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_ _ _ _ . y� �( <br /> � _ . .__ * ._ �c Ii "( `�V���/� � ,f J . <br /> w 5 <br /> . ! �y�� i:'r - � � <br /> .. ' ' _ .. �1 � . _ ....-. '--. . -., �. . � -`!f./F -i � �.' _. <br /> TOOBTH81►WiTIt a11 tho Itnyrovtuunte now oe 4e�tftee etalc4 0o IIW. ro�FitY,'�i0�I eut�tour`+pQpe!tnencia,di0:�; �=�— <br /> Qx{uka cow or 6ere►Rer o.put qf tho prypenY� All�rcptxarqen�e ud�d�Ifom slWl dsp tie opYetnd kY�� �T��7�.'. <br /> t�suumont.All o(IholorcQol.n�i��eferred to In�hle 8caufty[rouun . 't�i U�o!Ptolx?ty..' .. .. ' :, _._ <br /> BORROIYtiR COVBNAt�iT81tia1 Rortome k IawfUliy aeixp o�o amto 4ereby convoyod and luu the ii�itqgrepf auiu <br /> aomey�he Propeny and�N1 the�vp�ny b unenamDercd�oxcaps tor eoambrencee o(rcedtd.8ortowe►warnnu.uid wW' � .� <br /> defcnd generelty Na titte to tho Froyqny agelns�all clalnu eM demanW,aulJcat to auy on�vmbranay uf raor0. ,. r� . <br /> THI9 BECURYfY IN9TRUM6NT cembinea uNfoml oovenanu toe dttonsl wo wM norounlfortn oovenanu wiqr Iimlitd — <br /> verietloa+by Judsdtaion to cons�twto o uNPorm�dty Instmment covedng rw1 pmpcny. <br /> UNIFORM COVHNAti7'9.Bortower end LaMcr covenant end egrob u follow�: ' " <br /> i. Payment of VMnclpol and [atueul �p9Jmeni and I�te G�rga.Horvowa shall promylly pay wi�en Qua.lho . -.°, . <br /> prlocipal of end Intereat on tAe deb�evidenood by qw Nota and uiy prepaYma�t and lero clleiges duo unda Ihe Note. ' ' <br /> 2. 6Lud�tor Tetes end Iasurcnce.Subjav ro apptltabie lu�r or ta�w�iUen welver by Lendu.IIorrowu ehall psy to <br /> I.erMer on the day mon�hiy paynxnte aro due undcr tAs Note.und111a NMe Is paid In NII,a cum('Runds7 for. (aJ ytatiy texea <br /> end assessmenu which m�y euein pdority over tAis Sccudry Inswment ea�Ilen on tho Propeny:@)Ytariy IoaccholA p�yrnente <br /> or growd reau on tho Propeny.if eay;(c)ycady huard or properry intiu�anoo prcmlu�eu:(d)yearly ilood irouranoe premlum�, <br /> II eny:(e)Y�ly mongege insuronce prmnium�. 11 any:NA(�My 6UI111�yfibl0�}'BOROWtf!O LCIIACl.In aaordenoo aHA ° �.-. . .. . . <br /> 1Ao provislons o1 parag�p.h 8,In Ila ot tAe payment of mongage I�uranoe prcminms.7Lae Itertu eto ealled '&aow Item�.' <br /> Lender may, at any�ime,co�lca end hold Pund� In on amount not to exodd the mnximum emount a Idder for a kdaml�y <br /> rcl�ted mongage loae any requlm Por Bortowu's escrow aocount m�der Ua kderel Real Bscete Sudement Proadurp Act ot <br /> 1974 av amended from Nme a 1ime, 12 U.S.C.Sealon 2601 n rsq. ('NBSPA'),unles+eno�hu Iaw thtt epplie�b tho Fundl <br /> ceU e Iesur amount. If sv. Lender may.u any dme, wllea and hold Fonds in an amount not to exooed tha Iesser amount. <br /> 4Mer may ecHmate Ne amount of FLnds due on Ne bub of current dau and rcawnable aHmatq ot expendimrcs of Potwa _____ _ <br /> Eurow Itertu or othenvise In accordence with applieabte law. <br /> 7Le Flmda nhell bo held In en fnscimtlon whosc deposite ere insarcd 6y a fedewl agency. Insttumenteltty, or endty <br /> (inciuding Lender,if Lender is wch an im�iNtion)or in any Fedual Home Loan Dank.Lender dull appty�he Funds to pay tho <br /> Eurow(tem+.Ixnder mey not charge Bortower for hoiding and epplying�he Fund+,annuelly enalyrl�g�he esemw axount,or _ <br /> vedfying�he Bscrow ttems.unlese I.endci pays Bortower imerest on[he FLnda and applicable law permiu Lender to maka cuch <br /> �cherge.However. Lendu may requim Borto�ver to pay e onrtime charge for en independmt real esteie�en rcponing service <br /> used by Lender im m�nation with �his loan, unlw appitceblc Iaw prorfde� oihcrwi:e. Uniw en tgrccmcnt i+ made or <br />.. epplicable lew requircs intercs�ro be paid.Lendcr chall rot 6e required ro pay Bortower eny intuest or caminga an the Funda. <br /> Bortower ond Lender may agrcc in wdting, however, �Aat intwest shall k paid on�he Funda. Lender cM1sll give to Borrower. <br /> without cha'ge, en ennual eccouming of�he Funds, ahowing ttediis and deblts�o�he Fu�ds end Uw pmpose for ahich wch <br /> debit to�he Fu�ds wm made.The Funds arc pledged u additionai security for all cums scwred by lhia Securiry inslNment. <br /> If�he Funds held by Lender excced the amounts permiited to be held by applicable law,Lender shAl e000um ta Norrower -�-�--- �--- <br /> for the execss Funde in narnrdance wi�h thc rcquircmenn of epplfpble law. If the emount of lhc Punds held 6y Lender at xny <br /> �ime is not sumcient ro pay the Cscrow Iums�rhen due.Lender may so naity Hortower in�vriUng,and,in mch cmo Uorrowor --- <br />_ shell pay ro Lender�he amount necessary�o ntake up�he deticiency. Bortower shall make up the deticicncy in ro more�hen __ <br />_ nvdvc momhly paymcnte,at Lcndcr s sole discrc�ion. °�"- <br />�- Upon peymrnt in full of ail sum.tecured by �his Se�vrity I(utrumrn[. Lender ahall promptly rcNnd to Bolrower enY �r�`-���°-- - <br />. Funds held by l.ender.IL nnder paregmph 21,Lender shall ucquire or xcll�he Prapeny.Lender,prior ro�he ncquisition or wlu �'�?:.:i��:_. <br />- of the Pro rt <hull e I an Funds heid h Lender ut U¢iime of a uisitian or sale m a credit ¢inst�he surm securcd 6 ��'�`��''�- <br /> M Y•� PPY Y Y �9 a6 Y i:i;;;;ts':-., <br /> lhi�Securrty Insttumcm. s�.:°A�'r': <br />� PP Y PP P PaY Y P 8 P �{f���'::.�'. <br /> 3.A Ileallon otPa mend.Unlcts n lirnhlc luw rcrvide+a�henvise. ull mems received b Lender under am m hs �:,..�:._. <br /> 1 md 2 shell be o lial: nn rc a nunt char es Jue unJer�he Nme; omounts able under ra re h 2: '^���}'''-r°` <br />_ PP Y P P Y F P�Y Pa 8 P -`.='�_Pti"�.:.' <br /> �hird,ta interes�due:(ounh,m principil Jue:und lact,to my lute rhargesdue under the Note. °t%t�.t;;.:"-:. <br /> 4.Chargcs: I.kns. Bortnwer Jnil�ra��ull iace.,m.ce�cnums,churgn, fines unJ imprnitions nitri6utable �n�he Prapeny �9,��i�g':5�.. <br />- which may atmin priori�y uver�his S�tivri�y Inrtrumem.anJ Iea.chnl<I pryment+nr graund rcmR, if nny. Borrower sball pay `:S�:�t_i:;"� <br />�� �hcu n6ligntinna in thc manncr pmvidcd in paragmph 2,nr if nnt paid in Out m:mncr. W+rrox�cr shall pay them on�imc diartly Y�j:�;�E�;�:;t, <br /> to�he person rnrcJ paymcm. Ik�rro�rer.hall pmmp�ly furni.h m Lendcr all notias n(umoum.�o he p�id under�his paregnph. �t+�„jt.,;=.'.. <br /> If&xroorr mnkc.thex paymcm.Jircc�ly.Borrooxr.liall prrnnptlr furni+M1 to lcnJcr rtteipt.evidcncing the puymcnts. '�1�Z(4�3�,:•. <br />_ .:�,....,_,,;_. <br /> Borrowcr+hall pmmplly dixlmrgc any licn��hid�ha+prinri�y orer lM1i.Sc.urity In+trmnent unla>Bortawer:lnl ;.��...:._;. <br /> wriling lo�hc paymcnt o!�hc nM1ligalian x.vntl hy Ihe liai in a ncmncr amep�aMc�o L.cnJcr:Ib�canie+t+in g�w�d faith lhc licn {�;:_�"C-;.•..: <br /> defcnJ. agaimt cnfommcm of�Iic licn in. IeFal pnwialing. uhirh in �h� IanJcr'. npininn npera�c io prevem the -�s='-�:;.:_,:;: <br /> enforcentem of 1Ac li.n:or Ic�xcnrc.Gnm�hc hnlder nf Ihc lien an a «ement.:N.fadnn�Io I.ender wM+Nina�in Ihc litn lo '_''�'�'.^ ` <br /> g B -..<y,.;,_.;,!. <br /> Ihi�Sccuriq• In.lmmcnt. II Iwndcr dctcmun.�ih:n am�rm of�hc Pru�m i.wM1l�'��1 m a li.n��hirh ma��alu�in priority.n�cr ii?:i=�`%.: <br /> Ihi.Sccuti�)� Incmnna�l. I.cixlcr m:n Firr 13orrnocr a mni.r id.nul�mg iLc Ihr licn„r lalc onr or _i-r.°.-�-^- <br />" IllnlCal1hc11c1inlDffllurtll:�IllnCN�11��n111�I.n.ollhcF���11�ainoli.G )Y.'',�'y�-�.,. <br /> Fo�m 3048 8r80 �`���� - <br /> L�r_:._:.2i:.; <br /> r.w:.nn [x'.�.�; ._. <br /> ' r[_6t`'r�'�,•.. . . <br /> t`' - <br />.,.....,n-.._.-:s-•- ..�. ,. ,,.� •.�.n. . . . _ .. . - ....:.-7.. _ <br /> _ ., . .'�_ _ _ <br />� ".��i�. '-, . - . <br /> :..`�:�� - . . ._ <br />'C . . - • . _ . . . <br /> t �% : _ _ .. . .. , � <br /> . _ ' t <br /> 1 . - :" i-! L � . . �:: . i . . <br /> �- . <br /> . . . .. . . . .. . . . a. . .�.. ,._ ... .. . . . .. . . . ..._'... t _. -_.u�f . - __._ .'. . <br />