;:�?� . �:, ! •t. . 3,\ .. . '. rytl`,• � i.r _ ��: •,�,a'd � .. . .. • - _ - --
<br /> \l, ,��! y; �;�;,. ' ��.\\!1
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<br /> . .. - . , . . ��f, . . .. . . __ .. _
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<br /> . : : . � �ti._. ,..,�... L- . _.
<br /> . . ,_.s.._..._.._. -. -
<br /> . . ..._ - ° -- --
<br /> , , • . .. _. , _.
<br /> ... : ... --•---
<br /> ._......__.__..
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<br /> � ��,�� :�,U��i��� -_�=_. _ .
<br /> ��, ., r pi�yuu+nty au►y nu lon��c�bu����uircd� m ihc up�i�►n oi'l.cit�lcr, if m�mf;a�c insuranco��wural�G fln thi�uniu�mt und ti�r tliu p��rl��ti ,
<br />���: • -,, thut l.uailcr rcquitre) pruvldc�l by m� Insur�,r up�ru��ed by l.cndcr ugah� l,ccomcv nvuil+ihic nnd iti uMnincd. Nnrn�wcr r,hull pny
<br /> � d�o pren:iums rcq�dre�1 tu maintnin mc�rt�;agc inyurimco In effcct,nr tu pruvidc u lus�rcticrvu,until Uiu rc��uiivmaN fur mart►�a��o
<br /> .. . . � In:;ur:�ncc cnds lii ucconinncc�vUh m�y arittrn�iRn:c��icnt hcnvccn Hurruwcr und l.cndar ur upplicahlu lu�v.
<br /> _' :-';_•---..,,:�:�.�. .. 9. Ins�u�4lon� l.�ndar ur i�y n�c�U m.uy mukc rc:isau�bl� cntrlrs upnn nnd hi,p�:cUun�nt'Uu: Nn��scrt}�, Itindur rhull glvn - - .
<br />--- , _ Rur►u��•cr nulicc iU Ih�timc of nr priur tu an{�iti�wtlnn spccii'yln� ��ti��nablc cansc f��r t{�+.�la,pac�b►n, '
<br /> — --- - .._.�. � 10. C�mnemnution� Titu p�ucccd; �����n}' :t�r:ttc!t�r rlqltt� f.►r�uinu►ucx. dlncl ar conscyueutit�l. in cui���c�'lion wi�h �u�y t. — .T__ -
<br /> . - -- .-- = condemnufi�tt�►r �3thw�takin� ui'.sny �a�t t�f the !'t+��x��y� ��r fur cunveyuncc in Ilou uf cundciunutl�m. uro hurehy u��lgn��d nnd �- -
<br /> • shnll bc paid to I.cndar. • K-
<br /> In ttvr ovont oi n tutnl titkln�r ol'thc Property.lhc prurc��ls shjdl hc+�ppllcd tu Ih�: tiums sccurrd by this Sc�uriry!►tstrutr.��,�
<br /> . whnthoe nr i�o1 thun Quo, with nny exress pidd �n Qurri�wcr. In thc cven� ��I'u p+►niul tnklu�, ui'�hi� f'�-�,pcny in whlch thr. Gtir
<br /> �:� . . murl:ct vulua uf'thu �'raporty immcdintcly bcf�in� thc tuking i+ cqual tu ur grc,Ucr ll�uu thc mm�unt ��f thu hum�scr.��rcit hy thls . _
<br /> :� ` S�wurity Ins�rum�nt immcditucly bcfurc thc tnking, unless f�arrawcr uud l.cndc����thcrwitir az:rc�� in writin�, th�:sums scc�ucd by _ _.
<br /> this Sccurity Instnu»cnt shoU h4 rcduccd hy Ui� um�unt nf thc prarccds multiplic�l by thc f'�dlu«•iii� fruction: U►) thu totnl �
<br /> �`.. ..' ' (tI110U11� Of 1I10 6i11115 tiCClifl'lI II11I1lClUuICI�• �..fnrc tt�c t��king, di��ittcd hy th? thc 1'uir markc� v;�lu�•oi'ttac Prupeny immediutcly
<br /> b�:forc thu tnklny. Any bnli�acc stwll bc pidd tc� Hc►rmwcr. In thc event oi u p+irtfal takine of ihe P�.�perty In which thu Puir
<br /> markct valua of thc Pir�perty im���edi;rtei�� bcfarc thc taikin�;is Icss thnn thc nntount uf th�,aums sccurrd immwdi��tciy bet'urc thc
<br /> . • ` ti�kia�. unlass Aurrowcr and Lrnc�cr atlr.n��isc agr�o +n wriUn�ur unless iipnlicuhlc la��• �ah�rwi�c pruvideti. thc prorccdti shull
<br /> � be ap,�licd tu thu tiums sccu��:d by Ihis Srrurity Instnimenl whCthcr or nrl thc:xums urc then du�.
<br /> � , , If'thu Pivpeny is abandonc�l b)•Aos�n,��c�•. ar if,aiftcr n�•ti�c by Lcn�i�r t��Ciorruwcr thiU thc rundrrnni�r ut'fc�.r tr mahc iin .
<br /> � ;�wunl or sc►tlu a cluim ti�r dum:�;�cs. E3��ri•o��•�r f;dls tu rc.p��ud to l,rt�+.lcr �rithin 3U diiys uttcr thr ilate llll' IIPIICC is ti�•cu.
<br /> . . I..�:ndcr jy uulh���'f�ed to collcct iind n�Edy th�pru:�cdr,at it�c,pti��n,cithor ta rcrturati.�u+,r rcpair�,F�hr!'�ti,vcny a�•tr ih.s►uns
<br /> ,,.` '��'.:':':`•'. securcd b�� thl� Sccuriry Inst��mi��i�. ���h;thcr rr n�,t thcn duc. , ,
<br /> . .,,.a�:;.. .
<br /> • Unlcs, l.cndc� and gorrmr•cr ��tfi:n��i,r �ircc in writin�}, uny upplir�lit»t pf proiccclti ta principul shull nrt cxtend ��r
<br /> .. . . '.,`; pnstpunc the due date oi'thc m„mhl�•p;t�•mc»tr rvPerred to in purabriiphti 1 un�l 2 ur chaaigc Ihc:+m��unt of sudi puyments.
<br /> :,�r-. 11.Hurruwer Niri lteleiiseal:k��,rQ►e�ir:�nce liy l.ende��Not i��Vi�iver. Eixtcnsio:i ri�h��tim.frr puy'�ncnt ur ntadification . ,�i
<br /> . .. ��;;�:,�' . ` _
<br /> af um��rllr,►d�m of tho sums scctrrc.l by i4�i�Sccurlty Instrument gruntcd by l.cndcr ti�.a+���su:res,or in intcrest of Hrn�r�wcr shull ,
<br /> � nnt aperiuc tn rcicusc tho Uul�ilit�• .f th;originul Di�rr��wcr or Bnrrawcr's succcssur> in intcre�t. l.cndur,hiill not h� requircd t��
<br /> . , commcncc pmccedings ugiiinst any a�;;ti�.,,cn in intcrest�u rcfusc ta rxtcnd timc tiu• p+»•ancnt or othcrwi+c nti�lit'y am��rtiziUion .'�.:
<br /> . �f thc sums sccurrct h y this Sccunt}• tm�n�mcnt hy rrawn ��i' imy dcs»and tuudc by Ihc urigina) 13urr��wcr ��r Rnrruwer', ,°,,;�;,,;_.
<br /> � , succussors in intarest. Any ti�rbcar�ia:r b� Len i.r in cxcrci�ing uny rig!�t ��r renudy shidl nut hc i� wu ivcr o f ur p�tic ludc t h; ��,�� �_
<br /> cxcrcisc of any ri�ht or remcd�•. , •��;;y�:"
<br /> ��..,�,;,;
<br /> ' Il�. Succ�.�'ssntw and A*�i�m iBuiinrl: Dniat tutd d��'�crtil l.luhlllty; Co•sl�nen�, l'hc cuvcnunt.r und .�gc��;mcnt. �f chia ,
<br /> -- - --, -- _
<br /> .� SdC1i�Z� jii5iiiiiiiC(ii �lti;:!! his� a,�.i ��:?'-"h? �uccc„urs nnd ussik�ns af l.cndcr a��1 tl�n•ruwcr, tiuhjcct t�� thc prvr•itiians af' i .+,,,
<br /> purugruph 17. Horrawcr'z rovr:ia��� n:,c+ ;u:mentrnts shidl bc jaint und sevc�•al. An�� B��rrowrr �vh�� ci�-�ignti this SccuMty ---— _
<br /> Instnimcnt but duc� nnt cxccur: th. Nutc: (a� i,ci�-si�;ning thiti 5ccurity Inarumcnt anly tu nu�rt�;;ir�, tirunt und cunvcy thut �.�. `•
<br /> :._..__... � n,.��•�.W�r•�In�urc�� in thc Prorrm� undcr thc tcrms of thi,Srcurit�� In,trumcnt: lbl i�m��p�rsunully uhliEatcd tu puy thc sun�.r �'•:
<br /> --- . ._.
<br /> - - __ .._... . _. , . ... -
<br /> . • scru�cd hy Ihlh Security Instn�n�.nt; und(c)oigrccs thut Lcndrr+�nd imy othcr Hurru��rr snay ii�:rca tu cxtcnd, mouuy, ii��t�rui.�� �- _
<br /> mt�kc anv uca�mnu�dntinns with rc�;a�d ta thc tcrms i�f this Sccurilp Intitnimcnl ur thc Ti��tc with��ut that Burru��vr',cnnsent, �,�
<br /> ,. 17. l.oi�n 4:hf�nc�s, lf thc li�ua sccured by� thi,Sc�urity Intitrununt iti +uhJcct t��u luw�vhich,ct� ntaximua�loan rhar�cs, �•
<br /> . . t1�td Iht�l la�v i� linally intcrprctcd �u Ih;�t tho inl�r�st i�r�,th�r I���tn rharg�r cullcrtc�l ur tu hc caUcrt��l in connecti��n�vith th: � .
<br /> . lonn esrccd tho purmiu�d limitti, thcn: (:►)any .uch luan chUrgc shall bc rcdurrd hy thc amuunt ncru���ury tu reclucc thc chargc
<br /> tR thu permlUcd lirnir, ��nd (b� :tr.y tiuntti ulrcutl)• cullcctcd t'r�ntt A��rnn�•4r�t•hich cx�cc�led prrmltt►d lintit� �vill hc rcfunded tc� �
<br /> 8arruwcr. Lcndcr m��y chou�c tu mukc thi� rrfund hy m.�ucin� the prinri�:il uwc�l tmdcr thc Nutc or bp mukin� a dircct �
<br /> puymcnt to Hurruwcr. li' a rcfunct rcduces principul, thc rc�luction ��ill h� tr�atcd +i, a pai�ial pr�paym�nt �ti•ithc�ut uny
<br /> pnpuymcnt cht�rgn undcr thc Nutc. •'�
<br /> � 14. Notietw� Any noti�c l��8urro�vcr pruvidcd fw• in this S��uril�� Imtnimcnt .hall hc gi�•cn h}� �I�IivGring i1 i�r h�• n�:iiling i t„
<br /> it hy lir.t clu,s mail unlcss ap��lic;�blc I:tt��r�quirc+ l�ti�t�l'�u���Ih�r m��th�,d. �'I��na�i�c�hall hc�lirrctcd iu thc Nru���1)' AddtGSS � . . �.
<br /> or uny athcr uddr4ss Hur��u��•er dctiigmnc, hy nutica ta t.��,a���. n�>� �,�,���� a, l.cna�r tihall h� givcn hy� fir,•t rlass nwil to �
<br /> � l,endcr's uddc�ss statcd h�roin �u iiny uthcr ud�hc,r l.andc�' dctii�ncu�ti hp muicc Iu Hnrruw4r. Any n�tic� prnvid:d far in tMs
<br /> Sccurity lnstrumene�lu+ll he dccmcd tu hu��n c�cn givcn tu 1ii�rr��Hrr ar Lrnder�vhcn�i�•cn a,pruvided in thi� parut;ruph. i
<br /> 15. G�►vcrninp l.u���: S�vcruhlllt�•. Thiti SCl'UI'II)' II1�U'11111C�1( .t�,zl1 hc g��vcmrd h�• fc�lerul la��� und thc luw of tt�c �
<br /> � ' juri�dictiun in which thc Pr��pcny i� I��ratcd. In thr cvent tt�at ;�'.} �ru�i�iun ur rl:�u.e nf thi� 5�cu�il) ltr+tr�tm�:nt rr 11�� N��t� ;
<br /> confHcts with iipplir�hla law, such contlirt,hull ni�t ati��rt r;!kr�r;»;•ion.uf�hi�ticrurit} Imtriimvnt ar the i��,:c���+ich can�c I
<br /> . given effect wi�huut the runllictin� pruvi,irn. "I'o ihi,�rid t'���ru�t.t�i�t�uf lhl�S�Clll'It)' II1tiUU111C0I �+nJ ihe Nute urc derlamd i
<br /> �, �j ta bo xcvcrahlo. �
<br /> � lb. Bnrro��•cr's Copy.B��rru��•.r•I�al! :�c��cn uuc rri�f'ormcd rup� ��f thc Nc�tc and��f thi.S�curit�•Instruntent. '
<br /> . .•'�y Poim 3028 BIflO
<br /> . C.JU•!o�ti -
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