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. _ __ <br /> . .. :' . _ % 1 � " ry r. <br /> . r � � <br /> . .. . . . ... . ✓._ .�.../)��a <br /> _' . _ _ . . _ " tl.' . 1 1 1 <br /> ..� ._ . . - . ���� ��`�1'�� `.. �l _ sl "__i ��` . .. <br /> D, Ei�r4 ot Rtoputy tiuurancd, tloROwQr�t�!f kotA it�e.imDmvt+4enu`noVi,e�iS or fiereilkOr t[ased oq�eiu r ' ; <br /> Propeny lnaurid ageWt lou by 8ro,Cu�rEs Inciuded wl�Aln tAe tetm'oxtenGed cord�$�p•�ony ottAssf tuurdf;l T4�fo� <br /> - Qaode or llooding,for wMsh LeMer reyulro iitwrmro.7nls Inuvaticn cheil be mdintainld In the annunts�nd tof 1��4c1_udf `' <br /> �het Lc+We►rcquirw.The Insurenoo carrler provlding�he Insurenoe ah�ll bo choxn Dy Oorrower oubJaq to Lender'�q+provol.• � <br /> - - which ehell mt De unneawmbly wlrMetd. It ltoirowcr fnib to malotela cov¢raga descrlbe4 abovo,LcMcr maY;W I.�:roJe�'t :. <br /> optlon.oDmin coverego m protea 1.cndeP�dgh�e In t�e Vropeny In acoordenco wlth puagreyh 7: - �" - ", �.' <br /> AII insurenco policlea ead renovale eheli bo acaepteDb ro I.ender uM shall lndudo e�0ndnrd mongage cieusa, Ls�WCr <br /> shail hnve�he dghl to hotd the pollelW and rcnawata.If LtiW¢r rcQuima.Borrowar nhail promptlY Blve to i.eqder EII twelpU of. �. <br /> --. pald prcmium�and renewal notlas.In tho avent of los�.Bortowu�hall glvo prompt mtice ro 0o inwreeco cArrlar end LsnAE!• <br /> - l.ender mny melco prooi of lou If noi meda promptly by Bortowu. • <br /> Unleas Lendu end Borrower otherniso agree In wrtdng,inwrence prooada�hell Co applicd to rcatoreNod m rytdr ot IAe <br /> — Propeny damagcd,it the rcatontion or repafr 1�eoonomicelly CeasiDlo erd I.eMer'�saudty fa mt launed.If tAo rlstoradon or <br /> rcpalr le�rot xonomically teasible or Lendcr'�savrfty would 6e leasened.No insurence proccede�hstl be applied to tho e�im� <br /> sowred Ay �hia Sacu�(ty Insmment, wheahu or not then duo, wtth any excese paid ro Borrowu eEatdom tha <br /> _ Propeny,or doa not enswcr wliAln 30 daye e nodce from Lcnder tAat�ho Inauwnco carrler�ae ofkrcd to sUUe e cleim,then _-_ <br /> I.ender may wUat tfie imurana procecda. Lender mey use the procada to repalr or reetoro Ne Rropttty or ro pay �uw <br /> «ared by Nfa Savr[ry Insvumant,wl�ether or not then dua 7Le 30day pedod will 6egin vArcn the naica ta given. <br />= Unless LaMer and Bolcoww ahernisa egrw In wrhtng, eny applicetion of procecds to pdncipa! �hall no�aitud or <br /> — postpone�ho due date of the monWy pa7rmenn referned�o in pa�agreph� 1 end 2 or cAenge�Ae wount ot tha pay�nb. If <br />-�� undu paregiaph 21 t4e Property u m�uircd 6y Lender,Iiorrowu'e dgAt ro any insurenw polidea�nd pr000eGs resulNng kom <br /> — demego ro the Property prior to the ecquiaition slull pass ro I.ender to Ne extent ot�he eums secured Dy Nis&ariry Inttrument <br /> �- immediatdy pdor ro the ecqulsiHOn. ---.- <br />`;%� 6.Oceupancy,PreserveUoa,Melntenence end Protatlon ot the Property;Borrower'�Loan Applicetion�I.tesehold�. — <br />-.�.m Uorrower shell occupy,esteblish,and usc th¢Property a�Bortower'�principal rmidenoe wlthin slary d�ye aRer tho exavtlon oP <br />.��=„ thia Secudty Inurument a�d shall wminue to oavpy tho Propeny as Borrower'�principal retiQena for at least one yter after <br />�-�� the d�ts of oavpancy,unless Lender othernise�groea in wdting,which consent chall not be unreatonebly wlthheld,or unlas <br />-.�� extenuating eircumstanca oxiat which arc beyond BorrowePe mntrol. Hortower chall not des�roy, damnge or Impair Na <br />_�_,?� Propeny, allow the Property �o daerio�ste, or mmmit wute on the Property. Bortower ahall be In deteult if eny tortelturo <br /> — action or procading,whdher civll or criminal,ie begun�hat in l.ender'a good(elth Judgment could result in forhiture ot tdo <br />-:��-;� Property or othenvlse matcrielly(mpair the Iien crcated by thls Saurity inatrumcnt or i.ender•a saudry inrorut. Bortowcr mAy <br />����;� curc sutA a defeult and rcinstate.a+provided in paragreph I8,by uusing�he aaion or prooading to be diamlated wlth a ruNng <br />.%�?� that, in Lcndcr� good (alth detamifmtion, praludcs fodeiwrc of the Bortowa'a interat in thc Property or other meterid <br /> - tm�9m.�nt nf tht�tw!b;!R�s 3eSi!i!y I!fstNll+SCt e7 Le�r�s�etrnhv �neeir,�c avrower ahell alm 6e in detault it _. <br />-•`"� Borro�ver.dudng the loan epplication pracess,gave meterielly faitt or imecurate information or satemenu to I.ender(or failed <br />,�.,:`� to provide Lendu with eny materiel information)in connection with the loan evidtnced by the Note,including,but not Ilmtted <br /> - Io,rcprcsemn�iam conteming Borrower's nttvpancy nf ihe Propeny av a principaf residence.If thla Secudty tnslrumrn�is on s _ _ <br />(:��i leauhold, fiorrower ahall rnmply �vith all Ihc provisions of the Icasa (f Bortower ecquim fce tilla ro the Proµny, the <br />.;j;� IcaseFald nnd�hc ke tiUc cAall no�mcrge unless Lcnder�grees to ihe merger in wriNng. �-_--� <br />� '; 7.Pro!ectlon ot Lmder'e Righv In the Property.If Borrower(ails ta pedorm�he mvenan[s end egrcementa mnteined in "_� <br />'';.� �..-__: <br /> ihis Security InstNmem,or Iherc is n Icgal prarnding thei may significentiy uffecl Lender'a righis in 1he Propeny(cuch a+a <br /> `:'� �Pti.: <br /> proceeding in bankrupicy,probate. for mndemna�ion or forfeimrc or�o enforee lews or regulations),Ihen I.ender n�ay do end - <br />-':'•;� �r:.�� <br /> .-:,�, pay for wha�ever Is ncceswry to pro�ec� �he value uf�he Pmperty and Lender's righ�s in the Propeny. Lender's acqons�roy �� �, _ <br /> "� Include paying any xumx secured by ¢ licn which haz prioriry over this Security Imtrument, appeering In mun, paying : <br /> .`a rcamna6le enorncys' fecs and emering on�he Propeny�o nmkc rcpain.Although LeMer nmy take ec�fon under this puegreph s`��'` <br />.�;.,� 7.Lender daes no�hnvc to do w. t�.° . <br /> Y� ' <br /> ,���J Any amoums di+6ursccl hy Lcndcr undcr�his parngmph ] shull Mmmc addi�ionul dcbt of tiorrowcr securcd by this k�. -. <br /> ''- Secud�y Insuumcnt. Unletc W+rm�vcr nnd Le�er uFrce m mher tenn,o(paynun6 �hesc anwunts shall beer intercs� Gom the �i-..� �- <br /> .� dnte of disburscnknt nt �hc No�c mte nnd shall hc payablc. wi�h int.r.s�. upun nn�i�r from Lcndcr to Borrowcr requca�ing i�l',,: <br /> pnynrent. ru <br /> ,°� B.Morlgage Irt�urnnee.If I.e�xler rcyuircd�ce r+a condi�inn nf inaking�he Iewn securcd by lhisSecudly .�'�`�. <br />-f`� lnstrumcnt. Barmo•cr shell pay thc prcmium� n�yuircJ lo nmunain Ihc ntortgagc in+umn�e in effca. It, for any reason, the � r <br /> mnngngc insur�ncc arremFc rcquirnl by l.c�Wcr lap.c+nr l+c in cffcet. &�m�wcr siull pay�hc prcmiums rcquircd�o <br /> oMain mvern¢e suM1.i�antially eyuiv:dem�a�he mnng:�ge imurance previau+ly in c(f�t7.a�a a�,�wb.�antially equivalent Io�he -� <br /> `l msi to[k�rrower of�hc nx�ngapc inmrancc pmr�ou,l� m.uc.i. fmm�n altcmate n.�rtFaga imurcr approvcd by Lendce I( �,? ` <br /> .:_� aUbsunlially cyuivalenl ntarigagc in•unn�ti mccragc i.nnl a�ailahlc. Borrnxrr+hall�uy lo Lcidcr cxh month a+mn cyual to �-` � <br /> onc-Iwclilh of Ihc cud�mnn i�c inwrancc nmiwn I+cin �id he &+rrou¢r�chcn Ihc imur�nrc arccr��c la sal ar maxrl to �'`.�. � <br />.'�M Y ) F�b P F P� ! P <br />...:� he in eR�al. LenJer will mtep�.uu anJ rclain Ihiw pa�mcm.:�. a lo.. rc+.n�c in Ifcu nf mnngagt inwranre. I�nc resen�e ":'��.-� <br />-.;:� Form 30i8 8180 <br /> � �� . r} _ <br /> � ,� <br /> �7 e e __'_"_"_ "..... . . .. . . . . . . -.._..,:. - ... '. . >. �:S:�Z:. <br /> _ _ r': . : - . . . , ..... __ __.. .._.. � <br /> . . .. ;.�'.:;n _,� <br />- _;� ' ' . ' . . " <br />.,.,L'l� -[ 1.�.'•, .. ' . . . . . , _ <br /> :p:.- . . . - . � . <br /> :�_� <br />._:��,.4_._ :. ' . . . " - . <br />..',�`'..-.. �. _.. - . . <br /> �i - . .. , - . . . - -" . -. . .. . <br /> y ., . . <br /> � � <br /> � . <br /> <r�" <br /> . + . ._ . . _.. �_ . _. . . :.� ._ �': <br />