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<br /> �.�... ... _...J_j . . .... _..._ ._ .. --.... ._ . ' . ._�.�_..�..�...��.��.....- _� • ....�-�_'"_' .. ..__a �� �V. ..W�3_
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<br /> _ . ..- 'IY.1ilE�`1'1-1{�l1 Wl7'N uli�hn i���t�rovem���itti nu�v an c�rcaftor crc�:tcct un tiin property,und nU cn•citiren��+,It�llillltl'llti[il'1:5�unri ! • ?" ��'�`.-
<br /> . . . . ii�turc:+ nuw ar harcnRor n pntt �f tNo pruperly, All rcpinccmon�9 nnd ndditions shaU nl::n hc rnvcrrd I�y 1hiA ticcuriry ; "_----
<br />".. . ° "�; Instnmicnt. All of tho Sorc�;c�in�;iy reP�:rrcd tn in thlx Sccurity Ins�n�ment ay ti�u "!'iv��r.�ty." j, -, .
<br /> �� - !1i]RE1(�WRR CnVI3NAN'PS Ihnt H�ttro�vcr ix In�vQtlly scl�cd�ti'thc cseutc h��rehy canvoycd imd hny the rlght tu ftrant nnd ;
<br /> cunvoy Ihu Pruperty mul Ihnt !hu Prapnny ix uncncumhu�•cd, axcc�t Ibr cn�umhrnnr.cs af rcc��rd. 1lurmwcr wurrums und tiviU �
<br /> _..-__- defend wcucrolly�Qc Ntlo to thu NYO�)Cfly Il�{lIIRSI IfI)CI11I1119 1tI11I llCilliillllh� �uhJecl to nny cncumhriiaicy uf recur�l. :;= _ . _. ..._
<br /> . � THIS S�etrntTY iNS'i'ittIMRNT c�mhin�s unlfarm�Y►vcnnnty li�r nNtlnnHl u;:�Nnd i�r�•u�Ut�,rm cuvc�wnts �vith li�»ltcd
<br /> - - vurlatlan;b�Jurisdl�timt tn constituto n unit'orni ticcu►ity i���i�w�iwtti :��.�rini,t,;:it prc��r.rts�. �-----;�
<br />- -- --' - UNif'�Ri�i C�VByAi�TS, C3or�a�vcr nixi Le:ndcr cu+.�ctmnt and ugrca a4 foll�twc; '� •.... .�;���t.,:'., ',:.,=
<br /> . 1. �'aymcnt �r ih�l�zclp�l and lulcresh f'►�cpr�yment and I.uir Churt;cy. Ron�awcr �Imli prumptly puy whcn duc thc . . .. . .
<br /> _ - principnl oP nnd intcrest un tho dcbt evidonGC�i dy thu N�tu und nny prc�uyivant und lidc cliurEtc.r due undcr thc Nute. .
<br /> �, lt�ncis�'or'Pnxev atul Intiuran^o. SuhJor.t tu nppHci�hlo Inw or to u writtao wi�ivcr by l.�ndcr, I3cirrawcr hhull poy ti� ,
<br /> ' � I..end;,r on thc dc►y monthly puynicnty i�rc d►ta undcr tha Nnro,untll thc Num is poid in I�ull. ii hum("t'undti")ti�r; (u)Ycarly taxr.s ,
<br /> und iis.ecssmcros which mn}•iittadn prlorlty c�vcr thie S�curhy InsUvmnnt as a licn on thu Pc��perty:(h)yci�rly Ici�sch��lcl poymrnte
<br /> ar Ar�und rents un die�'m�xrty,if um�;(c)ycurly hnxui�d��r property in�;tuancu prcmiums; (d) ycarly Ilo�t�l insurunrc prrmlams, ,
<br /> if i�ny; (c)ycnely mnrtg;��c insurante�mmiums, �t nny; imd(ii imy �IIIIIS�)11ydIlI�7 II'i UV11\l��'�:T t17 1s:ndct�, iiti ucccircfancr. ���ltlt , .
<br /> tha provisii�n.r•of paragraph 8, in licu of thu pa�ymont oi nu�rtgngc inhuroncc prcnniums.'I'husc itcros urc caiil:�d "k:scn,w [tcros." . '
<br /> - - I.cnder muy, nt nny dmr, �v�llcct iiaid �olcl Fundv In un umount not tc, excav�d the mnxirnum aniuunt a� lcml.�• i'ur c� fenl�rnlly .
<br /> rclated mariQn�c In;in nui�• rcyuim ti�r tlorrowcr's cscrmv account undc�thc fcclrral Kcitl H.r•uuc SciNcmcnt 6'mccduns Act uf
<br /> > .
<br /> 1974�Gy nmendecl fi��m timc to tim.. 1:U,S.C,Secd�m 2601 rt se<�. („ltF�E'A"1, unless imother law thut np}�liex tc�ttri t�unds „
<br />. • • rcts a Icsscr umount. If sr, lxndcr mny, nt nny timc, c��llcct itnd hald f�und� in mi nm���mt nnt t��excccd thc Icsscr,na��unt. . „
<br /> Lcndcr miry csdmutc thc amount of Funde: duu on thc husis of cun•ent ci;na imd rei�+oniihlc estimatcs iii exrcnditurcc of futiut k . • �
<br /> � � �scruw ltema or athrt���asc in ac��i�dnncc with upplfcublo luw. ,• .�
<br /> Thc Fund.r• shull hc held in i►n institutian whasc dcpoxits am fnsurcil hy +i fedcr�il ugcncy, instrumcntality, ur rntity . . ;
<br /> .: (induding Lcndcr,if l.rndcr is s�+ch lin Institution)nr in i►ny Fedc�;d H�+rnc 1_��an Uank. l.cndcr�hull upply thc Funds to pay thc
<br /> � ',�?" Bscrnw ltetns. l.cndm•mi�v nut rharFc�orrowcr ti>r h��lding imd:jpplying thc Funds, unnuiilly imulyting thc cscro�a ucrt�unt,ur �.�:�•�
<br /> ,,;,,:; � .
<br /> . ' vcrifying thc Bscrow Itc�t�v, unlcss Lcndcr pi�ys Hs,rcuwcr intcrest un th� Fu�uls amd appUciihlc Inw permits l.cndcr tu tnr•.+.1�sucli
<br /> u ch��rga Hc►wcvcr, t.cndcr ma�y rcquirc 8.�rrc����tr t� p:ry u onc-limc churgc ti�r an Indcpcndcnt rc:�l c�ttitc tax repurtin�; hcrvicc .,
<br /> uscd by Lendcr in cvmnection with this lr�in, unleti� aprUctfilc l.iw pra�•idcs uthcrwisc. Unlcss cm a;:r�,mcnt i� n►adc or .�
<br /> Applici�bic Inw rcquires intcrctit tu br pi�id, Lcnder vha�ll nat hc ru�uircd tn p�i}•Norruwcr wiy intcrc�t i,r r.�minbs�m Ihc Funds. . '�
<br /> Sorn�wcr imd I.cndcr mil�� i�grco in�vritin�;, hu��cvcr, ihiit intcrcst shnll ha paid on�hc Funds. l.cndcr si�nit givc to ttc�rro�ti•cr, . S,-
<br /> �� without chut'gc, tm a�mu;il ncci�unHnb ot'tha f'unds, hhuwing crcdils and debits tu tl�c F�undx�mcl Ihc purpusc fiv H�:�ic�i ca�dt
<br /> �., cicbit t��thc Funds��•��ma�ic. Thc Fund.r• arc pl;clgcd i�s ndditiani�l �ccurity for all sumti sccured by this S�rairity Instru�ur��t. ,,�
<br /> IP the Funds hcl;t h}• Lendcr excecd�he umauntti pormitted a,ba h41d M�•ap��ticuhle la�v, l.endcr sh�;l!u�tiount to p�+rru��•c:r '4
<br /> --- r ` tor the exeess Fundti in accaniill�C 1i�ii�i Z�iB ia.i�ti3fCiilLRSx:zt'a,��licsbl� le��. lf thC u!l14�[tl t�f 4h� Fwid�heW by Lc�idc��.3t any ,
<br /> ;';::•:, ` timc is nat sttfflciant►u p;ry tha Escro�v Itcros whcn duc, LA:ndcr m;►}•s�. nutiPy Elorn,a•rr in a•riting,ii�d, in suclt casc liocro�itir - .
<br /> .. . shall p.�,�• to t.�ndc� the amount necessary to nuike up thc dcficic��r�. �lorruwer shull ntaa� ��p�hc.deficlenry in no m;�rc than �
<br /> - --- . �::v{.�::�:.^:�i���:'i::�.^.'.:. ,.`.� 1 rn{�rT'e�nly dixcrcUnn.
<br /> � Upon pi+yment in full ��i'nil �ums sccurcd hy this Sccurity lnsirumc�c. l.cndcr shall prompdy retiun;� to Hc�rco»•�r uny C------ �•:�- :
<br /> � Funds hr,d by I.�:ndur. IP,tmder pnrugriiph 21.Iw:nder shull ucyuirr +�r tir11 the Praperly, l.ender,prinr t��th:e�cyuisiticm ar sule
<br /> ' af thc Pm,reny, shnll npply any Funds hcld hy l.cndcr ut thc timc i�f acqui.iticm c�r salc ur a crcdit n5ninst th:sum� �uctircd by .
<br /> ' this Sccurity Instnrntcnt.
<br /> a. AppUcatlun o5 Paymentv. Unlcss applicuhlc Inw prnvides ath�x���i.�.iill puymcnts nrci��c,d hy l.cndes undcr p��nagniphs
<br /> I nnd 2 sh:►11 bc appticcl: first,to imy prcpuyrncnt churgcs duc un.icr th.ti:�t�: sccan�l, t��um��unts pxpable tmdcr puragraph 2; I
<br /> third,to int:rest duc; f'ourih, to prinripa�l duu:iuid lus�, tu any latc r�up;;•:. ch�c undrr thc Nc�tc. �
<br /> '�"� 4.�'lhn�tcs; I.icns. Hurruwcr sMn41 piry �dl tiixcti,usscs.rnent�, charges, `incr and impositionr uttrihutt�blc tu the (P�vpurty
<br /> '�°���,� which ma�• �ntaio p�iority ovcr this Serurit}• lnstnmtenl, uncl Ic:�sehola p��yntcnl�ur gruu+}a ren�ti, if uny. 8urn�wer shi�ll pi�}� �
<br /> thvso ohli�nions in thc mnnncr prc+vidcd in p.�n`�:rac+fi 2,��r if'nut paid in that munncr, flurr�����cr shall pa��th•am on timc dinctly . ,
<br /> � to tho perscm awcd p.►ymcnt. I�u�n�wcr shidl pru���p:tiy fuiui,l�tu L�:�id���di u��tl«.r uf�utix,uni�tu fic �:�id i��i;tcr thls puTagraph.
<br /> If�arrawcr nu►kcti thcsc puymcnls directly, Bnrr��wcr shull prw��ptly I�urnish t�� I.cndcr rcccipts cvidcncin� thc puyments.
<br /> � Hc►rcuwcr shull pr��mptly dischnrgc uny licn�vhich hus prirrity ��vcr Ihis ti�xurily In•.tru�ncnt unlcss pi�rrowcr: (al ugrces in
<br /> wrlting to tho puymcm��f'thc obligad��n rcrurai 6y thc licn in :+m:mncr ncccpt��hle tc� l.cnd:r;(h) contcsts in go�xi fuith thc liun
<br /> . ,' by, or dofonds ubuinst cnfi�rccmcnt af'thc licn in. Icgul p�����:cdingy «'hich in Qi�r I.cndcr's upiniim aperiUc to prcvcot tho
<br /> cnfarccmom��i tho licn; ar (c)scrurcr Pnnn th� hul�lcr uP U�:licn un i��rcc�txnt sutisfurti�ry ta l.cnder subordinadng ihc lion to
<br /> this Sccurlty Instrumcat. If l.�;ndcr dctcrminez that uny pan of ihc Prn}xrty i� suhjcct t��u I�cn which muy attuin prioriry avcr
<br /> this Sccurity Inc�nmtent, l.cndcr itir.ry gi�'c B��rraw�cs n m�ti�r i�i�ntifying Ih�licn. IlurrnH�cr sh��ll sutisfy thc licn ur�akr��nc or
<br /> ,. moR us th��uctions xct furth ahuv4 �vithin IO duys uf tir:s e.e�i, ��f natier.
<br /> � Form atl28 �JlAP
<br /> - , r,�u:u�t; ,
<br /> 1
<br /> ' �
<br /> _ - . -. _.. .v- . � _ .
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />