.... '� .� It.� . .t��.lt' . �-.� . .
<br /> �V� \��� . . .. ' . . .'1.� . . . . `` '\ . •. , ' _\�' ,- -
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<br /> , 9�.�-°�10�6��� �� , � � _�:�-
<br /> :' . .. 9, Hnxi�rd or FRv��crty li���uriutcc, fl�rrowcr shull kc��p Ihc ia�pn�veuicnts mnv cxi,Un� ��n c�i'c��ilc� cr�:ctcii on �ha .
<br /> � � P�t►�ic��ty in�;urcd oZ��iin�t lus� hy flr�, I�u��n•dv in�ludcd withln thu turm "Gxt�ndc�l r�wer;►gv° nml uny� ull►cr I�i�urraly, iar.luilln�►
<br /> ilu�dy ar(luadi�iu� lix whti:tt i..cndcr rd��ul���4 In�ur+mce, '1'hk In�uruncc�hull hc ninln�nin��d in�hc nn�uunty nnd I'�rr tl�c p��riuds _.
<br /> _ �hn� I�ndcr r���uir�v. Thc insui'ancc ci�rricr pr��vldin�; �h�� hi,urnn�r tihuil he chati�n hy Nurr��w�r .ruh�ci'1 A+ lwndcr's �ippruvul
<br /> - -. • - � whl�h shull aul b� unr�as���u�hly withltc�d, I�' Hun�nwcr 1'ull+ tu i»+►liunin covcr,ip�ih,���ll�r�l nhnvr. I.�mlcr �aiy, ut lAndcr'ti --.-
<br /> - y�1 �����4��n,��ht+�in cuvcruuc tu prut��l I.cmi�:r'� r�ghts in tt�r Pn,J3�►iy i►i rn•rur�l+iucc wUhF purugrupl� 7. L - -
<br /> � All insurancc pulicl�� ,►u�l renc�vnls shnll hc urrcpls�l,ic a� l.en�tar and �hidi inclu�lc�� ,i❑u+l�d.i tr�ctirtcu�,r clau�r. I.snd±•►•
<br /> .. : . ..: �_ __ _ _
<br /> - slndl hirvu U�u riyht to hold thc pi�ii�i�.+i��d f�:r�tivais. {f t�:nder r�:+ulrc+.t�urrrµ•ie•ludl pru�npUy ►:fvc tu I,��tder ull rcr�lpt�c�i' .
<br /> • • paid pr�ntiums i�nd renc�vnl na�tfccy. ln thc c���:nt��P I��w,ilnrru�vcr situll�tivc pramp� n„ticc tu tl�u insur:mc��r,u•rl�i•,md l.endcr.
<br /> l.�ndur mny ntukc pr�u�i'uf'lutiti iF nut madc pnnnpQy by Rurrawcr. ;
<br /> Unlesti Lcndur+m�l Ilornnvcr a►I�crwi�c a�l;r�c in �vrltin�;. in�,ur�m�:c prurcalti shull hc npplfcd tu rc.aa�uti�m nr rep:iir af thc i ,
<br /> ' P�•uparty d��mugeA, if dw restorutlun nr rep;dr ir c�un�uulcally fe�i.ihl�:nnd l.cnd�r',scrurity is n��t Ic.+en���l. It'the re,lurndun��r
<br /> �pafr iti nut rcun�m�leully tcasiblc or IAndcr's sccu�•ity�vi�uld bc lc�ticn�d. Ihc In�,�ram:o pra►ccds�hnll 1►c uppllecl ta ihc xutm
<br /> s:cu�ctl by this Securfty In�trument. whcther ��r niit thcn due, �vilh unY rxri`ys p+tid ti� H��rr����•rr. li� Ilurruwer ahtu�duns the l
<br /> - Pr��purty, a:dri�iia�t aas�vcr within 3t1 dnys ii nuticc Pnan IAndcr th�u thc insw�unr��rarrir�hus uCi'�r�d ta,c�Uc i<<latm. th�n
<br /> Lcu�.lce mny c��llc�t the ins�irunce pr�,cecd�. Lender nniy use Uic pr�kccds tu rcpair ar resp�re thc I'ruperty ur ta puy rums
<br /> se�:und hy this Se�urlry ln�tt��ment.�vhethcr ur not thcn duc. 'I'hc il)•duy periud wil�heZtin �vh�n the nutire iti given.
<br /> � Unlcss l.�:iide�ancl Hvrrowcr atlicr�vi�c i�gr�c in writin�, a►ny iipplirutiun uf pmcccdti t�, prin�ipul ,hull nut �xtrnd or
<br /> , ; pi�stponc thu duo Jttto of thc monthl�� pa�•r�icnlz rel'crrc�! t�� in pivap:ruphs I �md 2 ar ch+u��,c thr amuunt o1'thr paymcnt�. li ,
<br /> • . t►ndcr paragraph 21 thc 1'ruprny i� nrc�uln.til b>•l.cndcr, Horrowcr's right ti�,iny inaurun�c puliric�,tnJ prucccd. nsi�ltin� tium
<br /> ' �'��" dnnm�u cu ihu Nrupcny pri��r io+hc n�Wui.ici�m shnll pa•� to Lendcr tr the c�tcnt ul tho tiums sccui�+l by thiy S�curity lnstrau�:�it
<br /> � � immediutaly prlor ta thu ncy�ti>iti�►n. �; ,
<br /> ' b�Occupaney, Prescrvt�tl�in� Atnintem»»e s�+�t�1'ra�tcrliou oYthe i'rnperty;Biu•r�►�ve�•'ti I.oi�n AppUciotl�+��; I.ra�.cr�"���i�Lc. :
<br /> . " Dorro�vcr sh•r.1!u�tiupy.exRiblish,und u•r the i'm}vrq•;►�H��rru�v¢r's prinripul residen�C within sixty d.iys td't�r Ihe et��ution��t � .,,f.,,,�,;'
<br /> ,��:;
<br /> U�Is Securlt� In�trument nnd shaU cuntinu:tu u►cupy th:Frope+ty u.Borrawer's prinripal re+idenr�ti�r ut Irast une)ecit•aVRe�� c�; ,, ,
<br /> " � . th�dntc of uccupnncy, unlc,y l.endcr uthct'wisc lihrcc�in��•riting, ��4�ich run,cnt�hull nnt br um•cuson+ihly wlthhcld. ur u�i;:ss ; .
<br /> • , extcnuiding circumstnncc� r�iat whirh nr� hcyi�nd 13��rn,wcr'� cnntrol. eurrawcr siu�ll nat d�.tru��, d:umigc ar iuipair thc '
<br /> , Pr�+perty, aUow thc Propcn�� t�,dctcriuratc, ��r c�mimit wi►titc an thc Property. Rorr��wcr tihiill hc in �Icl'auh it� nny ibrfcitu��c �
<br /> � ucdon ur procecding, whcthar civil ur criminul, is hcgun thiu in Lcndcr'��uad tiiith jiulgmcnt ruuld re�ult in i��rl'citurc ��f thc � ;
<br /> i :,;�;; .
<br /> Nraperry or othcrwisc maturiully imp�►ir thc licn creatcd t�y thix�ccurity ln,trumcnt ur i.cndcr's sccurity intcm�t. lic�rrnwcr may ,._ , `
<br /> ``` cure such u defu�dt nnd rein�law,t�s pr�,vidcd in purugr�iph I H.by cauring the actinn �,r prnreeding tu bc dismissed with u ruling '-�:�,��;• .;
<br /> ;:..,
<br /> , . thnt, in l..cndcr's l;uod faitl� dcicriulnutian, prccludcs furfciturc nf' thc Horro��•cr'. intcrest i�i thc Pra{kity or ul hcr muterl�il ;,.. �1;�• i
<br /> •'..,
<br /> impuh•mcnt ��f thc lion crrated hy thiti Sccurity In+tnmz;�it or Lendcr'y xccurity intcecst. Hc�rr�+�vcr shall .e'.r t.c In dcfcu�lt if ,;•, ,'. •
<br /> -- - ' i�i`�_ i , b , ;,,< < Y - l ::'. '
<br /> -- - - - - Horrowcr, durnig ihu ici,ui i'i �i�atinn �r�f.es-. •:�1�L �;._�.':u�! !'ul•�•�,r�nuccurmc 1nfurmatiun ar,tutemcnts tu l.cndcr(��r Pidlcd _ '
<br /> � �:a tc,providc l.cmlos with nny m��tcrial infui•i�u.ciur.l in cv�inrrtiun with thc I�r,in cvidenccd hy thc Nutc. incluJin�. hut niu lifni4r.v.l L -- ' ;:; -
<br /> to, representittion�cimcerninz Horro��•�r'���cr�.ips�.y�F ehe Prop.n� a�a principid residenre. If Ihi�Security Instrum�nt i�rn:i ;,
<br /> `` � •
<br /> -- �. ._._- � ��a:;cr:.�w. 4?::r:;:::,:r �h��r� �,,.�„�.ty wi►h al1 th: uruv.c��m of th: Irayc. lf Borrr�vcr arquires tec tit lc tu 1hc Fruprn y, chc L.. �
<br /> lcai�chnld und thc fec tidc shiiil n�,1 m4rg� anless Len'c•;��sres ti,tt�c mrr�;rr in��riti�g. ��'----
<br /> � 7. ProtecUon��f l.ender'y iiights lu the Propcii�•.lf Hi�rru«�cr 1':�il�tu perf�,rn�ihc ruvcnam�and agrcrm:nt�comiiincd in
<br /> ' this Sccurity In�tnmicnt, ar thcro is u Icgul prarccding thut mu�� se.:nillrantl�� uffcct Lcndrr'� r;cyi. fn thc Pn�Fxny lsuch us a
<br /> • ' procccdin� in hankniptcy, pr��hatu, fur cund�mnatiun i�r fui•friturc �,r tu cniarrc laa�� ur rcgul.�tirm�. thcn l.cnder rn,q� do a��:1 1
<br /> puy for�vhatever is neccszary to pr��tect the va�lu� uf the Yropcn)• und Lcndrr'y rightti in thc !'r�,}krty. Lrmlcr'y uriions m:�)• `, .
<br /> includo puying uny tium� u'curcJ h�� u licn ���hich h�.� rriurit�� ���•cr thi� Scrurit�� Imtrumcnt, app�arinr. in cut►n, pu)•in�: �
<br /> rciisonublu iuu�rnvps' fccs and cntcring�m thc Prupcn�• tn rnakc rcr:dr�. Althuu�h i.cndcr may tukc artion u�z.1c•r thi.purugri�ph
<br /> 7, l.ondur docs nat huvc u�aa su. `,
<br /> Any um��unth dishursc�l h�• IAndcr undcr thi� pur;�,_r.�pl+ 7 .tull hcr��mc udditiun:il �lcht al� l3�irru�v�r ,�rured h}� thi> �
<br /> ' Sccuriry instnmicnt, Unlucr Anrruwcr und Landcr ugrc,t�� rch:t�•:�nn��t'pa�rixnt, thcyr unwum� �hall hcur imc�'�st 1'rurn th�:
<br /> ; � dnta of dishurscnunt at thc Nutc ratc ,�nd tih��11 nc p:e��h�•:, wi�h ims•sc,�, uEn��� u��ti.� frum l.cn:icr tu f3��rnnscr m�p•;seinx � • _
<br /> . paymcnt.
<br /> 8.NlartRaGc Insuruncc.If'l.cndur rcquired murt�:agc inu�r}u�4�ay a c�c,rxlitiun a,f nukin�z th;Icran acrur�xi h�•thi�Scrurity �
<br /> . lnstruaicnt, porruacr�hidl pay thc prcniiu+n, rr�auircd ��, m;�in;:rin th�� nu,nt;iu� in�un���:c in et'tcr:t. If, f'or .�n�• masun, thc i
<br /> nwngagc inrurancc cuvcrngc rcquircd l�� l.�n�lcr lap>ry ur ceu,�,ta h� in cl't'crt, li„rru��.�r,hall paa• th�:prcmiun►� rcquired lo
<br /> � obtuin a�vcriigc subsumtiully equivulcni t�•�hc ros�raca?�c in+uruncc pr�viauslp in cl'll�ct,ut n ru�t tiub:t+.in.inllf�cyuivalcnt to thc i
<br /> c��st to Horr�,wcr of' thc mungagc in.w�uncc pro�•it,u+2> m cffrrt, I'r��m an altrrnatc martga�c Iq%l1iCI' .i�tr Tll1'CtI Il�' I,endcr. lf
<br /> substantiully equivnlcnl nturtgiigc insuriuur ruvcru�:c i.nut uvailahle. Elurn,a�rr sh:ill p:��� to Lendcr ra�h month i�sutn cquul to i
<br /> . � cme�twclt'th of tho ycarly m�,rt�u�c in�ur,inrr pr�mium hcing paid 1,y Hc�rn,��c� ��•hrn thc in•;uram�r r.��vcraigc lapticd nr crc+,cd to ,
<br /> bc in effuc�. l.cndcr will ucrrpt, u�c and retain thr,c p:e>m�+u,:�• :i I„�ti rrticrvr in liru uf mangagc in�urancc. Lr.. rc,�n•c �
<br /> Fo,m aoza areo �
<br /> ��:�,,,,,,: ..
<br /> _ „ . �5 ,
<br /> �
<br /> +�
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> ' �_ ._ .. _ '__-_ . .._ . �
<br />