /> -_� 'g9-�o���� - _ <br /> condomnadon oroiAer�eklny of any pan ot Rro Propeny.or tor wnveyanco In Ilcu of mndemnaHon,nro c Ignsd md <br /> chWl bo pal4 to Lender, <br /> °""� In �ho orert ot n tatai I�ktng of iBo Propctly. �he proacde ihetl 6e applled to tha cums secursd by thU Secudty - <br /> InftNment �vhc�h¢r or no��hen due,wlth nny oxceu puid to Bomowcr. In iAo evcm ot a ponial�nking ot tha Propcny In — <br />- Whkh Ilq�elr mtukCt velue of Ihe Pfopetly ImmdJintnly hefnro�hp�aking la cquul m ot grcnter�M1an�he�+nount of tfio mmf .. . - <br /> ---- eaurcA Ey thle 9audty insttumem Immediatoly 6ePoro tho taking,unica Oorrowa and Lender otherwlw egrce in writing. <br /> '""' tho�umi eaurcd by thl�8ccud�y tnsuumcm ihell bo rcduad by�ho emoun�of tM procecda mutNplled by the Potiowing <br /> trectlon: (e)the totnl amount of tho wm��ecurcd Immediattly boto�o�Iw taking,dlvided by(b)�ho fnir mutot value of the <br /> "'°�� Propeny Immc4lately Iaforo�he taking. My balence �hall bo pald ro Bortowcr. In tho evem of n panlal teking of tAe ___ _ _ _ <br /> ---- Propeny In whleh�Iw Potr mufcct velue of tha propcny ImmeAieroly beforo eho telcing h Ica��hen�ho�maun[of dw sum� __ <br /> — secured Immediatety betoro the�eking�unleu Bortowcr anA Lcndcr otACrniae ogreo In �vrhing or unles applicable law <br />-_:;�� ot�erwlw providea,the proceWs shall bo npplled tu�ho�ume securod by�his 3ccud�y Instrument whether or not�ha sums ero __ <br /> �_ �hen duo. <br />--��� If�Iw Property ie aWndmcd by�ortower,or If,ufler no�ico by Lcnder to Dortowcr ihot tho mndemna•often ro make =____ <br />� -- - -- en eward or cettle a cleim for dunegw,Borrower falle�o rospond�o Lender within 30 deya afler Ne date the notice li giren. __ _ <br /> ��,,,, Lender I�authodud ro wllcet md npply tha praad+.e�lu option,oit6er to ruatomtlon or repair of�Ao Propeny or to�he —__ <br /> _r� eums eecurcA by�hb 3audry hutrumeN,whe�her or nnnhan duo. -- ---�- - <br /> Unlu�Lender and liomower othenvi:e agrco in xri�ing,eny opplicatton of procads to p�incipal eh�ll not ex�end or <br /> '� i� postpone the due date of tha monNly prymenn rckrted�o in parogmph�1 end 2 orchango�he emount ot wch paymenn. ���'_ <br /> �f,�+� Il. RorroNer Not Release0t Por6earence By Leader Not a Wa�ver. Exiension of ihe time for payment or ,,, .� <br /> �s{+��}4r.i modificetion of amortization of�ha aums saurcd by tM1Ls Security Inatrummt gmnted by Lender to nny wcoessor in Imercct �Y: = <br /> of Bortower sh�ll not opemm ro relcasc the liab[liry of the original Bortower or Bortowcrb�ucocasoR In intere+t Lender <br /> E"zt l�� shnil no[borequi�td ro commenco proa�ngs qqainv eoy auccessw in interut or rcNu ro extend �ime for paymem or �p' <br /> -- otliernlse modity amortization ottho eums seeurcd Dy�his Securiry Inmument 6y rcason of eny demand mede by�he original �- .: ..------- <br /> , �;°.}� Bortower or Sortower6 aucceswn in imerest. Any forbearan�r Dy I.eeder in exercixing eny righ�or rcmedy shall not 6e n j�+r`��= � <br /> kes��'�� �vaiver of or precludc the exerci:c of any dgh�or rcmedy. ���`'�- - <br /> - t � f2. Suceecson end Aasigm Bound;.loint and Ssicml 41aDllityi Co-s(gmrs The covennnta end egrcementa of thfa '_;;�� <br /> 2��'��jt�} Seeu�ity Insuument sheli bind md 6enefit the:uceesson and asaigns of Lender and Bortower,subJect w Uw provlsions of ^�±=�y, _;�� <br /> �.l+��� h 17.Bortowenc�ovenants md a rcemcnta shall hc oint nnd scverel.An Bortowcr who coai s thi.Sccuri � �'� '� _- <br /> i�,. pare 8�P s J Y 8� 4' _ �,. fii <br /> �� +� -�i� Inst�ument but daa not execme Ihe Norc: (n)is co-signing lhia Security Instrument oniy to mortgage,grent and convey Ihe1 ;�f ;`� a sfi��� <br />�..;�E-;ry;; :; �..,.,._- <br /> .-;<,,: -L� Bortowary imercat in Ihe Propeay under t6e tcm�s of this Security InsuumenC (b)ie not perwnelly obligatcd m pay the sum� ;. ,}.�•,�� <br /> t �t r��f- sawtA 6y thit Saudry Inswmem:nnd(c)ogreei that Lender ond my aiher 6oROwer may ngrce to extend.modify,for6ear :f';,`��f+r�F ____ <br /> `� ts?' or mnke an accommodaqom wiih re ard ro the tertns of this Securi� Instrument or�he Nae wiNout�hat Bortowerk r I; +�t -- - <br /> Y 8 Y �,1� �11 � <br /> r consrnR 'r•�� 4�t,� - <br /> 6}�`�,F,'P4� 13. Loan Charges. I(ihe lonn cecurcd by�his Securiry Incwmem Is subject to a law w6ich scis meximum Inan ay�� '�t�3 _ <br />...,,`.aS�.�;r chazgu.end�het le�v is flnally interprcted so iha�ihe intercs�or o�her loan charges rntlecied or ro be colleaed in wnnation �i�f�0,n,'�t_._:— <br /> �t4 -� ,he cherge[o hj e armiurA I ml6 end(b)eny sums arcady rnllected from 8orrower whi�ch exaeded pefmi�Msl'mits wil be �t;�4'y�k =;- <br /> S�T {' rePondW ro Bomower. I.ender may chaose to make this re(und by rcAucing�he principal owed under�he Nom or by mokfng e -"a��E f : -` <br /> �*'s1?;:`.j� dircct peyment lo Borrower. If e refund rcduces principai,the reducqan will be vcated os u panial prcpaymrnt wi�hout eny �:�,,'#'`�°4'` "�'-. <br /> �,��_ - prcpayment ehargc under the Note. y�y�'�Nf"�sy r,lS t x r�� - <br /> �� ` 14. Noticea. Any notia ro Oortower provided far in this Security Instrument shell 6c siven by delivedng It or by '�%§f;y�3� ¢tiiv��- <br />�••R�n,�<�;�, . mailing It by firri eleas mnil unlcss upplicable Inw rcyuircs u:e of nno�her me�hod.7Le notitt ahall be dirahed m�he Propeny ;� r j. s�-r.�i. <br /> . ' I�le`�-:t {e,2tP:.:":tv��.K21�s; <br />:_:t.�;�_S:,' Addrcn or eny oiher eddress Bortower dexignates by notice to Lendec Any notioe w Lender shell he giren by first closs .���a;�crF,_E t`�f,.�2_ <br /> � �+��yt;� mnil lo l.ender�eddress stated hercin or uny other uddrcss Lender designutes by naiice m Bortuxer. Any noiice pmvided for �r.,� +�,�in- <br />: +�7�'3��};�' In �hi� Saurity Inawment shdl be dcemed m huvc hcen givcn to Bortower or Lender whcn given ac provided in ihis �l�l,�: �n. - <br /> !Nt„5t p:v�greph. 'i 1 �a�t > ' . <br /> t� , v� IS. Governtng Lew; Severability. Thix Sccuri�y Insmimcnt .hali be govemcd by kde'al Inw nnd Ihe law of�he i_ nA '_-_ <br /> � .:, Jurisdiction In which the Propeny is laated. In the event thm uny provi+ion or dau+e o(thix Security Insuument ar�he Noie +-"���ts <br /> �xy*t+, conflicts with applicable In�v.:uch conflict shall not a[fen o�her pmvi.ion�o(�his Securi�y Instrument or�he No�e which con - l;ry Y{� [vi�,�'i'�v ? <br /> , 1`1r1 ' <br /> �r be given eRect wi�hout the con0icting provi+ion. To t6i,end �6e provisiam of�hi.Secumy Inswment ond the Noee arc .,r�;l',tj7�j�}'�[� '�-� �: <br />�-?✓.:;{;���'� decleredrobesevcreble. ',::ir`�i��f.:.'�f�,_7r,;:,:, <br /> �f'� �. r`.- l6. Qorro�rer'a Copy. Oavowenhall he given unecunfomud copy uf�he Nate und of�hiz Security Imtrument. ��-<•.i �� r��r.;,, <br /> r ' r•; ip --... <br /> _A. � ,�� � 17. 7}ansRr of the Praperty nr e Benelic�nl Inlerext In�orroo�er. I(all or uny�un of�he Ropeny ar nny intercsi in . ,;�Yr +.M- �_� __ <br /> , �7` � it ia wld or uensfeved(ur it a beneficiai imerc.t in Burto�rer i.mld ur�rnmfermA and BnRO�rer is nat a natuml persoN �.y�� � r+2a�, -i - <br /> � }: , �-�;r�'i <br />.:-r..;�:.;k's "+���u�Lender�prior wri«en con.ent.Lender mny,at ik op�inn,nyuirc immediate Wymem in full of all sums xcured by �<<l:'rrX� I. . <br /> _� �,,? � lhis Security Insirumcnt. However,d�is option shall no�ix cxenixd 6y LenJer if excrci.e is prohiAited hy teAeml law nc of �;�������±;�,?+�5�,i�'."' <br /> gi-3 ��4, I Ihe dete of�his Sewrity Insttument. f tp}� y 1 � __,. _ <br /> It Lender exereixs this opiion.Lender+hall give Bovoxer notim o(accden�ion. The noiice>hall provide a period of � , t�� �-: ,- <br /> _z��l�r^ not less thnn 30 days from�hedaie the nutice i.delivercd nr mniled�ritliin�vhicA anrm��rr mn.�a�y all wm�+ecurrd by�his 1;_}p•r t St*:��"..w� <br /> � Security InsuumenL If 6ortox�cr (ails lo pay thc.0 .um. prinr tu tlx cxpira�ion of thi. �rinJ. Lcnder mny invnke any �t �' ! _, ' �,�". <br /> '�J - remedies pemiiued by Ihis Securily Inarumenl wilhnui funher nolice or d.manJ on Rorro�cer. ��yy <br /> .�•3��-' 18. Uorro�rerk Rfght lo Reinstete. If 8nnou�cr mce��cenain.nndibon,. Rarrnwer .hail have �he righ� �o have �-}�i �,� - ' <br /> � . r nn� _ <br /> - enforecmrn�uf�his Swurily In.mnnem dixommu.J:n:my iime priar�o�hr c.vhcr nL r.0 S wii�oiher periud z, - ,. <br /> � i �� i , <br /> fe�. :�-.F�nnfe\LNHeddleNacf\IFtIN]IO�iNfNh�T-ImlmmGnaannU70qweN..Jnnq�si �� � '_ <br /> ,� c_t . '�/ (.y <br /> -. .��;C�: �� , , . ;�(•. _ <br /> -_Jv�_ �.:. . _. .. <br /> �rit��(` r . , _. <br /> +([��+A��rll -��'� �.:V�'yE1' �\�e,:�n -•i:iFl3'�':v:,i.`3';..1'i?iid:l.t::% :f:.� 3 . � .^4+1f . T•I:a�4-'u.��%.Y(�1T'.��.`f�l•�r�.T.� .. . . ' <br /> ��1�j�4A r" 'tfi'�q � ' - " . <br /> ..i.- � 1�r�f5j f Ay � . _ _ . . . . . . . .. <br /> 4 �tf� ' � 4-9}'� . . . . . . . . - . <br /> ':.. F= <br /> . . -._ _. __ . ._ _'_ _ _ .___ . _ _ <br /> i .,. .t, - , _ . ' _ _ .. _ - — , <br /> ; ,t, ."�, - - . ._�. :. _ ._ . - -. .. . <br /> - --e^ ^ _' . . - - <br /> 'kvt-_ry,� ��� t -�r_ . . . . . <br /> J { � , r 1 � i . . . <br /> .)t _ _ =4 -) . _ . . . , _ <br /> IZ� i - - . . . . _ <br /> , � ._. i� }4 tT �� . . _ ' _ <br /> (.ii eA`,- . - . . _ . . <br /> � <br /> W`'�Y i�.. � . <br /> 'r�d 'q4 <br /> �>s9. • � . �: - ., -� ' � <br /> -ji � ! - _ y r . .� . . <br /> j i -F r t -� � I y S <br /> ° n f .+ {r <br /> .. . ._� "�� .' _, . . l, + '11 _5_ _ ..a�ilr .. . . _. �. .. . . . ��._.) .. .• ' . ..��• . -.. <br /> _ /. � <br /> .�i� � <br />