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----�-��. . __ _ . _ <br /> , ;; . <br /> - � ��� '�,�y <br /> 1'L1087HBR NP191 all the imyrovemcnt�1pw or Aercartce eravcG on tho propeny,�N�1 caumem ni/e.toobdrtenanay, <br /> enQ Ax)urxs now m tr.rwikr a pvt of tM prny. AII reptncemem�end oddl�lone eha11 d�o bo ooverld by�hls 8ccurlty <br /> tnawmmt. All o/Iho forcgoing I�ttfcrrcd o ib iUa 8ecur[ty inswment d�he"itopeny." <br /> DORROW6A OOVfiNAM'&�hnt Oartowu is IewNlty celscd ot�he er�nro�crcby canveyed end ha��ho rigAt to granl <br /> ond convoy�ho Fropeny end�hat�he Propeny I�unencumDered,exapl(or encumDrencc�of record. 6ortower womnt■umt <br /> wlll defuM gcnerel(y tke tiAe to tha Proycny agalnst ell clalm�en0 demanda,�uEJect ro my cncumDr�noc�of tccorA. <br /> TFii9 BHCUATI'Y MS7YtUMBNf comDlnea unitorm covenenu for natlone► uw and non•unlform coven¢nu wl�h <br /> Ilmited verlatlone by judsdictlon ro conatiroro a unifomi eccudty Inurvment wvcring rcal property. , _ _ . <br /> l)NIFORM COVBIVAM'8. Bortower end Lender covenam and agrco w toliowe: <br /> 1. P�pment of Princlpal and[nhresU Prepapment and Lat�CAargea. Dortower�hell promptly pap wllen Auo ihe <br /> princlpa1 of end Intereat on ehe debl ovfdenced by the Note and eny prepayment and late eharges duo under Ne Nae. <br /> 2. FY�nda for 7hxea and[nsurance. SubJat to eppIieablo law or to a written walver by Lendu,Borto�ver ehell pay lo <br /> l.cnAer on�he dey monthiy paymemo aro due under the Note,until tiw Note ia pald In full,e�um("Rmd+')for.(a)yeerly <br /> taxea end aescasmenu which mey�naln pdodty over this Secu�ity InstNmont ea e Ilen on the Proycrty;N)yca�IY leasehold <br /> paymenu or giound rcnte on tho Property, if my: (e} yearly hezard m property insumna pmmiums: (d)ytarly fload ... . ... ._ . <br /> Insurenco prcmiums, it eny; (o)yearly mongage insuronca prcmium�,it any:and(�any�um�prynbto by Dorrower to <br /> Lender,in accordnnce wi�h the provisloro of paregnpA 9,in tieu o(�he paymeat ot moRgage inwronca premlum�. '111ese . <br />- Items are called'Burow Items." Lender may,a�eny Hme,ooUeN and hotd Pmds ia on emuunc not to exoecd the monit�iwn <br /> nmount a Iender[or s[ede�ally related mongage toan may�equire for Boaowerb esaow eccount under�he ftderal Ral . <br />� Es�ate Senlement Fcocedmes Aa ot 1974 ns amended from Nme a rime,t2 U.SC.4 2601 rt r�q.("RB3PA'�.unlesa enotAu — <br /> Iaw ttut epplla ro[he Wnds seu e ksser amoum. It ea Lender map,ot eny�ime.cullect and hold Fhnd�in en nmount not lo <br /> excead�he leuer emount. Lender may estima�e the emoum of Wnd+ due on tlw Dasts of current deta end reasonnbie <br /> estlmntee of expenditurea of Ponue Eumw Items or othe+wiu in eccordance�dth appltcable law. - <br /> 7Te iLnda ahell 6e held in en instimtion whou deposin arc insured by a federal agency,inswmentaliry,or pndry <br /> (inciuding Lender,if Lender ia auch an institmionl or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender ahatl apply�he Pomda to pay <br />- the Escrow Items. Lender may na eharge Honower tor holding md applying Ihe fimds.ennually xnalyzing fio eacrow <br /> aocoun6 or veri!ying Ihe Escro�r Item+, unlesa Lender pnys Borrower interest on [he FLnds and epplicablo Inw petmlu <br /> Lender to meke such a charge. However, Len&r mey requirc Bo�mwer ro pay a one•time charge for en independent tul <br />= estete lax rcponing cervice used by tander In eonnection with this loen,unless epplicable law provida mherwlsa Uniess an <br />= agreement ii madc or epplieable lew requima imereat to be paid Lender shall not be requircd to pay Bortowcr eny interest w <br /> ' eeminga on�he Wnds. Dortower ond Lender may agra in writing,however,�at intcrcst s�all b¢psid on�he I'vnd�. I.endu <br />= shell give to Dortower,without chage,en annual accouming of the Punds,showing credits and de6iu ro tha Fund�and tM � - <br />_- purpox Por which wch debit�o the Funds wa made. The FLnds are pledged as eddiNonel aecurity for elI sumi eecured by <br /> this Saurity Instnimcnt. <br />_ !f!h: FLn3. h!W b; !:ra�r txtted U!�%m���ts�!±±?9!!rd !n he held 6y applicable law.I.ender shail eccount Io __.__.____ <br />�- Bortower Por Ihe excess hLnds in accoNance�rith�he requiremems of applicxble la�v. [f the emount ot the Ponds held by - <br />" Lender at eny�ime ie not su(ficiem to pay the&crow Items�vhen due.LenAcr may w no�ify Bortower in writing,and,in <br />= nuch casa Bortower aheil pny to Lender the amount neceuery Io make up�he delidency. Bomower shall m�ke up the <br />= deticiency In no morc�an twelve monthly paymenta,nt l.enderk mle discrction. -- _ <br />- Upon paymem in full of nll sums securcd by Nis Secumy tnswmen4 Lendu shall promptly rcPond to Dortower xny r--;y � <br />' Punda Aeld by Lender. It,under p�rngr�ph 21.Lender:hull ncquire m cell�he Propeny.Lender,pdor ro Ihe acqulshlon u C;,y�_;�,.,,,.:; <br />'' wle of�e Propeny,sh81 apply my Wnds hNd by Lender nt ihe time of acqulsiiion or salt as a crcdit egninst the sum� �;�+f,�;-:�_:__- <br />'= secured by thia Securiry Instrumem. ' - <br />- 3. A Ilcatlon ot Pn menla. Unless a lica6lc law ovida otherwix, ell a mentn recefved b Lender under � '��'=y� �;-- <br />- PP Y PP P� P Y Y ii <br />= p;vagrvphe I ond 2 ahell be epplied:fint,to uny prcpayment chnrges duc under�M1e Na�e:semnd.�o emounb payablc mider ;%,•.��_t>,�,;;;_, <br />= paragrsph 2:�hird,to intercst due;founh.�o principnl duc:nnd lact,to nny lute charge+due under the Note. .�1�j� •- <br />= 4. Chargea; Llena. Bortower shall pay ull uxcs, assessmrn�s, charges, fines nnd Imposi�ions ntiributa6le to �k *A,+,,..:_; <br />- Ptopeny which may nnain priori�y over�his Stturity Insuumcm,ond Ien.ehoid payments ar ground rcnts,it any. Borrowtr l/(A, '- <br /> ° ahall pay thex obligmionx in the mnnner provided In pamsmph 2,a i(nm piid in that manncr.Borto�vcr shall pay�hem m r .. <br />-' �ime diraHy�o�hc person owcd prymcnt. Rorto�vcr shall promp�ly fumish to LcnJer all notices of amounis Io be paid under �,��ti��',?t•�-: <br />-_ �his paragreph. If Uortower makes these payments Jirtctly.8onower sholl promp�iy fumish to Lender rcaipts evidencins �y;,-:-.,�,..�. <br />-_ �he paymenta. 't''`71'�`.�< <br /> - Bortower shall promptly diuharge uny lien which ha.priority over ihis Security lnsuument unless Borro�ver.(o)ngrea �r�;;:s�+a, _ <br /> _ in writing w the payment ohhe obligulion ucured by�he lien in a manner acceptable�o Lender.(b)mntes�s in good faith lAe ��{�.;�....-- <br /> lien by,or deknds xgainst cnforcemcnt of�he tien in,icgol praccdings which in the Lendcrl opinion openic to prevent the �r.�14t�Y -- <br /> = en(orcemrnt of 1he lien:ar(c)securcs(rom�he holder of the lien an agrcemem selisfacmry ro Lender subordinaling�he Iien rp��y�?li::: <br />. �o this Sa�riry Inswmem. I(Lender determines thm any pan of�he Propeny is.ubjec�ro n lien which may atmin priarny ;°r,,��q�°�,_• <br /> over�his Sewriry Insuumen6 Lender may give Bortowcr a nniice idemifying ihc licn. Dorto�ver shail sa�isty thc licn m�ake "r.'�.,:i�;:���' <br />-- onc or morc of Ihc aciions ut(onh alx�vc wilhin 10 days o/�he giving nf noticc. �t*}y"�;���": <br /> ' S. Herard or Property Insuranee. Bortower shall keep thc improvemcntx nnw cxiiting an c�rca(tcr crcetcd on�he �,t�,„.�;t t;-�: <br />-= Propeny insurcd against lass by fire,hazards includeA�vithin�he�crm"c��ended covc�a c'and an o�her harardc,includin �" S'�"1 � <br /> F Y 8 -.�;,._- . <br />-_ floods or Ilnnding. (or�vhich Lmder rcyuiro inxur�nce. This insurance .full 6e maintained in �he amnuntx and (or tM1e .,��;�,i_: <br />_� `,t�°:—�-- <br /> _ . ��...7:��.. <br /> , ;�;;:.� <br />-_ iormJC1E 9N0 rryt�]..Inrytm �1.tYh)r}�-.�. <br /> i. <br /> ? ^ ��. <br /> .r}-9 C.__ v-{G.�'ivF "�`•,"rT.�� �:ii _ , . _"'7�:., , .. i5.�.� . ;�c-r.rt.uL•sn,c:^ 7/t,l'r.c�;sx1'• . <br /> J �f .r <br /> tif�' j r '�� . . . _ . . . � � .. : . <br /> (+ ,Yf) . !�!-' J_.• . - . . . . <br /> . :, • <br /> l J. ;-!. _� �_ . . .. ' . <br /> ___ __ t. _" . . . " _ _ — __ — _ " _ _ .. . <br /> t}� _e _ `i` .- _. . 1 . " . .___ - _ . ' <br /> 4� 1 <br /> . i � C � . . . . .. <br /> .1 <br /> y , <br /> �- - . �� i-� . ._ .. . . <br /> . ,_ <br /> � , ' <br /> _ .3., ._:_.:r;�: . _ _ _ �._:- - . _ . . - . <br /> �L' s - ' . . . . - <br /> _ ��. - : - .. ._. . � . . . . .. . <br /> j':. '... . . . <br />. � _ y . .e` . . . � � � - . .. . � . . . <br /> 1� <br /> .,^ <br /> .'= -. -', ,�- . f. . .. . <br /> J _l ._ _ . F " . . <br /> ` ( ' t ' , _ ( .' " �, - J y <br /> t � � 4 <br /> r <br /> 2 Ft Itf �r � � 1-- S ' . <br /> y . ' .. . . ,'.,w ..`�.c:_ . !:. ... . � . �.��. . . _�-.. _. .. , .,. . ,_ ��...�' . .��a, '�L�_._.. ._. <br />